Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 721 Using Light from the Inside

This move is the fighting skill that Duanmu Ci gave to Orb.

Many enemies are strong on the outside but soft on the inside, so this move can be used to connect the space-time channel to the inside of the opponent and defeat the opponent from the inside.

Titus understood it, but he may have a small problem.

When Univos retreated to his side, he said: "But none of us three have dimensional power~"

Univos: →_→

"Didn't you just solve a monster with dimensional power?"

Titus suddenly remembered that Saigang seemed to be a monster who was very good at using dimensional power.

They also collected Saigang's ring.

Thinking of this, Titus couldn't help but pat his head again.

"Why didn't I think of it!"

Looking at Titus's muscle training to the brain, Univos suddenly felt that he should be more careful and never let any other accidents happen.

"Normal space-time channels are very fragile, and you can only use some weak light skills, or just use fighting skills like I did just now."

"If the light skills are too powerful, they will directly tear the space, causing the channel to break and have no effect."

Titus couldn't help shrinking his neck when he heard this.

Luckily, his neck was short to begin with, and it was not easy to see now that it was shrunk.

He just wanted to use a powerful ultimate move in the space-time channel to directly kill the opponent.

Now it seems that if he really wants to do this, he will probably explode first.

Just when Univos was teaching tactics, Galatron, who had just suffered a serious internal injury, had fully recovered.

In this era of the new generation, unless there is an opponent who can absorb energy or something, normal combat basically uses energy casually, and a little magic power is not a problem to use to restore the internal injuries.

Ununivos also saw it.

If you want to solve Galatron MK3, you have to kill it with one blow, or find its core.

James, who was standing by, also came up, and the voice of Mirika Asahikawa came from James.

"I don't seem to have dimensional abilities either. What should I do next?"

Titus also looked at Univos.

Univos nodded: "Then you will be responsible for limiting the battle scene, and guard beside to prevent it from affecting the people around."

In fact, there was no impact at all under Kirisaki's operation, but Duanmu Ci had to find a legitimate reason for James to not affect the battle.

After all, James's messy axe skills just now made it too dangerous to fight together.

This is the real world, not a game, and there can be no teammates hurting each other.

In the real world, James's axe to Univos will not be weaker than his axe to Galatron.

Besides, Galatron now looks like he is red-hot, and Univos will have to be serious in the next battle, and he has no time to take care of James.

Galatron is a robot.

Strictly speaking, it should be like this, without joy or anger, but in reality, Galatron has emotions.

Will be angry, will be afraid.

After Univos appeared, Galatron immediately analyzed Univos' current form.

Its database stores some information about Univos' red form, but it doesn't know much about the combat data of this form.

And the combat power of a scientist is not as simple as it seems.

So when Univos appeared, it already felt that the situation was beginning to go out of control.

In addition, Univos's punch just now exploded from the inside, causing considerable damage to it, and the threat coefficient was even greater.

So from the beginning, Galatron had already turned on the full power mode, and his whole body was shrouded in magic power, and no magic circle was needed.

With its "intention", bright lights appeared in the sky.

Then all these lights turned into javelin-like rays and rushed straight towards Univos and Titus.

"Be careful, these are all magic power!"

Univos waved his hand, and a transparent purple cloak appeared out of thin air, blocking all the magic rays aimed at him like blocking arrows.

This is made of magic power, called a magic cloak. It is not very good at resisting ordinary light, but it can effectively resist various magic attacks.

Titus does not have this kind of defense, he can only dodge around.

But his dodging speed is not really fast. He only dodged one or two of this intensive bombing move, and the rest fell on him.

If it weren't for his amazing defense, he would probably be dead.

But no matter how strong his defense is, after this wave, the five-pointed star-shaped colored timer on his chest still began to flash uncontrollably.

The power in his body began to drain rapidly.

But this is not the first time he has entered this state. Titus has long been familiar with this feeling of powerlessness.

There are ways to fight when you are strong, and there are ways to fight when you are weak!

Although Univos did not have time to check Titus's status, he could glimpse a blue light emanating from his body in his peripheral vision. It seems that the "armor" that absorbs energy has taken effect.

In this case, Titus' counterattack will definitely be very powerful.

Without any thought, all that is left is trust.

Univos suddenly opened his magic cloak, clenched his hands forward, and two golden electric currents burst out from his hands, and then a series of light circles appeared out of thin air to block Galatron.

Then the crystal on Univos's forehead also released golden light, forming a huge transparent barrier in the sky, isolating all the magic power on it.

The purpose is to completely block Galatron's means of attack.

Sure enough, even without any communication, Titus, who is an experienced warrior, decisively realized that this was an output opportunity created by Univos. However, when Galatron was blocked by countless golden halos, he did not hesitate at all and rushed towards Galatron with big strides.

At the same time, in the small dark room, Kudo Yuyuki had already shown Saigang's monster ring.

With the help of this monster ring, a dark space-time channel slowly appeared in front of Galatron.

Galatron struggled hard, and he also knew that if he failed to struggle, he might be dead.

So it has now exploded all the magic power around it, trying to break free from Univos's restraints.

It did break free.

After all, it is a monster that can fight against the Ultimate O, so it still has this "brute force".

But it is no longer useful.

Because at the moment it broke free, Titus's Sage Fist had already hit the space-time channel with a bright light.

Powerful light cannot pass through the space-time channel.

But the fist is fine.

