Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 173: Isolated Space

At five in the morning, an international flight took off from New York's Melody International Airport.

The exploration team that had sneaked into the plane early was waiting at the bottom of the cabin. The crew's inspectors had already come. They used camouflage drones to hide their bodies, and the staff responsible for the maintenance of the equipment did not check too carefully.

After a moment of turbulence, the plane entered a stable flight state.

Taking this opportunity, Gardner also perfected the plan to avoid a headless fly after arriving at the destination.

Dharavi is actually a slum next to the capital city of India. It covers an area of ​​only two square kilometers, but it is home to one million poor people. The sanitary conditions are notoriously poor and have always been a hotbed of disease.

Ordinary people who drink a sip of Dharavi's river water will die on the spot in less than three minutes. If you walk on the street, those who are not adapted to the environment will be suffocated.

The human-biting incident rumored in the news happened in such a slum, and because many infectious diseases are spread in Dharavi, the small fishing village in the distant past, now the slum, has actually been in a semi-controlled state.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’πŸ†ƒπŸ††πŸ…Ίβ™¦πŸ…½.πŸ…²β™¦πŸ…Ό]

One million people on two square kilometers of land are like a plague bomb. If no one is sent to watch over them, the Brahmins in Mumbai, the second economic city next to the Dharavi slum, will not live in peace.

The current primary goal of the exploration team is to determine the truth of the human-to-human bite incident and to sample the highly contagious and lethal viruses in Dharavi so that the viruses can be transferred to the Umbrella Company's virus research institute to produce vaccines.

This is also the second thing they asked to do. In the early hours of last night, after they learned enough information from the Internet, they also went to the newsstand to learn about the current situation of the world through traditional paper media.

Viruses and diseases are the main themes of this world. There are 13 viruses reported in the news that are spreading on a small scale around the world and causing terrible casualties, and they are 13 completely different infectious diseases.

The symptoms are different, the virus structure is different, and the time of onset after infection is also different.

There are a lot of infectious diseases in this world, and people in this world have long been accustomed to wearing masks when going out. Life and death are left to fate after leaving home, and the whole body is disinfected after returning home, which has trained their nerves.

Under such circumstances, the viruses that can be picked out and reported are all outstanding. TV stations don't bother to report unless they kill a small town of thousands of people.

In such a sick world, viruses are the cancer that needs to be solved urgently, and collecting virus samples and taking them back for research is exactly what they should do.

Dharavi, as the largest gu jar in Asia and the second largest slum in the world, is the area with the richest virus samples in Asia.

They deliberately took a small refrigerator from a hospital in New York to ensure that the samples can be reasonably preserved, and at least a small number of samples should be taken back.

The seven members of the team were discussing the action steps and ensuring that they cooperated correctly, but some abnormalities occurred in the passenger area above their heads...

The cabin where all passengers wore masks was extremely quiet. Some were reading, some were writing, and more were catching up on sleep, relieving the fatigue caused by getting up early in the morning to catch the flight during the flight.

"Cough... cough cough cough!"

Most people in the cabin were sleeping. A few coughs suddenly sounded in the quiet environment. Although it did not seem abrupt, it also caused dissatisfaction among some people.

The passengers were seated in the more crowded economy class. At the window seat on the right side of the front, a man in a dark blue shirt curled up in his seat, covering his mouth and coughing continuously.

A woman sitting next to the man showed a disgusted expression, took out disinfectant from her small bag, and sprayed it directly around.

Unexpectedly, this action made the man cough more violently, and his dark skin gradually turned white during the cough.

The state that seemed to cough out his lungs attracted more attention. They began to panic and hurriedly called the flight attendant.

It is true that they have rich experience in dealing with infectious diseases, but they are also afraid. Now the plane is an isolated unit. If one person gets sick, the whole plane may be affected. People need to be sent to isolation in time.

The flight attendant who heard the call rushed to the scene and saw the man curled up in the seat, looking like he was about to die, and quickly called other flight attendants.

Two male flight attendants wearing full-face masks rushed to the scene, asked the lady sitting next to them to leave first, unbuckled the blue-shirted man's seat belt, and wanted to send him to quarantine.

Unexpectedly, the blue-shirted man was already unconscious when he unbuckled his seat belt.

After the two male flight attendants dragged him out of the seat, he suddenly raised his head, revealing his white eyeballs and blood vessels on his face, which scared people severely.

Even more frightening was yet to come. The two male flight attendants were not prepared at all, and heard a scream like an out-of-control, and then the man they were dragging suddenly struggled to break free from their arms.

"Ahhhh! Damn it!"

One of the male flight attendants' arms was suddenly grabbed, and then there was a sharp pain that touched the nerves, and a small piece of flesh and blood in his forearm disappeared just like that.

The calm passengers around had been paying attention to this place. After hearing the screams, they stretched their necks to look, but did not make any extra escape moves. After all, normal people, whether they encounter normal or abnormal events, always react after repeatedly confirming that it is dangerous.

The male flight attendant was bitten, and in their opinion, they still could not judge whether the event was dangerous or whether it would threaten them.

The male steward who was bitten was tall and strong, and a piece of flesh was bitten off before he could react. When the pain spread to his whole body, he immediately waved his hands and punched, pushing the man in blue to the seat.

"Jack, are you okay?"

When another male steward saw the man's companion injured, the first thing he thought of was to check the injury, rather than subduing the unarmed and thin man in blue.

The male steward who was bitten was about to say that he was fine, but he suddenly felt an unstoppable dizziness in his head, which made the words he wanted to say stuck in his throat. The next second, he fell straight to the ground.

"Jack!" Another male steward subconsciously hugged the other party, but the next second, he was pounced on by the blue man who pounced like a beast. His neck felt cold, and the next second blood gushed out like a spring.

The stewardess who came to check, after going to the bathroom, came back to check if there were any female passengers in the next seat who were taken to isolation, and the passengers nearby who stretched their necks to look around, they were all dumbfounded when they saw the blood splattering.

Then, screams broke out in the cabin, and everyone unbuckled their seat belts and moved away from the place where the tragedy happened.

"Mad man! That... that mad man!"

"Call the police?"

"Are you kidding? We are in the sky now!"

"Staff! Where is the steward!"

"The steward is on the ground!"

The first steward who was bitten seemed to hear the terrified passenger calling him. After a few twitches, he stood up straight and then rushed towards the shrinking passengers.

The steward's face with bulging blood vessels was reflected in the terrified eyes of the passengers.

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