Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 228 The Soldier's Perspective

Christmas in 2009 seemed more lively than ever. Maybe it’s because people’s lives are getting better and better?

More and more cities are responding to laws and bans on guns. Homeless people are no longer seen on the streets. Prices have dropped and wages have risen. People who are sick are no longer afraid of illness, and poor people no longer worry about tomorrow.

Or maybe it was the increase in patrol police force during the transition from old to new, which gave them a sense of protection and allowed them to walk easily on the streets at night.

There are always some refreshing places hidden in the corners of bustling business districts. There is a newly built supermarket on the edge of Clinton District in Manhattan, New York, and next to the supermarket there is a relatively inconspicuous and simple building with the slogan " There is the Umbrella Company Security Forces logo and it says: "Recruitment Office"

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This is one of the recruitment points for recruiting security personnel for all citizens in the society. Similar recruitment points are available in various cities and rural areas. During the opening hours, the recruitment office will recruit ten young people aged 19-25 from the society to join In the Umbrella Security Forces.

Although the security force of the Umbrella Company sounds like it is just a security position, with boring tasks such as standing guard and patrolling, in fact the Umbrella Security Force is actually a large-scale military organization that is more professional than the average army of a small country.

The soldiers recruited by the recruitment office will join the Umbrella Company in future expeditions beyond the Earth. Most of the promotional videos issued focus on interstellar, extraterrestrial life wars and human supremacy, with various high-tech equipment. Supplemented by cool combat scenes.

Whether it's a promotional video or a more practical welfare system, being a full-time soldier in the Umbrella Security Forces is a rare and good job, and some people simply have a very good impression of the Umbrella Company.

So there was a very ridiculous scene in front of this supermarket. A large number of young men and women crowded at the entrance of the supermarket, creating a very lively scene in the supermarket. However, there were only a handful of people who actually went in and out of the supermarket. Most of them were just Gathering at the entrance of the supermarket.

The cold temperature could not dampen the enthusiasm of the young people. They chatted with each other, expressed their nervousness to their companions, and constantly simulated the scene of the test in their minds. They often became excited because of their imagination.

In addition to people who really want to join an umbrella company, there are also some people who simply hold up their cameras and wait for the recruitment office to open.

The time came to eight o'clock in the morning, and a first-generation Quinjet flew from the sky and hovered five meters above the recruitment office. Then the tail hatch of the plane opened, and he jumped out in front of the eager eyes of the underground people, wearing black and fighting. There is a man and a woman who serve. They are staff members of the recruitment office and active members of the security forces.

The way he jumped out of a plane in this scene is really a study of publicity!

Ordinary people just like to see things that are not common in daily life to satisfy their curiosity. The scene of jumping out of an airplane alone is worth the onlookers paying ten dollars.

After the ordinary door was opened in this unusual way, the young people gathered at the door spontaneously lined up outside the recruitment office, with men in one team and women in one.

No one takes the lead because recruitment does not depend on who is the fastest, but on all the comprehensive qualities of the individual.

The recruitment office has by far the most advanced equipment to test the physical fitness of applicants, and also conducts some basic intelligence tests.

The results will not be made public. After the test, everyone can go home and wait for the final SMS notification.

The moral cultivation of today's young people has generally improved a lot compared to the previous generation. Recruitment offices rarely encounter accidents, but there are billions of people on the planet and tens of thousands of recruitment offices, and occasionally they will encounter a few accidents.

Unfortunately, the recruitment office here encountered such a small accident today.

"Sir, let me take the test again, I really want to work for Umbrella!"

"Sorry kid."

"Give me a chance!"

"You've run six recruiting sites and tested four times in the same week. You can wait for the final round of recruiting six months later, or apply to other departments."

The intense conversation made the people queuing outside the door look curiously, and they saw a young man with a naked upper body in a temperature close to zero. He wanted to test in the designated machine, but he failed at the first review level. Stuck.

The male soldier responsible for maintaining order did not let the young man take the test, thus triggering the above conversation.

