Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 699 Crazy Plan

Not to mention how they had dinner together and how happy they were at Eges.

Duanmuci was very touched by Kirizaki's seriousness. Tregear had been following him and Hikali all these years. Although he was one of the top scientists in the Kingdom of Light, he could only serve as an assistant to himself or Hikali in the end. .

So he decided to free those powerful monsters that were originally locked in the dimensional rift.

One is to put a little pressure on young people to prevent them from being too inflated and causing problems. The other is to exercise Tregear's technological capabilities.

Duanmu Ci even opened up the research data on magic to him.

There are many scientists in the Kingdom of Light who have not understood conventional science. Opening up magic technology at will will only make everyone obsessed with it and forget about basic scientific research.

Therefore, currently, only Shikari and Tregear have been given the gift of Duanmu to open this series of technologies. If it can be opened to anyone in the short term, it will only be Luchiel.

Lujiaier's current scientific research technology is still not as good as those of traditional scientists, but the momentum of catching up is quite strong, which shows that he does have a certain talent in science.

In the future, he might become a bright star with Tregear.

Of course, Lukiel's biggest problem may be that his combat power is much higher than his own technological power, just like Duanmu Ci now.

It was at this time that Duanmu Ci unexpectedly discovered that there was actually a Galatron among the monsters locked in the space-time gap he had set!

"The Lord of Robots is here again?"

Logically speaking, the main "responsible person" of the Galatron series of monsters should be Gilbaris, but Gilbaris was previously controlled by the Lord of Robots, and even Duanmu Ci had always believed that Gilbaris In fact, it is just a special individual of Galatron.

So when Duanmu Ci saw Galatron, he could only think that it was sent by the Lord of Robots.

Although I guess I'm not wrong.

However, Duanmu Ci was not afraid of the robot master at all.

The robots he built were indeed powerful, and Duanmu Ci thought he was about 50-50 equal in terms of technology.

But Duanmuci's current strength. . .

Duanmu Ci's eyes widened suddenly when he thought of this.

"Damn it! How could I have forgotten that I am not at my full strength now!"

Duanmuci's current strength is almost the same as that of Noah's body. Using that special pointed cone to release life force can indeed exert extraordinary power.

However, Duanmu Ci also discovered something over the years.

That is~

Noah is really strong!

Whether or not you have the body of Noah is a completely different matter.

Even though Duanmu Ci felt that his combat power was now much stronger through his "efforts", but after leaving Noah's body, he discovered that he could actually reach the peak of ordinary Ultraman, not even the normal Ultraman. .

With such fighting power, he can defeat some elite monsters. How can he be the opponent of those top powerhouses?

Of course, technology is even more powerful.

Billion points.

But this means that Duanmu Ci cannot defeat the Lord of Robots ~ the most powerful robot with brute force!

We can only go head-to-head with technology!

So now comes the problem.

Should we release this Galatron?

Obviously, Galatron MK3 is currently the most suitable monster for a three-person team and Kirizaki's new technology.

Although the other monsters are powerful, they don't have any scientists' thinking about the new era in front of the new era's technology. . .

Okay, it's still somewhat useful.

After much thought, Duanmu Ci decided not to release Galatron yet, but to prioritize releasing some monsters that looked pretty good.

It just so happened that there were some monsters trapped there by those unlucky cosmonauts before.

There are indeed some good ones in there.

Duanmu Ci fell in love with one of the monsters at a glance.

Light Monster Pritzker!

The first time this monster was recorded in Duanmuci's mind was when Jack was stationed on Earth. However, the light monster Plitzmo was only 35 meters long and weighed only 18,000 tons.

And now this light monster must be at least more than sixty meters in size, not to mention weighing almost one hundred thousand tons.

The light monster Pritzmo itself belongs to a relatively elusive category among old-era monsters. Duanmuci is also looking forward to what kind of performance it will have after being transformed by new-era technology.

Since it's not appropriate to release Galatron so quickly, let's try releasing this monster first.

Looking at Kirizaki, who was studying hard on his skills, Duanmuci's lips curved slightly in a dangerous arc. At this moment, his eyes looked like a vicious villain, thinking about how to ravage those righteous heroes.

However, the light monster was too dangerous to be placed in ordinary society. It happened to be a polar monster itself, so Duanmu Ci directly placed it in the North Pole.

However, Duanmu Ci also remembered wrongly. The light monster Pritzmo's "hometown" was in Antarctica, and it should have lived with penguins. Now he has gone to live with polar bears.

But Duanmuci thought it wouldn't mind.

After all, Duanmu Ci really forgot that it was born in Antarctica, and only remembered that its "birthplace" was the Pole.

The Antarctic and the Arctic are indeed very similar.

But as two polar regions on the earth, there are some differences between them.

First of all, the Antarctic is colder than the North Pole, and it's not just a little bit colder. It's twenty to thirty degrees colder on average.

The second is that the Antarctic environment is too harsh, and there are generally no plants. Although the Arctic is cold, it takes a year to recover, and occasionally something can grow.

So when Pritzmer landed, the only problem he felt was.

It felt like his own home.

But it was very different.

It could only wander around the Arctic in confusion, and it happened to catch up with the polar night. As a light monster, it was supposed to absorb light to store energy. Now, not only was the energy not replenished, but it was also moving around, causing energy to be consumed all the time.

For this reason, it finally made up its mind!

Cross the ocean!

So, after March.

Yes, after March, Duanmu Ci was also quite patient. Monsters moving on the earth would definitely be discovered by humans, not to mention this huge monster. Any simple detection device should be able to discover its existence.

But during this period, Duanmu Ci didn't hear any news.

He considered that it might be that humans discovered the existence of the light monster Pritzmer and secretly solved it.

