Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 211: Going South

Umbrella Interstellar Group Text Volume Chapter 211: Nan Banner heard the noise, turned around, showed a gentle smile to Duncan, and nodded politely when he saw Alex wearing a jacket and a hood. head.

"Are you here to inspect my research results?"

Alex froze on the spot, watching the gentle giant in the laboratory speak fluent English with a New York accent, and was somewhat surprised.

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"We'll look at the results later. Let me introduce you to someone first, Alex Mercer."

Glancing at Alex calmly, Duncan patted his shoulder and pointed at Banner: "Dr. Bruce Banner is a genius with seven doctorates. He is currently researching vaccines for several viruses. Like you As you can see, he also has some minor health problems, just like you, I believe you will have something in common. "

Dr. Banner is afraid of people. On the contrary, he likes to make friends very much. He walked across the aisle that was very narrow compared to his current size and came to the three of them. With an extremely friendly smile on his green face, he asked Alex Chris held out his big hand, "Alex, nice to meet you."

"...Me too, Dr. Banner."

After raising his head and facing Dr. Banner, Alex more fully realized the difference between the person standing in front of him and ordinary people. He stretched out his hand to shake the kind-faced doctor, and heard the message from his hand. The force is very gentle, consistent with the appearance, but also very different.

Duncan showed a satisfied smile. In fact, this was also arranged in advance.

Before the two met, he had already told Banner something about Alex, and his words were somewhat instructive.

With Banner's current good-guy character, when faced with a person who is facing a similar situation to him who was once homeless, he will feel sympathy, take the initiative to build a good relationship with Alex, and use superhero tactics to Imbue Alex with your own ideas.

In this way, Alex can correct his character and serve the company well after joining the company.

"Dr. Banner, please check Alex's mental state first."

Seeing that the two had completed the most basic exchanges, Duncan asked the two to have more contact and create opportunities. His mentality seemed to be that he wanted to bring together a man and a woman for fun.

Later, Banner helped Alex do a mental test.

The instrument is not the helmet type that ordinary people imagine, but a separate sealed cabin with sensors in every corner. After the instrument is turned on, the computer will draw the detected flow of consciousness into a line spectrum. These line spectra are It's unique to each person.

If you have been injured by brain damage, it will indirectly affect your mental integrity. It is an instrument produced by the superpower development laboratory to study superpowers.

Alex lay down in the cabin for about five minutes. After climbing out of the cabin, he couldn't wait to look in Banner's direction.

Banner waved his hand to indicate that he could come over and take a look, and then pointed to a chaotic part of the colorful twisted line diagram on the holographic screen, and said to Alex: "Look here, these lines are what make up your spirit, you can also say It is the thread of the soul, the integrity of the spiritual level that is involved in the normality of the brain. It should have been a complete sphere, but you are missing a piece here. "

Alex didn't quite understand this, he was a little confused.

"This is Alice's mental diagram. Her spirit is very powerful and complete." Banner saw that Alex didn't know much about this kind of advanced knowledge, so he could only call up a normal person's mental diagram. Compare with him.

If Alex’s line drawing is a ball of yarn twisted into a ball, Alice’s mental line drawing is a regularly arranged curve.

After the obvious comparison, Alex also understood the difference between himself and normal. Suddenly he pointed to the corner of Alice's line drawing. There were also some areas there that looked like twisted twists, and other neat areas. A relatively sharp contrast was formed.

"Is it abnormal here too?"

Banner looked along where Alex pointed and nodded: "Yes, everyone's mental state is somewhat abnormal. The complete model only exists in conception. Alice once had memory problems due to some mental shock. confusion, so there is greater variation here.”

This kind of knowledge beyond common sense fascinates Alex, but he still has a question he wants to know, "Why was such a magical technology born?"

He has now accepted the fact that Alex has lost his memory. In order to gain peace of mind and to completely convince himself, he must know that this is not a "psychological comfort technique" compiled temporarily to deceive him.

As long as the reason was even remotely plausible, Alex would believe it, and he looked longingly into Banner's eyes.