The male soldier kept sighing and said to the young man in front of him: "Most people suffering from 3D vertigo are born with it. Even if they are tested many times in a short period of time, the results will be the same. It is difficult for you to join the space department! Sorry, you have already It took a long time, if you still want to test, you can choose Army Corps, if you don't want to test, just put on your clothes and leave."

When Bieber heard this, he lowered his head as if he had lost his soul. The bitterness in his heart washed over his nose over and over again. He had been dreaming for several years and exercising day and night, but in the end he was no match for his congenital defects.

No matter how strong your heart was, it collapsed into a fragile state after the verdict.

19 years old, at this age when people used to be adults, and now at this age when the average person is 200 years old, he is gradually considered to be still a child.

This novel understanding is most prevalent within umbrella companies.

The female soldier next to him felt sorry for Bieber's pitiful appearance and gave him a suggestion, "You can join the ground force first. If you can overcome the disease in the future, you can apply to join the space department.

This sentence is like a ray of light in despair, but 3D vertigo still requires Bieber to increase the difficulty of the test a lot to make up for the defect and be equal to ordinary soldiers.

After completing the test, Bieber left the recruitment office with trepidation under the watchful eyes of two soldiers at the recruitment office.

God played a joke on Bieber, but did not ruthlessly block all his ways forward.

Three days later, The notification of passing the review was sent to his mobile phone, which made Bieber so happy that he confessed to the girl he liked on the spot, but he was rejected as expected.

The depressed mood did not last long. After saying goodbye to his family and friends one by one, Bieber went to the airport with great expectations, and took a plane to the Umbrella Corporation headquarters in Colorado with more than 200 people who also passed the preliminary test.

Participate in a training like a big wave and sand with 50,000 reserve soldiers who passed the test at the same time, and then decide which specific unit to assign the soldiers to.

[To be honest, I have been using reading books to keep up with the latest updates, switching sources, and reading aloud with many voices, Android and Apple are both available. 】

Bieber, who has a dream, is extremely hardworking in training. He never forgets his dream of going into space and becoming a space fighter pilot.

This dream can be traced back to his childhood and the early science fiction movies his parents watched. The veil of the unknown starry sky is being unveiled little by little, but his dream is still far away. It was not until he found the promotional video of the Umbrella Company that he realized that the dream could be so close.

The winter of 2010 seems to be much more lively than in previous years. Bieber has been training in the training camp for nearly two years. He has transformed from a strong young man into a qualified soldier.

Although he is working hard to move towards his dream all the time, talent is always a shackle that lingers on ordinary people and is difficult to break free of.

Just like people who are naturally short in height find it difficult to become athletes, and people with deformed bodies are not good at sports. It is difficult for people with 3D vertigo to live like normal people.

Bieber, who suffers from 3D vertigo, is naturally isolated from fighter pilots who need to gallop on multi-dimensional planes. Moreover, most of Umbrella's single-person fighters are already unmanned or remotely controlled. It is very expensive to equip a single-soldier aircraft with a life support system in the universe.

For a long time in the future, it will be impossible to see single-soldier fighters like in space operas fighting in space like an aerial dogfight.

During the training, Bieber's superiors laughed at his idea mercilessly and poured cold water on the young man with dreams.

"Space is much larger than the earth. If aliens really drive space battleships to attack us, they may be discovered by us at an unknown distance in space. There is no need to get close and fight with fighters. Even if they really collide inexplicably, don't we still have drones! "

Bieber had a look of doubt on his face. The temperature of minus three degrees was not as cold as these words.

The officer seemed to think this was too discouraging. He patted Bieber on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, at least you can still work hard and strive to join the special operations force. You have good talent. If you join that unit, you may see something you have never imagined! ”

This was the first time that Bieber really got to know this special operations force in depth. The first appearance of this force was during the war on drugs. Thousands of special operations soldiers cooperated with security forces to carry out drug-busting operations around the world, killing a large number of drug dealers and seizing a large number of contraband.

During that period, various combat reports issued on the official website of Umbrella could be seen every day.

