Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 118: A fulfilling mission

At 2:12 p.m., ten Umbrella soldiers raided an indoor basketball court and successfully captured 32 gang members.

Brief description of the process: surround the entrance and exit, throw sleeping gas and shock bombs into the room, break in after losing all movement inside, exchange fire with the remaining gangsters, kill the stubborn gangsters, and finally tie up those who are still alive to complete the task. .

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Kevin, who had put on a fierce look, slapped a black man with three dreadlocks on the head with his big mouth, and beat the black man who was tied to a chair awake.


The black man who woke up later felt the pain on his face, screamed out, and was punched again.

Kevin took out his switchblade and flicked the bright white blade in front of the confused gang boss's eyes.

The reflection of the knife forced the black man to calm down. He finally realized his current situation. His fearful eyes stayed on the knife for a few seconds, and then he quickly scanned the surrounding environment.

He was locked in a completely sealed room. The three walls he could see were only bare concrete. He and the man holding the switchblade in front of him were the only ones in the sealed space, which made him feel extremely uneasy.

"Who are you? Where are you here? What do you want to do? Want money? The money is all in my house!"

After seeing clearly the situation he was in, the black man also used his rap accent to utter a series of words begging for mercy, which made Kevin want to record a piece of music for him.

The unreasonable idea only passed through his mind for a moment. Kevin quickly dismissed the distracting thoughts and continued to act according to the plan, "Who asked you to send people to attack the construction site? Don't think about being harsh, I have a hundred ways..."

"Stop, stop, stop! I said it all!" After hearing Kevin's request, the black man who was scared to death felt a big stone in his heart. He was so busy trying to apologize, "They're just doing things with money, there's no need to do it." So cruel... Manager Larry Land Metz of the New York Construction Group asked me to do this! My gang has an agreement with them, and they will give us money to help them handle it every time there is a need. I only took today's order. 20,000 US dollars, all of it can be given to you! As long as you don’t kill me!”


Kevin was silent for a while, and after the next instructions came from the micro headset, he put the blade of the switchblade against the black man's neck and asked in a deep voice: "Why don't they hire killers to do this kind of thing?"

"No, no! Brother, move the knife back a little! It's about to be scratched! Ah~!"

"You can keep talking nonsense."

"No, it's too expensive! I know that!" After the black man said this, he finally moved the knife away from his neck. He didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore and said in a crying voice: "The manager will treat you every time Let us take half of the killer's money and let us solve the problem. Seriously, I just charge money to do things. I can apologize and compensate for the threats. Just let me go! I really don't want to die... ugh..."

The black man's cowardly behavior made Kevin wonder how he managed to achieve the position of a gang leader with more than 20 people?

After confirming that the task was completed, Kevin put away the switchblade, bypassed the black man's sight, and left the closed room. Someone would come later to perform a very humane euthanasia on this evil little gang leader.

It's impossible to let them go, they are all drug dealers and gang members, and their hands are black, so it's impossible to let them go!

After walking out of the room, Kevin returned to the temporary command center, located deep in the air raid shelter, safe enough and private enough.

This is what Bowery was very happy after receiving the first batch of goods. In order to deepen cooperation and even provide it to the Umbrella Company, he is now leading the engineers of the Umbrella Company to roam around New York, looking for dark corners of the city suitable for establishing underground exchanges. .

"The contents have been recorded, and corresponding plans will be formulated later. Will the execution team let you go?" A blond woman wearing navy blue work clothes kept typing on the computer.

Without looking back, he said to Kevin who had just entered the room.

The temporary command center is composed of eight new superconducting computers and eight civilian soldiers. The matter of settling the New York Construction Group has been given full authority to the temporary command team.

Because of his repeated outstanding achievements, Kevin received some small privileges, such as more tasks, and the power to fight for more tasks.

Now, Kevin has secured another small mission for his team. Although the rewards are not many, he has a full sense of accomplishment and is very fulfilling.

"Fake, why is there another mission!" After the message was relayed to the team's chat group, all four teammates complained in unison.

Kevin said seriously: "Maybe... our mission is completed quickly, right?"

At eight o'clock in the evening, the revenge plan had been formulated. The command center dispatched a total of 5 teams with a total of 25 people to retaliate reasonably against the five core leaders of the New York Construction Group.

This kind of malicious business competition must be fought back with the same means, and the homeless people in Baoli District have a complete plan to deal with it.

An ordinary second-hand white minivan stopped at the intersection of an upscale community and saw a black Honda Civic emerging from the corner.

After recognizing the license plate number and confirming that it was the target, Kevin, who was sitting in the driver's seat, knocked on the roof of the car, then started the car and stepped on the accelerator.

The speed of the truck continued to increase, and it caught up with the Honda Civic. The truck's head hit the rear of the other vehicle, pushing the vehicle directly onto the lawn not far away, and successfully stopped it.

Four masked men jumped out of the truck, two of them holding rifles and two holding pistols. The four walked to the side of the Honda Civic, and seeing that the door was closed, they punched the window directly.


The window glass cracked, but did not break...

"Bulletproof modification, knock off the tires first." Seeing that the window was too strong, the team leader raised his pistol and was about to blow up all four tires of the car.

But at this time, the people in the car also realized that this was not an accident, and stepped on the accelerator to escape.

The team members naturally couldn't let him run away. Two people hung their rifles on their backs, ran to the front, and lifted the front of the car with their bare hands.

The light of the flashlight shone into the car from the driving window. A white-haired old man was looking at the two soldiers who lifted the front of the car with a panic expression as if he had seen a ghost.

In addition to this old man, there was also a charming blonde in the car. Her originally charming face showed a mournful expression, and she trembled as she dialed the phone.

After finding out the situation inside the car, the team leader first blew up the four tires, and then pulled the trigger continuously at the rear window of the car. All six bullets hit the same position, and even the bulletproof glass would have penetrated it. Moreover, even if the car was modified, the window glass was not thick.

After tearing a hole in the car window, things became much simpler. They tore the car window with their bare hands and threatened the people inside with guns to let them open the door.

After the door was opened, several people threatened the old man and broke his leg with another shot when they left. The mission was completed and they left.

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