Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 209: The future is a wasteland

Alex temporarily put aside his prejudice against the president of the Umbrella Company and asked to bring a few acquaintances with him to the shelter. ♦♦ ♦♦

Nuclear bombs will destroy all cities. Few people know the completion time and evacuation time of the doomsday bunker. Even a general he assimilated only knew that there was such a thing.

If no one is there to protect him, it is impossible for a wanted criminal in the United States like him to appear in the shelter with his proper appearance.

"No problem, as long as you don't go crazy and attack the residents of the shelter, I don't think anyone will reject you. But if you want to enter the shelter, you need to save at least 50 people and escort them to the shelter. You have to act harmless and prove to everyone that you still have humanity and will not be affected by messy thoughts."

Duncan asked Alex to hand in his admission ticket to prove that there was indeed no problem with his mental state. During this period, he would let the drone follow him from a distance and send several psychological assessment experts to keep an eye on him.

Alex's power is too dangerous for ordinary people or enhanced soldiers of special operations forces.

The human heart is the most unpredictable. A few days ago, a person in the shelter suddenly broke down and scratched his face with his nails, leaving dozens of bloody scratches. After attracting enough attention, he jumped off the cliff.

People who have been greatly stimulated will always show madness that is difficult for normal people to understand in some aspects, especially Alex who has received too much information that can make normal people crazy.

"I will." Alex promised to take at least 50 survivors to the shelter. This request is not excessive.

After these words, the conversation ended.

Duncan was also a little confused, and asked Alex, who was gliding in the sky away from the top of the building on the holographic screen: "Don't you want to know about the Black Light Project?"

"I already know."

"Oh, then I won't bother you. You can contact my employees with headphones at any time. If you encounter special circumstances, you can call for fighter support! If you can work for Umbrella Corporation."

After that, Duncan cut off the communication with Alex, let the New York aerospace carrier return to the shelter, and adjusted the construction focus of the shelter to the underground.

Every day, in addition to reviewing the construction situation, he would train close combat with Alice, and occasionally do some serious work, such as returning to the world of Resident Evil, commanding robots to carry some necessary supplies, and letting soldiers carry out a round of supplies.

Although this world is full of deadly viruses and threats, the resources on this planet still exist and will not change because of the death of human and natural life.

The current Umbrella Corporation is still very short of rare metal elements, and it is hoped that the furnace can only convert iron, copper and water. It may be very difficult to further improve the technology, because the birth of this technology is full of drama and coincidence. ඏ♦  ♦♦

After re-studying the theory, scientists found that the difficulty of improving this technology is beyond their current understanding.

It is very difficult to convert stones into new elements for at least five years.

During this period, it is still necessary to mine the minerals growing in the ground, and it is necessary to continue to increase investment in heavy industry.

Light industry can be handed over to other companies in other worlds, leaving a way out for those small companies, which is good for everyone.

With the help of tens of thousands of people and super engineering machinery, the shelter took only half a month to complete the prototype.

During this period, special operations soldiers brought back survivors from outside, and the number of survivors in the base gradually increased from 61,000 to 75,000.

After the half-wrapped hall embedded in the cliff of the shelter was formed, all the machines and workers were moved to the empty hall, so that the survivors no longer had to endure the cold wind blowing in from the gaps in the tent at night.

The deeper underground space is still being excavated. The shelter is expected to build the first area 60 meters underground, and then continue to extend downward until it reaches 200 meters underground. It needs to build about six blocks.

Square, residential area, factory area, warehouse area, scientific research area, energy and weapons storage area.

In addition, a large underground dock and underground airport will be built to dock aerospace motherships and various types of aircraft that will be needed in the near future.

The dense forest on the cliff, this shelter under construction in the cold zone should not have outsiders before it is completed.

On the 19th day of the construction of the shelter, a dark transport plane slowly appeared on the horizon. The target of this transport plane was very clear, and it was constantly approaching the shelter.