After reaching the inside, the power on the fist burst out again instantly. Even at the moment of the burst, the space-time channel was shattered by this powerful force, but at this time Titus had already retracted his fist.

It was not affected at all.

And because the space-time channel was gone, the remaining energy had no outlet to vent, and it completely exploded inside.

Such a violent explosion in a confined space, even a god can't resist it!

Seeing that Galatron began to twist violently, Titus was worried that its explosion would cause a great impact, so he quickly created a transparent barrier to wrap Galatron up.

At this time, Univos also came up and shook his head.

"Don't worry, the explosion is over and will not affect the surrounding environment."

"It's just..."

Looking at the distorted Galatron and the scenes of black smoke coming out of various gaps.

Univos had a strange feeling.

This looks like it's not that simple.

Sure enough, not long after Duanmu Ci had this idea, Galatron, who seemed to be dying, had red eyes again, and the distorted mechanical body began to recover slowly.

This scene shocked Titus.

"He's not dead yet?"

"Did Zedd and the others fight against such enemies?"

While feeling their own powerlessness, they also had a new understanding of Zedd and the others' combat environment.

When they heard Univos talk about the combat environment of the new generation before, they didn't have a deep feeling. The Kingdom of Light protected everyone so well that many warriors usually didn't have strong opponents.

And the slightly stronger monsters were surrounded by several Ultramen, highlighting safety and reliability.

Such outstanding monsters in the new generation rarely have the opportunity to appear in front of everyone.

Galatron MK3 is actually a monster above the Ultimate Ou level. There are some monsters in the Kingdom of Light that can deal with it, but there are only a few.

The rest basically have no chance to encounter Galatron MK3.

After all, this robot is now a subordinate of the Robot Master.

Unless the Robot Master wants to burn his boats and confront the Kingdom of Light directly, he will not let Galatron run around in general.

The fact that it can be sent here shows that this place is very special.

If it weren't for Univos's face, Titus and his men would not be qualified to let the Robot Master dispatch Galatron MK3.

Univos lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said to Titus.

"You retreat first, I will deal with it!"

Titus: "How to deal with it?"

Univos: "Magic against magic! Our Kingdom of Light has its own 'magic'!"

Hearing this, Titus could only obey and walk away.

Then Univos put his fists on the left and right sides of the color timer.

A huge magic circle appeared, and at the same time, the magic circle also appeared in front of Galatron's chest. Then a vortex appeared in the center of the magic circle. It was unclear what was happening on the other side, but Titus could probably guess that this was also connected to the inside of Galatron.

Then Univos shrank in the air, becoming only the size of a normal human, and passed directly through the space-time channel, and then the space-time channel disappeared.

Titus understood it now.

Since the light doesn't work, then send yourself in and use the light inside.

It sounds like it can exert considerable power.


Titus was a little worried.

This kind of internal explosion, people outside can't feel anything, but the impact of people inside is no weaker than that of the opponent.

This is a suicide attack!


He even thought about using solidified life to revive Univos after he died.

I don’t know if solidifying life can resurrect a warrior of Univers’ level.

Just like Titus thought.

Univos is preparing to use light skills from the inside to completely annihilate Galatron.

But how could he be using ordinary light skills?

Inside Galatron, looking at the densely packed circuits and various mechanical components around him, Univos chuckled, then crossed his arms in front of him, and a large amount of silver-white liquid poured out of Univos's weapons. current.

This is the preparation for layering glitter!

This is a more powerful cascading flash that has been improved and fully fits the new generation combat environment.

As his hands formed an L shape, silver-white light roared out, raging crazily inside Galatron's body.

All magic resistance and various components turned into transparent blue crystals.

From the outside, it seemed that Galatron struggled for a while and then stopped moving.

The silver-white areas on the body gradually turned into transparent blue.

Only those golden areas were still strong, and they supported for about seven or eight seconds before they began to turn into transparent blue together.

In the end, there was no violent explosion, not even a small explosion, but Galatron's entire robot body turned into the appearance of transparent blue crystal, and then turned into countless light particles and dissipated.

Then a seven-color radiance flashed, and Univos also changed back to fifty-seven meters. He looked at the dull-looking Titas and sighed.

"Phew, this monster is really not simple."

Titas was even more shocked.

"Senior, what move did you just use? It's so powerful!"

Univos smiled and said: "This is my signature skill of cascading flash. I used it last time, but I hadn't upgraded my Univos weapon at that time, so it didn't exert its due power."

"Layered flashes can analyze the enemy's body structure and break down the enemy into the most basic light particles."

At this time, James also came over, and the voice of Asahikawa Mirika came out again.

"This time it should be considered solved, right?"

Uniworth nodded: "That's right."

Then he patted James on the shoulder: "As a newcomer, you are already very good at fighting, but there is no distinction between a novice field and an expert field on the battlefield. You have to face all kinds of opponents, novices and the strongest. We are all competing on the same stage, so train harder.”

After saying that, Yunivos' figure slowly turned into a phantom and was blown away by the wind.

Titas couldn't play high-end operations like Univos. He just nodded to James Bert, said "Let's encourage each other", spread his hands, flew into the sky, and soon disappeared completely in the thick clouds. among.

In the command center, Asahikawa Mirika gave James the order to return automatically and then took off her VR glasses. She leaned back on the chair, full of emotion and disbelief, and said to Sasaki Kana who came up.

"It feels like a dream, I was really communicating with Ultraman just now!"

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