Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 215: Experimental Super Soldier

The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, where the Olympic Games were once held, has now become a shelter for the military and police. The reason is that the terrain in this area is not so complicated, the surroundings are open and easy to defend, and the thick outer walls of the stadium can also serve as a protection to prevent people hiding inside from psychological pressure.

In the early stages of the war, many riots were caused by the fear of gun-carrying citizens in a complex environment due to uncertain factors.

For example, after a survivor determines that he is in a dangerous environment, he will always involuntarily imagine whether the sound behind the door is an alien dog bastard.

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Then they will hold the gun and carefully open the door. After being dazzled by the strange objects in their eyes, they can't help but shoot in fear. After a few shots, the bastards who fell to the ground will become the neighbors across the door.

After creating such a tragedy, the shooter will always convince himself that what he saw was indeed a monster and continue to tighten his nerves.

Therefore, a group of extremely frightened residents were stuffed into the building again. Facing the possible attack of Chitauri warriors at any time, they would choose the method that makes them feel most secure, holding their guns tightly and emptying the magazines in places where there is movement and they think it is dangerous!

In the end, the police had to let these survivors gather together and use the crowd to dilute the tension.

The effect is very good. At least they can quickly find those who like to make trouble in the crowd, and the pressure of defense remains basically unchanged.

Before, when they were in the building, the encounter was very tragic. Now it has changed to the outer perimeter of the empty gymnasium. The high rate of fire of gunpowder weapons directly crushes the low rate of fire of energy weapons, which is quite comfortable.

3 rows need support. On the west side of the gymnasium, the huge Los Angeles hides many elite Chitauri units. Every once in a while, they always appear from nowhere to attack the shelter.

As the world's first gun-owning country, the United States naturally has an extraordinary level of national military strength. The scale of the Chitauri attack must be large to be able to attack the shelter to the point where it needs to call for support.

27 soldiers crept like mice to the location where support was needed. The heavy clouds in the sky made the visibility on the battlefield low. Even at a short distance, they had to use binoculars to see the Chitauri battalion that used cars as cover to advance towards the gymnasium.

Their actions were not dull. Facing the suppression of hundreds of gunpowder weapons on this side, these Chitauri warriors would only extend their guns to attack humans when they had time to shoot.

The soldiers in the third row were still about 600 meters away from the Chitauri team attacking the gymnasium, and there were many obstacles and buildings blocking them.

They were not prepared to move forward until the drone confirmed the number of enemies at the target location.

These Chitauri were very smart and had learned many tactics. ♦♦  ♦♦

Fighting in small teams, luring the enemy deep into their territory, and winning with small forces...

They always lure humans into their traps, using cannon fodder vanguards to attract attention and shoot cold guns, and the Chitauri warriors always find a way to knock down a human when the energy of their guns is exhausted, so that the energy bombs they carry on their bodies can blow themselves and the humans into pieces.

From the perspective of the scouts, the Chitauri are breaking through the firepower network constructed by machine guns little by little with the help of the crowded vanguards one after another.

The heavy-armored units of the Chitauri Corps, the Chitauri Gigantopithecus, also have them. They will carry heavy steel plates that are simply tied together and move forward under dense firepower. This rather primitive method of warfare is like the siege warfare of ancient people.

A large amount of rubble, steel plates and corpses have been piled up behind the defense line, and the garbage piles are getting higher and higher. Usually, there will be small howitzers to clean up the accumulated garbage, but the grenades were used up yesterday...

Kane looked at the display in the combat helmet. The plane carrying supplies seemed to have arrived in California and should be able to unload at the headquarters soon.

There was a rustling sound of a walkie-talkie nearby. After listening to the instructions issued by the headquarters, the platoon leader confirmed it again with a little confusion.

After confirming that it was correct, he pressed the communication in the team and said to others: "Prepare for battle, attack directly from the flank, there are no drones, but there will be support. Okay, squad 1 and squad 2 will take turns to attack, and squad 3 will disperse and guard the surroundings. Damn the alien bastards."

The soldiers of the 3rd platoon quickly dispersed to the combat positions, and then fired a round of bursts from the flank at the desperate vanguards.

When not under attack, every soldier can fully demonstrate his shooting skills. The dense bullets cut down a large area of ​​vanguards without cover, and also attracted the attention of several Chitauri warriors who moved to the side.

