Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 205: Source of Life

Umbrella Interstellar Group Chapter 205: Source of Life The electromagnetic cannon, which looks like a three-barreled rotary machine gun, is aimed at the edge of the distant city. After a short period of charging, the three barrels of the four electromagnetic cannons, at an ultra-high speed of one shell per barrel every 3 seconds, fired conventional shells at the zombies outside the city. →

Equivalent to four electromagnetic cannons, one shell per second, four guns firing at the same time, four shells per second, these shells are fired at a very fast speed, comparable to rocket launchers that can quickly hit targets, but the price is greatly reduced.

Any cannon can be understood as an enlarged and thickened gun. The electromagnetic cannon is compared with modern artillery, just like a rapid-fire rifle versus a flintlock. The two are not on the same level at all. The electromagnetic cannon technology completely crushes modern artillery.

Continuous firing will not cause any hidden dangers for the electromagnetic cannon using room-temperature superconductor materials. The continuous bombardment will kill the zombies around the city in large numbers.

The Quinjet finally took more than 1,500 new recruits from the special operations force back to the deck of the aerospace mothership, and then they left leisurely. What awaited the gathered corpses would be a more intensive and more powerful long-range weapon bombing. _o_m

The electric eels cost less, so there were not so many weapons to bomb, but the Umbrella Corporation was so poor that it only had weapons left. If they randomly sent a batch of aid weapons from the military factory to Marvel, they could blow up all the cities in the electric eel country.

After physical examinations and full-body disinfection, the 60,000 refugees arrived at their new residence, a construction site that was still under construction...

Seeing the construction site without even a decent iron house, the survivors were not unhappy, but instead smiled at the engineering mechas walking around.

The engineers of the Umbrella Corporation were part-time administrators. They brought the tomato and egg soup that had been cooked long ago to the hungry survivors, and then gave each of them a custom work suit and a sleeping bag from the Umbrella Corporation. Later, the logistics department would take out the tents and let the well-fed survivors build them themselves.

The survivors were drinking hot tomato soup, humming comfortably, and breathing out hot air around the campfire, all with sleepy expressions.

Even though the surrounding engineering mechas were still cutting wood in a dense and rumbling sound, they could not resist the fatigue brought by many days of escape.

Moreover, this lively sound was a kind of melody that could make people fall asleep peacefully for the survivors who had been exhausted for ten days.

The survivors spent a wonderful night. There were even doctors in the camp who could provide very professional treatment and even surgery for some people who were accidentally injured.

Compared with the environment they lived in before the ten days, this place was simply a paradise.

It was this contrast that made the people here not resist labor, and even very willing to work.

The next day, the survivors peeled bark, knocked stones, and moved bricks to build walls under the arrangement of the engineers. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

Every survivor who can survive the ten days of the apocalypse is either strong and physically fit, or a lucky person with survival skills.

The total number of people who can work is as high as 40,000. Even if they don't have the right tools, they can still quickly expand the camp with a slap.

The professional control of the system and computer ensures that everyone in the camp will not be idle. Even children and the elderly have to do some work within their ability.

In just two days, the camp has paved a large piece of land under the labor of 24-hour engineering mechas, and dug the foundation of the wall. Once the concrete and steel bars arrive, the two-meter-wide, 15-meter-high, and 67-kilometer-long wall can start construction.

I hope the furnace can convert sand and gravel into pig iron, and then use the integrated machine to process it into high-quality steel.

Now Duncan has stopped transporting supplies from the Resident Evil world to this world, and instead asked the special operations soldiers who were trained in the Electric Eel Country to collect them. When a batch is gathered, they will call the Quinjet to transport the food back to the camp.

The Quinjet, which has clean and hygienic energy, and the Umbrella Corporation, which has no shortage of energy, have led to the waste of using combat transport aircraft to transport food, and now the Quinjet has to be used to transport cement.

What is Duncan doing now?

He is now observing the experiment of the source of life virus, and he must press the hydrogen bomb launch button as soon as the experiment gets out of control.


