Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 135: A Joke from Hell

The white youth whose real name is Payton is just an ordinary student in Manhattan, New York. He has an average family background and looks. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

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When he was sixteen, his parents died in a car accident. Payton, who received a large sum of compensation, did not spend money lavishly like those young people who suddenly received huge sums of money. He just stayed at home. If nothing unexpected happened, he would stay at home until the money was spent.

The accident still came. Long-term staying up late to play games made him faint at the door when he went out to pick up the express delivery. He was sent to the hospital by an ambulance called by a kind neighbor.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor prescribed a lot of medicine for him. The moment of being on the verge of death also made him begin to fear death and determined to change his life.

Where should the change start?

Payton felt that he needed to start from the spirit, because he couldn't get out of the shadow of his parents' death, so he had to confide his feelings to the psychiatrist, and the psychiatrist gave him a bottle of medicine to relieve mental stress.

After taking the bottle of medicine, Payton's world changed wonderfully. Among the people coming and going on the street, there appeared many monsters with small and round heads, dark and reflective eyes, and tiny tentacles on their lips.

They disguised themselves as humans, wore clothes, and lived in human society openly.

Payton once suspected that he had hallucinations. Maybe there was something wrong with the medicine given to him by the psychiatrist, and it was the bottle of medicine that made him like this.

When he went to find the psychiatrist again, he saw from a distance that the psychiatrist was shot on the spot by a monster disguised as a policeman. He was so scared that he quickly hid back home and kept searching the Internet for all the related events he saw.

Finally, Payton found that many people had seen the same "hallucination". He found a forum where members all noticed the weirdness of the surrounding environment for various reasons.

During the online investigation, Payton met an online friend who could also see monsters. The two shared intelligence with each other and believed that the truth needed to be known, so they published related comments on the Internet together.

They only realized at this time that the freedom of speech they usually talked about was bullshit. Whenever they published content related to monsters and the truth of the world, it would disappear inexplicably on the Internet. Posting it on a private server could not achieve the purpose of large-scale dissemination.

Payton was very angry at the authorities' behavior of covering their mouths and pretending that they did not exist. He could only settle for the second best and post the photos of the monsters he took on social media with some obscure words.

It seemed that the monsters preferred to disguise themselves as black people. He was regarded as a racist and received a lot of private abuse every day, which also intensified his inner anger.

And what burned out his last sanity was the death of his friend...

The comrade who tried to tell everyone the truth about the world online with him.

On the night of October 8, Payton returned to his room and carried out a failed propaganda as usual. Any comments he made on the Internet would only be misunderstood by ignorant people.

He vented his negative thoughts to her on the phone, and she on the phone, as always, comforted him with a soft voice.

Friendship and love had left him since the day he received his parents' inheritance. The friend on the other side of the phone who he had never met was the only light for Payton in this world full of terror and pressure.

"Okay, what should we do next?" After calming down, in order to make the call last longer, Payton raised this question that would never be out of date.

However, there was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone, and then a gentle female voice said, "There seems to be some movement at my door, wait a moment..."

"OK!" Payton waited like this, thinking that she would come back soon, but what he waited for was screams and gunshots from the phone.

The rain of gunshots was dense and messy. Not long after the gunshots, she conveyed her last thoughts to Payton in a suppressed voice of pain.

"Run...they, they're coming!"

After the words were finished, Payton froze in place, as if struck by a bolt from the blue. He couldn't believe what he heard, and kept shouting the other party's name over and over again.

The sound of the phone seemed to attract the shooter. The phone was picked up with a rustling sound, and Payton heard the monster's cry, which was creaking and disgusting!

After hearing these sounds, Payton's inner sadness and confusion turned into anger. He almost used all his strength to roar at the phone: "You monsters, I won't let you go. I want you to die screaming, with my own hands!"

All, all, all!

The moment the phone was hung up, Payton immediately left the messy room and rushed into the study room at home, which he hadn't entered for a long time. From the mezzanine of the study cabinet, he took out the AR-15 that his father had collected before his death.

He pressed the bullets he found into the magazine one by one. Each bullet in his hand was like a monster's head, and he wanted to crush it.

