Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 154: Order is being restored (for the leader)

O'Connor and the people who met with them were gathered together and moved into the municipal building. The lives of 8 million people in New York City fell on their shoulders. If the order was restored one minute later, hundreds of people might die.

They were not only responsible for logistics, but also 8 million mouths. There were hundreds of thousands of people moving around the city every day. The impact of the city being shut down for one day was very large.

So time was tight and the task was heavy. Regardless of whether they could figure out why they came to another world, they had to work immediately.

The first thing was to continue broadcasting to appease the people, take shelter nearby, wait for the city to return to safety, and then organize people to withdraw to their homes.

"Food and water can be obtained nearby without paying, and all losses will be borne by the federal government in the future."

"People who steal valuables will also be liquidated after stability is restored. Criminal acts that physically attack others and threaten the lives of others will also be judged by the temporary management department."

"The soldiers of the Umbrella Company are working hard to retake the city. Everyone is better off suppressing their curiosity, hiding at home, and taking responsibility for their own lives."

The continuous shouting has successfully appeased some residents. The next step is to ensure that the roads are unobstructed and the information is stable, to collect food and water, to integrate medical resources, and to help those who really need help.

Recruit volunteers to enter every grassroots position to operate various things.

Contact the National Guard and SWAT forces in New York, and ask them to replace the special operations forces soldiers to protect important infrastructure, and the special operations forces soldiers who are more proficient in street fighting will encircle and suppress the demons, and strive to achieve effective control before dark.

The first to be liberated was the Bronx in New York, because of the implementation of the legal crime night, there is no demon life at all.

The Umbrella Company also left a lot of people there, and they could temporarily recruit courageous residents to do some work such as transferring the wounded, maintaining order, and transporting materials.

These jobs do not require any professional knowledge. In this situation, as long as you can speak well and yell at people, you are a useful person.

When working, volunteers have to wear yellow vests shipped from the world of Resident Evil. The reflective material on the back of the vest is specially made into the logo of the Umbrella Company, which is very eye-catching and even a little glaring.

Fortunately, all living things have the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm, and New Yorkers are veterans who have been baptized by blood and fire, so it doesn't take much effort to command them.

Citizens who hid in the buildings and looked around saw that there were more accidents on this day than in their previous year. New York has not been so lively for a long time. In the past, when the streets were full of people, they didn't feel any life.

People who are already safe are exchanging information at a very high frequency. The American network, and even the world's network, is flooded with information from various monsters.

Many people could not imagine that the place where they used to live would be full of monsters, and those monsters worked and went to school with them openly, and they had not been discovered for a full hundred years.

They didn't know if it was a hundred years. Anyway, the video that Duncan forced to post on the media had been viewed more than 100 million times. Those who revealed the truth said so, and netizens believed that the monsters really existed for a hundred years.

Netizens in the war zone shared their videos and photos on social media, and the Umbrella Company's logo successfully dominated the screen.

The curious searched for information about the Umbrella Company, and the only information retrieved was the newly established Umbrella Company official website, which was full of polite words and company philosophy. Apart from that, no information related to this incident was found.

Time slowly came to 17:00 in the afternoon. The sky was already dim, and soldiers, police, and some volunteers were still shuttling through the streets and alleys of New York City.

There are 230,000 demons hiding in this metropolis that has suffered the most damage. Some demons failed to escape in the 30 seconds of the ultimate escape and were beaten to death by the people. Some demons hid in their own homes and were found and killed. Some demons successfully escaped and are hiding in the corners of the city that are difficult to detect.

These hidden demons are difficult to track by conventional methods, because whether it is thermal sensing or more advanced life scanning, the results presented in the instrument are exactly the same as the signals emitted by ordinary humans.

There are about 30,000 demons hiding deeper, most likely in the intricate sewer system, and some are hiding more secretly, mixed with people and difficult to distinguish.

The threat that 30,000 people may pose to New York is still great, and they still need to search carefully to find those people.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the conventional combat forces of the Umbrella Company have moved to other cities, and now there are only 2,000 special combat forces soldiers left in New York.

The basic order in New York has been restored, and hospitals, municipal buildings and crematoriums are the three busiest places tonight.

O'Connor and a group of employees who were brought to this world and quickly took office were exhausted, but seeing the chaotic situation gradually return to peace under their management, they were still able to gain a little happiness from their busyness... and 99% pain.

Modern society is like a complex and fragile machine. The skeleton may survive the pain, but every huge turmoil will always shake off the unstable gears, causing the system to collapse bit by bit.

As foreign craftsmen, O'Connor and others are always undecided when dealing with emergencies, just like an assembly mechanic who has no idea where to put the extra parts.

"Mr. O'Connor, the USS Ronald Reagan is heading for New York Harbor, and the captain, Colonel Garden, has requested medical assistance from us." A white man raised his head from the computer and shouted to O'Connor, who was waving his fingers while holding another computer.

O'Connor paused when he heard this, looked at the staff member who was speaking, and asked in confusion: "Shouldn't they go to the naval base?"

"Colonel Garden said that the aircraft carrier was damaged in the battle, and there were many wounded in the aircraft carrier. It was impossible to drive to the nearest naval base, so it could only reach New York."

"Got it, ask for details, I will arrange it."


In the night, the damaged aircraft carrier has appeared on the horizon, and the helicopter responsible for medical rescue has already flown to the aircraft carrier.

Under the guidance of the sailors, the aircraft successfully landed, and eight black-tech doctors wearing white coats specially used by Umbrella Company walked off the plane with medical boxes and entered the cabin.

An officer on the aircraft carrier hurriedly led the eight doctors to the place where the wounded were placed.

While jogging all the way, the eight doctors of the Umbrella Company saw many bullet holes, gunpowder and blood on the walls of the cabin.

The information dissemination of the Red Queen is not divided into civilian or military use. Even on the aircraft carrier, you can see the video.

This aircraft carrier should be the one with the most serious invasion of demons. Nearly one-fifth of the sailors on the ship are demons.

There are nearly two thousand people on the aircraft carrier, and one-quarter of them are 400 demons. Four hundred demons fought fiercely with one thousand six hundred sailors in the narrow cabin.

The demons who exposed their identities showed their determination and fought with all their might.

It is sad that Captain Garden was shot by the adjutant behind him before the battle began. If other sailors had not discovered it in time, this captain who was deeply loved by the soldiers would have died.

People are indeed not dead, but the situation is not optimistic.

After the eight doctors of the Umbrella Company entered the cabin, they saw Captain Garden lying on the bed barely surviving.

His internal organs were severely damaged. The demons destroyed the sophisticated medical equipment on the aircraft carrier, so the injured soldiers and Captain Garden on the ship could not receive more effective treatment and could only rely on simple first aid and infusions to barely maintain their lives.

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