Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 149: The Demon Who Fell to the Ground


Seeing the story presented in the data, Duncan shook his head and changed the identity of the demons to "invaders" because they eat people and have no empathy for humans who also have emotions. They can be regarded as invaders who cannot coexist peacefully and must die.

With the help of the "brain", the demons easily integrated into human society, and with their knowledge that is much higher than that of earthlings, they easily climbed to the top of human society.

The "brain" of the demons is the demon's computer. It is composed of biological organisms and a small amount of special metals. It is a powerful biological computer that can run with only nutrient solution.

Relying on the few remaining technologies, the demons have gained the right to survive in human society and began to enjoy it all, and attributed it all to the gods that the demons believe in.

Otherwise, there would not be such a coincidence. The spacecraft was about to be scrapped, but they could still reach this rich and beautiful planet, and they could easily get a group of servants to serve them and live a life with almost no worries.

After a period of happy days, World War I ended and the civil war on earth subsided.

But the demons began to worry whether humans would find them through some clues after they were free.

Such worries were caused by the fact that many soldiers who came down from the battlefield had mental problems. Some soldiers were sent to the Earthlings' hospitals for treatment. After the treatment, these people could see them. ♦♦  ♦♦

Fortunately, the few humans were regarded as mentally ill and were not investigated in depth.

Even so, the demons were scared half to death. The Earthlings' guns were still deadly weapons for them. If they did not want to lose this rich and easy life, they had to take corresponding preventive measures.

After investigation, it was found that the treated soldiers who could see the monsters were basically soldiers who had their brains removed. The integrity of the brain was destroyed, and the influence of the "brain" on these brain-damaged Earthlings was disturbed, causing the Earthlings to restore their normal vision.

This problem was fatal. The demons began to use their newly acquired social status among the Earthlings to criticize this inhumane "treatment" and replaced it with a milder treatment plan from the demons' hometown.

To a certain extent, the demons can be regarded as promoting the progress of human civilization.

In order to protect themselves, the demons worked hard to study the earthlings. One day, a bold guy studied the earthlings and put them on the table. Then the demons found that the taste of the earthlings was unusually consistent with their taste organs.

The demon culture made them have no aversion to eating intelligent creatures. From then on, the earthlings had another identity in the eyes of the demons.

When the Second World War broke out, some demons who disguised themselves as Jews and unscrupulously made money were arrested and put into concentration camps by the furious earthlings.

The demons who were making money never dreamed that the Second World War would break out only 21 years after the end of the First World War.

A large number of demon industries were destroyed in the war. The old generation of demons were captured by the earthlings with red eyes and dragged into the quagmire of the world war.

After finally surviving the Second World War, the demons finally realized how important it was to have their own armed forces. Relying on the joint efforts of hundreds of thousands of new-era demons, the pseudo-underground force Gao Zhuotai, which controls most of the world, came into being.

The senior members are all demons, and the remaining ordinary staff are warlike earthlings. By formulating underground orders and other methods, the excess energy of these earthlings is consumed, so that world wars will no longer occur.

The operation of the High Table is very stable. The elders hold the highest power of the High Table and are also the leaders of the demons.

The demons like to enjoy themselves and never covet power, so the 12 seats of the High Table are all the forces of the earthlings themselves.

The elders of the High Table will only adjust conflicts and maintain the operation of the High Table, and provide a little financial support. After all, most of the rich people on the earth are demons, and the interest groups they form are enough to influence the world situation.

Seeing this, Duncan has roughly understood the origin and current situation of the demons.

The "brain" of the demons is located in the basement of an inconspicuous library in Louisville, Kentucky, which is also the administrative center of the High Table.

The library is protected by a large number of High Table messengers and secret forces of the Federation. It is an important protection area hidden in the city.

The Red Queen subsystem has found detailed information about the demons' infiltration of the armies of various countries from the computer of the elders of the High Table. The overall infiltration is not serious, at least not to the extent that they need to be alert to the explosion of nuclear bombs at any time.

Because the demons only want to enjoy themselves, entering the earthling army means that they need to work hard and waste most of their lives just to infiltrate the earthling army. It is possible, but not absolutely necessary.

The positions of demons who have infiltrated the army are basically in the middle and upper levels, and none of them are in the top positions. The demons who are forcibly arranged into the army give the earthlings the impression that they are just relatives who have mixed up their qualifications and cannot get to the top of the pyramid.

These intelligences are likely to be accurate. Duncan is already thinking about how to eliminate the default from the earth, and how to tell the nervous executives of the Umbrella Company about this news.

They are scared by the fact that aliens control humans, but fortunately, the situation is not too serious.

He is prepared for aliens to infiltrate all aspects of human society, with a number of over 100 million, and to master the secret key of nuclear bombs.

Duncan regarded the demons as a stumbling block on the road of Umbrella Corporation to the multiverse era, until he took off the magnifying glass and found that they were actually quite lame.

Two of the few valuable technologies, one of which is a drug that stimulates the human brain, was obtained through inhumane live research on the human brain, and the other is bulletproof technology, which is the material science legacy of the demons.

A fragment of the demons' spacecraft fell in the basin of Borneo, which happened to be the place where the immortal flower grows.

The secret of the High Table was revealed in an action that was so simple that it was incredible. The wonderful reaction caused by the information gap caught both sides off guard.

In short, Duncan must seize the opportunity now and launch a raid on the High Table Administrative Center early tomorrow morning. While the monsters have not yet reacted, and the eyes of the world are focused on this inhumane legal criminal career experiment in the United States, make a public speech and reveal the truth.

Win opportunities for the development of the Umbrella Corporation and use the sacrifices of the demons to promote world development.

He is now becoming a qualified people's entrepreneur. Although he makes a lot of money, he also gives back a lot to the people!

Duncan decided to let Jill and John Wick participate in the mission of raiding the High Table Administrative Center, which is a chance for capable new employees to show themselves.

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