When a Chitauri warrior noticed the attack, the entire Chitauri army would know it immediately, because their consciousness is connected, so they have a faster reaction ability than the human army, and a stronger counterattack ability when dealing with sudden attacks.

Some of the Chitauri immediately turned their guns to point at the position of the soldiers of Squad 1. Seeing this, the soldiers of Squad 1 quickly retreated into the bunker and made a quick maneuver.

The soldiers of Squad 2 then emerged from behind the wall and emptied a rifle magazine at the Chitauri warriors on the other side.

When the Chitauri turned their guns again, they had already left the place.

Kane of the special operations force relied on his armor that could block energy weapon attacks, and he would act as a vanguard to explore the way every time and find a suitable shooting position for the soldiers.

After finding the position, notify the third squad in charge of security. After quickly occupying the position, they will not attack the Chitauri until the other two squads move to the designated positions.

Such troublesome mobile combat is to deal with the hive consciousness of the Chitauri.

Fighting against the Chitauri is like a player fighting against an advanced computer unit. When a human player types on the keyboard to request support, the Chitauri will know where the enemy is the moment they are attacked and provide rapid support.

Sometimes soldiers are even sent to explore the road, using the eyes of the dying Chitauri warriors to confirm the enemy's location, weapons, and size. These are experiences gained with blood.

After changing locations six times in a row, they were surrounded by the Vanguard and the Chitauri who were surrounding them, and were forced to take shelter in an office building.

"Thank you! Why are there so many aliens this time!" the platoon leader cursed angrily while shooting outwards.

They had made six moves, and most of their ammunition, which was not much, was gone. The total number of vanguard guards and Chitauri warriors killed was at least three hundred, but there were still a lot of them, enough to easily surround them. .

The messengers and scouts who ran to the top of the building also received bad news. A ring-shaped spaceship appeared over the city, and a small opening was broken through the blockade between robots and superhumans. Occasionally, something like this does happen. , but it’s too unfortunate...

The ring-shaped spaceship was suspended seven hundred meters above New York and Los Angeles. It had just dropped a new delivery capsule at the bottom of the spacecraft. A golden light flashed and crashed the spacecraft into two pieces. The delivery capsule flying in mid-air was also destroyed.

The golden light disappeared in an instant, leaving only the broken spacecraft and the remains of the delivery module falling slowly.

Several anti-aircraft missiles were raised at the port. The high-speed moving anti-aircraft missiles broke the wreckage of the spacecraft into smaller pieces, causing less pollution and damage.

After the ring-shaped spacecraft crashed, Leviathan beasts and a small number of Chitauri individual gunboats appeared in the sky. They had clear goals, pointing directly at the Los Angeles headquarters and various refugee gathering points.

The cosmic bully has never given humans a chance to breathe. This is not the first time such a sudden attack has occurred. Whenever the attack is too fierce, the command headquarters will contact the special support force, and this time is no exception...

A portal with golden sparks lit up from the sky. The shuttles from Wakanda and the drones from the Umbrella Company rushed out like swarms. With an absolute numerical advantage, they quickly eliminated the Chitauri gunships in the sky. Shoot down the Leviathan.

After the enemies are almost eliminated, these special support troops will disappear through the golden portal like a gust of wind.

The scattered Chitauri gunships were left to be dealt with by the local military forces. Although it was always a headache to not clean them up, without them, more people would die.

By the way,,, version. 】

"Platoon commander, there is a gunboat coming towards us!"

Among the few remaining Chitauri gunboats, one flew towards the office building where the 3rd Platoon was retreating, obviously heading towards them.

The scout yelled urgently, immediately panicking a group of people in the office building who were struggling to block the advance of the Vanguard Guards and Chitauri soldiers.

The Chitauri gunship flies extremely fast, and the gunship's attack speed is also very fast. An energy shell is as powerful as a small grenade explosion.

If the Chitauri gunship is not dealt with, that inconspicuous-looking thing will be like a small vehicle-mounted howitzer that never lacks ammunition, bombarding buildings continuously. If there is enough time, a gunship can completely penetrate a building. .

"There is a gunboat approaching us, requesting drone support!" After the platoon leader pressed the intercom to ask for help from the command post, he pointed his head at Kane, "Let's take down that gunboat together!"

Kane followed silently, climbed to the roof of the small office building, and when he pushed the door open, he saw the communications soldiers and scouts squatting on the roof, shooting at the gunboats that were maneuvering at high speed.

