Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 214: Super Soldier

The transformation of the black light virus is different from the strengthening of the T virus. It is irreversible. The black light virus will be consumed in their bodies, thus completely evolving a person's DNA in a positive direction.

The experimenters did not put too much pressure on the ten soldiers. They only said that this was a new strengthening technology and it was very stable. As long as they endured the initial pain, they would become super soldiers the next time they opened their eyes. , the transformation will not even lose fertility.

Payton lay on the spacious cryo chamber, looking at the blazing lights above his head, taking deep breaths to calm down the excitement in his heart, otherwise he would have to take a sedative.

The magnetic chip attached to his chest monitors his heart rate and various changes in his body in real time. A female experimenter wearing thick protective clothing stands next to the freezing chamber. She is holding something like a sphygmomanometer in her hand and is going to Payton with a left hand.

After the things were wrapped, Payton felt a pain in his arm, as if something had been stabbed into his arm by a needle.

"Take a deep breath. Now close your eyes and lie down. You have to lie in the cabin for three hours. Your body may experience severe pain during the process. That is normal and you must endure it."

The female experimenter's voice was gentle, but her behavior was a little chilling. She was tying the restraints on Payton's limbs and torso.

"I'll hold back!"

Payton has endured the pain caused by oppressive learning, the fatigue of physical training, and has overcome the instinctive fear in his heart. The pain now cannot be the enemy that destroys his firm will!

The female experimenter smiled at him. Two shallow dimples could be seen under the transparent mask. After pushing the diluted virus into Payton's other arm, she smiled at the face that always showed a resolute and serious look. Said: "The experiment was successful, I can buy you a drink."

When Payton heard this, he glanced at the young face of the female experimenter, then continued to stare at the light above his head, and politely declined: "The battlefield needs me more!"

His interest in the opposite sex has been buried in the corner of the history galaxy when the girl he had never met before died. He is now a warrior who moves forward firmly for his ideals. He will not care about anything that will slow down his pace. Will make contact.

The female experimenter originally expected to hear words such as: Okay, it's an honor... but she didn't expect such an answer. She was stunned for a moment and then chuckled, which made the answer even more interesting.

She pulled out the syringe, and before closing the lid of the cryochamber, she said with emotion and temptation: "I still have a lot of time to wait for your promise. No one is short of life now."


The closing of the hatch cover and the slight feeling of suffocation made Payton close his mouth.

He began to adjust his breathing and tried to feel the changes in his body. ♦ൠ ♦♦

The cryogenic chamber has not yet released the dormant gas, so now it is necessary to enjoy the three-hour confined space experience. Although there is an observation window on the lid of the cryogenic chamber, this experience is still difficult enough.

But thirty minutes later, the black light virus's crude modification of human genes began. A wave of pain penetrated into the bone marrow from the inside out and reached the soul, causing low roars to be heard from the ten cryo chambers.

After detecting the increase in heart rate, the needle inserted into the left hand began to inject analgesics and anesthetics into the bodies of the ten people to reduce their pain and struggle.

Payton was also suffering from this exaggerated pain. The increasingly severe pain made him almost bite his teeth to pieces before he could endure the wave of pain that became more severe one after another.

Muscles are shrinking and recovering rapidly, bones are corroding and growing under the erosion of the virus. After the black light virus forcibly encoded genetic information into the genes, their genes were completely rewritten.

Using the self-repair mechanism of the living body, the cells modified by the black light virus will be restored with a new appearance. Such transformation is equivalent to crushing every inch of the body and then repairing it again in a long period of pain.

During repair, the transformed subject will experience severe pain to numbness and itching all over the body.

The restraint straps will keep them securely in the cryochamber, preventing them from scratching their bodies causing greater pain and unpredictable growth.

Payton in the cabin has endured 20 minutes of transformation. His body has swelled a lot. The severe pain has not passed yet, and the sudden itching feeling overwhelms the pain.

This itching sensation comes suddenly, and this feeling is not limited to the surface of the body, but even spreads to the inside of the body.

The soles of his feet were itching, his calves were itching, his lower abdomen was itching, and his chest was itching...

