Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 202: Zombie Rising

The refugees were in a very worrying state. The food and drink for the 60,000 people in the camp were in short supply. Many people sat on the ground, holding their stomachs and motionless.

Payton was curious why they didn't hide in the house, and then he was told that there was no heating in the house and no fire, so they could only stay on the street.

And there were corpses in many houses in this small city. They were reluctant to contact the corpses for fear of being infected.

There were also many simple distiller in the camp to filter the seemingly clean water.

Many people waited beside the distiller, and drank a sip of water to fill their stomachs when there was no food.

Most of the water would be given priority to the soldiers in charge of fighting, because they needed more water.

The people in the camp were all organizations that had been struggling for ten days to find. Of course, they were not stupid. They would live longer by giving priority to the limited resources to those who were responsible for protecting them.

When Payton approached the distiller, an old man wrapped in thick clothes enthusiastically filled him with a glass of water that he had just waited for and wanted to hand it to him.

Although he was thirsty after not drinking water for such a long time, he still had drinkable nutrient solution in his water bottle, so he declined the water handed over by the old man.

Looking at the miserable situation of the people here, Payton had a clearer understanding of the sense of responsibility on his shoulders.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

The soldiers in the camp had arranged for the reinforcement of the defense line. At this time, an officer stepped on the jeep and came to the center of the crowd, leading the soldiers to count the number of people.

"There will be a plane to take people away in 30 minutes. People under the age of 15 will be given priority, and parents can accompany those under the age of 6!"

The officer in green camouflage uniform held a loud speaker and loudly explained the evacuation arrangements to a group of survivors who looked at him.

"People between the ages of 15 and 25 will be evacuated in the second batch, and those aged 25-40 will be the third batch! Those who lie about their age will be executed, this is not a joke!"

Such an arrangement made some people complain, but more people expressed understanding.

Especially the few elderly people who survived the ten-day crisis, they understood the intention of such an arrangement better.

The world has become like this, so it is better to let younger people survive so that there will be a future.

There was still a lot of noise in the camp. The half-grown children and their parents slowly walked out of the crowd and gathered in the open space in the center of the square.

At this time, white light had appeared in the distance of the sky. The late morning light dispelled the darkness and made the camp more and more lively. The noisy scene seemed to turn this place into a market.

Six Quinjet fighters lined up in a row flew over the sky. When they approached the sky above the city, they dispersed and moved towards the surrounding areas of the city.

Payton looked up with the survivors below. After the mushroom cloud representing the explosion appeared on the edge of the city, the captain Antoine's communication came from his helmet.

"Assemble at the marked location and prepare for battle!"

After a night of running around, the largest zombie tide gathered in the territory of the Electric Eel Country has approached this small city, trying to destroy the last large-scale gathering place.



When Payton arrived at the marked location on the helmet, the last few artillery pieces of the Electric Eel Army also fired at the command.

Sparse shells streaked across the top of the building and finally landed in the zombie group 33 kilometers away, blowing some of the zombies running wildly into pieces of meat.

Antoine saw that all members of the team except the medical soldier Jones had gathered, and immediately pointed to the direction of the artillery attack and said: "The zombie encirclement is too scattered. There will be many zombies that have not been killed by the explosion that break through the blockade. We have to stop them outside the first line of defense."

Zombies are not like living people. Bomb fragments sometimes cannot kill zombies. After some distance, the shock wave may not cause much damage to them.

The number of zombies that surrounded the entire small city started at one million. Their moving speeds were fast and slow, and they could not gather together.

After the Quinjet had thrown away the ammunition it carried, it would return to take the refugees to the shelter, and then fly back after a round of supplies.

There are five batches of Quinjets taking turns. There may be zombies breaking through the blockade during the bombing, and they will be needed to resist them.

In one night, half of the 3,000 recruits of the special operations force were stopped outside the zombie group and were fighting zombies. The remaining half successfully arrived here by car and were staying behind the defense line with the military soldiers of the Electric Eel Country.

Payton was no exception. He also stayed behind the defense line, holding his gun tightly, looking at the place where the fire was burning and waiting for the approach of the parasitic zombies.