But soon after, the functions of the special operations force were modified, and some soldiers were assigned to mercenary companies specially established to eliminate gangs and eliminate evil.

Another part of the special operations force soldiers disappeared and gradually faded out of the public's view.

In the winter of that year, Bieber participated in the selection test of the special operations force. He was not very interested in the special operations force, but all his comrades were happy and encouraged for him to pass the preliminary review.

Because he could not live up to the expectations of those people, Bieber tried his best and finally grabbed the only 300 places among the 2,800 pioneers and officially joined the special operations department. team.

After joining the army, Bieber was assigned to a veteran named Kevin for one-on-one quick start teaching.

Teaching by example is a science. Some people have rich knowledge but find it difficult to teach others. Some people, even if they have not received education, can involuntarily impart a lot of valuable knowledge that cannot be learned through normal channels through their own personality.

Kevin is such a person. His face has become more and more peaceful in the more than two years of continuous assessment tasks in the killer world. Because he has seen too many outrageous things, his mentality has lost the arrogance of his youth.

This kind of peace with a calm aura unique to veterans shocked Bieber, a newcomer who had just entered the workplace, and under Kevin's influence, he gradually accepted some concepts.

Now the functions of the special operations forces have been reformed, and veterans like him have a lot to learn every day. Because he has just returned from the killer world and has not yet completed the knowledge training, Kevin was sent to lead the new recruits and learn and progress together with the new recruits.

Every day, Bieber followed Kevin to study NZT-48, learn various theoretical knowledge and combat knowledge, and operate various new weapons skillfully. He often had to immerse himself in special scenes built by virtual networks to complete various outrageous combat tasks.

Fighting with strange-looking aliens, fighting with a lot of monsters that looked like large beasts but insisted on saying they were bugs, and fighting with robots.

Various combat scenes made Bieber, who had just joined the army, very uncomfortable.

These trainings always made him feel that there were many incongruities, but because the courses and assessments that strengthened his brain felt heavy, Bieber never had time to think about what was abnormal.

It was not until the spring of 2011 that the entire Umbrella Corporation's military units were mobilized, and Raccoon City, as the city of tomorrow, was forced to curfew. He learned that...

Bieber put on exoskeleton equipment, followed Kevin, and boarded an armored personnel carrier. Together with several members of the same team, they were looking at the night outside the small window and the convoy that stretched for thousands of meters, moving towards Raccoon City.

Holding the heavy rifle in his hand, Bieber always felt uneasy as he watched the large transport planes and helicopters passing by in the sky outside the small window.

Although he had gone through hard training that was not much easier than becoming a scientist, he lacked the training of actual combat after all, and was less adaptable to such scenes.

The scene of large-scale marching always shocked individuals. When the troops marched to the Meimen Industrial Park outside Raccoon City, which had been cleared in advance, Bieber, who was just getting to know the hugeness of this world, was also shocked by some things on the open ground that he had only seen in the holographic image game when he was fighting in a joint battle.

For example, the amp++ mecha that has gradually become a mobile firepower platform, the semi-mechanical animals that are squatting on the ground and wrapped in mechanical metal...

In addition to what he has seen in the joint virtual battle, there are some strategic weapons that he has never seen before.

The strangely shaped and exaggerated heavy tanks, the various square-shaped launch vehicles, the flashy golden and red humanoid robots...

In addition to these steel monsters that made Bieber dazzled, there was another square formation that caught his attention, that is, a force composed entirely of "giants".

They are called giants because they are 2.2 meters tall on average, and their exaggerated muscles that cannot be hidden even in combat uniforms make them look like enlarged muscular men.

Because their proportions are too normal and natural, they look like new species...

The strongest human that Bieber has ever seen is Brother Kevin, but compared with those "giants", Brother Kevin is inferior.

When the order was issued, the silent and huge team began to move forward slowly, one car after another drove forward.

Bieber, who was in the armored personnel carrier, didn't know until the moment he passed through the portal that they were going to step into a tragic battlefield.

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