His stomach was also itching, and Peyton wanted to arch his body, but the tough restraints held him back.

This itching feeling from the inside out is like being pregnant, but instead of carrying a baby, there are thousands of man-eating ants crawling and biting in his body from his legs to his body. The upper body, not satisfied at the end, passed through his throat and entered his brain bit by bit.

The itching gradually spread to the lips, tongue, nose, eyeballs, and finally the scalp, and Payton finally couldn't hold it back and let out an unbearable scream.

Payton's willpower is considered to be the strongest among the ten. Before him, the others had screamed like pigs, and the heart-rending sound shook the cryogenic chamber. Their voices could not be heard by people outside. Like a prisoner being executed in a deep underground prison.

Standing behind the console, Duncan always looked at the physical parameters of the ten people. The most dangerous time for transformation was actually when they returned to the most severe initial stage of infection.

As long as they survive the first three hours, the subsequent physical reconstruction will be completed in a low-temperature environment, the degree of pain will be greatly reduced, and in theory, they will even feel extremely comfortable in the end.

Being able to scream means that their minds are still clear and they can continue to persevere!

If they don't scream, then we need to worry.

The screams reached their peak after an hour and then began to slow down. After two hours, after the last tube of nutrient solution was injected, the screams slowly subsided.

The vital signs were still relatively normal, and none of them exceeded the estimated values, but the pain and itching had returned to the tolerable range of ten people.

The three difficult hours finally passed, and no one had a mental breakdown. Duncan finally let go and loosened his clenched fists.

Alice stood beside Duncan for three hours, and after noticing his little movements, a smile rose on her lips.

Everyone can go and try it. 】

Seemingly casual in small things, they are always focused and serious in big things.

White mist was injected into the freezing chamber, allowing the ten people who had endured three hours of pain to greedily swallow it.

They were addicted to the feeling of drowsiness after the mist entered their bodies, which could help them get rid of the pain that even demons could not bear.

After inhaling enough gas, the needle responsible for delivering the nutrient solution automatically withdrew, and after confirming the drowsiness, all the restraints that bound the body were automatically untied.

Three days later, they will appear as super soldiers, and will be bathed in honor for the rest of their lives. Perhaps they can become battlefield commanders of an independent legion of the future company.

The Marvel Earth War has lasted for eight months. Compared with the human civil war, the time is not long, but the intensity is greater than any human civil war.

Refugees trying to scavenge are wandering on the dilapidated streets of Los Angeles. The former city of sin has now become a ruin.

All large-scale cities are the targets of attack by the minions of the Thanos Legion.

The overly sudden attack did not give people any chance to react. Los Angeles became a broken ruin in the baptism of artillery fire one after another.

The population of Los Angeles, which was four million, was reduced to three million during the war. Some died in the aliens' artillery fire, and some died under the guns of roaming bandits. The sparsely populated police and National Guard could not manage all the residents, and there were always some undisciplined people who would go to the streets to engage in illegal activities.

After all... the time on Marvel Earth is already 2019. After eight months of war, Los Angeles, which has become a ruin, is struggling to survive in 2020.

The federal army entered this international metropolis, and they needed to use buildings as shelters to prevent the ultra-long-range precision strikes of multi-legged tanks from destroying military facilities.

The cannon fodder Vanguards cast by the Thanos Legion always sniffed the human gathering areas and rushed up on their own initiative. They only needed to gather in a certain place, and the aliens would come to them on their own.

The brutal street fighting was beyond the imagination of these cannon fodders who didn't even have long-range weapons. Facing the aliens who were fighting to the death, humans couldn't have any fluke mentality. When they met, they were all thinking about how to kill these bastards. The will to survive made the soldiers burst out with stronger fighting power.

The strength of the Vanguard may be greater than that of ordinary soldiers, but after all, they are flesh and blood, and bullets can still kill them.

What the soldiers fear most is the elite Chitauri infantry.

They will gradually gather together under the guidance of the swarm consciousness and seamlessly merge into a whole. They will use their highly lethal energy weapons and natural camouflage to sneak attack citizens and soldiers in the complex city streets at night.

