Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 221: Angry Colonel Kwach

Seeing that the Na'vi cavalry could not defeat the super soldiers, they changed their command. The few Na'vi who had not yet been attacked roared and took out a heavy explosive bag from the bag that seemed to be endless. After burning, he threw it into the middle of the Na'vi and humans who were fighting together.

Several dying Na'vi people also exploded their last strength at this time. They took out explosive packets from the horse's bags and ignited them, then held them in their arms, holding on to the bodies of the super soldiers with both arms.

The smoking explosive packets brought instinctive fear to the soldiers, reminding them of the courage training they received when they first joined the army.

Trying to break free from the grasp of these Na'vi people, the explosive packs exploded at a time that no one expected. It was as if these explosive packs were specially prepared to drag the enemy to death together. The process from ignition to explosion was extremely fast.

"No!" Colonel Quachi's enhanced dynamic vision allowed him to see the entire process from the flameout to the violent explosion of the explosive pack at the feet of the old unlucky Baker.

The linen wrapping the explosives was torn. In an instant, the white flash turned dark red when it came into contact with the air, and black smoke enveloped the light.

The shock wave distorted the air from far to near, tearing apart everything around the explosion point.

Explosive packs suitable for use by the Na'vi are very large for humans, and their power is naturally doubled.

The Na'vi cavalry were very decisive in this self-destruction attack, as if they had practiced it thousands of times.

By the time the aftermath of the continuous explosions dissipated, the forest had become a mess. The tall trees and the colorful plants on Pandora had all turned into a dark, charred appearance, and scattered dead trees were burning with fire.

Colonel Quachi, who was also knocked down by the explosives, got up from the ground. The combat uniform on his body was not greatly affected, but the mask on his face showed some cracks, allowing him to feel the dizzy gas seeping in from the gaps. , which also made the explosive tinnitus stay in his mind for a longer time.

The remaining super soldiers also gradually got up. Apart from them, there were no living creatures in this area, but the number of people seemed to be somewhat inappropriate.

"Beck! Where did he die?"

Colonel Quachi could still recall the scene before the explosion. After his tinnitus and dizziness improved, the first thing he did was to find someone.

After a few calls, the other four veterans who had recovered from tinnitus also discovered that one person was missing. Then they all started looking for Baker, and soon found the real owner with his hands raised in a bush.

After a few veterans pulled him out of the low trees, they saw the miserable Baker.

Baker was hugged by two Na'vi people who were desperately resisting, and an explosive pack was thrown at his feet. He was almost crushed by the shock wave in all directions. Before he was transformed into a super soldier, he could not find a few pieces of his body after being blown up like this. Intact meat.

The combat uniform that could withstand ordinary bullets became tattered, and the exposed muscles were full of scorch marks. The only good thing was that Baker was wearing a mask on his face. The high temperature did not destroy his face. After he recovered, the scars on his body could be healed. Bragging in front of others is a man's medal.

"Uh...I, I think...I seem to be dying, sir..."

After everyone gathered in a circle around Baker, Colonel Kuach took off the mask on his face that no longer had a filtering effect, and took off Baker's tattered mask as well.

After taking a few breaths of Pandora's original air, the dizziness quickly subsided. The super soldier's body withstood the toxins in the air of Pandora, and the toxic gases that replaced the nitrogen were filtered by the super soldier's lungs.

Except that the high oxygen content makes me feel a little buoyant, I feel pretty good.

"Don't say such stupid things. You stay here and wait for rescue. Virgil stays here with him."

"Sir...if I can't survive, please send me a message to Tina at the Ya'angra sex toy shop on Crowlon Street in Raccoon City in this world, just say...I can no longer accompany you, a little bitch."

Baker looked at the sky on Pandora. Between the gaps between the trees, a few rays of sunlight were spread out on Baker's face. The five fingers of the burned hand were slightly grasped, as if they were missing that feeling.

His eyes were pure, and even though he spoke jokingly, the desire for life in his eyes was no different from that of a dying soldier who misses his family.

If Baker had a child, it would be his child that he would miss.