The figures of the refugees left a deep impression on him, which was even more miserable than the world secretly controlled by the demons in the killer world.

There was no moment when Payton firmly believed that he was fighting for mankind as he did today. One of his guides, Brother Kevin, once taught him by words and deeds.

'The Umbrella Company fights for mankind. It has changed the originally corrupt world at a speed visible to the naked eye, solved the survival problems of countless people, and resolutely eliminated all unjust wars. ’

‘Mr. Duncan could have lived a wealthy life with billions of wealth, but he did not associate with those vampires. Instead, he frequently went to the front line to promote the progress of human civilization. He is the greatest person I have ever seen...’

‘What we are fighting for is not politics, not money, but a common understanding that all human beings should accept, fighting for the future of mankind and for the glory of mankind! ’

Looking at the flames rising from the explosion in the distance, Payton was lost in thought, thinking of the soul-piercing emotions hidden in Kevin's eyes with longing and enthusiasm.

At this moment, he understood the meaning of that expression and felt Kevin's psychological state most intuitively.

It was the look of struggling in the gray world and suddenly seeing the dawn, bright and sincere, with an indomitable momentum.

This belief is preserved in the red and white umbrella-shaped badge, all of which radiate the most shining light from the depths of human thought, transcending death and pain.

At this moment, Payton understood a lot, and the trace of the second-year soul in his heart became restrained. He had a deeper understanding of what he did, and his heart became more determined.

Looking at the end of the field of vision, Payton clenched his gun, and the tension hidden in his chest disappeared completely. Even if he was going to die in the next moment, he could face it with relief and raise his middle finger to death itself.

The eight Quinjet fighters that completed the bombing returned to the sky above the city, landed smoothly in the square where the refugees gathered, and began to take the first batch of refugees to evacuate on board the plane.

Shortly after the eight fighters left with full people, the second batch of Quinjet fighters also arrived over the city. They still first dropped all the air-dropped bombs in the cabin into the corpse tide, and then took the refugees to the shelter.

The plane flew back and forth twice, and the corpse tide was bombed to pieces. If someone approached the area filled with gunpowder smoke, they could see a large number of zombies with a faint red glow on their bodies, like demons in hell, stepping on the remains of their companions and crawling out of the pungent gunpowder smoke.

Planes went round after round, and the scattered zombies that were lucky enough not to die in the bombing would be ignored. They might have many scars on their bodies, or broken hands and feet, but they still crawled towards the city like a thorn in the flesh, trying to bite off the last bite of human flesh.

"They are coming!"

The scout reported the distance of the zombies he had seen to the colonel, who was currently the highest-ranking officer in the camp. The colonel's order was passed to each team through the messenger.

The soldiers shouted one after another, reminding them to be vigilant against the attacks of mutant zombies.

They had fought with zombies for ten days, and they knew best how exaggerated the combat power of mutants among zombies was.

Most of the special mutant zombies that could survive the bombing of planes were definitely terrible monsters that could withstand bullet damage without dying!

Everyone was very nervous, and this emotion also affected Payton.

His defense line was on the east side of the city, and the defense position was on a two-lane road on the edge of the city. With him were other members of the team and a squad of electric eel soldiers.

The weapons and ammunition they have are very limited. There is not even any heavy weapon support here. There is only a tank with no ammunition that can be used as a road roller.

Payton was puzzled by the soldiers' nervousness. At present, the mutant zombies he encountered can basically be dealt with by ordinary firearms.

The soldiers of the Electric Eel Country who have tanks are still nervous, which makes people wonder,

... Maybe it's because of the lack of ammunition, or maybe it's for other reasons.

In any case, Payton believes that such a war will end with the help of the Umbrella Company. This world does not need so much suffering!

"Here! Fire!"

When the squad leader of the soldier team saw those sporadic zombies appearing within a hundred meters, he immediately shouted impatiently to fire.

He was the first to pull the trigger and started firing with the m17 assault rifle in his hand.