Whenever they gather to 40, these Chitauri warriors will carry out extremely efficient massacres of living people in the city, so the militia teams spontaneously formed by the surviving citizens are always unable to resist when facing the Chitauri warriors, and must ask for help from the regular army.

“Come and save us! Those damn aliens are coming, there are so many of them, we can’t hold on any longer!”

A man’s urgent and nervous cry for help came from the radios placed together. A platoon of soldiers with insufficient staff was resting in the underground parking lot.

After hearing the cry for help from the intercom, each haggard soldier did not move. They sat or lay on the ground. Some even fell asleep with their heads down while holding their guns.

There are too many people in this city. The brave died in battle, and the cowards retreated. Even though more than one million people have died, the remaining three million people cannot be protected by only 20,000 soldiers and 3,000 police officers in the city.

After a round of emergency mobilization and militia mobilization, there are only 26 million soldiers in the United States. Let these 20 million people protect 300 million...

The mission of their platoon is to raid a building where Chitauri are hiding. They have just lost 5 comrades and now have no intention to support the nearby strongholds mainly defended by police and militia. In addition, the nearby command will send a firepower squad dedicated to support to assist in the defense and elimination of those Chitauri.

They should have been given a rest, but they still couldn't escape the fate of hard work.

Mo Hu's voice sounded again from the intercom, but this time it was not a cry for help, but the command's exploitation of 27 people.

"All 3rd platoon, go to the west side of the gymnasium for support immediately! Repeat..."

The intercom urged again and again, as if it had become the deepest nightmare of these 27 soldiers, waking them up from their sleep.

The platoon leader leaning against the load-bearing column stuffed the last half of the compressed biscuit into his mouth, threw away the packaging, and replied in a difficult voice with a lake in his mouth: "3rd Platoon received it."

After putting down the intercom, he saw that the soldiers who were awakened nearby were struggling to get up from the ground. He smiled bitterly and looked at the special person on the other side.

The black battle-damaged combat uniform and the black battle-damaged full-cover helmet wrapped his body tightly. There was no shoulder strap representing the US military on his shoulders. Instead, there was a red and white umbrella-shaped logo. His height of nearly two meters and the heavy combat uniform made him look quite oppressive.

"Kane, when will the next batch of supplies arrive? I haven't slept for three days... I haven't had such a long time before."

Nixon Kane turned his head to look at the platoon leader who got up weakly, and said: "Today, the transport plane just arrived in Nevada."

Since joining the Umbrella Company, this is his second time entering the Marvel battlefield.

The first time was a rescue operation, and the second time was the revised formal Earth Defense War. As a support unit, they were temporarily incorporated into the team and have completed 21 extermination missions with the soldiers in the three platoons.

The barriers between the worlds disappeared as time went by. I watched the soldiers in the three platoons die one after another and were supplemented by other recruits again and again.

Because the combat system of the Umbrella Company is connected to the headquarters in New York, it can view the delivery of supplies supported by the Umbrella Company in real time.

Every time supplies arrive, it means that a group of new recruits and unmanned attack aircraft are sent to the battlefield, and these veterans can have a good rest for half a day.

The almost numb platoon leader and other soldiers would ask Kevin every day when the supplies would arrive. They needed enough rest and enjoy the short time without fighting.

A good sleep is more refreshing than a vigorous one!

After hearing that the supplies were coming, the platoon leader's cloudy eyes brightened up a little. He got up from the ground swiftly, touched the medicine box on his waist, and encouraged the other soldiers who stood up together: "Okay, guys, did you hear what Brother Kane said? After this battle, we can go to bed. No one is allowed to sleep before returning to the camp to see those treasures... Understand!"

After the short and powerful speech, the soldiers regained their spirits.

Of course, willpower is sometimes useless. If they really want to cheer up, the soldiers still have to rely on the stimulants and caffeine distributed by the army.

Only Kane, who has been strengthened by the t virus, can fight for three consecutive days and still hold on without relying on drugs to refresh himself.

After all the soldiers took the medicine, they left the underground parking lot and carefully went to the gymnasium that was under attack.

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