Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 222: Debate

After all, there are more stones than bullets. They will be broken when they get close, so they continue to move stones and throw stones in places where bullets cannot reach.

After Colonel Quach and ten other soldiers cut down a big tree, they continued to use these huge trees to make shelters and advance.

After scraping with a small dagger for thirty minutes, the first tree was cut down.

The scene of the huge trees falling was more shocking than the scene of gunfire and rain of bullets. This was the feeling of unity that the giant brought to all life.

The wood with a circumference of nearly seven meters was further divided into pieces of wood of different sizes. These pieces of wood were thrown into the minefield like throwing stones, and a large amount of wood was used to pile up shelters.

Compared with brittle stones, wood is more resilient than stone. If the wood is laid flat, bullets will get stuck in the wood when hit. The wide wooden piles can withstand more attacks than stones of the same volume.

The more wood and wood are piled up, the more ammunition is consumed.

But Jack had no way to deal with it. If modern armies faced this primitive method of advancement, they would have countless ways to solve it, but the Na'vi did not have enough weapons and equipment to deal with it.

Jack could only let a few clever Na'vi warriors approach and use explosive packs to blow up the obstacles piled up by the super soldiers.

Despite this, more and more stones and wood were still advancing to the front of the position.

This was expected. If the enemy advanced to the front of the trench, they would fight back with thrown explosive packs.

Colonel Quachi threw a huge stone as high as a person with all his strength. Even with his current physique, he was exhausted after throwing stones for half an hour.

After a short rest, he quickly poked his head like a sneaky and confirmed the distance between the two positions. Colonel Quachi stopped the advancement and continued to carry stones to reinforce the current defense line. He hid behind the bunkers made of stones and wood, cut down the marked giant trees bit by bit, and pushed them in the direction of the Na'vi to divide the battlefield.

Thanks to the plants on Pandora, these giant trees, which were 50 to 60 meters high, made the environment more complicated and became the key to their breakthrough.

Boom! Boom!

The Na'vi people didn't know if they had noticed their plan and began to throw explosive packs at the defense line they built.

After being bombed several times, the super soldiers also began to fight back. They jumped from behind the boulders and hit the explosive packs back in the way of playing volleyball. They also picked up large stones broken by bullets and threw them into the trenches. Many Na'vi people who ventured out of the trenches to blast died under the flying explosive packs and stones.

Colonel Quach was still struggling to chop trees. Three super soldiers surrounded a wide tree and dug every time. Every time they dug, they could dig out a small pit. Slowly, the giant tree revealed the white and tender skin hidden under the skin.

After several Na'vi died, the Na'vi side seemed to have given up the suicide attack of walking out of the bunker and continued to smash wood and stones with guns.

The lush treetops blocked their throwing angles. Even though they were only more than 50 meters away, it was difficult for them to throw the explosive packs through the treetops to the back of the temporary shelters made by the super soldiers.

Jack kept trying to find a way, but the weapons and resources in his hands were very limited, and the method was naturally limited by his own conditions.

Before he came up with a solution, Colonel Kwach, like a hardworking beaver, bit by bit gnawed down trees that were several times thicker than his entire body.

The fallen giant tree collided with other trees, rolling like thunder, and dark clouds pressed down.

Looking down at the dense treetops pressing down, Jack was shocked and shouted loudly, "Retreat along the trench, don't mess up!"

The voices were transmitted layer by layer, and all the Na'vi shouted the order to retreat in unison, and began to retreat from the back of the battle with their backs bent.

At this time, Colonel Kwach, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, began to lead the team to advance, and the teams in other directions had also cut down the trees, and the attack was unified.

The collapse brought about in an instant greatly affected the morale of the Na'vi.

They bent over and walked through the woods with their legs, and their speed was definitely not as fast as the super soldiers who chose to charge.

Colonel Quachi held a stone in his right hand and walked all the way. He would directly break the branches in front of him. The moment he heard the Na'vi people shouting, his pace accelerated a bit.

He ran more than 50 meters in less than three seconds. After rushing into the trench, he immediately saw a Na'vi warrior holding a gun and covering the evacuation of his tribe 20 meters away from the trench.

He threw the stone in his right hand instantly, and at the same time, he threw out the dagger in his left hand that was much blunter.

The gunshot sounded almost after he did all this, and a bullet flew past his scalp.

The stone hit his chest. Even with the steel plate on his chest to resist, the Na'vi warrior still groaned and fell to the ground, and the dagger passed over his head and stabbed into the wooden board of the trench.

Colonel Quachi rushed to the fallen Na'vi and finished the job. He snatched the rifle from his hand, checked the number of bullets and replaced the magazine with a new one.

