Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 229: Counterattack

The commander-in-chief of Marvel Earth's counterattack is not a human, but Ultron. It has accumulated a large amount of data in the nearly three-year invasion war. The Iron Legion controlled by multiple quantum computers is a rare solid defense line on Earth.

As an intelligent life, it understands all human languages, has emotions, and stands on the side of life. As long as it uploads data, it can immediately grasp the intelligence of all troops and perform multi-threaded operations. It is a perfect candidate in the true sense.

Taiwan Novel Network → Yellow𝚠𝚔xiao𝚗.𝚌Shenyang𝚖

And if Ultron is chosen as the commander-in-chief of the counterattack, no one will have too many reasons to snatch the reputation of the commander-in-chief of the counterattack, and quarrel over the name that will be passed down through the ages.

Don't question it, there may really be...

The counterattack war officially started at 22:00 in the evening in the United States. Behind the cross-border gate of the New York base, Dr. Strange was already waiting here.

After the heavy vehicle drove out of the cross-border gate, he also casually drew a circle to open the portal, and sent the heavy equipment transported by trucks that now passed through the cross-border gate to the designated military base.

He drew circles dozens of times before he finished all these tasks.

There will be about 24,000 heavy trucks passing through the portal to Marvel Earth. These heavy trucks are used to transport the Earth Defense System equipment designed by Tony. More and more important equipment has been installed underground around the world through the portal in advance.

The equipment transported here now is consumable and replaceable equipment, that is, the warhead used to support the Earth Defense System.

After all the trucks were moved away, Tony appeared in the latest nano armor Mark 85.

The helmet turned into nano metal and retracted into the armor. He came to Dr. Strange with a serious face and asked without a beginning or an end, imitating the charlatan: "Is it now?"

Strange thought for several seconds after hearing this inexplicable question, and then he understood what Tony was asking. In order not to put too much pressure on Tony, he said in a vague way: "If I said it, nothing would happen."

At this time, a giant dressed in black combat uniform stood beside the two of them and said in a muffled voice: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Tony and Strange turned their heads and looked at the big guy wrapped in black with puzzled expressions.

"Oh, I forgot to take off my helmet!" The black giant smiled honestly, stretched out his hand to take off the huge helmet, revealing two rows of white green faces under the light, and made a funny sound in his mouth, "Dangdang~!"

Then Tony and Strange both looked expressionless...

Such a performance made Banner feel very embarrassed, and he lowered his hands and smiled helplessly.

"Just kidding! Come on!" Tony suddenly smiled, took two steps forward, and hugged Banner, who he hadn't seen for a long time.

Strange just nodded, not as enthusiastic as Tony.

At this moment, Duncan also walked out of the cross-border door, still followed by Alice.

Today, he didn't wear a suit for others to see, but changed into the uniform of the highest commander of the Umbrella military department.

When he saw Tony, Duncan raised his hand and said hello, "Hey Tony! Pepper asked me to tell you that she is pregnant and asked you to go back early."

Tony was stunned at first, then showed a crying and laughing expression, and cursed: "Why tell me so early, can't you let me finish this battle before telling me! Shit!"

"Anyway, I've brought it to you, it's a good thing you did, go back and tell Pepper." Duncan shrugged slightly. If Tony said it before he died, the plot would be too cliché.

Besides, they must win this counterattack!

He will stay in Marvel to witness the end of this battle. Umbrella Corporation still has a large number of weapons waiting behind the door. If there is any defeat on the battlefield, they will appear on the battlefield as soon as possible.

The counterattack after many years is of great importance. The space junk old Thanos has thrown hundreds of millions of tons of scrap metal to the earth. The waste energy batteries in these scrap metals have been detected to be extremely radioactive. Some dead Chitauri also carry a lot of viruses. Letting Thanos continue to pollute the earth is just waiting for death.

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Moreover, the continuous fighting lasting nearly two years has almost completely destroyed the morale of ordinary soldiers of mankind. They have endured unimaginable pressure in the endless war. Every day, desperate people will commit suicide by shooting themselves.

