Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 212: Earth Defense System

Eight days after the parasitic zombies were blocked from moving south, more than 20 million zombies gradually split into two forces. One group continued to fight the green flu zombies and black light zombies in New York and Pennsylvania.

The other group of zombies began to detour. They retreated to the Electric Eel Country, and then crossed the lake and waded through the nuclear bomb crater in the Electric Eel Country to enter Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. A small number of them went to the farther North Dakota.

When the satellite saw that these zombies actually crossed the border without much protection, the American general, who was just happy about the zombie dog-eat-dog fight, jumped up and had to send troops to stop the split zombies.

The parasitic zombies seemed to know the human armed forces. When they acted, they did not gather in groups, but moved in very scattered positions. In front were the pioneers composed of special zombies, and behind were the vast number of ordinary zombies.

The special mutant zombies are too threatening to ordinary people. If the army does not come forward to solve them, these zombies will invade the entire United States in a very short time, causing their land transportation to be blocked, and the railways that can still be used may also be destroyed.

This will inevitably slow down the speed of shelter construction and the rescue of survivors. If it is slower than other countries, the future of the United States will lose a lot of voice.

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Although the United States is the worst hit, they still have a population of eight million, a huge army and a sound industrial system.

During World War II, the United States could build an aircraft carrier in ten days and more than a hundred in one go, creating a world military industry myth.

Now the United States has built 16 super-large shelters in thirty days and moved the factory into the underground fortress. Isn’t it easy?

The loyal Black Watch and Marines were sent to the border again. They will form a defense line with iron will and, together with the air force, block the attack of the parasitic zombies heading south.

The Alliance has many ready-made underground fortresses built to prevent nuclear wars during the Soviet era. Now they are intensively transforming the fortifications.

This world is very busy, and the shelter of the Umbrella Company is also very busy, but they are not that busy.

Because there is another world as a logistics base, the food for a mere 100,000 people does not need much if the minimum nutrition is guaranteed, so Duncan did not let the survivors farm, nor did he build a greenhouse for breeding and planting in the shelter.

Many days have passed, and Alex has become familiar with Dr. Banner. Although he still has not directly agreed to join the Umbrella Company, he has been participating in the improvement project of super soldier transformation technology.

For a super soldier who has assimilated many researchers, has a huge memory, and has himself as a reference template, Alex can give a lot of references in the development of super soldiers using the blacklight virus.

He and Dr. Banner often study all night in the laboratory of the No. 9 aerospace carrier, trying to upgrade Gentek's super soldier transformation technology or reduce side effects.

Gentek's super soldier transformation technology is very crude. The specific transformation method is to surgically remove a small part of the soldier's pain nerves and then inject the diluted black light virus into the soldier's body.

As long as the soldier is told in advance that he can gain strength after enduring the transformation, the soldier will be prompted to let the virus complete the transformation of the body in a sober state by mental suggestion. A large number of failed cases and a small number of successful cases tell the scientists of Gentek that the soldier's will plays a vital role in the transformation results.

During this period, the soldier needs to consume nutrient solution many times to avoid reducing consumption in unnecessary places during the virus transformation.

The experiment also requires multiple electric shocks and injections of stimulants to keep the soldiers awake at all times to complete the transformation, otherwise they will just be some violent zombies.

The success rate of Gentek's super soldier transformation is very low. They did not make any subtle adjustments to the blacklight virus, nor did they have time to cultivate the blacklight virus in a targeted manner. The commander-in-chief's initial disapproval of the experiment forced Gentek's researchers to forcibly create super soldiers in order to maintain their status and funding.

These things that passed the deadline were for the leaders to see. Insiders could see at a glance how unreliable Gentek's super soldier technology was, even if he really succeeded in creating super soldiers.

The poor success rate and the side effects that make people physically uncomfortable are enough to dissuade a large group of people.

Super soldiers wear tight combat uniforms because they have many signs of excessive mutation on their body surfaces. There may be a small number of cysts on the face, and huge hyperplastic tissues like scars appear on the upper and lower limb muscles.