The other members of the team arrived at the trench one after another and began to move forward carefully along the trench. After suffering several losses, some arrogant soldiers finally put away their contempt.

They encountered many Na'vi on the way, but they either killed them in close combat or shot them with their super physical fitness.

The super soldier who could kill people by throwing a stone at random naturally had to attack much faster than the Na'vi who aimed and shot with a gun. Moreover, the speed of the Na'vi was not supported by horses, so they were no match for the super soldier.

After being attacked into the trench, the battlefield was completely chaotic.

Before Jack had time to ask the Na'vi warriors to set up booby traps, the enemy had already come to their backs, at an incredibly fast speed.

Under the cover of other Na'vi warriors, Jack moved towards the tunnel of the trench. The Na'vi have a strong ability to see in the dark, and they will be safe as long as they enter the tunnel!

Colonel Kwach poked his head out from the bottom of the trench with a rifle, and saw several Na'vi running into the dim cave entrance. He immediately pulled the trigger continuously and killed the Na'vi warriors who were walking slower.

After several Na'vi warriors fell to the ground, Jack, who was protected by them, was exposed. Jack bent over in grief, and finally looked in the direction where the bullet came from and was about to hide in the tunnel. He was stunned at a glance.

Not only him, but Colonel Kwach, who was about to retract his head, was also stunned and looked into Jack's eyes.

The blue face still had some human outlines, and the blue face also showed a look of astonishment.

This moment of staring at each other seemed to turn back time and pull back to the embarrassing duel three years ago.

Only this time, the roles were reversed, and the people who were blocked at home became the Na'vi!

Suddenly, Colonel Kwach laughed, and laughed so arrogantly, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and shouted loudly: "Jack!


Jack sank his face, and responded to him by completely shrinking his body into the tunnel.

"You coward! Hahaha!"

Colonel Kwach laughed at this.

Colonel Kwach's offensive was forced to stop at the entrance of the tunnel, but he was not annoyed, but very happy. He shouted into the tunnel again and again, mocking Jack's cowardly performance.

"Jack, didn't you say you would drive us out of this planet? Look, who has become a mouse now? You! Hahaha!"

The crazy ridicule failed to affect Jack, who was determined. He did not let himself immerse himself in the depression brought by a short-term failure. Although the super soldier was very powerful, he believed in the Na'vi!

If three years don't work, then four years, if four years don't work, then ten, twenty, or thirty years. The descendants are endless, and the Na'vi will win one day!

Although there was no response other than explosions and gunshots, Colonel Kwach still enjoyed it. He didn't stop his dry-mouthed mockery until the other teams reported that they had also reached the tunnel entrance.

"Sir, what should we do next?" The old soldier who knew Jack was here was also very excited. He couldn't hide his desire to kill someone.

"Humph!" Colonel Kwach snorted at the tunnel, pressed the headset and gave orders to everyone: "Everyone go find some leaves to make a fire at the entrance of the cave, and then block the entrance!"

The soldiers understood and immediately went to find leaves, lit them with the help of the flames on the battlefield, and then stuffed them into the tunnel entrance that was slanting down, constantly piling up the fire, and after the blazing fire, they moved huge stones to block the entrance of the cave, or used wooden boards for building trenches to block the entrance of the cave, and then sealed it with soil.

Wherever there was smoke, the soldiers ran there and did the same thing, setting fire and sealing the entrance, completely blocking the way for the Na'vi.

When they saw smoke outlets and ventilation holes, they also used soil to seal them.

Just go wherever there is smoke, and move forward towards the valley little by little.

The Na'vi hiding underground were affected by the thick smoke, but not many. When building the tunnel, Jack had already considered such a thing, so he designed many hidden ventilation holes, and the shape of the tunnel was also particular.

And they didn't have to spend time in the tunnel. Most of the Na'vi warriors had passed through the tunnel and retreated to the entrance of the valley, which was more difficult to capture. There was only one entrance and steep cliffs and wide stone forests on the cliffs, which were easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Thousands of Na'vi warriors defended a canyon entrance less than 30 meters wide. If they still failed, Jack's doing so much would be meaningless.

Colonel Quach, who was advancing slowly, didn't know what was waiting in front of him, but he was still not in a hurry.

After suffering a loss three years ago, his strategy of leading troops changed from radical to cautious. After so much experience in the Marvel battlefield, he was no longer the same person he used to be.

Even without air support, heavy firepower, or decent individual weapons, they could still fight their way into the valley with their physical fitness and time.