Colonel Kuach gently stroked Baker's right cheek, with a smile on his face because he was angry at Baker's cowardice, "You are strong and healthy now, and you won't die! If you are being stupid, just go back and add another 500 kilometers." ”

Beck subconsciously raised his hand to cover his right cheek, and suddenly realized that his body was indeed not as bad as he imagined. Although it hurt everywhere and his strength was still losing, his consciousness was still clear. The physical strength of the super soldier had exceeded their three or four Common sense developed over a decade.

Even if you were blasted in the face by an explosive pack, you wouldn't die. If you were an ordinary person, if you were hit by a grenade without armor, you might have your hand cut off and your chest pierced.

Unlike now, he can still breathe and speak.

The injuries were not as serious as expected, but they were not minor either. Baker's legs and lower body could not move, and the strengthened bones could not withstand the close-range blast of several kilograms of explosives. Both legs, pelvis and ribs were broken or cracked. It depends on the super soldier's body repair ability after returning.

After confirming that he was really fine, Baker smiled weakly, then remembered the battle just now, raised his finger slightly, pointed in a certain direction, and whispered: "Sir, I remember that two Na'vi people did not die and went in that direction."

"I will avenge you, you just stay here and wait for the plane to come.ඏ♦  ♦♦Buck, you stay here too, and follow after Baker is sent back."

After calling the plane with the emergency communicator, Colonel Quach squinted and looked in the direction where the Na'vi fled.

The team with only three people left continued to set off and continued to chase the Na'vi people who jumped up and down.

As the encirclement continued to shrink, both sides approached the minefield.

The Na'vi cavalry also appeared cautious when stepping through the minefield. If they were not careful about the deeply hidden mines, they would also have a great chance of stepping on them.

The price of slowing down is that it is easier for super soldiers to seize the opportunity to get close.

It may even trigger the mines, involving both sides in the explosion, causing serious damage.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The successive explosions startled countless birds in the forest, and many small creatures were forced to flee the territory where they had lived for many years.

The damage caused was also constantly affecting Jack's heart in the valley. He sent the dragon knight to the sky to scout the explosion point.

But just after the dragon took off, it saw a Quinjet flying in the sky. After reporting the situation, Jack did not dare to let the dragon knights take risks, and instead asked the scouts to confirm with the Na'vi warriors at the edge of the minefield.

The scouts who left quickly delivered different messages by releasing different tamed birds. Jack's heart sank when he saw the red bird in the sky.

Red represents a bad situation, but in addition to red, there are also many birds released in different colors, yellow, green, blue...

Overall, the proportion of red is not large.

But soon, the explosions suddenly became compact, bang bang, like a round of intensive bombing.

After the intensive explosions, there were yellow birds flying into the sky and a round of intensive gunfire.

The gunshots were very close, so close that the leaves weakened them. The obstruction of the valley was as clear as if it was right next to my ears.

"Let... the tribesmen hide first..."

The lines on Natalie's face, who had always stood beside Jack, slowly tightened, and she looked like a crying face. The explosion and the gunshots reminded her of the scene three years ago. Her expression seemed to be crying, angry, and afraid. Her tone was completely mixed together, and it was hard to tell whether it was hatred or sadness.

Reaching out to the girl who had become his wife, Jack's eyes became firm again, "I will definitely protect you!"


Thirty thousand panicked Na'vi women and children hid in the excavated caves to avoid them. All trained warriors and reserve soldiers were mobilized. The combat effectiveness of the Na'vi, who were good at martial arts, was worthy of recognition. At least in primitive civilization, the Na'vi warriors could be called a fighting nation.

They rarely get sick, their respiratory system is more reasonable than that of humans, they are very strong, their bones are very hard, and their bodies are also very strong.

As long as they are adult male Na'vi, after a short training, they can rely on the eyes given by Yin Wa and careful teaching to acquire excellent shooting skills.

The stubborn Na'vi of the older generation still picked up poisoned bows and arrows, while the younger Na'vi warriors picked up rifles and were arranged by Jack to defend various positions.

This is the gathering place they have been operating for three years. The nearby farmland has their hard work, and the factory in the cave is the result of their day and night research and labor.

In order to make them abandon the already built buildings and the iron and steel mills that they have built with great difficulty, they need to break through the defense line composed of minefields and the dense mole trenches composed of countless tunnels, and then face tons of explosives bombing.

With such a tight defense, even if the base sends planes to bomb, they can calmly escape from the tunnels and go to the second base that has been built.