At this time, the No. 9 aerospace carrier is located in a small city near the inland of the Electric Eel Country. This city is on the moving direction of the zombie tide, and a considerable number of zombies have gathered at this time.

The strange virus that the crazy scientists created to turn organisms into nutrients for algae growth was aptly called "the source of life" by them, and was also replaced by the initials, called L virus.

At this time, the turquoise gas had spread within the city.

All life on Earth needs to breathe. After research, it was found that the demon worms also need to breathe. The parasitic zombies transformed by the demon worms still have a respiratory system, and the immune system of the parasitic zombies has been rotten after being transformed by the demon worms, making them suitable as experimental subjects for the virus.

The green poisonous fog quickly spread to the streets and alleys of the city under the push of the giant organ's pumping device. The mass of the poisonous fog is greater than that of the air, so there is no need to worry about the poisonous fog rising and being blown to other places by the wind.

Only when a sufficient amount of L virus is inhaled will it cause serious damage to the immune system and cause infection. The poisonous fog is a concentrated liquid. If you stay in an environment full of poisonous fog and take a few sips, even gods will find it difficult to save you.

The aerospace mothership is more than 100 kilometers away from the city with poisonous fog. Through remote observation by drones, Duncan saw the scene of parasitic zombies falling down in batches like robots that were suddenly unplugged. While lamenting the power of the source of life virus, he also became more determined to execute those scientists.

They are geniuses, but they are also crazy.

It is not surprising that crazy people do anything. No one, not even machines, can keep a flexible mind forever.

Now Umbrella Corporation is no longer short of such talents. There are many guys who are more talented than them.

Thirty minutes later, the green poisonous fog stopped spreading and stayed on the surface of the city for a long time, and there was a tendency to rise after dilution. @Essence\\/ Book Pavilion· No Error First Release~~

As a very delicate artificial virus, the Source of Life virus is only suitable for survival in a laboratory culture dish. After entering the nature, if there is no infected body, it will die within 6 hours.

Rising to the clouds and then turning into rain, the situation of infecting other lives has been taken into account, and there is no need to worry at all.

On the contrary, Duncan is more concerned about the status of the neighbors of the Electric Eel Country.

Satellites show that the United States is on the verge of collapse at this time. The joint invasion of several viruses has left the country with few survivors. Most of the survivors are concentrated in industrial cities and mountain forests. Small cities and towns with insufficient defense have basically fallen.

Only 13 of the 50 states still have resistance forces, among which New York State and several states near Washington have the strongest resistance.

Among these regional cities, New York is undoubtedly the most special one.

Now more than half of New York has become a paradise for infected bodies. The Marines and Black Watch have tried their best to suppress it, but the effect is not good. Instead, the infection itself has no signs of continuing to spread outward, as if it has stopped by itself.

The destruction of Staten Island is still fresh in our memory. It is only a matter of time before the more dangerous New York City is destroyed by a nuclear bomb, because the infection caused by the Blacklight virus is more deadly than ordinary zombies.

This special virus that has been artificially modified has elevated the virus itself to an incredible height. It can even attach to inorganic matter and split itself to form nutrients for cultivating pure viral life. It only needs the help of a small amount of organic matter.

That is why if this virus is allowed to spread around the world, there will be hundreds of millions of viral creatures in this world.

This alone is not enough to make humans, who are more brutal than viruses, so frightening. What makes people afraid is actually the terrifying creatures that this virus can create.

In New York today, there are a large number of special monsters, hunters, in the areas marked as red danger zones.

Their strength can lift cars weighing several tons, and they can fall from a height of more than 20 meters without any injury. They also have amazing jumping power and speed. Once they run and jump, ordinary missiles cannot hit them with their flexible body movements.

Several hunters together can even dismantle a tank.

These monsters are enough to make people afraid, and they are enough to make those people determined to destroy this place with nuclear bombs.


Unfortunately, this virus can turn ordinary people into super humans who can fly and hide!

Alex Mercer!

This scientist who was originally ordinary has become a walking piece of fat meat after ten days of commotion, watched by all the hungry wolves. The greedy hungry wolves want to eat him at any time in order to obtain similar abilities as him.

