Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 230 Thanos

The module components existing all over the world were unfolded into eight blocks and stacked together. The thrusters at the bottom sprayed blue and white light, pushing the components to slowly rise into the air.

Ultron, who controlled the Iron Legion, decisively abandoned the defense of the ground forces and let all the Iron Soldiers escort the module.

The module took off very quickly, and the hearts of all human beings who watched the module take off were pounding with nervousness, and even forgot that they were on the battlefield because of too much attention.

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Finally, under the attention of everyone, the module arrived at the predetermined position, and the energy output at full power formed a thin barrier, slowly covering the earth.

"No faults, stable energy release, coverage rate 61%...87%...100%." ​​Jarvis's mechanical voice seemed to be a little excited because of the success of the plan.

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Tony suppressed the excitement that was about to burst out in his heart, and shouted with a breath: "Start transmitting energy!"

The energy transmitter installed in advance in every fusion power station on the surface rose from the ground and unfolded like a concave disc. The huge energy turned into particles that flowed and gathered inside, and finally turned into a huge energy beam that shot towards the barrier that had already formed in the sky.

The weak barrier that had just formed became more staring after absorbing the energy transmitted from the surface, and condensed into a blue curtain on the sky.

The Chitauri gunboats that hit the barrier exploded again. Even the Leviathan with heavy armor would be melted into scrap metal when it hit the barrier.

After the barrier stabilized, the energy cannons on the nodes began to attack, and a large number of red beams were ejected, rapidly consuming the energy of the barrier.

A large number of Chitauri gunboats that flew out of the crashed spacecraft were shattered in the intensive attack of the defense system and turned into part of the countless man-made garbage in the universe.

The barrier completely isolates the enemy from the universe. Large ring-shaped spaceships may not be able to resist, but dense particle energy beams can intercept missiles launched by spaceships to the earth. When ring-shaped spaceships break through the barrier, they will be cut into pieces.

Without the threat of large-scale lethal weapons, the balance of war will tilt towards humans.

The rapid loss of energy is worrying. Tony walks towards the cross-border gate and prepares to carry out the last link of the plan. Put the cosmic cube and the power gem with infinite energy in the energy transmission device under the New York base, so that the infinite energy in this universe can replace nuclear fusion and completely turn the earth into an indestructible fortress.

Tony's former bodyguard Happy is standing by the cross-border gate with two suitcases, which contain the space gem and the power gem that are regarded as treasures in the Marvel universe.

When he saw Tony walking towards him, Happy knew that his boss's plan was successful. The barrier has been raised, and the war on Earth has finally come to an end.

A relieved smile appeared on Happy's chubby face, and he handed over the suitcases held tightly in both hands, through the cross-border door, and handed them to Tony.

Tony also nodded slightly, turned around and was about to leave with the two suitcases.

But the next moment, the concrete under his feet was suddenly lifted up high, and the large piece of concrete was pulled in a certain direction by the invisible force, along with Tony standing on it.

"What?!" The sudden attack made Tony very puzzled, and his heart that had been put down was instantly lifted up again. The thrusters under his feet ejected a golden plasma jet, and he was about to escape from the fast-moving concrete blocks under his feet.

The next moment, the rotating double blades flew over and hit Tony's chest, which had just risen. The surging nanometal prevented him from being cut in half by the double blades on the spot, but made him fly backwards.

The suitcases held tightly in both hands were pierced by the two flying double blades, and the spirit ball wrapped in the power gem fell out of one of the suitcases, as if it had wings, and flew in a certain direction.

The spirit ball was frozen in midair after flying less than 20 meters, and a pulling and tugging effect was presented.

Doctor Strange, who finally reacted from the accident, threw out the golden ribbon and pulled the spirit ball containing the power gem into his hand. His eyes flashed with golden light, and he looked at a certain open space vigilantly.

The enemy was no longer hiding. After a twist of light, four humanoid creatures of different heights and strange costumes suddenly appeared in the original empty space.

The leader, wearing golden armor and a purple face, was the most eye-catching, and people were surprised why he appeared on Earth.

