Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 213: Weapons

Looking at the list of supplies, which was at least several million words in length, even though it was a supply blown by a strong wind, Duncan gritted his teeth and pointed at the one item that stood out among the clauses with a smile on his face, "Don't you think the cost is too expensive? Do you want to empty out the world of Avatar by asking for so much superconducting ore? Those are non-renewable resources and there is no alternative. Use only a little. There is no way I can agree to such a large amount!"

Tony turned his head and said with a smile: "Then reduce it by 20%. When the system matures, it can be applied to other worlds. This is a necessary investment, and I will find a replacement plan later.

Are you feeling guilty?

"As for the near-Earth defense systems of other worlds, I prefer the multi-ring defense solution of deploying ion cannons on other planets in the solar system. Anyway, no one will use the stolen resources inappropriately like Thanos."

"But there really are people like that!" Tony also tried to convince Duncan, "Thanos has been throwing billions of tons of scrap iron to the earth for eight months, so the earth's defense system needs more resources than this!"

"I suggest you make a resource recycling receipt that can recast discarded metal into new ones. Otherwise, you will not be able to compete with Thanos who owns half the universe."

Duncan gave Tony a plan for asking for money, and then waved his hand to block what the latter wanted to say, "This war will end eventually, and it won't be long!"

Thinking of the tragic scenes on the battlefield and the current situation of the company, Tony silently leaned toward the office chair and nodded slightly.

After the chat ended, Duncan left Maymen Industrial Park. After thinking for a while, he decided to take a plane and go to the headquarters of the Umbrella Company's weapons research and development department in Maryland to learn more about the company's current cutting-edge weapons.

After about half an hour of flight, the Quinjet landed at the weapons development base under the independent control of Umbrella Company. This is where Umbrella Company develops heavy weapons.

The numerous buildings were built during the old Umbrella period. The buildings are quite distinctive. Although the large arc-shaped buildings are not practical, they are very beautiful.

There are many Umbrella Company security guards standing guard at the airport outside the institute. There are heavy-duty carrier vehicles going back and forth in the airport. These remote-controlled mobile trucks will smoothly pull the experimental weapons deep into the Apatin Plain for basic testing. , will be brought to Marvel Earth for actual combat testing.

Engineers are looking for new weapons with the best stability and most practicality.

After Duncan arrived, the director of the weapons research and development department came to greet him alone. He was a white male named Warren, with pure Germanic ancestry. He looked like a young man in his twenties, but his actual age was already fifty. .

"Mr. Duncan, welcome to inspect the Apatin Weapons Research Institute!"

Warren was holding a tablet computer in his hand and his eyes were very bright. Seeing Duncan was like seeing a god. He bent slightly and lowered his head. Only gods can go to the new world, and only gods can extend human lifespan. ♙♕ ♦ ♦

Some of the company's top executives are temporarily admiring Duncan immensely. His personal reputation is like Napoleon's in his heyday.

Duncan followed Alice, and according to Warren's guidance, he boarded the transportation car.

They were moving towards the headquarters building of the Weapons Development Department, but suddenly there was a small explosion deep in the plain.

Duncan, who heard the explosion, asked Director Warren: "Are weapons tests ongoing now?"

"Ah, yes, the project currently being carried out is the data collection of the B31a plasma cannon in the atmospheric environment." Director Warren was driving and did not look at the tablet, but he still accurately stated the test project.

The plasma cannon is a long-range weapon used in space. Its principle is to use lasers to heat heavy hydrogen to a high temperature of millions of degrees to turn it into a plasma state. It then uses electromagnetic technology to wrap the charged particles into a A weapon that is "ball-shaped" and fired to destroy a target.

What hinders the development of technology is materials. Superconducting ore is a rare material that can realize unlimited ideas of scientists. In the continuous exploration of superconducting ore, scientists who have taken nzt-48 have tried and explored many conceptual weapons. .

"Take me to see the weapons on the spot, and report on your work by the way." Duncan decided to go see the weapons with his own eyes, and also learn about the work results of the weapons research and development department from Warren.

He had been too concerned about the company's biological department before, and had not carefully understood the status of the weapons research and development department. He only knew that many products were already in small-scale mass production.