The shortage of ammunition made them extremely cautious every time they pulled the trigger. The interval between each gunshot was very long, but because there were so many people shooting, the sound gradually became one.

As the team members opened fire, Payton also began to assist in shooting at the captain's signal to eliminate the zombies that appeared in front of the field of vision.

The zombies that survived the death bombing zone all looked very strange, and the proportion of tall mutants was far greater than the number of ordinary zombies.

Within five minutes after the shooting began, Payton saw six tall mutant zombies. The bullets hit their heads accurately after a distance of 100 meters, but did not achieve the expected killing effect.

Later they discovered that the weakness of the tall zombies was not in the head, but in the shoulder of that thick arm. There was a cyst that emitted a faint red light. If it was penetrated, the tall zombie's arm would be easily broken, and finally fell to the ground, and the body was abandoned by the parasites.

In addition to the tall ones, new mutants appeared. The mutants looked like muscular fat men without heads. Their arms were as thick as their thighs. The position where the head should be was replaced by high bulging muscles. Their legs were as thick as an elephant. They were about two and a half meters tall, but they did not run as fast as their bodies. On the contrary, they moved very fast!

"That's a fat man! Kill them!"

The squad leader of the soldier team saw those flexible fat parasitic zombies, as if he had seen something terrible. He pointed at the zombies that were still small in his field of vision, turned around and yelled at the members of the special operations team.

This abnormal behavior was surprising, but the special operations team members did not refuse the suggestion to kill the zombies.

Li turned the accessories of the machine gun, held the machine gun steadily with his hand, and fired several rounds of small bursts at the fat zombies running in the distance.

More than 30 bullets hit the fat zombie's body in succession. The fat zombie staggered several steps, and a rapidly flashing red light appeared on his abdomen. Finally, his body expanded rapidly and exploded into pieces of meat and white mucus.

Seeing the fat zombie explode, the nervous squad leader finally felt relieved.

He was relieved, but the special operations team was frightened by the zombies that could explode. They kept thinking in their heads, why can this parasite turn people into explosive biological bombs?

These parasites are still parasites, not biological weapons?

Before they could think more, a more special zombie rushed out of the smoke.

It lay on all fours, with randomly growing bones on its body. It looked like it was made of bones. Its body was full of deformed and twisted dark red muscles. The heart was wrapped in rough flesh like tree roots, and the exposed part emitted a faint red light.

The magnifying function of the combat helmet allowed Payton to clearly see the monster running towards him.

It will run with all four limbs touching the bottom, and move very quickly. Judging from the dust it stirs up when running, this zombie must be heavy, and its muscle density and bone toughness may exceed the imagination of ordinary people.

Because Payton saw a fragment stuck on the monster's shoulder...

Faced with such an oppressive mutant, he did not dare to be careless at all. He changed the ammunition to full-power bullets and fired the bullets in the magazine at the special mutant that was running straight at him.

The sharp bullets rotated and cut through the air, crossing a short distance of 100 meters, and accurately hit the head and heart of the mutant zombie, but only saw sparks splashing from his body!

Bullets are ineffective against them!

Not only him, but the remaining few members of the special operations team also discovered this. They still fired many more bullets, but these bullets were all blocked by the special mutant zombie's solid epidermis, which was not sure whether it could still be called skin.

Even though the sniper shot the monster's eyes with a precision marksman rifle, it still didn't close the damn yellow-glowing eyes, nor could it fall in the charge. They could only watch the weird mutant rushing to within 50 meters of them!

The soldiers of the Electric Eel Nation seemed to have anticipated this situation long ago, and the tanks parked in the middle of the road began to move.

The squad leader also ran to Payton, pointing at the approaching mutant and shouting: "Keep using bullets to attract its attention and shoot its eyes! We can only crush it with tanks!"

The veteran's eyes contained fear and hope. He knew that kind of monster, and he must have seen that kind of monster, perhaps when the monster killed his comrades like a wolf entering a sheepfold.

Payton was stunned, watching the veteran's eyes overflow with tears, with a desire for life, like an ordinary person, trembling and continuing to run back to the shooting point, pouring the few remaining bullets at the monster.

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