Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 204: Evacuation Completed

Repeated bombings by fighter planes have caused the number of zombies to decrease sharply, while the number of zombies approaching the city is gradually increasing.

No matter how they cover, there will always be some lucky ones who can avoid the killing of shrapnel and high temperature, or survive the bombardment of artillery shells and arrive at the shooting range of the city defenders.

The rapid increase of mutant zombies forced the front line to shrink further.

The Quinjet fighters flying back and forth also dropped a lot of light weapons and ammunition to the ground, as well as some spider silk grenades.

Spider silk grenades play a huge role in blocking roads and intercepting zombies. Spider silk has a strong adhesion ability. At present, only one special mutant zombie can forcibly break free, which is the special mutant zombie killed by Payton in close combat and officially named the Destroyer by the military experts of the Umbrella Company.

As the rescue operation was gradually advancing, the military experts sitting next to the holographic sand table gradually discovered that the zombies' attacks were not without rules, and even their steps of movement seemed to be carefully designed.

In the overhead view of satellites and large drones, some of the zombies are even moving in the direction of the Quinjet.

After repeatedly observing the changes in the zombie tide for several hours, military experts have confirmed that the parasitic zombies have a commander.

But they don't know who the commander will be.

The reason why it took so long to come to such a conclusion is that the facts are too shocking. These parasitic zombies are just a combination of a group of parasites and human bodies, and the demon worms living in the human body are just a very simple structure, so simple that biologists didn't spend much time to know the structure of the demon worms and how to produce parasitic zombies.

Because Umbrella Corporation also has a self-developed parasite, (Nemesis Alpha) Nemesis Alpha.

After this parasite is injected with the spine of the t-virus infected body, it can assist the computer chip to control the infected body.

Isaac also made a controllable biological weapon called the Chaser with this parasite developed by the European branch. \u003c

It's just that this pursuer's performance was really poor, and he was easily killed by the krypton gold tycoon and the super soldier.

Several European branch scientists with experience in parasite research and development also participated in this exploration of the other world. They led the research on parasites. While expressing doubts about this ridiculously large parasite, they devoted themselves to the research and soon came to a superficial conclusion.

The devil worm has an integration ability similar to that of retroviruses. The eggs laid by the devil worm will flow through the human body through the blood, and the genetic information will be synthesized into double-stranded DNA by reverse transcriptase, and integrated into the host's DNA, completing an almost irreversible infection.

The infected host itself will change dramatically, the original body function will be completely changed, and new skin cells cannot be produced. The epidermis will slowly rot and the eye lens will fall off. If you want to restore it to the appearance of a normal organism, you can only hope for the devil worm's own will.

Scientists believe that the life form of parasites is very strange and cannot grow according to the growth environment of their Earth. Even if it is on other planets, with the Avatar world as a reference, they think it is unlikely that parasites like demon worms will grow naturally.

Let's make a bolder judgment. Since the demon worms appeared from meteorites, the demon worms are a man-made biological weapon, and the illusion that they are used to destroy the ecosystem on a living planet is very likely to be true.

At present, the parasitic zombies created by the demon worms are indeed trying to destroy the ecosystem on Earth.

After the evacuation lasted for three hours, the second aerospace mothership sent to the zombie world finally unloaded all the supplies and was rushing to the "isolated island in the sea" city.

The cheap missiles produced by the Umbrella Corporation were fired from the side guns of the aerospace mothership. These old missiles that were not made of superconducting ore were dug out by Duncan from the warehouse and continued to be used.

A round of 68 medium-range missiles were ejected by electromagnetic catapults, traveling hundreds of kilometers at a very high speed, and arrived above the zombies that were besieging the city.

The violent explosion turned over the soil that had been swept by the aerial bombs again, and continuous mushroom clouds rushed straight into the sky, gradually dyeing the sky into ink.

When 30 Quinjets arrived over the city from the horizon, the survivors who had been frightened for more than ten days finally cried with joy.

Because this was the last batch of refugees to be evacuated, more than 60,000 people were nearly 70,000 people, and only the soldiers defending the city had not yet evacuated.

The soldiers were excited about the number of fighters. They were afraid like ordinary people, and they all wanted a safe and stable environment. Timely evacuation also gave them a breath.

30 Quinjets landed in the camp in two batches, sending away the long-awaited last batch of survivors.

The 8,000 soldiers and more than 1,500 special forces soldiers who were blocking the perimeter also retreated to the square. The shrinking defense line allowed them to fight without worrying about the consumption of ammunition.

The original tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in the army were all abandoned. Soon after, they waited for the returning Quinjet.

The tired soldiers of the Electric Eel Country were the first to board the fighter plane, and the first batch of evacuation had 1,000 people.

Unlike the refugees, this group of soldiers was transported directly by the fighter plane to the aerospace carrier slowly heading towards the city.

When the soldiers landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier flying in the sky, they were very confused. Then an officer in the fleet came out and contacted the junior officers who could take care of things. Finally, they led everyone into the vacant hangar and let them rest here temporarily.

The water in the whole country of Electric Eel is polluted. Many parasites attach to small animals and enter various places that ordinary people cannot enter. The safe house of a certain department is full of demon worms.

It is difficult for leaders who escape to other regions to return to Electric Eel, so this place has become a real no-man's land.

Since no one cares, Duncan will take care of it.

His favorite thing to do is to take care of things that others don't care about, and those things that no one wants to take care of!

Eight thousand soldiers who no longer belong to can join the Umbrella Company and continue to fight for the future of mankind.

Each Quinjet fighter that goes back and forth can take away 40 people with a little squeeze.

The speed of the fighter planes and the aerospace carrier was very fast. The 8,000 soldiers were quickly transferred. Colonel Holmes, who boarded the aerospace carrier, had a friendly contact with Colonel Saxon, the current highest commander of the Electric Eel Army.

The last group of soldiers who stayed on the deck were lucky enough to see the first actual combat scene of the aerospace carrier's new electromagnetic rapid-fire gun.

The muzzle composed of three electromagnetic coils extended from the bottom of the aerospace carrier. The four electromagnetic guns that had just completed the test were also installed under the No. 9 mothership after urgent work.

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