Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 134: Bold Evildoer

"You know it's me?"

Duncan saw the person on the other end of the phone and thought of the phone camera hacking, but he pretended not to know and was ready to play with him. He also deliberately took the phone in front of him and took a look, exposing the surprised expression on his face to the camera of the phone. ♡♢  ♦♦

"Of course, the High Table knows everything about this world. Although he was suspicious of Mr. Duncan's identity at the beginning, the High Table now knows your identity."

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The man on the other end of the phone didn't realize that his appearance had been seen by Duncan. He was still fiddling with the tableware on the table and elegantly cutting the steak on the plate with a knife and fork.

Duncan was curious when he heard it: "Oh? Then tell me what our identities are?"

The German man on the other end of the phone seemed to be pretending. He didn't reply for a long time. Until the last few bites of steak on the plate were finished, he said slowly: "Outsider!"

Duncan was really surprised this time, but he didn't lose his composure.

There are so many suspicious things in the Umbrella Company that it is not surprising even if some people really guess the truth, and things may not be as he thought. Maybe the leader of the high table is deceiving him.

"That's not enough. You can say a little more. I don't mind listening."

He originally planned to listen to what the high-level executive of the high table was going to say. The picture he saw on his mobile phone the next moment made his face change drastically. →

The German man in the video took a new plate from outside the camera's field of view. The plate was not filled with normal food, but a severed hand.

The knife cut on the severed hand, and the man on the other side of the camera looked at the plate and said nonchalantly: "Suddenly appeared, without any identity record, with technology beyond the times, and incompatible with the natives here, these evidences should have proved that you are not from here."

But using civilized disguise to do things that only beasts would do, this weird picture is really hard to accept.

It's like seeing a chaotic color block appearing on a white wall. It's annoying to look at it, and you can't wait to push the whole wall down.

Alice, who was standing next to him, had also been paying attention to the screen on her phone. When she saw the man eating, her face also turned bad.

It seemed that Duncan's silence had caused some misunderstandings among the men on the other side of the phone. He glanced at his phone, and his eyes just passed over the camera of the phone. He smiled and said, "We don't care where Mr. Duncan comes from. We can even share this world with you generously. The resources here are very rich, enough to accommodate many, many... I'm not just talking about the high table."

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down his mood, Duncan, who had calmed down, noticed something wrong.

The words of the man on the other side were too strange. If it weren't for the Red Queen hacking into the camera and letting Duncan see his behavior, he might really think of the other party as an ordinary person who saw through his identity.

As the saying goes, vision limits imagination.

Duncan has more experience than anyone else, and his imagination is so big that it's hard to imagine.

The words of the man on the other side, combined with the weird picture of eating his hands, made him think of not a stupid pervert, but a bold monster.

So Duncan strained his throat, made a very low and terrible voice, and tried to mock the other party: "Do you think you have the strength to resist my plunder? Or do you think the life here has the ability to fight me?"

"Oh~ man!" The man on the other end of the phone was quite exaggerated, as if he had heard something funny, but he was restrained. "If you want to survive here, you must first integrate into it. Believe me, as long as you integrate into this world, countless humans will help you achieve everything you want to achieve. If you want something, you only need to make a phone call, and they will send it to you. War is the most troublesome means, and war will only cause losses!"

Little chicken feet, reveal the black spots!

I know you are not human at a glance!

The information asymmetry allowed Duncan to discover the chicken feet exposed by the high table. In order to obtain more information, he needs to continue to test.

"Heh, I don't think the natives of this planet like to be enslaved. Their weapons also have good lethality. Aren't you afraid that they will find you and kill you all?"

However, now, the man on the other side was not fooled, and smiled: "We naturally have our own way to control those people. It is Mr. Duncan who does not want to cooperate with us. He has stretched out his hands both on the surface and underground. Is his appetite too big? We are willing to share because the cake is big, but if Mr. Duncan wants to monopolize it, it will not be as peaceful as it is now."

"Peace is always built under an iron fist. Even if you control the whole world, you will not be our opponent."

Duncan is trying his best to create an image of a superior who is not afraid of war but has some concerns, so that the non-human on the other side thinks that he still has room for operation.

The non-human on the other side of the phone did understand what he meant, and said very cooperatively: "Of course, I never doubt Mr. Duncan's strength. But please think about it, Mr. Duncan, you can contact me at any time through this phone."

After saying this, the non-human on the other side of the phone hung up the phone.

Duncan put the phone away, stuffed it into the judge's briefcase and pushed it away, then turned his eyes to the phone on the table that was still playing the camera footage.

After the call ended, the non-human on the other side of the phone picked up the food on the plate and devoured it unscrupulously.

"How disgusting!" Alice, who watched the entire conversation, showed disgust on her face and vomited her own thoughts without hiding it.

Duncan watched for a while, asked the Red Queen to keep an eye on it, and then transferred to the White Queen's system to search for topics and posts related to non-humans and cannibalism on the Internet.

The search results appeared quite quickly. There were many conversations of this kind, many of which were myths and legends, mountain spirits, and many were game backgrounds.

There were also some ambiguous supernatural stories that said they saw monsters, and there were also many contents about controlling humans and cannibalism, but none of them had unified characteristics.

The White Queen searched and searched, and found the words of an 18-year-old white youth on the Internet.

He kept saying on social media that he had seen many monsters, they were enslaving humans, occupying human resources, and were born evil.

And he also posted a lot of photos under the post. These photos were all photos of black people. Combined with what he said, he looked like an extreme racist.

These are not the main reasons that attracted the White Queen's attention. The main reason why this inconspicuous white youth attracted the White Queen's attention was that one of his posts described the appearance of the monster in detail, but it was described in many abstract words, and the words such as network monitoring were attached at the end.

The White Queen successfully intercepted the description of the monster's appearance and found a live broadcast preview sent by the 18-year-old white youth last night, with the title: Revenge!

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