Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 220: Na'vi Cavalry

In the cave illuminated only by torches and a few light bulbs, a thousand Na'vi soldiers who had received three years of training put on rough protective vests stuffed with steel plates, and wore simple steel helmets on their heads. They were receiving supplies in the cave of the workshop and warehouse. Weapons and ammunition. ♦♦  ♦♦

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝚝𝚠𝚔𝚊𝚗.𝚌𝚘𝚖]

On the surface of the cave, there are many Na'vi workers digging and moving stones, and there are also many Na'vi children busy around the newly built lathes. This novel work is a different kind of fun for them.

"Jack? What happened? Why are there so many weapons prepared?"

Norman, another doctor of botany who defected to the Na'vi side with Jack, came to Jack who was reviewing the soldiers. As far as he knew, there were no drills scheduled recently. Suddenly gathering people to go out with weapons in hand always made him feel uneasy. .

Norman has also given up his human body. The small eyes on the Na'vi face that are similar to those of humans are looking at Jack with a serious expression.

"There are people coming from the base, but don't worry, they only have 500 people, and they don't have weapons."

Jack looked at the thousands of Na'vi warriors who were receiving equipment, and his worries were finally suppressed. Now they not only have guns and cannons, but they can also bomb targets at high altitudes after riding dragons. Their combat effectiveness has taken shape. , even if the super soldiers are powerful, it won't be a big problem for them to defend this carefully selected residence.

Norman was even more confused, scratched his head and asked: "They didn't bring weapons. Are they here to negotiate?"

"I don't think so..." Jack's expression became a little gloomy, he lowered his head and said in a dull voice: "Those greedy guys will not give up the ore. We can only fight them to the end without compromise."

Norman, who also understood this, became serious and nodded solemnly, "I understand, do you need any more preparations?"

Jack relaxed, chuckled and shook his head: "No need, our weapons are already very good. The enemies are just soldiers without weapons and not familiar with the terrain. This is enough for now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Natalie walked in from outside the cave, nodded to Norman, and said to Jack: "Yin Kalan's flying dragons are ready..."

Jack nodded and called the Na'vi warriors who had received their weapons to walk out of the cave in the Na'vi language that he had just learned.

In this actual combat test of the super soldiers, their opponents were the Na'vi, but not just the Na'vi. Their opponents were more various creatures on the planet Pandora.

Because the command headquarters had thought that the Na'vi would escape from the sky, this actual combat training would last for a long time, and it might not end until the combat uniforms were made.

Wherever the Na'vi people fly, the super soldiers will chase them. The Na'vi people with the old, weak, women and children cannot be fast, unless the young man and those few traitors will leave the old and weak Na'vi people and ride on the flying dragon. Maneuver.

The delivery point is located at a radius of fifty kilometers in the valley. The terrain faced by each team is different, and the speed is fast or slow, but the overall movement speed is still very fast, because the gravity on Pandora is smaller than that on Earth. In many cases, the jumping ability of super soldiers can be greatly improved on this planet, and the complex terrain will not have much impact on them.

Jack, who decided to resist, gathered more than a thousand Na'vi warriors, 500 Na'vi cavalry, a thousand Na'vi infantry and 600 flying dragon knights, gathering nearly one-third of the tribe's effective strength, demonstrating Jack's love for super soldiers. great importance.

The dragon knights were still waiting for reconnaissance in the valley. Jack was worried that there would be drones in the sky, or that there were anti-aircraft weapons aimed at the sky where they couldn't see, so he did not let the dragon troops dispatch collectively.

The cavalry, which can also take advantage of riding in the jungle, may now be not far away from the invaders. They will use their mobility advantages and firearms to conduct the first round of trial attacks on the super soldiers.

One thousand Na'vi infantry and two thousand reserve infantry are already waiting within the minefield. Once an invader steps into the minefield, large-caliber rifle bullets will be combined with the mines, making it impossible for the invader to come back!

Winter winter winter!

The heavy sound of horse hooves was heard by Colonel Kuach from a long distance away. He was very familiar with this sound, and he had heard it in countless dreams.

With his mind spinning, Colonel Quaqi not only did not stop, but made several gestures in succession, indicating to his men to continue to speed up.

Slightly heavy footsteps crossing the ground will always leave a footprint of varying depths on the ground.

Their breath became thicker after getting closer to the sound. They walked between the trees, occasionally jumping on the thick trees to look at the distant woods.

About a minute later, they encountered more than a dozen Na'vi cavalry.

"Turn around!"