In severe cases, there may be multiple ulcers on the body and healed pits, which is absolutely unacceptable to many people. Only a very small number of soldiers' proliferation did not cause too ugly scars.

Since Dr. Banner has taken over the research project of super soldiers, he will not be careless, nor will he continue to use similar methods with Gentech to produce super soldiers.

For the production plan of black light super soldiers, his idea is the same as the production method of T virus universal strengthening agent, by weakening the intensity of the virus and prolonging the virus transformation time, so that ordinary people or people with poor physical fitness can also survive the virus's subtle transformation of the body.

At the beginning, Dr. Banner used the most conventional means of weakening the Blacklight virus, trying to dilute the Blacklight virus stock solution through water as a medium.

But the treatment process was not ideal. The Blacklight virus stock solution is insoluble in water. It has a very high density and a very tight structure. When a large number of viruses gather together, they will be connected indistinguishably and will not spread. ♑♒  ♦♦

Ordinary dilution is difficult to work, and Banner tried several more sophisticated separation methods, but the results were not satisfactory.

When the Blacklight virus is diluted to about 200 units, it is extremely difficult to continue to separate. According to the calculation of the superconducting computer on the aerospace mothership, the dose that can achieve strengthening without leaving obvious abnormal flesh hyperplasia and without the need to remove some pain nerves is about 60 units of virus.

In the end, Alex found a way to separate the virus. With his perception and understanding of the Blacklight virus, he prepared a diluted potion that can dissolve the virus.

After successfully diluting the blacklight virus, the next challenge is to slow down the speed of the blacklight virus to reduce the pain of transformation.

This step is relatively simple. They can complete it through a freezing chamber and anesthetics. They only need to lie in the freezing chamber for two days for the virus to complete the transformation of the human body.

The theoretical and calculated results are perfect. Finally, with mental suggestion and the iron will of the soldiers, the transformation of super soldiers can be completed.

Because this technology has been verified by Gentech, it didn't take long for Banner to replicate and upgrade. Before the human experiment, they tried it on monkeys.

The result was a great success. Driven by the will to survive, the monkey successfully completed the transformation, and its strength soared, turning into a muscle monkey to break through the iron cage.

When Alex wanted to help stop the experimental monkey, the experimental monkey that jumped out of the cage was strangled by Banner with one hand, and more than a dozen injections of sedatives were injected to calm the poor monkey.

After recording, the monkey was sent for destruction to prevent it from hurting people in the aerospace mothership.

The monkey that was successfully transformed by the Blacklight virus was very strong. It easily tore open the iron railings that were two fingers thick, and three or five unarmed special forces soldiers could not get close to it.

The initial upgrade of the transformation technology of Gentek's super soldiers was completed. It was just an improvement between the method and the injection process. In essence, it was still a rough transformation method.

Because the targeted cultivation of the virus takes more time and there are many uncertainties, it can only be improved to this point in a short period of time, and the technology currently required by the Umbrella Company is nothing more than such surgical technology.

So after the technology was successfully verified and repeatedly confirmed that there would be no problems, Banner told Duncan the good news, and submitted it to the central computer together with the vaccine results of the two basic zombie viruses obtained from previous research.

After learning that the enhancement technology of the Blacklight virus had been upgraded, Duncan immediately began to select experimental subjects, and directly selected them from the new recruits of the special forces.

The results of the actual combat training a few days ago have come out. The parasitic zombie army went south to attack the United States. Thousands of special forces soldiers had nothing to do, and now all joined the construction of the base.

The team rankings and individual rankings of the actual combat training have all been released, and the top ten are scored based on professional knowledge and combat difficulty.

The team that Payton was in failed to make it into the top ten team rankings, but Payton made it to the sixth place in the individual rankings because of his performance in the city defense battle against the destroyer.

Those who ranked higher than him were all performing fancy shows. Some performed gun fighting, some fought against the zombies alone for three hours after running out of ammunition and exhausted themselves, and some used various props to perfectly rescue survivors. These were all battlefield records that showed personal bravery and wisdom.

