Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 700 Overturning the Table

"Bomb New York?"

Kudo Yuyuki saw the news and stood up from his chair.

"Does it mean that we will no longer have the record of being the only country in the world to be bombed by nuclear weapons?"

Souya Yu, who was standing by, laughed and complained: "I heard that all the hydrogen bombs are going to be used this time, so this will still be the only country bombed by atomic bombs in the future."

Sasaki Kana was speechless: "Okay, okay, you two stop playing tricks."

"In fact, this incident is the sorrow of all mankind."

Speaking of this, Sasaki Kana sighed, not knowing whether the words of the earthlings on earth are still counted.

"This time a monster appeared in New York, and they are going to bomb New York. What if a monster appears here in the future?"

"What if monsters appear in more places in the future? Do we only have the means of using nuclear weapons?"

Hearing this, the two who were still joking quickly fell silent.

Before the incident happened, they didn't feel much. Anyway, everyone had evacuated. Even if a nuclear bomb was used, it would only make a place uninhabitable for a long time. Originally, Kudo Yuyuki and the others didn't even think it was a big deal.

But now, after listening to Sasaki Kana's reminder, they realized one thing. If the fate of mankind is completely controlled by these aliens, countless innocent people will be sacrificed, and they don't even have the opportunity to refuse.

Now it's New York, and tomorrow it may be Tokyo.

Where will it be in the future?

As long as they can maintain the so-called "rights" of these aliens here, they will sacrifice all the earthlings.

Thinking of the future situation, Zong Gu Yu was a little anxious and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Go and help solve the monster?"

Sasaki Kana glanced at him speechlessly.

"Do you think our Aegis equipment can cause any harm to the monster?"

Zong Gu Yu smiled and said, "Don't we still have Dr. Duanmu and others? Is there a possibility that Dr. Duanmu and others have this level of technology?"

Having this technology does not mean that you are qualified to manufacture these equipment.

You know, many engineering students have the ability to make guns. Simple gun manufacturing itself is not so troublesome, but why don't those engineering students make guns? Don't they want to make them?

"Even if Dr. Duanmu and Dr. Kirisaki have the technology in this area, it is impossible to make such equipment without official approval."

"Besides, even if it is made, the cost is so high. How can our Igis family afford it?"

Asahikawa Mirika on the side smiled and said, "But change your mind. If we have this level of equipment, we can take bigger orders in the future!"

"You can make more money."

Souya Yu's eyes also light up: "Then it's easy for me to buy a house here!"

Sasaki Kana looked at the few people who looked like they were injected with chicken blood and could only shake her head helplessly.

After all, they are still children, and they always think things are very simple.

Let's not talk about whether Duanmu Ci and others have the technology to really develop equipment such as fighter jets to fight monsters.

Even if they have this technology, they don't have the raw materials.

Moreover, even if all the prerequisites can be met, how can we get official approval?

If the official does not approve, then even if they have researched it, Igis will not be able to accept official orders!

But before Sasaki Kana had time to analyze these with the three people, the three people rushed out of the door.

Obviously, they all wanted to buy things and needed money.

Seeing this, Sasaki Kana had no choice but to follow. Anyway, Dr. Duanmu and the others were quite serious, and they should be able to dispel their boring ideas.

. . .


Duanmu Ci said: "Isn't it just making equipment to fight monsters?"

"This aspect of technology is exactly the advantage of our Chengnan University! I started studying fighter jets in my freshman year, the most advanced robots in my sophomore year, and artificial intelligence interaction in my junior year. In my senior year, I have already made many inventions. When I got my master's and doctoral degrees, I studied even more."

"It's just making some equipment to fight monsters. It's not difficult."

"However, I have to go back to Chengnan University to get a lot of materials, and even if the equipment is made, you can't use it legally."

Sasaki Kana nodded fiercely: "Yes, we don't have official approval, so this kind of equipment is obviously not usable!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she found that the three children around her looked at her with a very strange look.

Soya Yu spoke first: "Captain, don't you have an official background?"

Kudo Yuyuki also nodded and said: "Besides, the current situation of monster attacks is also a headache for those senior executives! If we can solve the problem, isn't it equivalent to solving their biggest problem?"

"They should thank us too!"

Asahikawa Mirika also nodded vigorously: "Yes, Captain, although women are 41 years old, that is based on those expensive cosmetics and skin care products. President, is your current income enough to buy these things?"

Sasaki Kana: "..."

Okay, she admitted that even she was a little tempted, but how could the official approval be so easy to get? Do you really think that those big seals are the seals you carved with radishes when you were a child, and you can stamp them however you want and as many as you want.

I can only try it first.

Indeed, according to Kana Sasaki's idea, reality is always more realistic, and the smooth sailing situation is really only in fairy tales.

But what happened next made her doubt that she was living in a fairy tale.

Because she had just informed the Foreign Affairs X Department of this matter, in less than half an hour, the approval document came directly, and Igis was directly transferred from a private army to the government.

However, the autonomy is still retained. In simple terms, it is an official organization on the surface, but in fact it is still a private group that takes money to do things.

Things are so smooth that everything is solved while Kana Sasaki is still a little confused.

Even the initial funds for manufacturing equipment do not need to be paid by Igis. The official money is given to let Duanmu Ci and Kirisaki manufacture large equipment for fighting monsters.

She feels like she is living in a dream.

And those high-level cosmic people feel even more like they are living in a dream.

They are not kind-hearted.

Instead, they are directly threatened by Duanmu Ci.

When Duanmu Ci appeared in front of them in the form of Univos and opened a space-time channel that could directly see countless Ultramen on the other side, these cosmic people understood one thing, that this so-called restricted area of ​​the Kingdom of Light was just to prevent people from coming here to play casually, in fact, they were always under the watchful eyes of the Kingdom of Light.

