Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 232 Tactical Shift

The scarlet magic light lifted the second set of giant rollers that were raging and threw them outside the camp. The continuous high-intensity combat made Wanda breathless and a little overwhelmed.

As the current top combat force, Wanda was protected by her brother and several teams of super soldiers. Their current duty was still to guard the warehouse, along with Strange who was still using the Eye of Agamotto.

Thanos, who had been ignored for a long time, disappeared. He played stealth in the public eye, using some special technological means.

Although his figure was hidden, Master Wang and Alice, who did not rely on her eyes to observe, still found Thanos's trace.

"Thanos is coming to me!"

After helping Duncan summon troops, Master Wang had been idling away. When he saw the boss suddenly coming towards him, he decisively sought help. Although he was a melee mage, it also depended on who he was compared with.

Facing the cosmic ruthless man who could use a wide blade to make flowers to block bullets, Wang was not sure he could resist.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network โ†’ ๐˜๐˜„๐—ธ๐—ฎ๐—ป.๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—บ]

Bang bang bang!

The sound of a fighter plane sonic boom was heard from the horizon, followed by a whirring sound of breaking through the air, the two sounds intertwined.

Then came the explosion of a missile, and the giant roller that split into five was blown off by the missile carried by the fighter plane, and it could no longer move, and fell heavily to the ground.

Casualties were inevitable, and several drivers of infantry fighting vehicles were crushed underneath.

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The earth-shaking sound came again, but this time it was not from Thanos, but from the warehouse.


A huge crawler platform broke through the soil that sealed the warehouse, and Tony, who had been in the world of Resident Evil for a long time, drove the experimental firepower platform back to the battlefield.

The length, width and height that can barely pass through the portal is to be able to provide Marvel with super firepower support with this armed platform designed in the style of a large ship and a large cannon when necessary.

The square firepower platform is full of encapsulated gun muzzles, powered by a small fusion reactor, and equipped with 4,200 missiles of different types, 20 of which are equipped with nuclear warheads.

Not only that, but also a variety of new weapons are hidden under the heavy steel plates, including small plasma cannons, tracking particle beam weapons and a large number of weapons that only consume energy and a small amount of material.

"Alice, we should leave."

Tony finally came back. After coming back, Duncan didn't need to stay here anymore and flew straight to Alice.

But before leaving, he needed to make sure that Tony would not be affected and take over this firepower platform through the back door in time.

The missile bombing of the fighter jets in the sky has been going on for a while. While the giant roller was destroyed, the camp became a mess.

Tony, who had just returned to Marvel, sat in the operating table of the firepower platform. Seeing the miserable state of the camp, he showed an expression of uncontrollable anger and used neural connection technology to adjust all the weapons on the platform.

The most advanced sensor system discovered the abnormal factors hidden in the light and shadow. An armor plate of the platform was opened, and the pulse cannon that had been charged in advance released the accumulated energy, blasting Thanos away.

Thanos' figure was hit by the pulse cannon and rolled in a panic. As the air twisted, the small means of technology also failed. The body covered with golden armor emerged from the void and fell heavily into the mud dozens of meters away.

Before he stood up, the countless weapons on the firepower platform poured out a raging anger at him.

Countless missiles and alternately charged energy weapons, plus the continuous high-temperature burning of ion beam weapons, illuminated the area into an invisible white land.


The firepower platform was still moving slowly, and the small number of weapons separated were enough to hit the remaining three targets and make them flee in panic.

Although the black smoke covering the battlefield could make environmentalists die on the spot, Duncan was still satisfied with the outstanding performance of this large ship and cannon concept creation.

Without a large ship riding on the face of the earth, at least there are cannons that are crazy and powerful.

Ebony Maw does not have a flexible body. His telekinesis skills are very advanced, but facing the particle beam weapon with tracking ability, he can only move his body quickly left and right, and he must always be vigilant against the attack of missiles and bullets.

Not long after, with the interference of several grenades suddenly thrown from the ground, his body was hit by the particle beam weapon and he couldn't even scream. His body was roasted into charcoal by the instantaneous high temperature and fell.

General Corvus and Proxima Midnight were quickly submerged in the sea of โ€‹โ€‹missiles, and their bodies were torn into pieces of meat by the explosion.