The team advanced to the edge of the woods and finally saw a spacious flat land. At the end of the rocky flat land was a steep cliff that occupied half of the sky.

There was a crack in the middle of the cliff, which looked like a line from a distance, but was actually nearly 30 meters wide.

The stone wall and the log gate blocked the entrance to the valley tightly.

As soon as the soldiers showed their heads, dense bullets forced them to hide back in the woods.

When Colonel Kwach arrived at the edge of the woods, half of the troops had gathered, and the remaining half of the soldiers were at the other end of the valley, which was also a similar valley terrain, but narrower than here.

Colonel Kwach looked at the terrain of the valley in the distance and felt a little tricky, but not a big problem.

After carefully observing the terrain, he and the soldiers moved along the cliffs, first looking for rat holes hidden by the Na'vi. After confirming that there were none, they turned to climb the cliffs.

Umbrella Corporation had long calculated that the maximum landing height of super soldiers was about 80 meters. Because this calculation result was made by Peyton and ten people in the Resident Evil world, under the gravity environment of Pandora, the 80 meters here needed to be multiplied by 2, which is 96 meters, close to the maximum drop of 100 meters.

The soldiers began to climb the cliff more than 160 meters high with bare hands. Colonel Quachi continued to lead the way and was the first to climb on the cliff.

Halfway through the climb, just after passing through the canopy height of the giant tree, a whistle that satisfied ordinary people's fantasy of the sound of a pterosaur sounded from behind the warriors.

Colonel Quaqi and a group of soldiers clinging to the cliff turned around to check, and saw a dozen Yinkaran flying dragons that were as tall as a person flying out from between the tree crowns, with neatly arranged dense teeth spread out and flying towards them.

"Watch out!"

After alerting his soldiers, Colonel Quachi made a mental note, took out the dagger and bit it in his mouth, then climbed up on his hands and feet to find a suitable position.

When the whistling sound behind his head got closer, he exerted his strength and jumped off the cliff. His body rolled in the air and his eyes were fixed on Yin Kalan's flying dragon, which raised its head.

Colonel Kuaqi opened his arms and hugged forward, hugged Yin Kalan Feilong's head, hung his body on Feilong's body, and turned over several times to lock Yin Kalan Feilong tightly.

After Yin Kalan Feilong was hit, his body became unbalanced and rolled several times in the air. He finally stabilized his body in mid-air, but flying became very difficult.

The strengthened super soldier weighs nearly one ton. Although it is less than one ton in the gravity environment of Pandora's planet, the weight still makes Yin Kalan's flying dragon overwhelmed.

Seeing that the flying dragon was about to land, Colonel Quaqi immediately stretched out his hand to pull the Yin Kalan flying dragon's neck up to the sky, took out the dagger from his mouth and put it against the Yin Kalan flying dragon's neck and stabbed it slowly.

The sting of the dagger piercing its neck made Yin Kalan's flying dragon struggle more violently. It flew upwards instinctively, using the threat of survival to control the flying direction of Yin Kalan's flying dragon.

"Beasts are easy to control! Hahaha!"

Watching the flying dragon bring him to the top of the cliff little by little, Colonel Quaqi stabbed the dagger completely into the neck of Yin Kalan's flying dragon, then jumped and landed on the top of the cliff.

Those soldiers who did not use this method either knocked Yin Kalan's flying dragon away with their fists, or fell off the cliff because of loose stones. Some of them threw their daggers.

After one round of offensive, nearly half of the people fell off the cliff, and twelve others climbed faster. They also climbed up the cliff shortly after Colonel Kuach climbed onto the cliff.


The sound of flapping wings became louder. Colonel Kuach heard the flapping of wings from behind and threw the stone he picked up in the direction of the sound.


A large number of Yinkalan flying dragons flew out from the other side of the steep cliff. The densely packed Yinkalan flying dragons suddenly occupied the sky. The Na'vi people on their backs made a whining sound to encourage their momentum, and raised their rifles towards the cliff. Scattered soldiers fired.


Seeing this scene, Colonel Quaqi dismissed it. Before passing through the tree canopy, he discovered the Yin Kalan flying dragons hiding behind the tree canopy.

Jack didn't stop them from ascending the cliff when they were halfway up, thinking he could use air superiority to kill them at the top of the empty cliff?

Naive idea, he doesn't understand what a super soldier is!

Colonel Quachi ran quickly on the cliff and said to the other soldiers who boarded the cliff: "All those who boarded the cliff jumped to the other side and moved freely. If they found a Na'vi, they would kill them. Every time a Na'vi was killed, Call them to hand over the traitors to humanity!"

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