Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 148: Demon

After the mouse completely turned into a G creature, the glass partition slowly rose.

McKinley saw a new picture. The rabbit in the compartment looked at the mouse that turned into a G creature curiously, and then the G creature mouse pounced in front of the rabbit and devoured it cruelly with its fangs.

Perhaps it was because they were far away, or perhaps the bloodiness of the animals killing each other was not enough to be fatal, McKinley just acted a little uneasy.

"What do you want!" McKinley couldn't figure out the purpose of the Umbrella Corporation. It was obvious that he only needed to cooperate with them to get everything in this world.

But the Umbrella Corporation still wanted to kill them all. Aren't they afraid? Aren't they afraid that they would use human nuclear weapons and perish with the Umbrella Corporation!

This time, there was still no positive answer. The question and a countdown appeared again on the tempered glass screen.

How many of your kind are there on this planet?

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The second time this question appeared, McKinley also realized that it only had one answer option, "Three million."

The red exclamation mark appeared again, and McKinley saw the scene of G creatures hunting again.

The scene of G creatures hunting was not bloody, and even in McKinley's aesthetics, the current G creatures were not too ugly.

The question appeared again, and McKinley laughed. He was so angry that he punched the tempered glass and cursed: "You want to scare me in this way? Do you want to force me to betray my people in this way?"

The monsters who can become elders are very smart. After these two attempts, McKinley has understood that the Umbrella Company wants to force intelligence from them and then kill all the people!

They have lived on this planet for a hundred years, and finally climbed to the height of today, secretly controlling human society. The hateful outsiders actually want to take it away like this?


McKinley was frightened and took two steps back, looking at the gorilla on the other side of the tempered glass with sharp fangs hammering his chest.

"Stupid beast!"

The red exclamation mark occupied the field of vision again. McKinley realized that the question was still there. The abuse of the gorilla was taken as the answer to the question. Another small animal in the compartment became the food of the G creature because of his negligence.

"We have 34 million people."

When the question appeared again, McKinley had chosen to answer honestly, because the G creature that swallowed a rabbit and a pug in the video had expanded to half a meter, and the claws and joints of its evolution gradually showed its hideous nature.

The appearance of the G creature was too unrestrained, with twisted limbs and numerous compound eyes. Even McKinley, who did not have human aesthetics, began to be unbearable.

The robbery of the Umbrella Company made McKinley very angry, but no matter how angry he was, he could not change the fact that he had been captured. It was really too much to expect him, who was used to enjoying, to have the courage to sacrifice himself for his companions.

If he didn't answer honestly, McKinley could imagine that the ugly creature would eat him after eating all the animals!

The other elders of the High Table also answered honestly. Their cowardly nature made them unable to think of resistance.

The current High Table elders are no longer the first generation of power holders. They have good management skills, but they definitely don't have strong willpower, except for the elder caught in the depths of the desert.

Only its resistance is pretty good, and it refused to obey until the G creature changed to the third form and upgraded three compartments to enter the compartment where the elder was. It couldn't stand the pressure and told all the information it knew.

The elder in the desert was also wearing clothes unique to the desert people, but he had a white face, which looked very out of place.

It also has the most information among the six elders, and even knows all the stories of monsters on Earth. These are the secrets passed down by the elders...

The third form of G creatures retains the original mouse appearance, and the subsequent creatures that eat only affect the growth of G creatures in terms of body size.

The biggest feature of G creatures after entering the third form is the huge compound eyes and the mouse head without eyes and nose. The tangled blood vessels and flowing dark red on the body are like randomly growing vines, tied into a four-legged creature in front of you.

Perhaps G creatures think that it is too difficult to attack and fight with sharp teeth on all fours, so new claws have grown on its back. The deep white bone claws have the ability to penetrate tempered glass, but it did not do so, but waited quietly.

The scientists who recorded the data behind the scenes finally confirmed that G creatures are indeed an alternative life mutated by viruses infecting normal cells based on the data of the six-channel test field.

They have the instinct to eat, drink and reproduce, and they also have the ability to generate fixed and simple thinking as the environment changes.

After continuously opening the door to give food to the G creatures, they will think that they can eat the food in front of them as long as they wait. This waiting time also has an upper limit. If they can't get food within 20 minutes, they will go crazy because the G virus in their bodies constantly affects their DNA, causing them to mutate irregularly.

During this mutation process, the energy consumed needs to be supplemented by a large amount of food. The more you eat, the faster you consume. The upper limit of digestion is currently unknown, and the time is about 20 minutes.

Facing the three bright eyes of the G creatures separated by two glass windows, which are as big as its forehead, the elder of the desert told everything he knew without hesitation.

These contents were organized into data and sent to New York, where they were received by Duncan.

After receiving the data, Duncan couldn't wait to start reading.

The ancestor of the monsters was called "Mo" people. This "Mo" is a word transliterated from their ethnic language, and Moren is the nickname given to themselves by their generation.

About a hundred years ago, humans were in the early stages of the First World War. The demons carried out interstellar immigration operations because of the depletion of planetary resources. Tens of millions of spaceships were divided into multiple teams and headed for different habitable planets.

The team that landed on Earth encountered a cosmic wonder. The demons didn't know what it was. They only knew that the spaceship was torn apart and the wreckage was scattered in the vacuum of the universe.

The ancestors of the demons on Earth were some of the survivors on the wreckage of the spaceship. They didn't know how long they had slept in the hibernation chamber. When they woke up, they had already appeared on Earth.

Unfortunately, there were not many highly educated demons among the demons who survived on the wreckage of the spaceship. A group of them died due to the unfamiliar climate on Earth, and another group was killed by the relatively primitive jungle when exploring Earth. Finally, the remaining demons saw the native race of Earthlings on this planet.

The demons who had entered the interstellar era for a long time had never seen such a bloody and tragic battlefield, and were shocked by the belligerence and cold-bloodedness of the earthlings.

The crashed spacecraft did not have any weapons, and the materials of the spacecraft would even be naturally decomposed in the earth's environment. The last few intellectuals completely transformed the only intact brain on the spacecraft, influencing all creatures with advanced intelligence on this planet to recognize the demons as their own kind.

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