The addition of the two forced the gunboat to lower its flight altitude.

The four of them quickly walked to the edge of the building and looked downstairs dozens of meters high. They felt dizzy, dizzy, and frightened.

But they must suppress their fear of heights and continue attacking the super Chitauri gunship without letting it attack the building!

After emptying a magazine, a harsh whistling sound suddenly came from above their heads. They were all familiar with this sound. They raised their heads slightly and looked back.

The giant plane with a flat nose and wide wings that arrived over Los Angeles is the Valkyrie space shuttle from the world of Avatar. This aircraft is used as a dual-purpose aircraft for the atmosphere and cosmic environment. In the Marvel world, it is only used as a transport aircraft.

Because this aircraft has the most powerful power and can fly at supersonic speeds in the atmosphere, it is used as a transport aircraft to quickly transport supplies and wounded people, and will not be easily knocked down from the sky by the multi-legged tanks of the Thanos Legion.

The magicians who play with space in Karma Taj have to deal with the missiles thrown into the earth from outer space every day. Only in very critical situations, the magicians will use the portal to transport supplies.

Seeing the transport plane passing overhead, the platoon leader and Kane were very happy, because there were a large number of drones among the supplies transported by the transport plane. If they persisted for a while, they would be able to call for drone support.

They lowered their heads and looked back at the Chitauri gunships shuttled between the buildings, and continued to pull the triggers. Bullets occasionally hit the Chitauri gunships, causing many sparks, but failed to penetrate the enemy armor.

The Chitauri gunship was not to be outdone. When passing through at high speed, the muzzle at the front of the gunship would continuously fire multiple blue energy bombs, causing the building to tremble.


Just as the platoon leader and Kane were gritting their teeth as they watched the Chitauri gunship go away, a black shell fell obliquely from the sky and collided with the Chitauri gunship in an instant, exploding brilliant fireworks in mid-air.

"Oh oh oh oh!" The platoon leader stood up excitedly, "The sour radish must be eaten was destroyed!"

Kane was stunned as he watched the shell continue to fall, because in his field of vision, the black shell had a green outline representing friendly forces.

In the Umbrella Corporation's combat system, the green outline represents comrades in the same system and soldiers belonging to the same Umbrella Corporation. The outlines of the platoon leader and other soldiers in the 3rd platoon are blue.

So, the teammates fell from the sky and smashed a Chitauri gunship?

The next moment, the teammate who smashed the gunboat fell to the ground and crashed heavily into the middle of the Chitauri warrior team under the office building.

The field of view of the combat helmet was enlarged, and then Kane was shocked to see the hazy figure of the comrade who crashed through the gunboat still standing in the smoke and dust.

The nearby Chitauri warrior aimed the muzzle of the energy weapon at the figure in the dust, and after several consecutive bursts, the figure rushed out of the dust.

The huge figure was like a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus. After rushing out of the flying dust, he rushed towards a Chitauri warrior and punched. The Chitauri warrior wearing simple armor was hit in the chest and flew backwards instantly. From extreme stillness to extreme movement, the body that exploded backward was like being hit by a truck at high speed.

The nearby Chitauri warriors did not daze because of the opponent's strength. The energy bullets of the guns continuously hit the black combat uniform worn by the huge figure. The energy bullets had no effect except splashing a small amount of black smoke.

The tall black figure suddenly came to his senses, made a boxing move, and then stepped on the ground and left his original position. With an uppercut, he directly knocked a Chitauri warrior who was slowly retreating and shooting more than ten meters away, and crashed heavily into the window of the building.

Then the tall black figure began his massacre. Without using any firearms, he only relied on his huge fists to knock away all the Chitauri warriors who surrounded the three rows of soldiers, and rushed towards the office building.

The brainless vanguards on the street tried to stop the car with their arms, and were accidentally knocked away seven or eight meters.

"What the **k?!" The platoon leader standing on the top floor of the office building was stunned by the complete slaughter scene, with his mouth wide open, shocked.

Kane was the same, but he saw more.

The holographic screen of the combat helmet showed the information of the man who had punched through a street.

Name: Peyton Krause

Rank: Corporal

Military Position: Experimental Super Soldier Special

Honors: Performed well in combat training in Zombie World, was awarded the Iron Blade, and was awarded the White Star for agreeing to participate in a high-risk experimental project.

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