Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 117: Nigo

"The target vehicle is at an intersection 300 meters ahead. There are 21 civilians, 2 unrelated vehicles and a police car nearby. It is recommended to follow it to 500 meters to force it to stop.

"Reject the suggestion and prepare for action!"


The soldiers in the two SUVs turned off the advice of the intelligent system and pulled the bolts of their guns simultaneously.

The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the two SUVs bypassed the two cars waiting at the traffic light in front, drifted directly, and stopped in front of the van.

The sound of the black SUV's tires rubbing against the ground as it drifted attracted a lot of attention, especially the police car in front of the intersection. The two patrol policemen inside looked confused.

The van was filled with smoke, loud music was playing from the rolled-down windows, and six black men were smoking marijuana. Only the black men in the driver and passenger seats were stunned when they saw the black SUV blocking the front.

The doors of two SUVs opened and ten soldiers armed with automatic rifles and covered in tactical body armor jumped out.

Only now did the six Nicos in the car see what was coming out of the front. They were so frightened that they quickly threw away the marijuana cigarette and reached for the gun that was left on the seat.

Like supermen, ten soldiers stepped forward and surrounded the van.

Four people walked to the doors on the left and right sides of the van, holding rifles in their left hands and punching the doors with their right hands.

The van seemed to have been hit by two high-speed cars. The whole vehicle shook, and the glass shattered under the punch.

The six nuns in the car rolled around in a heap as they evacuated. Their trembling hands couldn't even hold the gun steady. They each screamed in fear and struggled to touch the gun that had fallen under the chair.

The next second, they heard a creaking sound of metal parts being forcibly dismantled. Then the space inside the car suddenly opened up, and the four doors were removed by the soldiers with their bare hands.

The soldier standing at the front of the van punched the hood, and the front of the van could not remain intact. It only took less than five seconds for the van to go from intact to scrapped.

The six black men were pulled out of the car very roughly. Their faces were pale with fright, and they lay tremblingly on the ground, holding their heads in their hands as if they had practiced it thousands of times.

When the ten soldiers of the special operations force saw that these Nicos were very cooperative, they did not fire and turned the safety off again. They just took out plastic zip ties from their tactical pockets and tied the hands of the six people.

The captain of the special operations team casually pinched the neck of one of the black men and asked: "Who ordered you to attack us!"

Nico, who was blind in one eye, was trembling and did not dare to look at the soldiers of the special operations force who were tightly covered by helmets. He replied: "I...our boss took the job. I don't know who sent it." You know, we are just paid to do things, it has nothing to do with us!”

"It doesn't matter?" the squad leader prolonged in a playful tone, then brought up Nico and punched him in the abdomen, "The person who hit us said it's okay!"

"Pfft!" Blind Nico spat out a mouthful of stomach acid and fell to the ground and curled up in a ball.

Seeing this miserable situation, the other Nicos were as quiet as ice, lying on the ground not daring to move or even say a word.

They have seen many ruthless people, but those people are all visible and tangible, at least they are living people!

You can figure out the other person's thoughts from their expressions, allowing you to predict the other person's next behavior.

But the ten soldiers of the special operations force had no part of their bodies exposed. Looking at their black helmets, it was like looking at some kind of machine, as if they would pull out their guns and shoot them dead in the next second. There was no logic.

Just like a blindfolded prisoner waiting for execution, with no other emotions except fear, even the most ferocious villains will feel fear in front of these soldiers.

"Captain, the police are here." The soldier in charge of the escort reported to the captain who was interrogating Nico.

The police car in front of the intersection drove over...

The young policeman in the police car was originally very panicked when he saw this scene, and was ready to ask for help from the police station. Fortunately, the older policeman was knowledgeable and stopped this impulsive behavior and analyzed the previous situation. .

"Think calmly when encountering problems! Look at their outfits. Can ordinary criminals afford them? And their equipment and firearms are obviously standard and unified. Look at their actions again, they are professional and decisive, and they will immediately after they succeed. Forming an encirclement to cover the middle did not harm ordinary people, so they must be people from the special department! You still have a lot to learn, kid!”

The old policeman put down the half-eaten donut, pointed his greasy fingers at the small circle in front, and started talking.

"But...but he punched that man..." The young policeman, not yet aware of the dangers of society, pointed hesitantly at Nico who was lying on the ground twitching.

"Shet!" The old policeman turned his head and glared at the young policeman angrily, raised his fist and waved it, "How many times have I told you! Those damn Nicos are all criminals. If you are stupid again, I will punch you too!"

"..." The little policeman stopped talking.

Then the green light came on and the old policeman drove over in his police car.

As the old policeman said, the soldiers of the special operations force are so professional that New York citizens who are accustomed to the ups and downs saw this situation and subconsciously judged that they were the relevant departments and stood on the sidewalk and watched happily. Get out your phone and shoot video there.

The soldiers did not point their guns at passers-by or the approaching police car. After the two police officers got out of the car, they greeted them friendly.

"Hey, these people attacked us. When we finish asking questions, we will hand them over to you. They have their firearms in the car."

Faced with the friendliness of the soldiers, the old policeman who stepped out of the police car also showed a gentle smile of a veteran in the workplace and said hurriedly: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, we will handle the rest. Thank you for your hard work!"

The soldier nodded, then fell silent and switched to the internal communication channel to ask questions.

"Why didn't these two policemen ask us where we were from?"

"Who knows..."

"Okay, now that we have the information, we can withdraw."

The team leader found the photo of their boss from Blind Nico's cell phone, recorded it, and stood up to call others to evacuate.

After receiving the information, they had to go back to report on the mission and wait for instructions from above to take the next step.

"I'll leave them to you." After the soldier who communicated with the two policemen completed the handover, the six Nicos got into the car and left the scene with relieved expressions.

After the two SUVs had gone away, the little policeman vomited out the questions he had been holding back.

"Have we not asked them which department they belong to? Isn't this against the rules?"

The old policeman was also watching the vehicle leave. Hearing the young policeman's question, he glanced at him lightly and said, "Look more and talk less, and be smarter in the future. Don't rush in without understanding the situation, otherwise you will only lose it." Xiao Ming, okay, hurry up and call someone to take these six people away."

Seeing the young policeman return to the police car and use the walkie-talkie to call someone, the old policeman smiled slightly. The young man did not know the dangers of the world, and he looked very much like himself when he first entered the workplace.

In this sinful city full of killers and power struggles, you can't escape from this vortex if you become a police officer.

Uncovering the veil one after another will reshape the young man's worldview bit by bit. At least before he starts to come into contact with these things, he can still enjoy the happiness of not knowing anything.

The old policeman who was lamenting his life did not forget the six niggas lying on the ground. He squatted in front of one of them, slapped his face, and asked: "Hey, tell me who you provoked? You have something good to say, go in I can give you two cigarettes from now on, or two whips if you don’t tell me.”

Nico on the ground was frightened to death by the soldiers of the special operations force. When he saw the police, he was as friendly as seeing his parents, and he immediately told what he knew.

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