Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 201: Outbreak

There were not many tall mutant zombies in the group of corpses. There was only the one in the front in the direction of their breakout. After being blocked by the spider web, it became a beast at the mercy of others, lying on the ground helpless and furious. ♦♦  ඏ☆

In the dark night, a ball of inconspicuous mucus rose from the group of corpses, streaked through the air, and finally hit the front part of the third-to-last car.

Pale smoke rose from the front of the car, and the hood of the car was corroded by the sudden mucus and smoked. The nervous driver was frightened by the sudden mucus and almost didn't hold the steering wheel tightly.

The car also swayed several times, but in the end, the strong desire to survive prevailed and calmed the driver down.

This ball of corrosive mucus that suddenly appeared was also discovered by Payton. Professional training prevented him from standing there in surprise, but pointed the muzzle of the gun towards the direction of the group of corpses, trying to find the culprit who made this mucus.

Special mutant zombies are very easy to find and very conspicuous.

The zombies in the horde were all charging towards the convoy, except for the zombies with four arms who stayed where they were, and it was difficult for them not to be discovered.

Payton and the sniper fired almost at the same time, and the bullets penetrated the heads of the guys who were conspicuous in the horde before they could prepare the next acid ball.

After getting rid of these weird mutant zombies, the horde successfully passed through the blockade of the horde and came to a flat road.

Lee, who was staying in the Happy Pickup, had already replaced the third drum and was firing the last round of shots at the parasitic zombies running wildly.

When the bullets in the drum were used up, when they looked at the horde again, they had returned to the darkness.

The nervous hearts of all the people in the horde were not relaxed yet, because because of this attack, the survivors who wanted to rest had to continue to travel at night, and the constantly retreating scenery kept telling them that they were getting away from danger.

The silent march was heading to the northwest of the Electric Eel Country, which was a piece of frozen land that was not very pleasing to the eye. The bad weather and the harsh environment made the Electric Eel Country not develop there at all.

The shelter of the Umbrella Company was built in a nice forest at the intersection of the Northwest Territories and Alberta.

They were about to enter that area now...

As the second largest country in the world, the population of the Electric Eel Country was only 30 million, and most of the population was concentrated in the surrounding cities connected to the border with the United States in the south.

On the one hand, the Far North was not suitable for human survival, and the other reason was the dependence on the United States.

The no-man's land in the mountains and forests was simply the best choice for building a base. In this chaotic world, only places far away from human habitation could have more time to build shelters.

The chaos in the city and the gathered zombies were like termites filling a house. If you want to clean it up, the house must be demolished to eliminate all the termites and eliminate the hidden dangers. It would be better to find a good place to rebuild a house.

The convoy kept moving away from the crowded area, and finally entered the path in the forest, and saw the temporary outpost built by the Umbrella Company.

All survivors will undergo a physical examination here, and after confirming that they are not infected with parasites, they can enter the shelter after disinfection.

Dozens of survivors were saved, even if there were more accidents than planned, the actual combat training points represented by these people were evenly distributed to the team.

Transporting survivors back and forth is a task that every rescue team needs to do.

They can't just take a rest or announce the end of the mission after saving a group of people. Instead, after returning to the rendezvous point, they need to drive into the disaster area again to save more people.

It's just that before setting off, the command issued a new task to their team and equipped them with complete equipment...

Six hours before the actual combat training, Duncan brought a large group of veteran virology experts from the Umbrella Company to this world. They are all veteran scientists of the Umbrella Company. They have been engaged in biological weapons research and development and vaccine research and development for many years. They have great confidence in zombies, which are non-human lives that can survive for a long time after the body is damaged.

Before exploring the zombie world, they proudly completed the fusion experiment of the t virus and the virus samples collected from Pandora, and produced a special virus that is more violent, but also more controllable, and completely green and pollution-free.