Banner did not answer immediately, but first looked at Duncan, who was leaning on the table and watching silently.

Duncan stopped pretending to be transparent and explained to Alex: "This technology is a by-product of studying the birth of superpowers. My scientists found that it can not only be used to observe changes in superpowers, but also observe a wider range of Mental fluctuations, anger, joy, sadness, despair... They created a magical machine that can see the soul."


Alex heard a word that even a prototype like him felt magical. Wouldn't this kind of fairy tale-like noun only appear in fantasy works?

Is reality stranger than fantasy? That's okay.

Duncan gave Alice a look, and the latter understood immediately.

The blue hole was abnormally enlarging and shrinking. Alex, who was a few meters away, felt a force that did not belong to him lifting him up. Before he could react, the force disappeared and he fell heavily back to the ground.

"Do you feel it? This is superpower."

Facing Alex's puzzled and shocked eyes, Duncan completed an important part of persuasion. Now he has no doubts about technology and superpowers.

After that, Duncan left on the pretext of having something to do, leaving Alex in the laboratory and letting Dr. Banner communicate with him.

Without Duncan and Alice, Alex and Banner talked for a long time. Banner also told Alex a lot about his previous life of wandering, which gave Alex, who was experienced but inexperienced, a lot of inspiration.

They talked from noon to afternoon, and it was almost dark before they ended.

Alex said goodbye to Dr. Banner. Instead of taking a plane, he jumped directly from thousands of meters high and glided to the shelter below.

Today he gained a lot, and met a friend who was like a mentor in life, a person who was also rejected by his kind, but still followed his heart, treated the world with kindness, was not influenced by outsiders, always implemented his own ideas, and never abused his power to hurt others.

Alex joined the shelter, but did not join the Umbrella Corporation. His arrival did not change anything.

The shelter was still being built at a very high speed, but the planes from the Alliance would occasionally come over, drop some paper research materials, and maintain basic contact with the shelter.

Twenty days later, with a mushroom cloud rising over New York City, the most powerful country in the past, now only had a few million people running around in the vast land, building shelters, scrambling for supplies, and a mess...

The surviving commander-in-chief was still hiding in the doomsday bunker in Washington State at this time, and at the same time he did not forget to speak on the international stage, asking countries to cooperate and help each other and transport some food to Washington.

Then he was immediately criticized severely. He didn't get the food, but he lost a lot of face.

There is no financial system now. The world is about to return to the era of barter.

If the currency before the disaster is taken out, even the most stable areas will not be able to buy anything. If they are not afraid that some people will lose their minds, they will dare to point at the nose of the commander-in-chief and laugh.

It must be the Indians who led the way to the zombies. Your area is the worst hit!

At present, the sky is the only place that has not been occupied by zombies. Countries can only communicate with each other through airplanes. The alliance has taken out a lot of things from the bottom of the box and urgently recalled a group of scientists to use those weapons and equipment that are very characteristic of the Cold War.

Huge ground-effect vehicles shuttled through the ocean and were assisting ordinary people in various regions to evacuate.

The latest statistics on the number of human survival have come out. The original population of nearly 8 billion may now be 1.1 billion, most of which are scattered in remote towns and villages with sparse populations. Some counties with small populations and large areas have also survived a lot of people. All countries are actively rescuing.

The previous version of the zombie movement report showed that there are three main sources of disease, one is New York State and several surrounding states in the United States, another is most of the population gathering areas in India, and the last one is the Ying Empire.

The epidemic in these three places is the most serious, and they are also the biggest promoters of the virus.

Especially in New York and Pennsylvania in the United States, Mumbai and Delhi in India, the zombies in these places are expanding the fastest and most deadly.

Asanna chose to lie down, completely failing to control the spread of the epidemic, and letting the corpses rot and grow maggots in the streets.

In addition to these places, as parasitic zombies began to be known and valued by international experts, the Electric Eel Country has now become a special existence in the new version of the zombie movement report.

