Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 174: John Wick vs. Zombies...

Ping Ping Pong...

Indescribable screams.

The seven members of the exploration team huddled in the lower part of the plane had actually heard the screams above their heads. Even if they couldn't hear them with their naked ears, the system of the combat helmet would edit the sounds they read into fixed information and project them in front of them.

However, none of them were sure what had happened on the plane and were waiting for the captain to broadcast the situation.

Thirty seconds passed, and Gardner didn't wait for the captain's broadcast, and the sound was getting louder and louder, so he signaled Kevin, who was near the exit, to send a spider robot out to take a look.

Kevin took the order and walked to the trap door, took out a spider robot the size of a table tennis ball from his waist, pushed open the small door above his head, and then threw the spider robot directly out.

The spider robot came to the upper deck of the plane, located in the aisle of the kitchen area.

The seven members of the exploration team connected to the spider robot's perspective, from the ground to the top of the plane, and then moved towards the economy class. When the spider robot was about to pass through the curtain separating the kitchen area from the cabin, a large group of screaming people suddenly ran out from the other side of the curtain.

The spider robot's camera followed these panicked people. These obviously frightened people saw the kitchen area huddled together at the end, screaming in fear, looking for something to defend themselves.

The camera turned, and the spider robot passed through the curtain of the plane. The seven people hiding under the plane finally saw the real situation in the cabin.

The originally clean and tidy cabin was covered with blood. Some people fell to the ground, and some people lay on the fallen people, gnawing on the corpses of their own kind like beasts.

Through the cover of the curtain, the first-class cabin area in the front has also fallen. There are shadowy figures, screams mixed with roars, making people feel the fear of being in the same space with the beasts and having nowhere to escape.

The seven-member exploration team was very surprised to see the real scene in the plane. They had not yet arrived in Ravi, but they had seen the results they didn't want to see, which was somewhat unprepared.

"Dear passengers, I am the captain of this flight..."

The captain's call came a little late. The middle-aged captain's voice was trembling. He should have known the situation inside the plane through the monitoring or the stewardess's oral description. "I'm sorry, I feel powerless in this situation. Please forgive me. May God bless you!"

The broadcast disappeared.

This is just abandoning them!

The little hope of the surviving passengers in the cabin was completely shattered. The desperate screams were higher and higher. In the end, they could only watch themselves being bitten to death by their fellow monsters.

The seven people hiding under the plane faced this situation and could only show up from their hiding place to ensure that the plane would not crash midway.

Although the pictures on the plane have basically confirmed that the human-to-human bite incident was actually a zombie, they have to do more than just confirm such a simple thing.

"Wait... Can I go ahead?"

The team's assaulter originally wanted to lead the way out, but John Wick did not obey the order and suggested that he go ahead.

It's not that he wanted to kill some humanoid creatures because of his bloodthirstiness, but he had never faced zombies before and wanted to gain some experience in fighting against them.

"Can you?"

Gardner didn't think the current situation was so urgent. Almost everyone on the ground had died, and they were in an isolated space like an airplane, so he had the leisure to ask John Wick if he could deal with zombies.

It was like a broken pot after being late. Anyway, things have already happened, so it doesn't matter if they are a little late. This is probably the idea.


John Wick's answer was always simple. He pulled out a pistol from his waist, walked past the others, and went directly to the small door.

Gill, who had an unspeakable fear of zombies, thought about it and followed John Wick.

The space in the dining and kitchen area was very small. If this plane was not a large passenger plane, there might not even be a proper dining and kitchen area.

The eleven passengers who had difficulty hiding in the dining and kitchen area found the weapons at hand and were struggling to resist the attacks of two zombies.

The woman hiding in the back was screaming, and the man in the front was also yelling. He held two handheld fire extinguishers and didn't hit the zombies. Instead, he pushed the zombies' bodies back and forth, just to prevent them from rushing into this narrow space, so that the zombies were always blocked in the aisle.

When you encounter a tiger, you don't have to run faster than the tiger, you just need to run faster than your companions. This sentence also applies here.

They should be thankful that there are enough dead people in the plane, and the zombies are still feasting and have no time to pay attention to the shouting humans.

Bang Bang!

Two gunshots stopped the screams of the eleven people who were hiding in the kitchen area, because the zombies on both ends of the aisle who were persistent in wanting to eat them died...

Then, the eleven people who were hiding in the kitchen area looked at a dark figure holding a gun and suddenly walked out of the aisle, lifted the curtain and walked into the cabin with a look of seeing a ghost.

John Wick only knew what Jill told him about zombies. He was a killer and a genius who was proficient in multiple languages ​​and had a good IQ.

Even if he didn't develop into a scientist, the time he spent reading books and newspapers on weekdays was enough for him to learn a lot of medical knowledge.

Losing something that violates normal biological phenomena is even more outrageous than aliens...

Bang Bang Bang!

With a pistol in his hand, his arm holding the gun was once more stable, and his innate shooting talent made every bullet of his never miss.

After rushing into the cabin, John Wick's arms and body kept making small deflections. The interval between shots never exceeded 1 second. Every time the zombies in the field of vision were startled by the sudden movement, there would be an extra bullet hole on their foreheads.

None of the 16 bullets in the magazine missed!

The action of taking out a new magazine from the waist and replacing it was as smooth as the interval between shots.

Jill followed John Wick. She also had a pistol, but she had no chance to shoot, so she could only keep moving forward.

She and John Wilke had worked together when hunting demons and attacking the management center. The most impressive gun skills John Wick left on her were the ones that could be called pleasing to the eye. The ultimate precision killing would also be an elegant art.

For this reason, Jill was in awe of John Wick and didn't want to contact him unless necessary, because she didn't know how many people John Wilke had killed.

I'm afraid that even the worst executioner in the world can't kill as many people as John Wick...

After using up all the bullets in five pistol magazines, John Wick put away his pistol and pulled out a dagger from his thigh.

With the extraordinary strength enhanced by the T virus, plus the blessing of the power exoskeleton and the combat uniform on his body, John Wick easily killed the entire plane, and even the captain hiding in the cabin turned on the radio again.

"Who are you?"

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