The risk of infection of this virus is very low. Only when the atomized virus solution is inhaled by life will it become a zombie, and these zombies do not have the ability to spread infection. The biochemical weapons made with this virus solution can be deployed on a large scale in the battlefield, instantly cleaning up a large area of ​​living things around.

The zombies generated by this virus will die within a week, and the corpses after death will grow a kind of algae on Pandora under the action of the virus.

This algae has a very strong air purification ability. The green algae growing on a human corpse undergoes photosynthesis for one minute, and the efficiency of absorbing carbon dioxide to produce oxygen is equivalent to the work of common trees in a whole day.

This virus can not only kill people, but also improve the environment. It is definitely the first choice of environmentalists.

Aren’t those environmentalists calling for environmental protection and emission reduction every day?

Let them breathe in some viruses, so that they can devote their lives to Mother Earth, reduce carbon dioxide, and have one less person eating the world!

These veteran scientists all think that this is the best biological weapon and deserves the company's internal scientific progress award.

Their ideas were good, but Duncan disagreed, and took these old lunatics who were dissatisfied to the zombie world, so that they could continue their research here. Ye Yan

Among the legacies left by Isaac, the most valuable were the scientists who devoted themselves to research.

However, some scientists fell into obsession during the long-term research on biological weapons, and they simply could not integrate into the new Umbrella Corporation and contribute their own strength to the great rejuvenation of mankind.

Duncan could only give them enough experimental space and let them toss around there, and the results they got had to be returned to the company.

And under the influence of the new world, try to reverse the ideas of these people.

There are results, and some scientists who are not deeply obsessed with the devil have returned to the big family of the harmonious society.

Only a few obsessive people have integrated into the new world, but not completely. They enjoy the convenience and all the benefits of Umbrella technology, but they still insist on researching biological weapons.

Duncan has not been able to change their ideas for several years, and they have even made a lot of strange things.

Their clones are already being cultivated, and the original bodies are still considering how to deal with them.

Duncan himself is not opposed to developing biological weapons under safe conditions, after all, they may be used in the future, but these people have made more and more demands, and they are getting more and more excessive. They even want to conduct live experiments on a small town.

This idea is of course to be rejected, and such an application also makes Duncan think of executing these dangerous elements and letting clones replace their original positions.

But now that the zombie world has appeared, it is okay to let them play their residual heat for the last time.

The last project of this group of gray-haired old scientists is to thoroughly study several viruses in this world and finally make vaccines and antidotes.

The most important thing about biological weapons is not the launch button, but controllability and stability. Developing vaccines before developing viruses is the basic process of researching weapons.

After the temporary laboratory was built, the scientific madmen applied to obtain zombie samples for research, and also confirmed the black light virus with virus samples.

Almost all samples of zombie viruses in this world are in the United States. If you want to obtain a large number of samples, you have to go to the United States.

Payton's team just returned to the outpost when those science-crazed people made the request, so this less important and urgent task was naturally assigned to their team.

A Quinjet set off, taking Payton's team and five other veterans of the special operations forces to Staten Island to obtain zombie samples.

Several boxes that can hold individuals have been prepared in the plane, which is enough to hold several zombies.

The plane flew smoothly and quickly towards the United States, but was forced to return when it approached the border.

Several high-yield nuclear bombs blew Staten Island, a hotbed of viruses, into a large mass of potholes, causing the task of finding virus samples to be suspended.

Because the use of nuclear bombs indicates that the United States has become a real high-risk area, it is too dangerous to go in and collect virus samples now. There is no need to take risks to do this low-priority task.


The team returned to the Electric Eel Country. When they were flying in the sky, they received a new order to go to a small city in the Electric Eel Country. There were 60,000 refugees and 6,000 soldiers in that small city.

According to the news obtained by the teams scattered across the Electric Eel Country, the Electric Eel Country has now truly entered a state of chaos. The army has no commander, the decision-makers have disappeared, the refugees cannot find the organization, and the soldiers cannot find the target.

In order to prevent more people from dying from parasites, they need to take over the last organized shelter and gradually transfer them to the shelter built by the Umbrella Corporation.