In addition to Thanos, there was Ebony Maw, whose nose resembled Squidward, standing beside him, and two aliens who could clearly distinguish between men and women, General Wang Ren and his wife, Proxima Midnight.

"Are you okay?" Duncan reached out and pulled Alice, who looked a little painful, but his eyes were always on the four villains who were approaching slowly.

The sense of oppression when the four villains headed by Thanos came towards him was immediately maximized, which made Duncan feel a lot of pressure. After all, apart from his identity and title, he had not transformed himself into a super soldier. Without strong personal strength, he might be bullied across the world when facing the Marvel bully.

The rotating double blades made a sound like helicopter propellers. When Thanos walked to a distance of ten meters from a few people, he raised his right hand without gloves and caught the flying double blades, which looked tiny on his big face. His eyes looked at Duncan, and he said in a voice that could not hear the emotion: "You really surprised me, outsiders in this universe."

The villain's habitual nonsense time is always an opportunity for the superheroes to fight back.

Tony, who was beaten away by the double blades, returned with a roar. He ignored the four villains who were trying to figure out their appearance, but went to the other end of the cross-border door without hesitation, in order to transfer the space gem and the power gem back to another world. .

Realizing the sudden change in the situation, he notified the Avengers in name only before flying over, but received no response.

Instead, Squidward, who was standing upright, waved his hands and taunted, "Backward and ignorant beings will always blindly trust their own creations."

An invisible force rose, and the concrete blocks used to compact the ground were pulled up by the invisible force. Along with the surging soil, it quickly rose and piled up at the cross-border door, and at the same time overturned other people standing on the concrete floor.

Duncan tapped his chest lightly, and the nano-metal that quickly emerged wrapped him into a black and gold robot image. He put his arms around Alice's waist, and the propellers in his legs sprayed out jets, allowing him to easily avoid being lifted up from the floor. Upset destiny.

After escaping from the trap, Tony heard a sound of winter, and his forehead hit the reinforced concrete, creating a nearly two-meter-deep pothole. Unfortunately, he still could not break through the specially thickened concrete version, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was destroyed. Return to the world of Resident Evil.

"You should feel honored, because your humble and useless lives will die in the hands of the overlord of the universe..."

After successfully stopping Tony's behavior, Ebony Maw let out a satisfied taunt.


Thanos's whisper interrupted the chanting of his men. The double blades were not raised, but the gloves with only one infinity stone were lowered.

When the orange Soul Gem lit up in his gloves, Duncan immediately poured out multiple missiles on his armor. He didn't know the function of the Soul Gem, but in order to prevent the situation from getting worse, no matter what Thanos wanted to do, he would Try to stop it.

It was like there were missiles on his back, missiles made of nano-metal hitting Thanos with different flight trajectories.

The men next to Thanos all retreated, but Thanos did not dodge, and his expression did not change much as he watched the missiles hit him.

Missiles that are less than the size of a palm will naturally have no impact on Thanos. After the smoke and dust dissipated, the purple figure was still fighting in place, and the light of the soul gem in his raised left hand was still shining, making people unclear about his true identity.

"Weak resistance, if you are more rational, you should think more about how to gain my trust and become my subordinate." Thanos's eyes were always on Duncan, and his words were not changed because of Duncan's attack on him. Half annoyed, he even had a smile on his lips: "I won't kill you because you brought me a surprise. This is one of the reasons why I am obsessed with the earth."

"Are you talking to me?"

Facing the unusual enthusiasm shown by Thanos, Duncan felt very awkward. After falling to the ground and letting go of the person in his arms, he decided to talk nonsense with Thanos and waste his time.

Alice abided by her duties. After landing, she stood beside Duncan, took out the oversized pistol from her waist, and looked at the inconspicuous enemies in front of her with vigilance.

"Except for you, no one here can make me interested in communicating." Thanos answered this question honestly, his affectionate gaze making people particularly uncomfortable.

Duncan looked at Doctor Strange who seemed to be preparing something with his eyes hidden under his helmet, and then at Tony who was making some small moves. He could only continue the awkward conversation, "It seems that something about me has aroused your interest, what can you do?" Can't tell me how you came to be on earth."

