Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 233 New World, Giant God Company

The Umbrella Corporation's investment in the war on Marvel Earth is undoubtedly huge. During the entire war, the company's direct assistance to the Marvel World is enough to allow 500 million people to live a prosperous life. ׺°”˜`”°º× ׺°”˜`”°º×

The number of warriors directly involved in the Marvel War reached 200,000, and the huge base brought more surprises.

In the spring of 2012, Thanos's head rolled under the axe blade of Thor's battle axe, and Marvel Earth's counterattack was declared a victory, and it was also the first victory of Earth's foreign war.

This is a time worth remembering. After knowing the victory of the foreign war, the surviving people on Marvel Earth were all shocked and stunned, and then cheered like crazy.

Even if their throats were dry due to lack of water, they were waving their arms, using their remaining strength to squeeze out the gas in their lungs and shouting to vent!

Although the overall victory has been achieved, there are still many lingering Chitauri warriors and Vanguards on Marvel Earth. They still have high-powered lethal weapons and still need soldiers to clean them up.

At least people no longer need to stay underground, and don't need to worry about a few warships falling from the sky!

They can finally go to the ground to pick up waste and breathe fresh air from the outside world again.

The people in this war are suffering, and only a small number of doomsday survivalists can live comfortably with the shelters and supplies built in advance.


The end of the war made countless people happy, but also made many people feel uncomfortable.

In a turbulent environment for a long time, there is not much difference between the reactions of humans and animals, and they will always fall into a certain extreme state of madness.

This state of madness has various manifestations, some of which are extreme worship of aliens, some of which are extremely violent, some of which are adapted to this rule and cannot accept the environment returning to its previous state, and there is pure madness.

Such symptoms have corresponding symptoms in human psychiatry, but at this time when everything is in ruins and human civilization needs to be rebuilt urgently, such people are handed over to the army for treatment.

They are not killed, but directly handcuffed and chained, and let them do the dirtiest and most tiring work.

Moreover, since those extreme criminals cannot be caught, they basically do not ask about their nationality, and everything is handled simply. It is over after a simple process.

Geneva Convention?

Geneva was bombed flat!

It was at this time that some representatives of the Resident Evil world unanimously increased their assistance to Marvel Earth.

There are selection criteria for the objects of assistance. A few countries chose to assist the equivalent of another country, but most countries are full of malice towards the other self, just like when you look in the mirror, the person you see in the mirror is not yourself, which is the source of inexplicable hostility.

Umbrella Corporation also provided a lot of assistance to Marvel Earth. Because of the company's contribution to Marvel Earth in the invasion war, some senior executives invited Umbrella Corporation to join the alliance.

The answer given by Umbrella Corporation is very clear, rejection, but it can become a bridge for communication between the two worlds and a permanent neutral unit.

With absolutely correct artificial intelligence monitoring, some people are still worried, but this is indeed what most people are willing to accept.

Ordinary people in the two worlds finally know each other's existence, and they hope to be able to communicate more with each other.

It was during this lively time that Duncan made public speeches and attended many events. At the annual meeting of the Umbrella Corporation, he announced the establishment of the Umbrella Group, which has very few companies under the group.

There is only the nominally re-established Stark Industries and Pym Technology, which has been taken over by the new generation of heirs. It is not clear whether more people will join in the future, but the Umbrella Group is undoubtedly a neutral unit equivalent to the size of a country.

It will take a very long time to restore the order of Marvel Earth, and it will also take a very long time to rebuild the city.

The currency needs to be re-issued, trade needs to be restarted, food needs to be planted quickly, and they even need to conduct "archaeology" to regain the knowledge they once mastered.

During this period of recuperation, Duncan paid tribute to the soldiers who died in the war, sent generous pensions to their families, and gave more preferential treatment to the families of the fallen soldiers. If there are children in the family, all future schooling, employment and retirement issues can be arranged.

It was also during this period that Duncan opened the portal to the sixth world. The location was set in Moxige, which had been reorganized for seven years. The newly established sub-base there was closer to the small country, making it easier to provide assistance to the small country.

Umbrella Corporation... Now it should be said that the Umbrella Group, the group's assistance is real assistance, not mixed with any political purpose, as long as the assistance plan can recover the cost in the future, they dare to invest.

The dividends of exploring the new world and the dividends of construction are what the people in underdeveloped areas need.

The new world is very peaceful through one-way observation, and there is nothing abnormal. The exploration team has explored it in advance, and the results of the exploration have been submitted.

There are not many strange places in that world, but it is more advanced in technology. This advancement is comprehensive, whether it is military technology or civilian technology, it is more advanced than the earth that Duncan has contacted, and the time setting is also the future of 2060.