Grabbing his weapon and wearing his father's tactical vest, Payton posted a live preview on social media. He wanted to let the monsters see how their companions died!

After doing this, Payton immediately drove away from home. He would often pay attention to the surrounding environment while driving on the road.

While waiting for dawn, he gradually calmed down. The anger still existed, but it was suppressed in reason, because the voice had been telling him before he died that only by calming down could he come up with a solution, and only by calming down could he get things done!

Payton drove the car into a wealthy business district where blacks accounted for a large proportion, and parked the car on the side of a two-way road, focusing his eyes on the door of a supermarket on the other side of the road.

He was like an experienced hunter, quietly waiting for the arrival of the prey.

Time passed little by little, the prey had entered the supermarket, and the live broadcast time he agreed on online had also arrived.

Payton took out his mobile phone and started the live broadcast. Thanks to the "racial discrimination" posts he had posted on the Internet before, more than 300 people who hated him soon flooded into the live broadcast room.

Fixing the mobile phone to the bracket on his chest, Payton started the car slowly and drove towards the supermarket door.

There were not many people at the supermarket door in the morning, especially since this supermarket was located on the edge of the wealthy area. Most of the goods in the supermarket were specially provided for the rich, and the prices would keep ordinary people away.

Payton parked the car randomly in front of the supermarket and opened the door of the cab. Then the people in the live broadcast room heard the sound of the gun colliding with the car body and the sound of the bolt being pulled.

In the picture taken by the mobile phone hanging on his chest, an AR-15 assault rifle suddenly appeared, and the muzzle was pointed at the three "women" at the entrance of the supermarket.

At least in the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, the three people were indeed women.

In Payton's eyes, the three people were not women, but disgusting monsters with ugly tentacles. The trigger was pulled without any burden, and the semi-automatic AR15 assault rifle continuously spit out metal bullets in the fingers that pulled the trigger quickly.

The three women did not expect that bullets would be shot at them until the gunshots sounded, and the severe pain accompanied the loss of body functions. They fell to the ground painfully with their fat bodies that sucked human blood.

After seeing such an explosive picture, Payton's live broadcast room was filled with a series of swear words.

Payton himself ignored the live broadcast room. After shooting three monsters, he did not stop and rushed into the supermarket quickly.

Ignoring the bewildered human cashiers, Payton rushed into the shelves. He had been counting the number just now. There were at least 13 monsters in this supermarket.

As expected, he soon saw two monsters traveling together in the snack area.

The moment he saw them, Payton opened fire. After firing four shots, the two monsters fell to the ground in pain.

Payton shot at the two monsters on the ground and continued to search in the supermarket.

The monsters were found one after another by him and all killed. The bullets in the magazine were soon used up. He hid behind the pillar and changed the magazine and continued to look for monsters.

Suddenly, Payton heard a movement behind a counter and immediately ran over with a gun.

"Ah!" A male cashier curled up on the ground was frightened by the sudden appearance of Payton and held his head with both hands. His body couldn't stop shaking. He sobbed softly with a little crying and prayed softly.

Seeing his fellow men curled up in fear on the ground, Payton felt a little guilty, and then was filled with anger.

The world is so ugly, monsters treat humans as livestock, and humans, as livestock, are still unaware of it and treat monsters as their own kind, how sad!

"Sorry..." After saying sorry to the frightened man on the ground, Payton re-gripped his weapon and continued to look for monsters in the supermarket.

Soon, all the monsters in the supermarket were killed by him, and sirens were heard outside the supermarket.

Facing the police, Payton knew that he had no hope of escaping and continuing his fight, so he was ready to lay down his weapons and surrender, and explain the truth of this world to his fellow inmates in prison, hoping that the brothers with various skills in the prison could fight for mankind after they were released from prison.

But before his idea was realized, several big men in black rushed out from between the shelves. They knocked Payton's gun away at a very fast speed, tied his hands and feet with cable ties, and carried him to the back door of the supermarket.

The two police cars at the back door handle of the supermarket were scrapped at this time, and six armed policemen were knocked unconscious and thrown aside. Behind the police cars were two black SUVs.

Payton was still confused after being carried out of the supermarket, and he couldn't figure out the current situation, but the person who kidnapped him was not a monster but a human, which was enough for him.

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