Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 720: The Ruthless Newcomer

Ruthless and violent!

Titus can make all the audience excited every time he appears!

This time, however, his target is Galatron.

Just now, at the last moment, Galatron turned slightly in the direction. Finally, Titas' powerful and heavy punch landed on the golden armor. Most of the force was removed, and the rest The power was dispersed everywhere by the magic power. Although Galatron looked particularly embarrassed on the surface, the originally shining golden body had now turned gray.

But in fact Galatron was not fatally injured, and even all damaged parts were quickly restored under the influence of magic.

You must know that Galatron MK3 was something that both Zero and Geed couldn't defeat for a while. Although Titus's explosive power was quite strong, he was still somewhat powerless against this level of defense.

The "spectators" who were fleeing could occasionally look back at the situation. Seeing Titus's explosion, they also thought they had the upper hand. Especially those who had fled far away and thought they were safe stopped. , applauding and shouting on the spot.

But I know my own business.

Titus knew very well that the punch he just made had unleashed all its power, but the damage caused to the opponent was still very limited, and it did not bring about the instant kill effect as imagined.

As Galatron naturally got up from the ground, Titas' heart sank even more.

Only the two warring parties can be keenly aware of the various subtle changes in the other party.

Titas watched Galatron stand up without any hesitation, and it didn't look like he had been seriously injured.

Patting his cheek to dispel the doubts in his mind, Titas looked at his opponent again.

Asahikawa Mirika also controlled James to walk beside him.

"How should we fight next?"

Asahikawa Mirika didn't know why she asked this question, but she couldn't help but have a feeling that Titas could reply.

Hearing James's words, Titus was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and said using his ultra-psychic power to convert it into a voice.

"This opponent's defense is too strong. Only by attacking its weak points can we win."

Asahikawa Mirika didn't expect that Titus would really reply, and now she became excited.

Being able to communicate means that we can design some tactical skills, and everyone can cooperate better.

Titas didn't know what she was thinking, he just said to himself

"I will attract its attention in a while, and then you use your strongest ax to attack the silver-white area on its body!"

Asahikawa Mirika was a little embarrassed when she heard this, and her little face wrinkled up in worry.

"But I haven't trained much, so I'm not very accurate in hitting points. It's difficult to hit the weak point!"

Real-life combat feels like a novice playing Monster Hunter for the first time. It is difficult to accurately aim at the meaty areas such as the monster's head or tail.

Titas is like an experienced player, with accurate positioning, accurate shots, headshots with swords, and sword skills.

After thinking about it carefully, Titus also understood that he should not ask too much of the newcomers, so he said

"Okay, then you attract its attention, and I'll take the opportunity to attack its weakness."

It's not entirely a weakness, but Titas' output ability should be enough.

Usually the three-person team cooperation is similar to this type, with the other two keeping the opponent in check while he focuses on the explosion.

This time, he just replaced his comrade with James, controlled by Mirika Asahikawa.

There should be no problem, right?

. . .

"This is a big problem!"

Duanmu Ci couldn't help but complain to the phone.

"Hurry up and persuade Kirisaki, that's Tregear, he is thinking about inheriting your mantle!"

Duanmuci was talking to Taylor at the moment.

The news of Taiga's three-man team's comeback naturally spread to the Kingdom of Light.

Taylor has been busy recently and doesn't have much time to pay attention. Now he finally found time and immediately called Duanmuci to ask Duanmuci about Taiga and the others.

As a result, Duanmuci started chattering a lot about Tregear as soon as he turned on the phone.

Taylor on the opposite side was also confused.

"But no matter what, it doesn't seem like it's a bad thing for Tregear to become a warrior?"

"Aren't you half a warrior?"

Duanmu Ci was speechless: "Can it be the same? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that I was forced to do this."

"Forced to research a bunch of technologies that can make people stronger, forced to become stronger, and then forced to accept Noah's power and former body, forced to become the Ultimate Arcana, forced~"

Taylor on the opposite side: "..."

"Okay, okay, don't be forced yet. Do you know what happened in the Kingdom of Light recently?"

Duanmuci: "What's the matter?"

Tyro: "Zeta's defense and resistance to various special energies are super strong!"

Duanmuci recalled, Zeta.

I seem to have heard of this name before, someone told me about it.

"However, it shouldn't be strange for an Ultraman to have high defense, right?"

Taylor: "That's not necessarily true. Zeta's defense was very ordinary before, and he didn't show any difference."

Later, Tyro explained to Duanmu Ci how Zeta was surrounded by a group of super beasts and was not injured at all.

"Oh, I remembered what you said. Zuofi told me about him. I heard he is a very hot-blooded young man."

Tairo meant that the only difference between Zeta and the others was the new generation training method, which was a set of training methods that looked like torture. The others only trained two or three times, and stopped training after their resistance increased to a certain limit. Only Zeta was stupid and didn't know the principle of diminishing returns. He insisted on "training" many times, and even insisted on it until now, so he showed extraordinary defense and resistance.

Hearing this, Duanmu Ci himself was silent.

Then he asked AI Doraemon to calculate the effect after using that equipment many times.

Indeed, after self-torture to a certain extent, Ultraman's body will break through the limit and then produce the training effect again.

However, the fundamental meaning of this is not to improve resistance, but to improve Ultraman's own realm.

"Forget it, I advise you not to train in this way, otherwise you can only train yourself into a pure tank."

Generally, when the realm is improved, the strength in all directions will be improved. For example, Zeta has specially strengthened the defense when the realm is improved, and the improvement in other aspects is small, so it seems that the realm has not been improved much, but the defense has increased a lot.

In fact, judging from the purity of energy, his energy is probably comparable to that of the Ultra Brothers.