The survivors who were rushing to work on the construction site looked up and saw the approaching plane. After approaching the ground, the harsh sound of the plane engine was very clear.

There were six teams of special forces soldiers on the construction site. They placed warning lights on the ground. When the plane flew over the shelter, it dropped a huge box from the tail.

Three parachutes opened on the top of the box, and the workers under the parachutes retreated one after another, fearing that the big box would fall and hit their heads.

The special forces soldiers were also waiting eagerly, and finally successfully waited for the box to land, and used their hands and feet to move the airdrop box to the edge of the construction site.

Inside was actually a signal amplification system, a military-grade equipment used to connect to communication satellites, and some high-precision equipment of this design.

There is no doubt that these things were sent by the countries in this world, and the country that sent them was not the neighboring United States, but the next door Bear Country across the Bering Strait.

The alliance had just disintegrated not long ago, but at this juncture when the virus was raging around the world, it crawled out of the grave again.

The 15 countries were briefly divided, and the turmoil had not stabilized for long. The zombie crisis swept the world. The separated small countries found that there was no powerful management, and the order collapsed in an instant. They began to miss the past time when they could survive despite the difficulties.

Then after a series of special changes, when everyone was panicking, the veterans who still had the old beliefs brought the panicked people together again, and under the guidance of the great spirit of crossing borders, they killed all the capitalists who exposed their greedy nature. It took 29 days to reorganize the order.

The great red empire climbed up again after a round of purification, and some ambitious people did not stop this storm that could have been stopped, and let them rebuild the alliance.

This may be because America is now ravaged by the Aryans' undead and is close to collapse. Some people may still have the dream of reaching the top of the world and think they have seen an opportunity.

In short, they put on the badges of clothes that they didn't have time to destroy. When the domestic crisis has not been resolved, they still have to provide assistance to other countries.

The Electric Eel Country is also in their aid target, because the shelter is the largest survivor settlement they found, and it has shown a certain order. The reconnaissance planes that have passed through the sky many times discovered this, and they have tried to contact the shelter many times, treating it as the official power of the Electric Eel Country.

Captain Garden, who is in charge of this place, believes that contact is necessary, so the Alliance sent a plane to airdrop a set of communication equipment into the shelter.

This set of communication equipment at the bottom of the box is still very new. After the engineers assembled this set of things, there was a small tower and pot cover standing up on the edge of the construction site, which successfully received the signal from the satellite and successfully established communication with the Alliance.

"This is the Electric Eel Country Shelter. I am Brigadier General Garden, the person in charge of the shelter."

"Hello, Brigadier General Garden, this is the Alliance Security Bureau, please wait..."

Duncan stood beside Captain Garden and listened to the entire communication process. There was a lot of content. Because it was a special period, there was not much nonsense, and it was basically some important content.

The Alliance can send experts to the shelter to guide the construction work, and proposed that some information and material exchanges can be carried out. He also said a lot of knowledge about the prevention of conventional zombie viruses.

Captain Garden also told the actual situation encountered by the Electric Eel Country with Duncan's permission, and explained that parasites and zombie viruses are different. They may spread to Eurasia, reminding the Alliance to be prepared.

While expressing shock, the Alliance is also willing to provide some military assistance to help the shelter overcome difficulties.

Captain Garden rejected the proposal and said that the current situation of the shelter is very good, and sent several photos of the camp.

The people in the camp all looked very good, and they did not seem to be fake, which also dispelled the idea of ​​the Alliance to send experts.

The two sides exchanged views on the world situation and finally talked about the Earth Cleansing Plan.

This plan was actually proposed by various countries on the third day after the zombies swept the world, but this plan was too sensational and would destroy all cities on the earth. Even if the knowledge was preserved, it would be very difficult to rebuild a brilliant civilization in the future, which was tantamount to starting the Third World War.

