Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 175: Dharavi Slum

After completing the clearing mission, John Wick wiped the dagger on a zombie's clothes, and then put it back into the scabbard on his thigh.

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The captain's question should not be answered by him. After killing all the way to the front of the plane, he was ready to return to the team. When he turned around, he saw Jill holding a dagger to finish off the corpse.

Seeing John Wick, Jill said: "The bitten corpse will become a zombie."

"Okay." John Wick remembered.

Later, Gardner and the other four members of the team followed. The medical soldier Sako in the team had taken out a disposable syringe and drew two tubes of blood from the zombie and stored it in a refrigerator.

Further behind were the only 11 survivors on the plane. There were more than 140 passengers, and only 11 survived.

More than 140 zombies were solved by two people.

Gardner walked over the corpses on the ground, walked to the door of the cockpit, and said calmly to the surveillance screen: "We are from the relevant department. We are agents who were supposed to go to Dharavi slums secretly to investigate the new virus-to-human bite incident. Please don't worry about the situation here and continue to Dharavi."

In the other world action manual, what should you do when your identity is exposed?

Just talk about the relevant department and the secret department directly. The equipment they carry is very advanced, and anyone who sees it will be confused. There is a 99% chance that they will successfully get away with it.

After hearing Gardner say that they are a secret department, the captain was silent for a long time. Although he had never heard of any secret department taking a passenger plane to smuggle to other countries, they could not find a better explanation to identify the situation in the plane.

After hesitating for a long time on the radio, the captain asked: "The situation inside the plane... Are these crazy people in the plane sick? You just killed them like this?"

The captain still had doubts. It was not that he did not believe that the exploration team was a relevant department, but that he was very wary of the relevant departments.

There is a little-known special military organization in America. They operate between cities and have even established several military control zones in New York recently. They have committed various evil deeds to prevent the spread of diseases.

As an American elite, the captain has naturally learned about such incredible things through his friends.

Looking at the equipment of the exploration team, it is very likely that it is the mysterious unit.

The captain was worried that as soon as the plane landed, seven people would rush into the cockpit and kill them to prevent the spread of the disease...

"On October 16, the first human-to-human bite incident occurred in Dharavi. At the same time, human-to-human bite incidents occurred all over the world. The human-to-human bite incident was confirmed to be caused by a special virus. The brain of the infected person will be eroded by the virus and enter a state of physiological death, leaving only the body controlled by the virus to produce the instinct to eat. These infected people have no possibility of survival because the vaccine has not yet been developed.

Gardner was not panicked at all, and gave an orderly explanation. Finally, he added: "The virus has a probability of airborne transmission, but it is more likely to be transmitted by the blood of the infected person. As long as you do not suck the blood of the infected person or be bitten by the infected person, you will most likely not be infected. Our mission is to go to Dharavi to complete the investigation mission. It is not our responsibility to deal with the infected. You just need to continue to fly the plane to Mumbai. "

After another round of explanation, the captain reluctantly agreed with this explanation, and the plane was not far from its destination, Mumbai. It didn't matter whether he listened or not, because the plane was close to that place and it would take at most an hour to land.

Let the tower worry about these issues of the relevant departments...


The bloody plane arrived in the airspace near Mumbai soon after, and the captain began to call the tower, "East India 1154 plane requests the runway. An acute infectious disease broke out on the plane and caused a large number of passengers to die. There are only 18 passengers left on the plane. Request medical assistance, over."

The tower was silent for a long time after hearing the captain's words, and then an urgent curry-flavored English came, "East India 1154, the request has been received, please land on runway 7 and wait for the staff to arrive at the scene. ”

Soon after, the plane successfully landed on runway 7 and stayed on the runway without leaving.

The ambulance and police car that had been waiting for a long time quickly came forward and communicated with the tower, signaling the captain to lower the slide.

The inflated air slide dropped from the cabin, and 18 "frightened" passengers got off one by one, and received full-body disinfection. They were required to wear isolation suits and enter the ambulance to go to the hospital for more stringent isolation treatment.

The 18 surviving passengers, plus the captain, co-pilot and four flight attendants hiding in the cockpit, totaled 24 people.

However, the airport sent only 3 ambulances. Car, a small ambulance had to force 8 people.

After a simple disguise, when the seven members of the exploration team got on the car, the ambulance suddenly sank. Fortunately, the cars here are extremely strong, otherwise they might not be able to carry the seven of them.

They originally planned to slip away when the plane was inspected and refueled, but they were all exposed, so they simply disguised themselves as passengers and left.

After the ambulance left, the police wearing only simple masks entered the interior of the plane. After discovering the tragic situation inside, they ran out in a hurry, and did not even notice the bullet hole on the zombie's forehead at the first time.


After the ambulance completely left the airport, the seven members of the exploration team were not discovered by the Indian police to be abnormal in the plane, and they successfully entered the uncrowded community.

Seeing that the time was ripe, the seven people exchanged a few glances with each other, then adjusted their positions, directly opened the door of the ambulance, and jumped out of the ambulance.

The only normal passenger in the car saw this scene and closed the door calmly, after all, he had been warned in advance.

After the seven people who jumped out of the car rolled to unload the force, they quickly got up and entered another street, put on the combat helmets in their arms again, and mixed into the crowd.

Compared with the developed America, the development of India in this world is much backward. They have huge cities, but these cities are built on the flesh and blood of countless ordinary Indian people.

There is only a railway between the dirty and crowded slums and the prosperous high-rise buildings. Outside the Dharavi slums are the figures of police and soldiers, and there are even endless gunshots.

The seven members of the exploration team have come to the outside of the slum, looking at the blocked slum, thinking about ways to sneak in, and recording the protection of the Dharavi military and police.

Currently known information is that there is a virus in this world that causes death and controls the body of the dead, similar to the Raccoon City incident. After being fatally injured or dying, they will become very similar to zombies, with external features such as white eyeballs and protruding blood vessels.

In the initial infection characteristics of zombies caused by t virus infection, the eyeballs are not much different from those of ordinary people, but the movements are relatively slow.

The zombies on the plane move very quickly, even stronger than the athletic ability that the patients can show when they are alive.

This is the difference between the two zombies observed now.

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