The harm of parasites is full of weirdness. This terrible insect has evolved into multiple special variants within ten days and launched multiple large-scale attacks on humans.

A special combat force of 3,000 people, each of whom is bringing a lot of information to the command center in the mountains.

The Payton team is not the first team to be surrounded and attacked by parasitic zombies. The parasitic zombies seem to be premeditated and are hunting humans in the Electric Eel Country.

There are more than eight special variants among the zombies, and some of them have the ability to cause great damage to soldiers.

There are not many people left after 30 million people died in the Electric Eel Country. There are parasites in all the water sources in the country, parasites in raw meat, and all the water sources except bottled water are full of parasites. There are not many places in this country where ordinary people can survive.

The team without a commander needs to be saved, and the few survivors also need to be saved.

Seeing hope in despair is fatal, and this hope will plant the seeds of fanaticism in everyone.

The nearby teams are rushing to the small city, and Captain Garden has organized a thousand special warfare soldiers with a large amount of supplies to pick up the people in the small city to the shelter.

The Payton team on the plane arrived in the city faster than other teams, and the bottom camera of the Quinjet projected the city scene in front of Payton.

The area of ​​the small city is not large, and the size is at most the size of a small town.

A large number of survivors crowded outdoors. They lit a bonfire to keep warm in the dark night, staying together in groups. The flickering bonfire rekindled the city, but it was not as warm as before.

There are still many soldiers among the survivors. They have tanks, guns, cars and planes, but they have no hope.

They stopped in this small city on the edge of the gathering center of the Electric Eel Country, waiting for new orders, but they didn't know that no one would give them orders now.

Before landing, the pilot of the Quinjet sent a radio request to the ground to stop. Necessary greetings can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The soldiers on the ground asked them to show their identities. They still said the United, anyway, they couldn't confirm it.

The United Headquarters in New York has become a nest of the Blacklight Virus, and the information inside must have been destroyed.

The army on the ground quickly gave a reply to allow landing, and asked several soldiers to separate a small space and drop flares.

Not long after, the Quinjet, which seemed to be full of science fiction to the people in this world, landed vertically on the ground.

The hatch opened, and Payton stood in the prescribed position, watching the captain of the old team of the special operations force communicate with the current highest commander of this small city.

The content of the communication was not something he could access now. He only knew that after the communication, the soldiers in the small city began to strengthen the defense line.

The people here may have to wait for planes to take them away one after another, but think about it, if they rely on cars and walking to move, the team will be very long, and there are basically zombies wherever there is a road. This is no better than staying where they are and waiting for planes to transport them.

As a neighboring country of the United States, the Electric Eel Country has basically zero demand for national defense, just like the Khan Country.

Their army has only 190,000 people, more than 100 tanks, more than 2,000 armored transport vehicles, and the number of large-caliber artillery is basically maintained at a level that barely breaks through three digits.

The navy has more than 9,000 people, two fleets, a marine aviation brigade, and only 20 surface combat ships in total.

The air force has 460,000 people, and there are more than 200 combat aircraft plus reserves...

But such a military force has to take care of 30 million people. After spreading it out, it is a mess, taking care of the beginning and not the end. The rescue plan and defense plan can't be carried out at all after the ammunition is used up and the transportation line is cut off.

The reserve weapons and ammunition have been used up in the ten-day parasite crisis.

Without ammunition, a fighter plane is just a flying toy. Without ammunition, a warship is only better than a cargo ship.

Now the 8,000 soldiers in this small town have very little ammunition left without replenishment. The remaining dozen tanks can only be used as road rollers.

With ammunition running out and the lack of contact with the headquarters, the soldiers here look numb as if they were dead.

The survivors are not angry at all. They huddle together for warmth, more like shaking corpses.

Walking into the place where the refugees gather, you can hear the crying of many children and men and women. They may be sad for their relatives who died in the disaster, or they may collapse because they can't see the hope of the future.

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