At this time, only Thanos was still holding on in the field. He was baking under the high temperature of the particle beam weapon and the frontal bombardment of countless missiles.

Part of this is due to the incredible Titan body, and more of it is due to his set of golden armor made of special materials, which is both practical and has a high artistic value.

If the armor has not melted after the battle, Duncan is going to pull it off and hang it in the museum.

The temperature of the particle beam weapon of the firepower platform is not as high as the instantaneous explosion of nuclear weapons, but it is still higher than the surface temperature of the sun. Only Thor can withstand the continuous baking of tens of thousands of degrees.

If Thanos wants to withstand such high temperatures, he has to rely on the armor on his body, but he also knows that this will not last long, so he uses tricks again. Being able to bend and stretch, dare to think and dare to do, is Thanos's life creed.

The inconspicuous vibration came again, and a group of giant rollers rushed out from the ground. Along with the rollers, a large number of elite Chitauri warriors crawled out of the soil.

The war finally returned from the cold weapon era to the hot weapon era.

For a time, the battlefield was once again filled with a large number of bullets and beams.

Some of the Chitauri near New York were blocked by the bombing of fighter planes, and the remaining part finally came to the camp to join the battle.

Faced with the increasingly fierce battle, Duncan did not intend to stay any longer. He walked to the side of Master Wang, took back the cosmic spirit ball, and prepared to bring the gem back to the world of biochemical crisis.

When he turned around, a suction device suddenly appeared on the ground, sucking the armor to the ground.

Just as he broke free, the cosmic spirit ball in his right hand was suddenly snatched away by an invisible person, and the spirit ball was suspended in the air and quickly moved away.

In this noisy environment, a female voice floated into Duncan's ears, "What low-level creatures."

Duncan broke free from the adsorption device, and instead of rushing to chase, he directly sent a group message that the spirit ball had been robbed, and waited quietly.

The next moment, the surviving super soldiers aimed the muzzles of their electromagnetic rifles at the area of โ€‹โ€‹the spirit ball, and the dense missiles of the firepower platform also covered that area the next moment.

The scanning system observed the energy signals of the cosmic spirit ball, and bombed the idiot who stole the gem based on these energy signals that could not be hidden...

Thanos appeared a little suddenly. In everyone's cognition, Thanos should still be on his flagship, but he just suddenly appeared.

They prepared a lot of plans in advance. The counterattack plan that had been prepared for more than two years was of course very rigorous. Considering that the flagship would crash into the earth, they even prepared hundreds of intercontinental missiles to shoot into the sky.

There are still three firepower platforms left in the world of Resident Evil. These expensive and impractical cannons serve as emergency support on the battlefield.

All their plans revolve around the premise of ensuring the generation of the earth's defense system.

Because according to everyone's understanding, the enemy's unknown technology is very powerful, but the earthlings are not willing to be outdone. Even if they can't even leave the planet, as long as the earth is still there, there is still hope.

And they still have a lot of high-end combat power. As long as they stabilize the rear of the fire, resume production, and with the help of another world, they will be able to make progress little by little, and finally leave the earth and defeat the cosmic warlord Thanos who has issued a declaration of continuous war.

So from the beginning, they did not think deeply about the direction that Thanos has entered the earth. Most of the advance preparations were made to prevent the failure of the earth's defense system.

There are many forward-looking thinking, and only a few plans have responses to Thanos' sudden appearance on the earth, and the premise is still around the earth's defense system.

After all, they still have a lot of high-end combat power. Captain Marvel, who has been flying around in orbit for more than two years, is enough to give experts enough confidence to face Thanos.

And the few times they met, Carol also showed her disdain for Thanos. Coupled with the combat power of Thor, the god of thunder, they are familiar with, the elite surprise attack strategy should not play a big role.

The current accident is nothing more than a misunderstanding of the Soul Stone and Thanos's brain. The thinking of the earthlings has been trained into a game thinking in the war.

That is, the war is like a turn-based battle game, with infantry and tanks facing the enemy on the front line. After the enemy opens fire, the enemy's position is confirmed, and the corresponding troops are dispatched, or the coordinates are recorded to launch missiles.

The civil war on Earth is like this. There is little thought about close combat, so when facing groups of vanguards, they are quite unconcerned. Only when facing the Chitauri, whose armor and weapons are more advanced than humans, will they be vigilant.