But later I thought that the humans on this universe and Earth should not have such fighting power.

And once humans lose the battle, there should be some chaotic actions from the top leaders of various countries.

There was indeed such chaos during these three months.

But it was later proved that such chaos and turmoil all came from waves of various aliens who wanted to invade the earth.

Thanks to the crazy killing of these aliens, the three-person team and Kudo Yuyuki not only did not suffer any real beatings, but instead enjoyed the pleasure of being a dark night hero.

Now the three little ones are obviously more inflated.

Kirisaki also cooperated quite well, and simply explained to them the various uses of Taiga Sparks, and said that the potential of Taiga Sparks is actually unlimited, and it all depends on how they develop it.

In this way, the three little ones learned the light skills of various monsters during this period.

Although those light skills are not very powerful, they are also very beautiful.

And now they feel that they are simply too strong, and they can easily deal with any monster without any pressure.

However, today!

The light monster Pritzmer attacked Canada, then went south and even reached New York.

After feasting on the sun all the way, the light monster's mobility became stronger and stronger!

Finally, the army was alarmed.

The local troops' various cutting-edge equipment directly dealt a saturation blow to the light monster.

But after the smoke dissipated, the light monster Pritzmer was completely unscathed. It slid out of the ruins calmly and destroyed the remaining buildings in a strange and indiscriminate manner.

It doesn't look like it has a brain.

Maybe it has the ability to think, but more operations are really like a beast. It destroys those buildings that have been affected by the explosion and are not very stable. There is no real purpose, just a feeling of "anyway, it's idle."

But in this way, the local government leaders are crazy, and all kinds of cutting-edge weapons have been used but have no effect. What else can be done?

. . .

"I know how to deal with this monster!"

In the prison, an alien jumped up.

This person is the bald boss who was stunned by Soya Yu's sleep magic before.

After all the monsters were taken away from these space invaders, they became ordinary prisoners.

Of course, if they were dissatisfied, they could also transform into giant spacemen and make trouble everywhere.

But it was unknown whether they would be killed by Ultraman in seconds.

Because they were timid, they were relatively stable in prison, and could even watch TV and the news.

Then they saw this news.

So the bald spaceman boss hurriedly shouted everywhere.

"I know how to deal with this monster! As long as you let us out, I can help you solve this monster!"

The prison guards who were alarmed by his big noise quickly rushed over.

After hearing his words, the prison guards did not dare to neglect it and quickly reported it to the higher-level spacemen.

Soon it reached the high-level spacemen.

"What this bald guy meant is that this light monster Pritzmer was originally his monster, but for some reason, he disappeared when he came to this world. In addition to the light monster, there were also many powerful monsters that disappeared, and only a few kittens were left."

Another high-ranking cosmic person on the side snorted: "None of these invading cosmic people has a normal brain. If they come out, they will most likely not be able to stand the loneliness and invade again."

"We finally have such a paradise. Letting them out like this will not benefit anyone!"

The high-ranking person who spoke before shook his head: "I'm afraid there are many cosmic people who have the same idea as them. At that time, there will definitely be many invading cosmic people who don't want to follow Dark Belia and come here. From the moment they find that there is no problem here, this world can no longer be considered a complete paradise."

Speaking of this, he changed the subject: "However, many of the high-ranking people in various countries on this earth are ordinary cosmic people who love peace. At least for now, this is still our territory. If they want to live here, they have to follow our rules."

"So, the only question we have right now is what should we give up? Should we cooperate with these cosmic beings and be willing to believe that they have become better? Or should we cooperate with those Ultraman, or should we give human beings high enough technology to make them better?" Humanity comes to help us maintain our dominance.”

In these years, they have never given core technologies to humans. They have only played politics and become high-level officials.

The main reason is that they are worried that if human beings have enough powerful technology to rebel against the cosmic beings, they will really be unable to withstand it.

After all, compared to the seven billion human beings, only a million cosmic people are too rare.

Once these technologies are in the hands of humans, there is no guarantee that they will not drive out all the people in the universe.

Therefore, handing over technology to humans is inherently undesirable in the eyes of these cosmic beings.

But several other options are similar.

Now the multiverse is basically still under the protection of Ultraman.

If they were willing to live under the protection of Ultraman, they would have stayed in those universes long ago. The reason why they came here is that there is no Ultraman in this world, and there are no people from the Dark Universe Empire. For this reason, they even Come here without hesitation.

You must know that this universe is listed as a forbidden area by both the Kingdom of Light and the Dark Universe Empire. It is very dangerous at first glance. They took such a risk to come here in the first place.

How is it possible for them to identify with Ultraman now?

Even if the Taiga three-man team saved the earth a hundred times, they would not be grateful at all.

Let’s talk about reconciliation with these invaders of the universe.

In fact, it also means that they are not even willing to accept the gentler Kingdom of Light, let alone these people who invade the universe.

So although it was said that one had to choose one of the three options, the result that everyone got after discussing for a long time was this. . .

Choose none of the three.

Directly destroy the land with nuclear weapons!

Although human nuclear weapons are not very powerful, as long as there are enough, it is not impossible to defeat a monster of this level.

The only problem may be that New York has to withstand more than ten hydrogen bomb bombings.

This result is the most acceptable to these cosmic people.

The final evacuation order came, sending the whole of New York crazy.

They have lived in this place all their lives, and they never thought that they would be abandoned.

They were left with less than three days to evacuate.

At this moment, the streets of New York are blocked with water.

The light monster Pritzmo is still absorbing the sun's rays at this time, and it doesn't care whether humans leave or stay. For it now, as long as there is always light to absorb.


This plan was so amazing that even Hiroyuki Kudo in Japan heard the news.

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