"Not long ago, just when the war potential of this remote planet should have been exhausted..." Thanos seemed to be really answering seriously, completely ignoring the people who were making small moves and pacing back and forth.

The height of two meters is actually shorter than that of the black light super soldier's transformation, but the sense of oppression brought by Thanos is indeed incomparable to ordinary black light super soldiers.

"I have lived long enough. There are not many things in this universe that can make me curious. This stubborn little planet is one of them. You have shown me the unusual war capabilities, just like the endless bugs... …But that was impossible until I came here and discovered the door behind you!”

Duncan didn't look back at the warehouse filled with concrete and soil, and asked, "How did you come to Earth?"

"With some small technologies, some people will always ignore those more meaningful creations because of their own power."

A healthy smile bloomed on his big purple face, and Thanos showed two rows of equally white teeth, mocking some brainless guys.

The number of spacecraft wreckage that crashed on the earth is not to say one hundred thousand, but at least tens of thousands. There is no time to carefully inspect the huge wreckage. Usually, the spacecraft wreckage is blown up by missiles from various countries.

But when the number of weapons in various countries decreased sharply, the wreckage of spacecraft that fell in remote areas began to not be dealt with.

Thanos was mixed in these wreckage, using technical means that could not be detected by earthlings, and successfully completed a global trip on the earth, and finally came to the New York base.

This also made Duncan speechless. He looked up at the sky. It was estimated that Thanos was mocking Captain Marvel and Thor.

Two powerful fighters failed at such a critical moment, which made people's blood pressure soar.

At the same time, he also had an image of the cosmic warlord Thanos other than the movie that was quite compromising in his memory.

The warlord who could really run rampant in the universe and destroy many civilized planets was indeed not a brainless reckless man.

Putting aside his heightened vigilance, Duncan scanned the pop-up window sent by Tony, continued to delay time, and said nonsense: "Are you very interested in the world I am in? Now that you have seen the new universe, are you going to give up your ridiculous environmental protection plan?"

This was originally a half-serious and half-joking question, but Thanos' answer made him stunned.

"Environmental protection plan?" Thanos expressed doubts about this group of words. After a little thought, he said: "I don't know enough about the thousands of languages ​​on your planet. I won't do boring things like protecting the ecological environment of this universe. If what you want to express is to create massacres to please the goddess, yes, that's right, but that's an idea in the past. Now I want to conquer the new universe more."

Fuck! Licking dog purple potato!


At this time, dense explosions came from behind Duncan.

Tony has disappeared from the big pit he hit, and turned into a drill, piercing into the hill made of concrete and soil.

Along with the loud noise, there is also a portal drawn by Doctor Strange who has been idle for a long time.

Golden spark circles flickered in various places. Many people who were fighting were frightened by the sudden appearance of the portal. After seeing the current situation of the New York base, they decisively abandoned the original battle.

"What happened here?"

Steve and his good friend Bucky passed through the portal with gunpowder all over their bodies. They raised their heads slightly and looked at the tall Thanos. Steve couldn't help asking his teammates around him.

Falcon Sam walked through the portal, with Ant-Man standing on his shoulder.

Natasha and Barton walked out of another teleportation light circle, and there were more heroes, Thor, Black Panther, Colonel Rhodey, Wanda, Quicksilver, Captain Marvel who had been flying around in the universe for a long time, and the Fuck Man who was directing the battle.

"Why did you open the magic door in front of me? Oh, wait a minute!"

Nick Fury, who was originally in the secret command room, was startled when he suddenly saw the golden spark ring flashing in front of him. He was not surprised by the common things like portals, but why he was found.

After seeing the scene on the other side of the portal clearly, he immediately recognized the extremely conspicuous purple potato spirit, and turned around and disappeared in front of the portal.

Then he brought a ginger cat with a bell tied around its neck, threw it directly out of the portal, and then made an OK gesture, "I will notify others!"

Strange looked at the orange cat who was thrown out and squatted on the ground, and silently closed the portal connecting to Nick Fury.

It’s not that I think Nick Fury is unreliable, but what he needs is the orange cat on the ground...

To be more precise, the Devourer!

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