The zombies here are not ordinary zombies, but special parasitic zombies that are difficult to kill.

When Captain Garden communicated with international experts, he compiled the scientists' research and conjectures on the parasitic zombies of the Electric Eel Country into materials and sent them to the international forum, which immediately caused an uproar.

Multinational reconnaissance aircraft continue to fly in the territory of the Electric Eel Country in order to verify the claims in the materials.

As the materials say, the zombies of the Electric Eel Country have the characteristics of self-destruction, resistance to bullets, projectile acid, projectile spikes, and collective consciousness. They will become the biggest enemy of mankind.

Different from ordinary zombies that are unorganized and undisciplined, and simply have a large number of them.

Parasitic zombies with collective consciousness command and planned actions are more threatening to humans. Their lethality will far exceed that of ordinary zombies, and they really have the ability to force humans into a dead end.

Whenever talking about parasitic zombies, the American president will always quietly go offline...

After sending planes to repeatedly confirm that parasitic zombies do have a certain degree of intelligence and cooperation, countries have been wanting to send people to the shelter, wanting to obtain more information while looking for solutions to parasitic zombies.

Captain Garden has repeatedly declined politely, and said that the shelter is not yet complete, the experimental conditions are not good, and there are already preliminary effective means to deal with parasitic zombies. Other countries have delayed the decision to forcibly send people here.

It is not that experts from other countries cannot see the engineering robots walking in the shelter, but just to lay some groundwork for the recovery plan.

The source of life virus is a special medicine for dealing with demon worms. Captain Garden is not very worried about the threat of parasites.

Those parasites had tried to gather together and attack the shelter many times before, but they were blocked by the l virus. Now they have moved southward to the United States, or are eroding the Moxie Brother to the west.

Because of the total collapse of the United States, the Black Watch and the army troops guarding the border have completely withdrawn and retreated to Washington State to protect the last people who need to be protected.

It happened that when the parasite army was marching southward and westward, the countries sent reconnaissance planes to the Electric Eel Country for field investigation. They did not see the l virus killing parasitic zombies like a combine harvester.

If you want to have enough control over the world, it is essential to establish an enemy. This enemy is undoubtedly the most suitable demon worm!

At present, the current population of the shelter has reached 100,000. The huge land area of ​​the Electric Eel Country cannot be taken care of by a few thousand special operations forces soldiers.

The shelter will often broadcast to inform the survivors of the location of the base. Because it is an indiscriminate broadcast, some people in the countries adjacent to the Electric Eel Country have also received the radio.

The will to survive drove them to the bases of various teams, and then with the help of special operations soldiers, they came to the safe shelter.

After more than a month of construction, the first three floors of the shelter have been built. In addition to the underground area, high walls have also been built on the surface area of ​​the shelter.

The rather conspicuous furnace of hope has been moved underground to provide a steady supply of clean water for the shelter.

So far, the shelter has been on the right track.

And Dr. Banner also first applied his research results to the survivors of the shelter, an immune agent, which can greatly enhance immunity in a short period of time after use, cure common colds and fevers, and avoid zombie bites and infections with smaller wounds.

At the same time, several scientists who had been studying the demon worm for a month finally found a way to kill the eggs in the body and rescued a little boy who had been sleeping for more than a month.

The method is as follows: inject a very slightly corrosive potion into the human body, stimulate it with a weak electric current after the potion circulates in the blood, and finally pay attention to the body and fast for two days, and a young man with a large number of worm eggs in his body can be saved.

The technology was shared on the international forum, and Mo Xige was ecstatic, but America said it was dispensable.

The pace of the demon worms moving south was seriously hindered. The green flu zombies, which were ruthless to everyone except their own kind, unexpectedly became America's first line of defense, bringing the world a spectacle of zombies fighting zombies.

Relying on a more variable combination of special mutant individuals than the green flu zombies, the parasitic zombies temporarily gained the upper hand. When the zombie tide advanced to New York State, the zombies with the black light virus also emerged, completely blocking the pace of the parasitic zombies.

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