"Zeta also told him not to use this training method anymore. I just heard that Hikari has made new progress in the research of sublimators. Why not let him go over and experiment? Maybe it will bring you some surprises."

Taro smiled and said, "Should I say it or not, Zero is worthy of being taught by you. He and you have exactly the same idea. Originally, Hikari asked him to do the new sublimator experiment, and then he recommended Zeta. Now the new sublimator is about to come out, and I heard that it will be named after Zeta."

Duanmu Ci was powerless to complain. Zero was obviously trying to shirk responsibility. How could he have the same idea as himself?

But no matter what, the result is a happy ending.

"Okay, no more unnecessary words. Do you want to come to Earth? Your precious son is fighting hard here!"

Tairo on the opposite side was silent for a long time, and even glanced at the photo of Taiga on the table in front of him, and finally shook his head

"If jade is not polished, it will not be made into a useful tool. If I am on Earth, he will inevitably become dependent on me. How can he stand on his own in the future?"

Taiga is different from Taro.

When Taro first came to Earth, he was already quite strong, and under the cruel training method of Ultra Father in his early years, coupled with the various high-tech training of Univos, both his muscles and soul were already a perfect warrior.

Taiga is different. He lives in a relatively peaceful universe. Because of the powerful combination of two super scientists, Univos and Hikari, there is basically no force in the entire universe that can threaten the Kingdom of Light.

It can be said that he has not experienced many difficulties. Although he has been working hard and training in fighting skills very seriously, he has never faced the kind of predicament where he has no one to rely on and can only rely on himself to get out of it.

Just like a young eagle whose wings have never been broken, no matter how hard it trains, it still seems a little weak when flying.

Duanmu Ci nodded and agreed with this

"Well, in this case, I really shouldn't interfere too much. Let Taiga solve the problem of Grimd!"

Taro on the other side of the phone: "..."

Taro himself couldn't solve Grimd, so Taiga~

Suddenly Duanmu Ci remembered something.

"By the way, Taro, don't blame me for not reminding you. As long as Taiga's body's endurance is improved, I can help him remove the power limit in a minute and let him evolve into a stronger form, just like awakening the true power."

"Think about it, what will happen if you are the only one in your family who has not awakened?"

Taro on the opposite side couldn't sit still for a moment: "Taiga will also awaken?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "This is the speed of the new generation, didn't expect it? Since the last time the Geed Emperor form appeared, you should have known that the strength of the new generation has been soaring, as if there is no upper limit."

"If you old guys don't work hard, you will be overtaken by the young in a minute. When people surpass us, should you be relieved? Or should you be sad? Or should you think about retiring as soon as possible? "

Taro: →_→

"What do you mean by 'you old guys'? Aren't you older than us?"

Duanmu Ci: "I'm sorry, my technological strength is also growing very fast. Even if we don't talk about technology, I have the power of Noah, and there is no bottleneck in my strength."

"Besides, each of you who transforms into a human body is old-fashioned, and I have been a young man for so many years. If people who are not familiar with us see us, they probably think that Taiga and I are of the same age."

When Duanmu Ci and Taro were chatting, the situation on the field was a mess.

Indeed, Titus and Asahikawa Mirika were communicating.

But it was meaningless!

Asahikawa Mirika is indeed a newcomer on the battlefield. Her control ability is quite powerful, and she can make James perform various stunts. I'm afraid that James himself would not dare to think that he could do these actions.

However, the attack points are too chaotic, just like a random fight, a mess.

If the opponent wasn't also inflexible, the hit rate wouldn't be much better.

Of course, these are not the main points.

The main thing is that the two of them simply didn't cooperate at all.

Every time Titus seized the opportunity and wanted to settle the matter with one punch, James's battle axe or James's sword would fall on Galatron, blocking Titus's attack route very well, leaving him with no place to use his strength.

But in a one-on-one duel, the Galatron on the opposite side was also very good at fighting, and Titus had no chance to hit its weakness.

The battle was almost equivalent to a battle to defend the weakness.

Duanmu Ci saw it all, but he was just chatting with Taro on the phone and didn't have time to point fingers.


Duanmu Ci finished chatting with Taro and hung up the phone.

He crossed his hands and stretched them forward to stretch his muscles.

"Okay, it's my turn to go on stage to show the young people."

Then he took out the Evolution Explorer from his pocket, and accompanied by the seven-color brilliance, Univos entered the field with a handsome somersault.

He didn't have the habit of somersaulting on the stage and kicking others by the way like Taro did.

Quite martial.

Such a stunning appearance naturally attracted the attention of Titus and James.

"It's the red Ultraman!"

Asahikawa Mirika exclaimed.

"He's here again!"

The last time he appeared was when he was helping to deal with Chaos Saigan.

Although the power of his special move was poor that time and he failed to destroy Saigan, his overall combat performance was quite outstanding, and everyone assumed that he was an old senior with great skills.

Duanmu Ci just shook his head and smiled when he heard the noise of Asahikawa Mirika coming from James, and then turned his eyes to Galatron.

"Titus, watch carefully."

Then Univos crossed his arms over his abdomen, and the Univos weapons on his arms emitted a bright red light, and then Univos's figure was instantly transferred in front of Galatron.

Mach movement, this is an ability that Nexus has, and Univos can naturally use it.

Compared to teleportation, Mach's movement is mainly fast, and at the same time, it has already drawn some energy from the Univos weapon, which can seamlessly connect skills.

Then Univos punched the golden area on Galatron's body.

This time, even Titus was a little confused.

He couldn't figure out what the meaning was. Could Univos's basic strength be stronger than his own?

But he soon knew the answer.

At the moment when Univos's fist was about to hit Galatron, a small space-time channel appeared in front of Galatron, and finally Univos's punch hit the space-time channel.

Then a muffled sound came from Galatron's body.

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