Gentek originally needed to be liquidated for leaking the Blacklight virus, but they had the deepest research on the Blacklight virus, and before the day of reckoning came, they successfully produced the first generation of super soldiers. Greed as the original sin defeated fear and anger.

Now Gentek still exists, and their research institutes have even increased a little. Black Watch has also become their bodyguard, just like a peasant turning over and pressing the landlord under him.

Duncan is also very interested in Gentek's super soldier technology, because all the test contents of those super soldiers were filmed, and after analysis, it was found that these enhanced soldiers were simply not human!

The maximum thrust is more than 40 tons. The ordinary punch can smash a 10-centimeter-thick steel plate into a discus. It can jump five or six meters high. A small combo can kill the hunters that were finally captured!

Is this t a person?

Even the G virus is not so outrageous...

Although the super soldier of Blackwatch in my memory picked up a stone pillar wider and taller than a person as soon as he appeared, it is still very difficult to accept this exaggerated change when the virtual reality comes to reality.

I thought that the game created such an absurdly strong super soldier for fun to suppress Alex.

I didn't expect that he was really that strong in reality. The video stunned a group of old scientists who had seen a lot of storms. First update @

By the way, the test video was shot from the spider robots secretly placed in several research institutes by the exploration team. The spider robots with full battery life brought them information about the super soldiers before shutting down.

It's a bit exaggerated, but the super soldiers of Gentech are still very attractive.

Among the reinforced soldiers of the Umbrella Company today, the most powerful one is a technological fitness athlete. He won the first military camp strength election championship by lifting an iron ball weighing more than 9 tons.

And he was weak and pitiful in front of the enhanced soldiers of the black light virus.

Now Duncan is thinking about how to use the research data of the black light virus and the strengthening technology of the super soldiers.

Stealing, robbing, plundering, all these things have occurred to me.

But that would not be in line with the current temperament of the Umbrella Company. Sure enough, a gentler approach is still needed, and "changing" is more appropriate.

There is also something to be said for how to change. He cannot just change with Gentek Company, but with Alex Mercer.

Alex Mercer has the ability to assimilate and obtain the target's memory, and it is natural to obtain the technical information of Gentek Company.

Let Alex Mercer assimilate all the scientists of Gentech Company, and then ask Alex Mercer to write these contents and give them to them.

If you want to fool people again, it would be best to trick Alex Mercer into the Umbrella Company's employee system.

Isn't such a combat scholar with an almost unlimited knowledge reserve, unlimited vitality, and superior strength a genetic biology expert who can form an army by one person?

As long as the little conflict between the exploration team and Alex Mercer is explained clearly, he shouldn't be angry...?

Duncan's style has always been to do whatever comes to his mind. After all, he is a fickle player who does whatever comes to his mind.

After confirming that the poisonous fog from the source of life had completely dissipated, Duncan put the space carrier into hiding and then began to take a long detour to New York.

Before that, he would first send a Quinjet fighter with two teams to have preliminary contact with Alex Mercer, and carefully judge whether the other party could communicate and reach a deal.

If both are confirmed, the transaction will be completed without meeting.

New York, top of the Empire State Building.

Alex Mercer overlooks the entire city, which is the city center and the red zone with the highest infection and risk levels.

There is a group of Black Watch in Times Square who are fighting fiercely against infected bodies. They have brought thermobaric tanks, the kind of artillery shells that create high temperature and high pressure in space, which are harmful to any infected body.

is a deadly weapon, and he is no exception.

Compared to ordinary infected bodies, he has more brains.

Black Watch went deep into the Red Zone not to die, but to force Lisa White Green, the mother body of the Black Light virus hidden in New York's underground system, out of the ground. Update without error@

Several vehicles containing hemotoxin are working on the manhole covers in Times Square, and Alex's task is only to escort Black Watch and Marines to the center of the city.

He has almost eliminated the hunters nearby, and the remaining ones are not enough to have much impact on the final outcome.

Now, he just needs to wait for Yin Elizabeth Green to emerge from under the city. .

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