Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 119: Shocked that five young men actually did something to an 80-year-old man...

The largest shareholder of a New York construction group, a top tycoon with assets exceeding tens of billions, made a fortune by squeezing the world's leeks during the recent financial crisis.

While making money, I also offended many people.

Therefore, he hired a large number of private security guards for himself, and the defense level was so high that ordinary people could not get close to him.

The revenge plan started hastily because it was intercepted from the communication that he was going to attend a dinner at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and would briefly break away from the security team that had paid a lot of money to hire in the museum.

It just so happens that their target is in the same direction as John Wick, a killer who has been recorded in the system. When John Wick assassinates his target, he will definitely alert the guards.

A team of five people can sneak into the museum, take advantage of the chaos to kidnap the largest shareholder of the New York Construction Group, break one leg, strip him naked and throw him into a crowded place.

The operation started smoothly. John Wick sneaked into the banquet hall. Under the horrified gaze of all the wealthy people, he drew his pistol and assassinated Santino. His superb marksmanship allowed every bullet to hit the vital part of the human body. .

With sufficient supplies of ammunition and good recovery, his assassination operation went relatively smoothly, and he quickly chased his target into the depths of the museum.

The banquet hall naturally became chaotic. The largest shareholder of the New York Construction Group fled in panic and entered the expected ambush location.

The moment the team of special operations troops rushed out, they unexpectedly encountered a group of gunmen who ran out of a secret passage to support Santino. The two parties glared at each other as soon as they met, and the next moment they drew their guns and shot at each other.

The guards in the museum were so professional that they even memorized the faces of everyone in the museum, and several strangers were directly attacked as intruders.

The five-person team's counterattack also deepened this impression. The two sides exchanged fire in the spacious museum corridor. Both the soldiers of the special operations forces and the core guard gunners of Camorra were all extremely elite professionals.

Elite soldiers selected through holographic virtual games and elimination mechanisms, and killers strictly screened by nature, all have the same characteristics, with extremely high tolerance for pain and low fear of death.

In the end, the soldiers of the special operations forces with better marksmanship won the final victory, at the cost of three people being shot in the legs and shoulders, and one person having half of his ear wiped off by a bullet.

They thought it was a foolproof move, but they miscalculated a bit.

The huge museum is the distribution of the Camorra secret society in New York. The vast indoor space contains many secret passages and secret passages, and there are many people defending them. In addition, the new leader and new high-level representatives of the Camorra hold a party here, and invite Those who came were all the rich and powerful from New York, a top financial city.

The dignitaries are also afraid of their own lives. Santino cannot put too much security on the table, otherwise it will make the arriving guests feel stressed and may cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

So most of the guards stayed in the lounge and darkroom, checking the source of danger through surveillance. However, the museum was too big and no one could see the hundreds of monitors. They could only focus on the surveillance near the banquet hall and ignore it. some corners.

"Fake, the target person is missing!" After the firefight ended, the soldiers hurriedly looked for the mission target. The old man who was originally at hand was nowhere to be seen.

"Looking at the marks on the ground, he may have run into a secret passage. Should I give chase?"

After hesitating for a while, they decided to put safety first and chose to abandon the mission and evacuate!

Leaving the museum through the side door, the five members of the team got into a second-hand van.

As soon as they drove out of the dark alley, they encountered the mission target who came out of the corner and was making a phone call.

None of them expected to encounter the mission target. In their joy, the car speed increased sharply, they caught up with the old man and pushed the confused old man into the car.

The mission process was a little bumpy.

But it also successfully achieved the expected small goals.

The next step was to threaten him, break his legs, strip him naked and throw him into a crowded place.

"Guys, there's a car chasing us from behind." Before the car even drove out of a street, the soldier driving the car looked through the rearview mirror and spotted two SUVs approaching them quickly, and said helplessly: "Shit, this A broken car can't keep them away."

Others in the car also looked to the back and could indeed see two SUVs approaching at high speed.

"You can't run away, why don't you put me down, I won't hold you accountable, I promise!" Mr. Freeman, the kidnapped largest shareholder of the New York Construction Group, put forward his own suggestion. He said it very conservatively and calmly, for fear that These gangsters would unreasonably make a hole in his forehead.

"I swear I don't know anything. I can give you whatever you want, as long as you let me go. The check is in my arms, and you can write whatever amount you want!"

"Shut up! You old thing!" The soldier in the back seat couldn't move in the small space, so he only slapped the old man to silence him.

The others also remembered what the mission was and started spitting, punching and kicking the old man.

At this moment, the driver suddenly made a drift, causing the crowded car to look like a glass jar filled with pickled cucumbers, squished together.

A third SUV rushed out in front of the car, and the other party tried to intercept them by attacking from both sides.

The driver turned the steering wheel hard, and the headlight on the right side of the car's front grazed the rear bumper of the SUV in front, and the old headlight of the second-hand car was directly knocked off.

The sideways car body collided with the SUV, which was also moving backwards, trying to stop the car by force.

The two cars behind were also accelerating. If they were hit, they would definitely stop.

In the critical moment, the driver turned the steering wheel with one hand and took out a spider silk bomb from his pocket with the other hand and threw it in the direction of the museum.

The violent spider silk exploded as soon as it touched the ground. The strong spider silk stuck to the rear of the two chasing SUVs and stuck the high-speed vehicles in place. The tires rubbed against the ground and produced a lot of white smoke.

Taking this opportunity, the other soldiers who recovered from the drifting state took out their pistols and shot at the SUV that was against them through the car window.

Bang bang bang!

The bullets shattered the glass of the car and the glass of the SUV window. A few blood flowers flew out of the co-pilot seat. These private security cars were not as strong as the umbrella cars.

After a few shots, the SUV no longer squeezed their car, but just followed far behind.

After the car returned to normal, a soldier touched a hard object, picked it up and saw that it was a mobile phone.

"This old man's phone is still on the phone." After crushing the phone, the soldier replaced the new magazine, shot the old man's leg directly, and then punched and kicked the old man.

The old man was beaten and howled with his head in his arms.

"Look ahead."

The driver suddenly glanced at the rearview mirror and reminded others.

Everyone looked forward and saw that the street ahead was full of people running to the right. They were the citizens who were scared by the gunshots and ran away!

The soldiers sighed again. There were still pursuers behind them. They could only stop in front of the crowd, then blend into the crowd and let others pick them up.

"Okay, the last step, move faster." The captain in the co-pilot seat put away his pistol, and he also took out a spider silk bomb from his arms and threw it out of the window.

The exploding spider silk stopped the SUV, which was not very fast, and bought more time for them to escape.

"What are you going to do!" The old man thought that being shot in the leg was painful enough, but what was even more painful was that these gangsters actually started to tear his clothes.

Unable to resist, he could only close his eyes in despair. He had been in the mall for many years and had encountered all kinds of dangers, but he had never encountered gangsters who would tear off the clothes of an 80-year-old man!


The car drifted and spun and stopped beside the fleeing crowd, scaring the fleeing citizens so much that they almost fell down.

Mr. Freeman, who was naked except for his shoes, was thrown out of the car. To ensure that he could not run, the team leader who got off the car shot his other leg again.

"Good night, Mr. Freeman, I wish you and the New York Construction Group have fun tonight!"

The five soldiers said goodbye to the extremely embarrassed Mr. Freeman, and in the latter's humiliating eyes, they merged into the crowd of marchers and disappeared.

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