"Okay." Warren turned the car around and headed to the garage. After changing to a jeep, he began to introduce the work of the weapons research and development department.

After superconducting ore and Stark Industries' new materials entered the usable list, Umbrella Company's weapons research and development department received a large amount of funds. Soon after conducting research on electromagnetic weapons, Duncan began to pay attention to Umbrella Company's military construction, which directly led to Weapons R\u0026D departments are overfunded.

The weapons research and development department began to recruit people crazily. Designers in the department, whether they were old faces or new faces, as long as they submitted applications and reviewed and confirmed that there were no major safety hazards, all projects would be approved.

Many of these projects are useless industrial junk, but many are real weapons based on reality.

The electromagnetic gun series of weapons is just an appetizer. The subsequent application of electromagnetic weapon technology will gradually transition from fixed weapons to mobile weapons.

Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, fighter jets, and various types of warships basically all have a set of electromagnetic series drawings.

Among them, electromagnetic launch technology has been successfully applied to tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. The launch method of replacing gunpowder propulsion with electromagnetic catapults is gradually replacing traditional gunpowder tanks.

Similar to infantry fighting vehicles, small-caliber rapid-fire guns have been changed to electromagnetic launch.

It's just that the application of electromagnetic technology on individual weapons has poor benefits. Although there are samples, they have not been put into production.

In addition to the application of ordinary electromagnetic catapult technology, more types of special heavy weapons have been manufactured.

Plasma cannons, stealth weapons, particle confinement weapons, laser weapons... are being tested.

The application scenarios of plasma cannons are mostly space combat. When used in the atmosphere, the power will gradually weaken with distance.

Invisible weapons made by optical stealth and the super computing power of quantum computers are actually a general term for a series of weapons that can be invisible, such as optically invisible airships, missiles, etc.

It's just that this kind of weapon is currently only effective against Earth creatures and creatures similar to Earth creatures, because optical stealth is based on the visible light of the human eye. For non-human life, it may be more effective to replace camouflage with other coverings.

When the invisible weapons were put into use on Marvel Earth, they were seen through by the Chitauri, so this type of invisible weapons were not mass-produced.

Particle beam weapons use accelerators to accelerate particles such as protons and neutrons to a high speed of tens of thousands to 200,000 km/s, and form very fine particle beams through electrodes or magnetic bunching to be launched to bombard targets.

The killing effect caused by this type of weapon is more inclined to penetration, and charged particle beam weapons are usually used in the atmosphere. Neutral particle beam weapons are used outside the atmosphere, mainly to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles in the boost and mid-stage flight.

This limited weapon has achieved good results on the battlefield of Marvel Earth. The ultra-high-speed jet has absolute control over high-mobility units. At present, Umbrella Corporation is mass-producing this type of weapon and making it into regional air defense weapons.

The last laser weapon is a huge upgrade based on Tony's heat capacity laser. After accumulating enough energy, it is released using a magnetic field. The temperature generated in an instant is higher than the core temperature of the sun. It is a super weapon that can melt all substances.

The technical difficulties have not been overcome. If the technical problems of energy dissipation and control are solved in the future, the human fleet may be able to use lasers to melt through the surface of a planet and detonate its interior, and it will become very simple to kill all life on the planet.

After introducing the heavy weapons with a dry mouth, Director Warren introduced some vehicles and individual equipment.

After several rounds of updates and iterations of the Guardian suit, the latest Guardian suit has replaced the external power from the power exoskeleton with nano muscle technology, and the external armor covering the whole body has not changed much. It is still the bulletproof material obtained from the killer world and the impact-resistant steel plug plate used by Tony.

The full-coverage combat helmet has been changed to a cheaper and more practical style. The eye part of the helmet has been replaced by a single-sided non-reflective lens. When the helmet has no energy or the camera is accidentally damaged, it is not necessary to take off the helmet for combat like the previous generation of combat helmets.

In addition, the Guardian suit also adds a flight component to each person, and there is an additional non-removable small jet backpack on the back, which can also be loaded with 16 micro missiles.

Although the appearance of the whole set of equipment is still like a bloated plate armor knight, its flexibility and defense capabilities have been greatly enhanced. As long as you use force, you can pose in various flexible postures.

