Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 241: So cute

Today, Titan Company provides rescue services in a certain area.

Tomorrow, Umbrella's large trucks will drive to the area to provide more and better assistance to the suffering people, or two convoys will arrive at the same time.

Free vaccinations are being given non-stop, and huge amounts of money are being dispersed all over the world in order to win people's hearts.

The people's hearts in the world are like a plate of loose sand now, and the giant god and Umbrella are trying to gather the loose sand around themselves and turn it into a hard wall for their own use.

The regional police prefer Titan Corporation to the domineering Umbrella, because the vaccines, bread, and safety provided by Irons only charge extremely low prices.

On the contrary, the people prefer Umbrella Corporation, which provides better food, medicine and entertainment, unaware that the price of these aids is large tracts of land in their country and the entry of private armies.

The beneficiaries of this kind of overt and covert struggle for aid are often ordinary people.

The war-torn Syrian region has been experiencing endless civil wars all year round. Even in 2061, Syria is still mired in civil war. Even if the reasons are not elaborated, many people know it.

Under the damaged buildings that have never been repaired are khaki bricks piled together in a messy manner. The slightly raised dust brings the desolation of winter. Pedestrians wait under the houses that can be called dangerous buildings. Hopeful eyes kept flickering at the end of the dirt road that was barely a road.

The hands of ignorant children are held by their parents. They hide behind the adults, hide their bodies in the shadows, and look at the end of the dirt road with the adults.

They dare not step out of this construction area, even if these buildings ravaged by shells may collapse in the next second because someone rests on them.

Two cars appeared at the end of the road. If you look carefully, you can see that there are other cars behind them.

The transport convoy consisting of heavy armored vehicles and personnel carriers rolled over the brass bullet casings buried in the soil, and drove toward the men, women, and children standing in the shadows of the buildings with a sense of hope and despair.

The Syrian civilians waiting in line showed surprise and relief when they saw the two convoys, because after they arrived, they said they could get temporary safety, clean food and water.

The armored vehicles of both fleets have eye-catching logos on their fronts. The color scheme of the vehicles is highly consistent with the surrounding earth-yellow buildings. The tough style shows that these vehicles are not conventional vehicles.

These are armored vehicles. If the news had not reached the ears of civilians in advance, civilians would never have the courage to walk outside the shelter and be on the same plane as the steel monster that represents war death.

Bulletproof tires rolled over hundreds of meters of dirt road, and accompanied by the wail of the stones being crushed by the industrial rubber, the two convoys stopped in front of the dangerous building.

Some soldiers wearing powered exoskeletons got off the two armored vehicles. After looking at each other, they quickly opened the mechanism on the simply modified armored vehicles and quickly set up several tents to block the sun.

The skilled movements showed that they had done this a lot, and the constant glances at the status of the other team's convoy also showed the competitive mentality of the soldiers on both sides.

A strong aroma of meat suddenly spread to the scene, causing the thirsty mouths of many Syrian civilians who were still watching and waiting to miraculously secrete saliva. They all looked for the source of the meat aroma.

Soon, they set their sights on the large cylindrical iron pot carried by two Umbrella Company soldiers.

As the iron pot came closer, the aroma of the meat gradually became stronger, making the group of civilians who had heard that they were waiting regret not bringing everyone in the family with them so that they could eat more meat.

When the Titan Company team moved out the supply boxes, they found that such worries might be unnecessary.

An Umbrella mercenary saw that all the civilians' eyes were attracted to the cauldron of meat. He couldn't help but look proudly at the team of Titan Company next to him. Then they saw the mercenaries of Titan Company taking out items one by one from the supply box. A bulging backpack and an insulated lunch box.

They have erected a sign next to the motorcade, with slogans written in Arabic, English and French stating that they should first receive aluminum lunch boxes and then go to the other side to receive food.

Not only that, in order to take care of

For those civilians who were illiterate, they also set up a four-frame cartoon so that people could understand it at a glance.

Moreover, in the comics, Umbrella Company soldiers are drawn as fat chefs.

The people from Titan Company obviously came prepared! This time we are not competing with them for supplies!

Umbrella's mercenaries were so angry that although they would not use knives or guns for such a thing, they felt somewhat unhappy, as if they had lost.

But if you are unhappy, you must continue to work.

After the Titan soldiers who spoke Arabic reminded civilians that they could line up to receive assistance, Syrian civilians who were already hungry and thirsty began to line up in order.

Each person had a backpack and a lunch box. After receiving them from Titan Company, the civilians walked to the Umbrella Company team, opened their brand new lunch boxes, and looked expectantly at the female soldiers standing behind several large pots.

These female soldiers didn't care. They were sincerely happy to be able to help people, but they hid the disposable tableware in the box with a little embarrassment.

In addition to hot food, Umbrella Company will also provide a satchel, the contents of which are similar to those in the backpack provided by Titan Company, including compressed food, water, various vitamin tablets, and common medicines.

After receiving the supplies, these civilians also need to be vaccinated to avoid being infected by the smallpox virus.

Several veterans of the headquarters, two meters tall and wrapped in black combat uniforms, stood behind the busy mercenaries, using their large bodies and bodies that gave people a great sense of security to provide a sense of security to the civilians.

Their eyes hidden under the helmets swept over the two parties who were faintly trying to compete, and showed a smile like an old father.

Now most of the employees in the Umbrella branch, that is, mercenaries, are natives of this world. The number of special warfare veterans from the world of Resident Evil in the Umbrella branch is only 1/20.

They came with the mission of the group and knew what they were going to do.

Since they already knew that the people in the group would become their colleagues and comrades in the future, they now looked at these locals who were still unaware of the real situation and were still close to the soldiers of the Giant God Company, and naturally felt like seniors looking at newbies.

It's so cute. They are obviously a family in the future, but they are still competing there. I don't know what kind of expression they will show when they know the truth and sit together!


Among the civilians in the queue, a man in a robe behaved abnormally several times in a row, attracting the sharp eyes of the special operations veteran.

The bearded man in a beige robe looked around, without any joy or expectation on his face about to receive relief food. His forehead was sweating, and he moved his body back and forth hurriedly because the team was advancing slowly.

The special operations veteran transmitted the abnormality to others through the radio, asking them to stay calm, and then remotely controlled the invisible drone to approach for investigation.

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