Of course, this advancement is compared with the technological level before the Umbrella Group led the progress of civilization.

In the sixth world, the most advanced technology is not a certain country, but a private enterprise with some similarities with Umbrella Corporation, Atlas Corporation. People there prefer to call this company "Giant".

There are still some differences between Umbrella Corporation and Giant God. Umbrella Corporation focuses on the fields of medical and military, and is the largest monopoly enterprise on the earth in the world of Resident Evil.

The main business of Giant God in the sixth world is mercenaries and high-end military technology. The main means of profit is to collect patent fees and provide regional peacekeeping services.

Giant God has broken away from the conventional mercenary military company and entered a higher level. It is a giant enterprise that has entered the political field.

The huge military force that exceeds the country allows it to join the United Nations as a private company and become a special member. The company even has weapons of mass destruction.

As for why the investigation is so clear?

Because the boss of Giant God, Ains, is very arrogant. He openly challenged the whole world at the United Nations Conference and believed that only Giant God can save the world and eliminate the world's war.

The exploration team was fortunate to witness the most domineering speech of the ambitious middle-aged man at the United Conference. Although it was not very rational, this kind of open challenge to the world was really refreshing.

Duncan admired Boss Irons very much, but after reading the information about the new world, he also felt that this behavior was not very rational.

Fortunately, the boss of Giant God Company did not lose his mind and directly declared war. He just scolded the representatives at the meeting. There is still a chance to save it, but the time will be tight...

September 2060 is a special year for people living in this world.

Because not long ago, Jonathan Irons, the president of Atlas, the world's largest private military service company that had just been approved to join the United, did not clarify the accusation of researching weapons of mass destruction at the United Conference. Instead, he directly admitted that Atlas had weapons of mass destruction and pointed at each representative and scolded him.

Now nearly 10 billion people on the entire earth are shrouded in a ghost, and this ghost is called "Atlas"!

After speaking at the joint meeting, Irons disappeared from everyone's sight. His whereabouts were unknown. Perhaps he was hiding in the headquarters of Giant God Company, or perhaps he was hiding in some secret base that no one knew about.

In short, his disappearance made many people highly nervous. The armies of various countries were prepared to respond to the offensive of Giant God Company at any time. At the same time, they were actively seeking contacts, not wanting to see things slip into the abyss.

At this highly tense time, Duncan drove his bulletproof luxury car to this new world where the sun seemed to be brighter.

After reading the speech of Irons, the boss of Giant God Company, Duncan felt a sense of sympathy. After carefully analyzing the strength of various countries, he decided to come to the new world in person to try to save the doomed fate of Giant God Company.

After deep learning of quantum computers, the intelligence of the White Queen has become much stronger. The computer development in the new world has led the world of Resident Evil for sixty years, but it is still far from being able to surpass the black technology intelligent life.

After hacking into some branches of Giant God Company by borrowing the computing power of civilian computers, he sent an appointment to Giant God Company to meet with Irons, the president of Giant God.

This special appointment is naturally also very particular. In order to reflect the powerful technology of the Umbrella Group, the White Queen deliberately locked the computers of the entire building. It does not affect normal work, but it cannot be shut down by normal means. Every once in a while, a pop-up window will automatically pop up the appointment information.

It is necessary to use Ains's iris authentication to unlock the appointment information. Thanks to the powerful technology of the Giant God Company, such a trick can be played.

At the same time, the members of the World Development Team are also preparing for the establishment of a branch company in a intensive manner, and have made multiple plans in advance to save the Giant God Company.

In order to prevent Ains' irrational behavior as a possibility, a plan to maximize the interests of the Umbrella Group was prepared.

First, they have to go to New York and register a private military service company.

There are not so many coincidental external factors in the new world to help the Umbrella Group make quick profits. The class solidification in 2060 is very exaggerated. If you want to establish a private military service company in the United States, and it is still in the sensitive period when Ains, the president of the Giant God Company, publicly provokes the world, you must make some compromises.

Therefore, they did not take the technical loan route to raise funds and rush all the way.

Instead, it adopted a more roundabout way...

The signs of Gigantic's ambition gradually emerged, and the most anxious one was undoubtedly the US military, which had in-depth cooperation with Gigantic.

Since 2035, Gigantic has been the largest supplier of the US Department of Defense, and many advanced equipment have the shadow of Gigantic.

Judging from Ains's performance in the United Nations, Gigantic may have had a rebellious mind from the beginning, so all the technologies provided by Gigantic will become a knife for Gigantic to cut the US Department of Defense.

Will the most common exoskeleton be locked by the hidden program left on the battlefield?

Will the "How to quickly train a professional soldier" program used within the military become the magic weapon for Gigantic's commander to see through the actions of the soldiers?