After giving the order, Jack picked up a machine gun removed from an armed helicopter and went to the edge of the minefield.

The difference in numbers and weapons between the two sides was very obvious, but both sides felt that they had an advantage and would not lose.

Many of the 500 super soldiers had encountered suicide attacks in the chase with the Na'vi. They suffered some losses due to insufficient armor. When they chased to the minefield, they stepped on the mines and were injured. Finally, they could only stop at the periphery of the minefield.

Colonel Kwach arrived relatively late, and after the circle was narrowed, the communication was finally available.

The soldiers reported the situation of the team, which made him furious. 26 people were injured by suicide attacks and mines, 9 people were hit by bullets and retired, and one person even lost his left eye!

These cowardly performances made Colonel Kwach furious in the channel, and he shot out greetings from his mother one after another. Even at a distance of several kilometers, he could vaguely feel the spit sprayed on his face.

After scolding for a full five minutes, Colonel Kwach finally calmed down and understood why Duncan insisted on letting the super soldiers only use daggers for this training even though he knew that the Na'vi had hot weapons and explosives.

These idiots who became arrogant after gaining power!

They fought for so long in vain on the battlefield!

How many 30mm machine guns can this body strength withstand? Dare to ignore gunpowder weapons and despise the opponent? !

"After the mission is over, I will settle accounts with you!"

Colonel Kwach pursed his dry lips and arranged: "The even-numbered team stays where it is, and the odd-numbered team will join the other teams on the left. Listen to my arrangements later."


A strange silence spread outside the valley, thirty minutes after the last explosion.

After being beaten back by the dense firepower, the human soldiers never appeared again. Only the occasional stones thrown and the long cries of flying birds indicated that the enemy had not left.

Jack hid in the bunker, half of his face exposed on the ground, staring at the depths of the minefield through the sparse weeds. Such silence made him feel uneasy.

He sent scouts to investigate, but the Na'vi scouts were too fragile for the super soldiers. A stone thrown with great force was enough to knock down the scouts, even the most elite scouts.

The flying dragons rose and fell, and a large number of fighter planes could always be seen hovering in the sky.

Those fighter planes were the nightmares hanging over the heads of all Na'vi people. They were unattainable speeds for creatures, and they carried the screams of the god of death. Many old Na'vi people who participated in the battle three years ago still superstitiously said that people whose bodies were broken by human weapons could not return to Yinwa's arms.

Such a statement could scare the Na'vi people who believed in Yinwa. Only a few regular Na'vi warriors trained by Jack could not believe such words and bravely die with the enemy with their bodies and explosive packs.

Waiting, Jack was a little annoyed. He retracted his head from the bunker, leaned on the wooden board and closed his eyes to think.

Using the few knowledge in his mind that was almost forgotten, he inferred how the enemy would attack.

Boom boom boom...

A deafening series of explosions awakened Jack who was deducing in his mind. He got up and stuck out half of his head from behind the bunker to look at the minefield.

In the woods in front of him, many boulders were pushed by the brutal force. The super soldiers used stones to walk through the mines. After the heavy boulders were blown to pieces, another stone would emerge from the smoke and dust.

The boulders in a row moved slowly, as if they were paving a road in the minefield with rubble.

"Chief, the enemies in the east are pushing stones!"

"Chief, there are a lot of stones in the north!"

The news that kept coming in made Jack understand the enemy's attack method. He immediately gave the order to shoot, so that the bullets could break the stones as much as possible, so that the enemy could not pave the road.

In addition, they could only attack by dropping explosive packs from the sky.

The trees on Pandora are particularly tall and dense. Here, their crude mortars are difficult to use. After analyzing the cost and benefits, Jack did not let the factory produce mortars.

Although there are no mortars, they have large-caliber machine guns!

The strong Na'vi warriors carried one of the few machine guns. This nearly two-meter-long gun is a 25mm caliber machine gun in the eyes of humans, but in the hands of the Na'vi, it is just a machine gun that can barely fire continuously, and can only fire 30 rounds at a time.

After the machine gun opened fire, the sound of gunfire that sounded instantly overwhelmed the explosion.

The thick bullet was ignited by the gunpowder and hit the boulder in the smoke and dust. Only two bullets broke a boulder with a diameter of two and a half meters, forcing the super soldier behind the rock to lie down and hide.

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