Humanity urgently needs a big victory to boost morale, resume production, build more resources, and build a stronger army for mankind to avoid similar incidents in the future.

Ordinary people on Marvel Earth can look up to the sky where artillery fire roars. They live in the rumbling sound of explosions every day, watching those superhumans go up and down, and watching the local soldiers struggling to hold on. In fact, their feelings are somewhat like the people of a small country that was used as a battlefield by two big countries in historical wars.

No matter how much they hate those soldiers who trample on their land in turn, they can do nothing but barely protect themselves.

This sense of humiliation is like being a weak chicken, being beaten by a strong yellow-haired NTR, and finally being tortured mentally and physically, and feeling miserable.

Pain! Too painful!

Now once the horn of counterattack is blown, if it fails, it will become extremely difficult to rebuild morale, so this is a counterattack that can only be won.

In order to prepare for this war, Tony consumed more than five times the materials in the plan, just to avoid the equipment being destroyed and irreplaceable, and the plan failing.

Captain Marvel from the universe has rested in advance. After the Earth's defense system ensures the safety of the Earth, she will go with Thor to find Thanos and kill him.

After the first batch of trucks finished passing, a large number of tanks and armored personnel carriers passed, and finally the three troops assembled by the Umbrella Company.

Commonly used special operations forces, mechanical troops using new weapons, and super soldier corps that have been tempered for two years and added a lot of people.

Their numbers are 30,000, 100,000 and 1,000 respectively.

As elite units, their mission is to go to underdeveloped areas that are mostly occupied by the Chitauri to clean up and defend.

The mages of Kamar-Taj arrived at the designated location and sent a large number of troops to the designated locations.

The tasks of all ground forces and conventional forces are very simple, defending the positions planned in advance, no matter what the terrain is, even if it is a rough sea, a polar region with howling storms, or a cliff that is difficult to stand on.

They all need to hold on, ensure that all instruments are started, and finally wait for the modules of the defense system to be launched together. During that period, the commander of the Chitauri will definitely discover their actions and must prevent destruction before the modules reach orbit.

After the modules are launched, the energy barrier will encircle the earth, and the nuclear fusion power station on the surface will shoot energy onto the barrier to strengthen the energy barrier.

After the initial stabilization, Tony will embed the Cosmic Cube and other Infinity Gems as energy into the core retained on the surface, so that the launched modules can be preserved for a long time, and can expand outward and shoot small particle energy to attack all moving objects trying to enter the earth.

After the aliens hiding on the surface are resolved, Tony will build a large number of defense weapons on the surface of the earth, and place cutting-edge weapons on the moon and several Lagrange points as a means of counterattack in the short and medium distances of the earth.

Armored vehicles and tanks passed through the portals that opened one after another and headed to where they were supposed to go.

Bieber's team consisted of twenty armored personnel carriers, an electromagnetic tank, an armored infantry fighting vehicle, two supply trucks, and five super soldiers. The place they had to guard was a golden desert.

Before passing through the portal, they had learned what they needed to do through their combat helmets.

Arriving at the mission site, twenty armored personnel carriers immediately formed a circle deep in the desert, and most of their firepower was concentrated in the north, because sixty kilometers to the north was a fallen city, and there were many Chitauri in the complex terrain.

The missiles on the entire earth combined were not enough to protect every piece of land. No other country would be willing to pay attention to this temporary Chitauri stronghold in a remote area with a small number of people.

Only now was different.

After passing through the portal, the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles immediately turned their guns in the direction of the enemy and did not fire, because sixty kilometers was far beyond the range of the tank's 120mm main gun and the infantry fighting vehicle's 35mm electromagnetic gun.

The five super soldiers who accompanied the team wore the latest equipment and held heavy electromagnetic rifles half a person's height. Their tall bodies could give people enough sense of security just by standing there.

The drone flew to the Chitauri stronghold 60 kilometers away. If the drone observed too many enemies or there were multiple groups of tanks and other long-range attack units, they would call for air support.

Soon after, the drone arrived at the fallen city. After scanning, it was confirmed that there were no multi-legged tanks in the city, only some scattered vanguards and Chitauri warriors.

