Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 200: Zombie Swarm Breaks Out

The members of the special operations team stood on the top of several cars, looking at the direction of both sides of the gas station. With the help of the intelligent auxiliary system of the combat helmet, they could vaguely see that there were many zombies running on both sides of the road, even in places that were not on the road.

The zombies were not standing densely and the width was not large. Although there seemed to be a lot of them, there might be much less in reality.

Everyone in the gas station had been awakened. They were speeding up the transportation of materials to prepare for the escape later.

The convenience store and the convenience store warehouse were almost emptied, and the cars that served as obstacles were driven away one by one and parked on the roadside.

The five members of the special operations team walked down from the roofs of several cars and met Sheriff Gibbs who was walking anxiously.

The not-so-young sheriff was obviously a little nervous about the sudden situation. The appearance of the zombies was getting more and more hideous day by day. Old comrades like him were considered to have strong concentration, and the younger police officers had already collided with each other in panic.

They would not be too scared if a dozen or twenty or thirty zombies rushed over.

But if the number of zombies is more than 2,000 as the sniper of the special operations team said, their bullets will definitely not support them to fight so many zombies.

The special operations team still has enough ammunition, but it is not a wise choice to stay where they are and fight the zombies, and the tall mutants described by Sheriff Gibbs have appeared in the zombies. ♙♕  ♦♦

Their bodies are indeed the same as described, three meters tall, with very thick right or left arms, like an irregular hot dog, almost as big as a two-meter-tall strong man.

Antoine is not sure that all the weapons they carry can effectively kill those tall people. After all, it is the first time they face this special mutant.

The tall mutant described by the overly frightened Sheriff Gibbs, who is invulnerable to swords and guns, and whose flesh can fight tanks, has no reference value at all after hearing it.

"Everyone is almost ready. How should we arrange it?"

Antoine glanced at the panicked crowd around him and said, "Let the more powerful cars go in front, and the ordinary cars in the middle. We will be responsible for breaking through and covering the rear. We will talk about other things after we rush out!"

Payton and Lee were assigned to cover the rear. They had the most ammunition reserves. After handing over most of the micro missiles they carried as firepower for breaking through, they only had 5 micro missiles left, and the killing effect was equivalent to 5 grenades.

The two sat in the trunk of a pickup truck. The panoramic sunroof provided them with an excellent shooting view. Compared with an ambulance, this kind of powerful and powerful pickup truck is more comfortable to sit in.

When the light machine gun was placed on the roof, the stabilizing halo took effect on those who saw it.

"Firepower always gives people a sense of security!" Lee, who believes in firepower supremacy, smiled and patted the light machine gun on the roof.

Payton, who was checking his equipment, thought about it for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "Indeed."

"Let's go!"

After a brief exchange, Sheriff Gibbs shouted loudly and set off. Because the zombies were right in front of them, they no longer had to worry about whether the sound would attract zombies.

The pickup truck that Payton and Lee were riding in also felt a slight vibration. The driver was a young police officer. Perhaps because there were two strong men behind the pickup truck, the young police officer was much calmer than the others, and he would look back from time to time at the two people behind the car through the small window.

The zombie encirclement had shrunk to 200 meters. The lights of the vehicles near the front row could already see the zombies running wildly. Every survivor would feel fear when seeing the zombies coming in groups.

Only when you step on the accelerator and crush hard can you relieve the fear brought by the zombies.

"Go, pay attention to the flank attack, and give priority to protecting yourself in special situations!"

Antoine sat in the front passenger seat of a jeep. Medical soldier Jones and the sniper were also in the car. The two of them were holding long boxes in their hands. When the boxes were opened, the neatly arranged micro missiles inside would be revealed. These were the key to breaking through the blockade of the zombies.

The convoy started, and the speed of the jeep was slowly increasing.

The 200-meter distance from the zombies disappeared almost instantly in the two-way rush. There were only more than 50 meters between the front jeep and the zombies.

The medical soldier and the sniper leaned out of the window and opened the boxes in their hands.

The neatly arranged micro missiles operated as they thought. The micro missiles exploded in the middle of the zombies right in front of the jeep. The superimposed impact of the explosion of the two micro missiles blew away the zombies that had not been mutated, and cleared a path that could barely allow a car to pass quickly.

It's just that micro missiles can deal with ordinary parasitic zombies, but it's difficult to deal with mutants among zombies.

A tall mutant looked at his legs, which were much thinner than his mutated arms, and howled as he crashed into the oncoming jeep.

Antoine got out of the skylight above the co-pilot seat and threw a small ball at the tall zombie that was charging towards him.

The small ball exploded on the tall zombie's chest, and the more conspicuous white spider web in the darkness flew all over the ground like blooming snowflakes.

Wrapped in this strong spider silk that could hold the train, the tall zombie's movements were completely restricted. He fell to the ground, struggling and twisting, and making that ugly howl.

"Ah! Howl..."

Da Da Da!

The jeep left a string of bullets as it passed by the tall man.

In order to test whether this invulnerable tall man could withstand the attack of full-power bullets, Antoine deliberately replaced the magazine with a magazine full of powder bullets.

Facts have proved that flesh and blood are still fragile in front of full-power bullets. More than a dozen bullets penetrated the tall man's head and made multiple blood holes in his upper body.

Although Antoine saw the scene of the tall zombie being pierced by bullets, he did not see the scene of the tall zombie stopping struggling.

The sound of gunfire was particularly harsh in the dark night. The zombies had clear goals and were not rigid. After a hole was broken in the encirclement, they began to move towards the gap.

In order to completely pass through the zombies, the survivors with weapons were basically concentrated in the middle of the convoy, and they were given the order to fire with all their strength.

Like a hedgehog that pricked people, the front half of the convoy successfully passed the blockade.

In the second half, special mutants hidden in the corpse group began to gradually appear, among which the special mutants with four arms were the most common.

Every time they pounced, the sniper in front of the convoy and Payton in the back of the convoy had to shoot and intercept them to avoid collisions that would cause some drivers to panic and cause the controlled cars to lose balance and move sideways.

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