The trained Na'vi no longer rely solely on instinct to fight. They have learned some crude tactics. When the enemy is chasing them, the best way is to run in the same direction and shoot at the enemy chasing behind them.

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That's what Jack ordered, and that's what they did.

The Na'vi cavalry pulled out their wooden-handled long rifles from the holsters on their horses. The craftsmanship of this rifle is at the level of World War II. It looks a bit like an M1 Garand rifle. It has no chance of winning against modern weapons. It should have been That's true, but the firearms used by the Na'vi are very large for humans, and their power increases with their size.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The Na'vi cavalry, who have excellent eyesight and body control, are very accurate in their gunmanship. The bullets as thick as their index fingers penetrate the dense trees, tearing the leaves apart, and rubbing the air to make a whistling sound, as if they have eyes.

Colonel Kwach's eyes trembled rapidly. He saw that the bullet was approaching the middle of his eyes. The pressure brought by the thick bullet forced him not to take it head-on. Even if the bullet did not penetrate his skull, the pierced helmet would fill his lungs with the poisonous gas of the planet Pandora.

He turned his head to avoid the bullet, and kicked his feet hard, dodging the attack of multiple bullets in succession.

"Son of a bitch! Don't take the bullet head-on!"

Seeing that the bullet had dug a half-meter gap in the tree trunk, Colonel Kwach's anger towards the traitor continued to deepen. Those damn anti-human elements gave the Na'vi weapons to threaten them. If they were not dealt with quickly, these weapons would be aimed at the residents of the City of Angels!

His reminder was obviously too late. An old soldier who had swelled up after the transformation and strengthening really used his body to block a bullet with a caliber of nearly 12 mm and was knocked to the ground in an instant.

The bullet penetrated the tights made of bulletproof fiber, and the crudely made bullet head hit his right pectoral muscle and shattered, and a large number of metal fragments were scattered in his flesh.

"Fuck! Baker, you idiot, run a thousand kilometers for me after you go back, and you are not allowed to eat until you finish running!"

Noticing the embarrassing performance of his old soldier, Colonel Kwach was so angry that he cursed out loud.

The old soldier who climbed up with his chest covered was powerless to refute. After digging out the shrapnel embedded in the muscle together with a piece of muscle with the dagger he carried, he continued to chase the Na'vi people on horseback.

The horses that can shuttle through the forest have six legs and run very fast. The Na'vi people sitting on horseback rely on the connection of the mind to truly achieve the state of unity between man and horse. They can turn back and shoot at Colonel Kwach and others, and they can also know whether there will be branches behind their heads to sweep them off their horses.

They shuttled through the forest like automatic enemy-locking robots that could avoid obstacles. Their shooting was accurate and their movements were fast. These jungle cavalrymen were also one of Jack's sources of confidence.

After firing the 16 bullets in the magazine, the Na'vi cavalrymen would alternately fire and replace bullets, always maintaining fire suppression, making Colonel Kwach want to immediately grab the Na'vi's tail and smash it left and right.

Little did they know that when they couldn't catch up with the Na'vi cavalrymen and felt annoyed, the Na'vi cavalrymen felt incredible pain, especially the Na'vi cavalrymen who shot one of the veterans with a gun.

The power of the guns is greater than that of the ordinary guns used by the sky people. They used guns to hunt. The animal skin that was difficult to penetrate with spears and bows in the past could be easily killed with large-caliber guns, which made them understand why the sky people had the courage to fight Yinwa.

Before setting off, their tribal leader Jack said that the enemy this time might be different. Now it seems that such sky people are more disturbing.

Both sides felt that the other side was difficult to catch up with, and neither side stopped shooting and chasing.

There were two heavy cloth bags on the Na'vi horses, which contained countless magazines. Colonel Kwach only knew that they had run more than 30 kilometers, but they still did not stop shooting, and they were still taking out new magazines from the cloth bags to replace them.

Even if the shooting frequency was slow, these dozen Na'vi cavalrymen had fired thousands of rounds of ammunition along the way.

The super soldier squads in several other directions were also being played in the same way. They could not find a good space to cut in. The Na'vi's shooting and riding skills were far better than imagined.

While running and dodging, Colonel Kwach grabbed a stone on the ground and threw it suddenly at a Na'vi cavalryman who was running in front of him when he was separated from the tree as a rock.

The Na'vi cavalry just lowered the muzzle slightly, and the stone was shot down from mid-air.

Scientists have proven that the Na'vi have excellent eyesight because they have big eyes as bright as cats, but Colonel Kwach never thought they could do such an amazing thing.