The nano-muscles that can be squeezed and deformed minimize the inconvenience caused by the weight.

The mechanical exoskeleton has not been abandoned by the company. These equipment will be transferred to the newly formed security forces and biological disaster response forces so that those guys can also use the exoskeleton.

The progress of physical enhancement technology will always conflict with the rigidity of the exoskeleton. The exoskeleton with a theoretical upper limit is not a good equipment.

Just like the t virus enhanced soldiers wearing exoskeletons, they can't beat the black light super soldiers wearing bare armor.

Continuing to upgrade the exoskeleton, in the end, you can only upgrade the materials and functions.

The research and development of biological weapons is carried out in the biological department, which is not under the jurisdiction of the weapons research and development department, but the two departments have also jointly developed many semi-mechanical life forms with strange functions that are also regarded as weapons.

For example, mechanical dogs, mechanical cheetahs, mechanical tigers, mechanical monkeys...

These animals that have been enhanced by the t virus have parasites and superconducting chips implanted in their brains to assist in control. Their essence has become semi-mechanical life. Most of the body surface is covered by fixed armor plates, and the embedded computer assists calculation, which can be used as battlefield mobile support units.

The technical transformation is difficult, so it cannot be mass-produced, but these semi-mechanical animals are much more effective than pure mechanical creations.

They have instincts. Mechanical dogs will act according to their own judgment and the orders of their masters. This part of more abstract thinking requires a huge amount of computing power if it is to be completed by pure machinery.

And the brains of purely mechanical creations are far less useful than the brains of semi-mechanical life. In addition to quantum computers, the brains of many animals are actually stronger than computers, and the data they need to process is no less than that of computers.

It is needless to say how much help the highly mobile animal assistants on the battlefield can provide to the team's operations.

As they talked, the jeep finally arrived at the test site deep in the Apatin Plain.

The test, which had originally been completed, was restarted due to Duncan's arrival.

The plasma cannon that needs to be tested is a model-like prop weapon with reduced power. The effect is only to completely evaporate a temporary mound of soil. The real plasma cannon is an orbital weapon and will be much more powerful than the one demonstrated on site.

At present, the institute is only collecting data and has not yet reached the stage of producing samples and launching them into orbit for testing.

Duncan stayed in the weapons research and development department for two days and learned about the various series of weapons that the technology has been applied to, as well as the ongoing projects.

After that, he went to factories and military headquarters to check the production status of weapons and the training status of soldiers.

The role of war in the Marvel world was originally to find a source for resources that had nowhere to be placed, and then use a war that was just around the corner to stabilize the turmoil caused by the rapid development of the umbrella company in the Resident Evil world.

At present, both goals have been achieved, the zombie world has also provided a safer resource consumption point, and the speed of Marvel Earth's gold swallowing has gradually increased. Now this war can enter the countdown to its end.

And he doubted that if Thanos wasn't dealt with, Tony would come up with something else...

In addition to the weapons and equipment currently produced by Umbrella Company that are put into use on Marvel Earth, the remaining Umbrella Company can arm 900,000 troops, but only the company currently has the Army and Air Force.

Soldiers are still learning how to operate tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other equipment. The 300,000 newly recruited soldiers have only been trained for about half a year and are still some way away from being ready to enter the battlefield. They must learn new combat methods and learn to operate various new equipment. .

It is expected that one year later, batches will enter the Marvel battlefield and use new equipment to fight.

By then, Ultron's Iron Legion should have been fed out by the mobile factory, and counterattack will no longer be a problem.

After a week of moving around the various divisions of the Umbrella Corporation, the time came for the Black Light Super Soldier transformation date.

The top ten soldiers ranked in the zombie world's actual combat training have put on experimental coats and are standing in the laboratory of the hive base.

Ten cryochambers have been prepared here, and the experimenters are already in place.

Before the transformation experiment, Duncan met and greeted the ten soldiers one by one. When he stood in front of one of them, he was surprised to recognize him.

"Corporal Payton? When I first met you, I saw your strong soul hidden under the ordinary. The medal will be your greatest affirmation!"

Payton stood tall with tears almost overflowing from his eyes. After shaking hands with Duncan, he looked forward firmly and shouted: "Yes, sir!"

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