For this reason, they were all awarded the Medal of Honor, which will be displayed in their information files for life. When someone clicks on their information, the first thing they see is definitely the shining medal icon under the avatar information. This is an honor that belongs only to the bravest.

Duncan selected the top ten soldiers in the actual combat training individual rankings to participate in the super soldier transformation of the blacklight virus.

After the invitation was sent out, all ten people agreed without exception. They had just been honored and it was the moment when they felt the strongest sense of belonging to the Umbrella Company. Faced with such an invitation to become stronger, they had no reason to refuse.

Ten minutes after the invitation was sent out, the Quinjet took the ten soldiers to the No. 9 Aerospace Mothership.

There were not enough freezers for ten people on the mothership, and there were not enough manpower, so the ten people and Duncan returned to the world of Resident Evil.

All ten of them will be injected with clearing serum to remove the strengthening effect of the t virus. After a week of adaptation, they can be transformed into super soldiers with the blacklight virus.

During this period, the doctors will study all the contents of the super soldier strengthening technology brought back from that world, and prepare the equipment after fully understanding the process.

There was nothing important to deal with during this free time, so Duncan left the underground base and harassed Tony who was working hard again.

Meimen Industrial Park...

Tony has put the mobile factory called the Camp into mass production, which is built by the artificial intelligence Jarvis, and the Iron Soldiers coming down the assembly line will pass through the portal and be continuously sent to Marvel Earth.

Currently, there are three mobile factories in the Camp, and the fourth one is under construction.

The precious materials consumed by these three mobile factories every day are astronomical figures. Because the technology of the Hope Furnace is immature, the mobile factories have not yet achieved complete one-piece molding.

Tony currently has no plans to continue to improve the Hope Furnace, because he went back to Marvel Earth a few days ago and saw that the war situation has gradually pushed Thanos' army back to Earth with the weapons assistance from the Resident Evil world and the factory's non-stop assembly line operation.

This made Tony very excited. They defeated the invasion of the Star Fleet with equipment that was much cruder than that of interstellar civilization!

Although a large part of the credit should be attributed to the Umbrella Corporation that is about to hollow out the two worlds and the wizards who have the ability to manipulate space, it is an indisputable fact that humans are about to defeat the fleet of interstellar civilization.

Now he has put all his energy on how to intercept the enemy outside the global defense system in space.

"Tony! Guess what we have gained in the new world!"


Duncan opened the door and shouted, ignoring the access control, which just interrupted Tony's key train of thought, and Tony, who was in the state of rationality of the NZT-48 drug, almost couldn't hold it.

Rubbing his rough old face and turning around, he saw Duncan and Alice walking into his private territory together. Finally, he couldn't hold it, and kept knocking on the table, saying: "Do you know how much time and life will be lost by interrupting the train of thought of a genius! Hey... Tell me, what is it this time, what do you want me to do? The resource collection platform mentioned last time has been completed, don't rush it, I have sent it to the data center!"

"Has it been designed?"

Duncan didn't pay much attention to this matter, mainly because the resource collection platform will be used after the zombie world's elimination plan begins, and it will take at least two years to be put into use, so he is not in a hurry and didn't pay attention to it.

"No, we found a new strengthening technology in the zombie world that can increase the conventional strength of ordinary soldiers to 20 tons. A single soldier can fight a tank. I plan to use this technology on ten soldiers and put it into the war on Marvel Earth for testing. You can help them build a set of single-soldier equipment."

Tony showed a look of shattered values, then spread his hands and said, "You can always find something to challenge my values. 20 tons? Okay, okay~ Let Jarvis design it. I still have to make the Earth Defense System. I'm busy."

"Earth Defense System?"

Tony's words aroused some curiosity in Duncan. He approached the computer and saw that the holographic screen was full of densely overlapping data streams and design drawings. After the development of NZT-48, he could understand a little bit.

The Earth Defense System is a super defense system composed of super artificial intelligence and a large number of superconducting computers. Its core has three parts: weapons, electronic systems and massive resources.

It is equivalent to a suspended anti-missile system that can reach the space orbit. In order to cope with the interstellar fleets jumping from all directions, more massive resources than massive resources are the most important part of this system.

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