Gigantic is too strong, and no one wants to see such a giant military group provoke wars all over the world, which is not in anyone's interest.

Bradley, the Deputy Secretary of Defense of the United States, is troubled by this matter. The military relies heavily on Titan's technology.

Although they would not lose their combat effectiveness without losing Titan Company, it is impossible for them to continue to use those technologies after Irons made such a speech. Even the exoskeleton that almost assembles the entire army may need to be completely replaced or modified.

The problem lies here. On the one hand, they are actively contacting Jushen Company to try for peace talks, and on the other hand, they are actively looking for new suppliers.

It is an indisputable fact that Titan Company leads the world in the military industry. They have the best technology. Apart from Titan Company, there are few companies in the American market that can provide equipment and technology for the US military. There is not much competitiveness.

The cost of independent research and development is too high. Bradley has asked his secretary to secretly contact several top companies in the market except Titan Company, preparing to put the procurement plan in front of them and let them come up with the best technology to compete. .

In addition, Bradley can't think of a good way to fill the void after losing Titan Company.

Shortly after the invitation for the tender was sent out, a certain congressman with whom he had some personal relationship invited him to a secret dinner.

Originally, Bradley didn't want to go. The worries at work were enough for him to have a headache, and he had no intention of attending any dinner.

However, after repeated persuasion by the congressman, coupled with the past friendship and the overt and covert hints during the phone call, he still went to the appointment.

The dinner was held in a luxurious villa near Washington. When Bradley was escorted by bodyguards to the villa, a kind-faced congressman welcomed him into the villa with a smile.

At the same time, Bradley also met several acquaintances in the restaurant of the villa. These acquaintances were all from the same circle, and they were not at ease when meeting each other. Only two of them were strangers, and he couldn't help but look at them. To the MP who invited me.

"Hey, Xiuxiu! I'm so happy that Minister Bradley is here that I forgot to introduce him!" The congressman pretended to smile awkwardly, and then pulled over a man from science and engineering who wore glasses and looked reserved, and introduced him to Bradley introduced: "This is Donald Wisconsin, an expert in... exoskeleton technology!"

The congressman pulled another man with shaggy hair and a somewhat thin body, but he looked like a tongue-twisting Jew, "And this is Albert, an expert in materials science. Today's meal is for Minister Bradley." Let me introduce you two!”

"Hello Mr. Bradley, I'm so happy to see you, today is like a dream! I... thank God!"

"Hello Mr. Bradley, nice to meet you!"

The two men, dressed in scholarly stereotypes, looked at Bradley with reserved and respectful expressions, and shook hands with him one by one.

Bradley vaguely guessed the congressman's purpose, but continued to read.

Americans are not used to discussing work during meals, so confidential conversations are held before meals.

The group of people went down to the basement, where two members of the development team "excitedly" introduced "their" research results to Minister Bradley.

On the holographic screen is a dilapidated laboratory full of oil and rusty metal. Donald and Albert used an old fixed camera to shoot video.

In the video, a set of rough but already formed exoskeleton armor is lined up on a randomly welded iron frame, and it is fully covered.

Albert took out a piece of thin fabric and came to the camera, explaining the material incoherently. His expression of excitement and pride made Albert raise his chin when he watched the video again.

Immediately afterwards, Bradley saw an incredible scene.

A fully charged 62mm rifle bullet was fired at this thin layer of fabric. Instead of the bullet penetrating the fabric, the bullet deformed and twisted and fell to the ground.

After seeing such a scene, Bradley was so shocked that he stood up from the sofa.

Then Albert and Donald in the video demonstrated the effect of exoskeleton armor covered with bulletproof materials, as well as the individual combat system "independently designed and developed" by Donald.

At the end, the two sat together in front of the camera and spoke tearfully about how much they loved the country and how their two geniuses were not understood by others. Finally, they criticized the giant company and said how much they loved before. How much I hate it now.

Threaten to create a new pmc private military company, they have already thought of the name, it will be called "Umbrella".

Umbrella: Umbrella, protective umbrella.

The purpose of its establishment is to become the protective umbrella of democracy, block all wind and rain, and become the guardian of American democracy and freedom!

Unfortunately, the two of them were weak and did not have the capital to set up a company, so they could only seek cooperation with others. In the end, through many inquiries and shameless entanglements, they were successfully discovered by the congressmen and wanted to jointly establish Umbrella Company, so that the partners could When they came to manage the company, the two of them concentrated on research.

As for this joint venture, whose capital is it? Who will manage the company?

When Bradley heard this, he slapped his thigh and praised Donald and Albert for making the right choice!

I still say in my heart, it’s so damn right!

The dinner ended perfectly with laughter, and everyone was very happy.

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