Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 155: Black Technology Doctor

As soon as the black-tech doctors saw the conditions of most of the patients, they immediately knew what to do. Without any explanation, they took out neatly stacked treatment potions from the box and injected them into all the wounded.

Except for tumors and functional diseases, no matter what kind of external or internal injury it is, if you put in a needle with a therapeutic agent, your life will definitely be saved, and it will be fine if you drag the wounded person up and dance!

"Okay, this is our company's special drug. It can speed up wound healing and maintain body functions. Now you can wait for the aircraft carrier to dock before sending it to the hospital for surgical treatment... Are there any foreign objects left in the wounded body?"

The high-tech doctors at the Umbrella Company looked calm and relaxed, while the military doctors on the aircraft carrier looked uncertain.

What about the liar?

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They are all professional doctors. Among other things, they still have a wealth of knowledge and a discerning eye for cutting-edge medical knowledge.

I have never heard of any medicine that can stabilize a dying person with just one shot!

In this case, the anxious military doctor would not have any brainless debate with the eight supporting doctors, but would just silently use his professional knowledge to judge the vital signs of the wounded.

It was found that the wounded man was breathing very steadily, his slightly frowning brows were loosened, his heart slowed down after accelerating for a period of time, and the readings on the instrument all showed that the wounded man really made a miraculous recovery under that injection. .

Ten minutes later...

Black-tech doctors inject T-virus serum into the wounded to prevent excessive repair of the virus.

An accident occurred while injecting Colonel Garden.

Captain Garden, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly raised his upper body and screamed, knocking away the Umbrella Company doctor who was near him.

Fortunately, the scientific researchers of the Umbrella Company have also received virus enhancement and their physiques are inhuman. Otherwise, this shockingly powerful slap would have sent him flying several meters instead of taking two steps back.

"Captain?!" The military doctor waiting on the side almost jumped to death when he saw the lying corpse of the officer.

He suffered an injury that required him to lie in bed for several months or even half a year. If he jumped like this, he would probably not survive for half an hour!

"Lie down quickly, Captain, your injury does not allow such extensive movement! Go back to bed!"

The military doctor wanted to push Captain Garden's body back to the bed, but he found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not push him back to the bed. In the end, he had to give up because he was afraid of hastening the captain's death and looked at him with the eyes of a martyr.

"This...where is this place? Where are those monsters?" Captain Garden, who was dying and sitting up in shock, obviously didn't understand what was going on. He only remembered that his adjutant turned into an ugly monster and attacked him with a gun. After that, there was only a scene of soldiers knocking down the monster.

The military doctor looked at the captain who was loved by the sailors with a look of regret, took off the hat on his head, and replied regretfully: "We have killed all those monsters, captain.

The high-tech doctors who were giving injections to the soldiers gradually gathered around, looking at Captain Garden curiously, and took out various portable detectors, and checked Colonel Garden's body with the touch inspection of their hands.

Military doctors have a wealth of knowledge, and so do black-tech doctors. Although they are not front-line researchers, their learning abilities have greatly improved after the virus was strengthened, and their knowledge is no longer limited to medical treatment.

Therapeutic agents are the predecessor of stable and enhanced serums. Although there has never been a case where the viruses in the therapeutic agents strengthened people at the same time, it is not impossible.

They, the doctors accompanying the army, have seen at most four worlds. In these four worlds, there are tens of billions of human beings in total. There is no guarantee that a few of them will have physiques that are different from ordinary people.

Viruses that spread widely may also encounter people who are naturally immune. It is not surprising to encounter a person with T-virus adaptability as high as Chief Alice. On the contrary, it is something worthy of concern.

Experimental bodies with high adaptability are of very high value. This kind of special mutation, which is unique among billions in DNA, often contains great potential.

A group of people rubbed and squeezed Captain Garden's body, and they could basically conclude that Captain Garden's body was full of T-virus.

The weakened T virus should not have such an ability, and the reasons for the current results require more sophisticated instrument research.

Seeing so many white coats surrounding him, Captain Garden remembered the fact that he had been shot, and began to feel a dull pain in his abdomen. He slowly lay down and asked the military doctor in a serious tone: "How many soldiers died on the ship? "

The military doctor looked at Captain Garden's increasingly rosy face, shook his head blankly, and then pressed the intercom to call the current person in charge on the ship.

There are not enough lights in New York Harbor at night, and the huge aircraft carrier slowly approaches the port.

On the deck, the sailors who had been nervous all day couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed when they saw that Anyang in the city was safe and there were no gunshots.

On the vast sea, after the power is destroyed, you fight with inhuman-looking monsters inside the dark cabin. This real experience like a horror movie is definitely not as simple as watching the characters running around in a dark building.

Now the sailors don't have much sense of security even if they hold weapons. Only familiar cities and solid land can give some comfort to their injured hearts.

After the injured soldiers on the aircraft carrier received an injection of therapeutic medicine, few required emergency treatment. Now Captain Garden was invited to go to Umbrella Company's temporary headquarters in the Bronx to cooperate with experts in research.

America is suffering everywhere now, but it also needs the naval support of an aircraft carrier.

Duncan, who has always supported scientific research, agreed to their application after learning the needs of his experimenters. He only needed to notify the staff of the Umbrella Company who assisted the Pentagon in organizing the work to lobby, and he could legitimately keep an aircraft carrier in New York.

This may be an incredible thing in the eyes of some people, but Duncan really looked down on an old aircraft carrier, but was more interested in the pilots and captains on the aircraft carrier.

Talents are hard to come by, especially in the new era.

Artificial intelligence can only manage part of the functions of a city at most when it is running at full capacity. Before the quantum computer is completed, the biggest use of AI like the Red Queen and the White Queen is still scientific research.

Aircraft carriers need people to stay, and soldiers need to replenish supplies in modern society. Before leaving, Captain Garden saw that the soldiers were not in a good mental state, so he specifically ordered several non-commissioned officers to divide into several teams to find some supplies in the city and distribute them back to the ship.

Because they had called in advance and the marines were in uniform, they could still move around in the city during the curfew, but they had to carry weapons and be alert to the rats in the dark.

"Oh my god... Is this New York?" A black soldier and his team walked on the dark and quiet street. The excessive silence made people feel creepy. "It's so gloomy here, my hair stands up!"

"Shut up, don't scare me!"

The white soldier walking beside him also looked nervous. The sparse lights and dim environment on the street also reminded him of the battle on the aircraft carrier.

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