In terms of war history, Marvel Earth is the same as the Earth in other worlds.

But the Marvel Earth universe is very different from the universe in other worlds. The Marvel universe has a variety of rich and unique resources, which provides a simple way for cosmic races other than Marvel Earth to enter hyperspace navigation.

It's like a certain hypothesis: the earth is in a corner of the galaxy, with scarce resources, and just lacks the necessary materials for opening hyperspace. The development of civilization is deformed, and the racial characteristics of Homo sapiens make their armed forces develop in a strange way that more is better and bigger is beautiful.

Once humans master the technology of fast space travel, and given another ten years of development time, humans will become a relatively powerful force in the Milky Way.

If it is just the technological level of civilizations in the Marvel Universe, perhaps after mastering the technology of space travel, Earthlings can have a place in the Milky Way if they have more generations.

The cosmic warlords donโ€™t know much about Earth, and they rush to fight with swords and grab gems before they even understand the language clearly...

Alice used telekinesis to lift the cosmic spirit ball that was blown up to 20 centimeters in the air. After Duncan stretched out his hand to take the cosmic spirit ball in his hand, he took a last look at the messy battlefield, turned around and walked towards the biochemical crisis world with Alice.

"Wait, you left, what should I do?"

Master Wang seemed to regard Duncan as the commander, and when he saw him leaving, he hurriedly stopped him.

"Tony will arrange it. If he can't do it, there is Ultron."

Duncan thought of Dr. Strange who was still casting a spell, and gave the soldiers in the communication an order to protect the two and the cross-border gate.

Then he walked through the smoke, through the cross-border door, and returned to the world of Resident Evil.

After passing through the cross-border gate, you will see a row of security guards and fixed weapons standing ready. This place conveys a depressing atmosphere. Tony's little follower Happy took off his suit and put on a set of similar-looking combat uniforms. , holding a strange-looking custom-made firearm in his hand, and the tight expression on his fat face clearly represented his concern for the war situation on Marvel Earth.

The previous cross-border door was suddenly blocked by concrete slabs and mud, which really shocked them. Tony rushed out anxiously, gave various instructions, and finally drove away a fire platform. They became even more nervous and had already prepared a long journey. The worst plan to threaten the fall of the earth.

Representatives from various countries stationed in the Meimen Industrial Park also reported the news. At this time, they were already secretly mobilizing. If Thanos captured Marvel Earth, they would completely block the cross-border gate.

When technology develops at the right time, they will counterattack Marvel Earth. Despite the harsh environment and extremely poor condition, Marvel Earth is still a huge planet with countless resources that are worth investing in robots and various unmanned weapons to plunder. return.

"How's the situation over there, Mr. Duncan?"

After seeing the black and gold armor and Alice, Happy immediately recognized Duncan. He eagerly put down his weapon and came to Duncan eagerly.

There are many interesting and unexplainable aspects of the cross-border door. For example, some dust cannot pass through the cross-border door, but coins thrown behind the door can.

Gas cannot pass through the cross-border door, but the air on the human body or in the object will not be squeezed out.

The smoke and dust raised by the gunfire from the earth and stones knocked away by the fire platform blocked their view of the other world from here, and even the sound could not get through.

The sound of cannons was loud one second, and it was as quiet as night the next. Such a huge contrast made Duncan and Alice who had just returned a little uncomfortable.

The nanometal on the head of the armor shrank back into the interior of the armor, revealing the face that Duncan had been holding back for a long time. He said to the worried Happy: "The situation over there is pretty good. Don't worry about it for the time being. I will take over here temporarily and stay here." The next two teams are here, the others will return to their respective posts and wait for further arrangements!โ€

After that, he took Alice on a commuter car and left the transfer center.

In the end, it was too slow to take the car, so Duncan simply put on the armor again and took Alice to fly to the original training base of the special operations forces, which has now been transformed into a cutting-edge military technology design department and a testing ground for individual weapons.

In times of emergency, it's okay to serve as a command post.

While flying in mid-air, the armor was connected to Red Queen and issued a large number of instructions to her, giving priority to the reserve troops outside Raccoon City to reinforce Marvel Earth in batches, and to inform him and the command center of the war situation in the Marvel world at any time.

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