However, as the virus gradually evolved into special individuals, there was less and less hope of recovering the city, and the factories were also in danger under the impact of the surging zombie tide. The main countries that constituted the world order changed their minds.

The main reason was that the evolution of zombies was still proceeding in an orderly manner. America, as the place with the most mutant zombies, was the first to be unable to withstand it. Zombies that could not be penetrated by rifle bullets appeared. None of them dared to imagine continuing the stalemate. Would humans lose first, or would zombies win first?

The most important thing was that some of the poultry and livestock they had protected before were no longer worth protecting. Zombified creatures also appeared in the ocean. It seemed that the earth had really changed hands, and they had no reason to continue to resist stubbornly.

With the extinction of global creatures, humans who remain on the surface will slowly die due to lack of food.

At present, it seems that the only way is to dig a hole and bury yourself.

The idea of ​​human beings all over the world is surprisingly consistent, moving from the surface to the underground.

While the industrial system on the surface can still be maintained, it is necessary to speed up the construction of underground shelters and quickly turn the reserve grain into compressed food that can be stored for a long time.

Gradually move knowledge and factories underground, and it is best to stay underground for 20 to 30 years before coming out, so that the zombies on the surface will be almost dead if they have nothing to eat.

Therefore, now all countries are frantically building infrastructure and shelters, and moving industry from the surface to the underground as much as possible.

The construction process will probably last for 2 to 3 years, and going underground does not mean that there will be no activities on the surface.

From the content of the communication, Duncan roughly imagined the future scene in his mind.

In the zombie apocalypse world, countless remnants of human civilization stand in the dust, monsters are wandering, and convoys searching for supplies drive through the ruins of buildings. Scavengers recover metals and small objects left over from various civilizations from inside the buildings. Chased by zombies, they return to the underground shelter with difficulty. The harvest they get at the risk of their lives will be taken away by the exploiters who control the underground shelter. Scavengers, dare not speak out!

It feels like that...

Captain Garden said at the end that he did not need any assistance and promised to attend an online meeting in four days before cutting off the communication.

"It looks like this will become a wasteland world in the future. Do you understand the wasteland world?" Duncan said to Captain Garden with a serious face about the setting of wasteland works, which is indeed very consistent with the future of this world.

Unfortunately, Captain Garden nodded to save his face, then lowered his head and thought, "I think this world needs to be saved."

Duncan looked at Captain Garden with a rather strange look, "Yes, the company was established for this, and it has grown to its current size because of this!"

"Well... I mean, it's a perfect opportunity to take control of this world... isn't it?"

Captain Garden showed his big tail. As an American colonel who controls an aircraft carrier, how could he be really simple? He knows all the dirty things in the US military, otherwise he wouldn't be able to climb to his current position.

If the Umbrella Corporation can take this opportunity to expand its influence, it is very likely that all people in this world will be assigned to the Umbrella Corporation, just like receiving the few remaining refugees and soldiers from the Electric Eel Country, and there is a lot of room for operation.

It may be a bit difficult in name, but the control of the world in secret is very great.

There are nearly 8 billion people, and now 70% are gone, but there are still 2.4 billion. The construction of the shelter will reduce a large part of it in the next few years, and it will be equivalent to managing a country with less than 1 billion people in the end.

Implementation plan and management methods When Captain Garden said that this world would be under control, Duncan's smart brain thought of it, and with the current conditions of the Umbrella Corporation, the probability of success of the plan is very high!

Is the Umbrella Corporation going to control this planet in the name of the company?

No, this is not in line with the slogan promoted by the company, so Duncan shook his head gently.

Seeing this, the Garden ship did not show a disappointed expression, but just felt a little regretful, but then heard Duncan's words again.

"The company is an organization that will not be bound by the world, nor will it interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but we can do a lot for this world."

After nodding in understanding, Captain Garden went to the staff and the experts of the world development team to make plans.

Implicit, Mr. Duncan always likes to say it implicitly, and he understands it now!

82 Chinese Network

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