Shooting down the stones that were like cannonballs was done by the best sharpshooters in the human army. It not only required extremely precise firearms, but also required a lifetime of hard work to improve oneself.

The performance of the Na'vi people also made Colonel Kwach more hostile to such a race, "Hit them with stones!"

Humans used to fight with sticks and stones. After thousands of years of development, humans are still fighting in the same way now.

Under the dense stone attacks, the Na'vi cavalry gradually became unable to resist. It was difficult to shoot the fast-flying stones, and they needed to concentrate their greatest attention.

Although the horses under the seats had amazing physical strength, they gradually lost their physical strength after running for dozens of kilometers.

With only the last five kilometers left, the Na'vi cavalry also fought more aggressively. After aiming at an enemy, they fired their rifles several times in a row. They could no longer pay attention to the key points of alternating cover shooting in their heavy breathing.


Finally, a stone flew from an angle that no one noticed, and a tall horse running wildly on the side was smashed in the abdomen by the stone. The blood and the wailing of the tall horse fell down together, and the Na'vi cavalry who was shooting on the horse fell to the ground, and the inertia drove them to hit the forest many times.

What was even more surprising was that the rifle in the hand of the Na'vi went off while rolling, and the bullet crippled the horse of his companion who was slowing down on the side and front.

"God is watching over us!"

This wonderful scene was seen by Colonel Kwach, who was furious and immediately shouted to his old subordinates: "Cage! Cage! Don't let the beast inside go!"

The five veterans understood and became more dispersed, ready to surround the cavalry team that had slowed down.

This was a secret message that had been agreed upon in advance. Colonel Kwach didn't believe that Jack would not teach the Na'vi people to speak English. If he said a normal battle command or made a gesture, the Na'vi people might abandon their companions and run away.

The Na'vi cavalry slowed down their movement. The two Na'vi cavalrymen who fell to the ground abandoned their horses and ran away directly. They still held their rifles tightly and shot at Colonel Kwach who was chasing them from behind.

The encirclement was slowly forming. The veterans were advancing rapidly with the cover of trees. They were occasionally hit by bullets, but they all protected their vital parts with their arms, and the damage was only on the surface.

When they bent down, they would grab stones from the ground or dig a handful of soil from the ground and throw it out.

The Na'vi cavalrymen were confused by the flying mud and stones, and the sense of urgency brought by the rapid distance between the two sides. They chattered in their own language.

In the chaos, two Na'vi cavalrymen who fell off their horses climbed back onto their companions' mounts.

The blockade line, which was not well-prepared, failed to withstand the flying stones. A Na'vi who was changing the magazine watched the stones fly. His head was sunken on the spot and he fell off the horse.

The tall horse that was in a state of spiritual connection with him was frightened by the death of the rider. It raised its front legs and snorted, which made the horses on the side instinctively frightened, causing the whole team to bump.

Colonel Quachi was less than 30 meters away from the Na'vi cavalry at this time. He seized this opportunity, rushed forward a few steps and jumped up, stepped on a tree root in front of him, protected his head, and stretched his legs to the extreme like springs, and suddenly released them and jumped into the Na'vi cavalry.

The Na'vi people were even more panicked when they saw the sky people chasing them flying like cannonballs, and they kept shooting at Colonel Kwach who was in mid-air.

The five veterans who had half-surrounded the Na'vi cavalry saw that their firepower was attracted by their superiors, so they immediately rushed out from behind the giant tree where they were hiding, drew out their daggers to protect their heads, and rushed into the Na'vi cavalry in a similar way.


A branch that was not thick enough was smashed by Colonel Kwach's body. He fell to the ground and rolled around, then half-crouched and stood up, twisted his body and raised his legs, and kicked a frightened tall horse in the waist with his big feet. The 400-kilogram giant horse was hit three meters off the ground by the huge force.

The Na'vi cavalry on horseback was thrown off the horse's back and flew higher.


Colonel Kwach pulled out the dagger from his waist, turned his body sideways to correct the angle, and threw the dagger at a Na'vi in ​​front who was shouting something angrily.

The Na'vi was stabbed in the chest with a dagger, and the huge force caused his body to fly off the horse and fall heavily into a cluster of trees.

The veterans also crashed into the cavalry, either ramming or stabbing with daggers, and cut down the Na'vi from their horses.

They were like cats running into a pack of rats, scaring the enemy to scream, and at the same time, they could kill all the squeaking rats with their agile bodies and powerful strength.

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