After confirming safety, the signal was sent out.

After the soldiers in other positions confirmed that there were no units that could threaten the module's launch at the location to be defended, the truck began to pass through the portal flashing golden sparks, unloading the heavy module behind it directly into the desert, and then turned and left.

After the container-like defense system module landed, eight antennas of different lengths extended from the top, and the system inside the module began to operate. The invisible band spread outward, and after connecting with the signals of all other modules, they would take off.

The Chitauri discovered the abnormal behavior of humans at the first time.

Two hours later, the drone in the sky captured a lot of Vanguards moving towards their containers, and there were more and more intense explosions in the sky.

More and more enemies came from outside the earth. When people looked up, they might see a flashing light in the sky, which was the explosion caused by the penetration of the spacecraft or the delivery cabin.

"Prepare for battle!"

After Bieber heard a low voice in the channel of the combat helmet, the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles opened fire first.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The automatic loading technology plus the electromagnetic ejection technology made the tank's firing rate reach a terrifying half-minute one round. The slight explosion made Bieber's adrenaline soar straight into the real battlefield for the first time. The dust raised covered the surrounding vision and added to the smell of gunpowder on the battlefield.

At the call of Brother Kevin, Bieber walked into the infantry fighting vehicle, stretched the gun out of the shooting window, looked at the picture brought by the high-speed moving drone in the helmet, and estimated the distance of the enemy.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound came from the sky. A delivery module with only one-third of it left was falling to the west at a very fast speed. This piece of debris was not shot down by anti-aircraft fire, but more than a dozen steel soldiers flew over from the horizon.


"Fire alternately!"

The dense firepower from the side began to tilt towards the Vanguards that had already appeared in the shooting range, blocking the aliens' intention to approach them.

The heavy electromagnetic rifles of the super soldiers were also roaring, and the slightly harsh ejection sound was like the friction and collision of iron nails. The magazine with a capacity of 80 rounds allowed them to output more casually. The high-penetrating bullets passed through the blowing sand and hit the nearly bare-armored Vanguards with blood and flesh flying.

An electromagnetic tank and an infantry fighting vehicle equipped with electromagnetic guns were equivalent to three times the number of traditional tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

The output of a large amount of firepower made more than a thousand Vanguards unable to even touch the edge of the position.

Despite this, there were still units that could threaten them.

The number of enemies from outer space suddenly increased, and the Chitauri gunboats that could not be intercepted were like lone poisonous bees, making the ground defense troops feel a faint sting and thorny.

After several years and consuming a huge amount of resources, the Iron Legion managed by Ultron barely resisted the attack of the Chitauri gunboats by relying on numbers.

Soon after, a large number of drones joined the battle in the sky, and the offensive of the Chitauri gunships no longer posed a great threat.

In addition to Tony, the Earth superheroes led by Steve arrived at the most difficult areas and were also fighting.

The Earth coalition also opened fire at full power. In order to drive the enemy out of the earth, they took out part of the reserves, and armed helicopters, fighters, and bombers began to take off.

Every pilot, with the belief of winning, put life and death aside.

Ultron sat in the depths of the New York base, with a large number of wires connected to his mechanical body, connected to several tuned quantum computers, processing countless complex data on the battlefield.

The war was always in full swing, without any breathing time.

Tony stood next to the cross-border door in armor, watching heavy trucks coming in and out, his expression was calm, but in fact he was always in tension and anxiety.

Compared with him, Duncan, who had a serious expression on the side, was relatively calm.

It has been three hours now, and in another three hours, the module will be transported.

This time is not enough for Thanos to analyze clearly what the people on Earth want to do.

Even if he analyzes it, it is useless. With Captain Marvel and Thor, he can't reach the Earth, and his army can't reach the Earth!

If the main ship appears, it may be crashed by Carol.

In the tense waiting, three hours passed quickly. There were no accidents in the middle. All parts of the module worked well.

After all the modules arrived at the target location, Tony covered his eyes with nanometal and covered his head. The final part of the plan was about to begin.

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