Now they want to do these operations that sacrifice countless earthlings, and the Kingdom of Light is the first to disagree.

If they really want the earthlings to die first, then the Kingdom of Light will directly regard them as invading cosmic people, and directly send out a large army to destroy them all.

There is no need for any large army, Univos can easily destroy them all.

This directly scared the cosmic people, if they were not afraid of death, they would not do so many operations.

In the past, they thought they could still choose, play politics, and make checks and balances.

As a result, when the Kingdom of Light really showed up, these cosmic people found that no matter how well they played the so-called "politics", it was not as good as absolute strength.

A game master is only a master within the rules of the game. When encountering someone who can overturn the table at any time, even the most powerful game master can only be at a loss.

So this seemingly unscientific proposal was directly passed in such an unscientific way.

The name of Egis finally resounded throughout the industry.

Everyone knows that there is such a "security company" that has become a super-large security company for fighting monsters.

For a time, all kinds of people with ideas emerged one after another.

However, these things are not what Duanmu Ci needs to take care of.

Even the manufacture of equipment does not need Duanmu Ci to take care of.

It was Kirisaki who really started to manufacture these equipment. With his technological level, it was not difficult to manufacture some equipment for fighting monsters.

Duanmu Ci successfully sent Kudo Yuyuki and others to the United States on the pretext of purchasing some tools.

As for how to get rid of others and find opportunities to transform and fight, that is not what Duanmu Ci wants to take care of.

He believes that young people can find a way themselves.

Sure enough.

When the light monster Pritzmer appeared again, Taiga and his team finally appeared.

At night, Pritzmer, who was no longer obsessed with absorbing sunlight, finally regained his ability to move and began to destroy the streets.

Not long after, a blue light fell from the sky and turned into the appearance of Fengma.

This time, he did not grab the transformation device.

Taiga actually knew something about the monster Pritzmer.

After all, he was also a top student, not one of those poor students who couldn't even recognize Nelonga.

The strength of light monsters is not weak in itself, and this one is so high. If it were placed in the past era, it would be stronger than the tyrant monster Tyrant.

And it can also absorb light, so ordinary moves are probably not of much help to it.

Taiga is also having a headache now. His best skill is light skills. Because his muscle strength is not very strong, his fighting skills have always been used for control, and he relies on light skills to end his opponent.

Now this opponent can absorb light skills again, so it is definitely not suitable for him to take the initiative.

Then the remaining first mover is between Titus and Fuma.

However, the most powerful thing about this light monster Pritzmer is not its ability to absorb light, but its ability to release light.

The light monster Pritzmer's light skill "Crystallization Light" is released like turning on a flashlight. It is so fast and unavoidable, and there is no chance of light wave matching.

Once it is exposed to such light, it will begin to crystallize, gradually become transparent, and finally completely turn into light and disappear.

Although Titus is powerful, his movements are too clumsy. When facing normal opponents, he can use combat experience and combat skills to make up for the problem of mobility.

Facing an opponent like the light monster, no combat experience is useful, and he can only rely on stronger strength to fight.

It is also because of this that the final choice is Fuma, who does not rely entirely on light skills and has a sufficiently fast speed among the three.

Fuma was discovered by the light monster as soon as he appeared, but as soon as it turned to Fuma, Fuma had already circled behind it.

Now Fuma, who uses the new equipment made by Kirisaki, can start the extreme speed posture at any time.

Simply put, it is to activate the speed force.

In the extreme speed posture, his whole body is wrapped in blue lightning, and the whole person moves like a blue storm.

The light monster couldn't keep up with Fengma's movements at all. No matter which side it leaned to, Fengma would always appear behind it and kick it on the head.

"How about it! Can't keep up with my speed!"

Fengma laughed loudly. He also knew that time was tight. Without any hesitation, a light flashed in his hand, and a sword emerged from the Taiga Spark.

This is a weapon similar to the Univos Black Sword, which is Kirisaki's masterpiece. Although it is a sword, the cutting method is more like a chainsaw, which relies on the high-frequency rotation of the light around the sword body to cut objects.

In simple terms, it is an adapted version of the Eight-point Light Wheel, which has become a sword, making it more convenient to use some swordsmanship.

The cutting ability of this equipment is quite strong, which is stronger than the lightsaber that Fengma used to end the enemy, so now he uses this to replace his original skills.

However, the imagined situation of the enemy being cut did not occur. The body of the light monster looked like a huge quartz, and the core in the center emitted a faint light.

It is indeed fragile from the outside.

But it is still famous for its defense.

In short, the only flaw of this light monster is that its mobility is not that strong, but the rest of the items are all S-level.

As the leader of the three-person team in terms of speed, Fengma's only flaw is that it lacks explosive lethality.

Facing this opponent who seems to have practiced the Golden Bell Cover, he was directly a paw, and the long sword kept leaving a string of sparks on the opponent, but in the end he couldn't even add a scratch on the opponent.

This scene made the people in the small dark room anxious.

"Damn, I know that Pritzmer's defense is very strong, but I didn't expect it to be so strong. It must have been transformed many times by modern technology."

Taiga was very indignant: "And this monster is almost twice as high as the original record."

Titus said: "I am confident that I can break its defense, but I don't have the ability to dodge the opponent's light. If we really fight, we will be the only ones who will suffer in the end."

Kudo Yuyuki suggested: "It seems that we can only use the power of Taiga's sparks?"

As soon as this was said, the two shook their heads at the same time.

Although the power of Taiga Spark is strong, it has no means to break the current situation.

For now, we can only take one step at a time.

If it doesn't work, find an opportunity to let Titus go out and fight the monster.

Maybe the opponent is stupid and will be dazed when he sees Titus appear?

Although it is unlikely in reality.

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