Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 242 Attack

The drone's detector swept over the man's body with an abnormal expression, and as expected, it found the abnormal items hidden under the thin long run. It was not a bomb vest, but a pistol and a round object suspected to be a grenade.

The drone could only see a basic outline when it was close to the body. In order to ensure that there were no other armed elements with weapons in the team except him, it continued to explore in the long team when others were not paying attention.

Soon, the special operations veteran found 20 to 30 civilians with weapons in the queue. The further they went, the more dangerous the weapons they carried. There was even a man who hid a grenade launcher that was briefly equipped by the US military in a cloth bag.

This situation immediately attracted the attention of the special operations veterans. The news was not only passed to the Umbrella mercenaries who did not get off the car, but also shared by radio to the Giant God Company convoy next to them.

When they learned that there were armed elements among the civilians queuing to receive supplies, the people of Giant God Company also became nervous, and at the same time sent a number of invisible drones to follow them for reconnaissance.

Now there are at least three or four hundred civilians here, and there are also many with families.

No matter what those militants want to do, once they act, accidental injuries and killings will definitely happen.

It's not that they have to identify those people as militants who will create danger, nor can they rule out that they carry guns, bombs and grenade launchers simply to protect themselves in the war zone... But they can't gamble with their lives. When they find abnormalities and possible dangers, it is better to do something than to do nothing.

In any case, they must protect the civilians here!

The special warfare veteran walked between the vehicles as if unintentionally, away from the queue for assistance, and hid under the cover of the vehicle.

This move is to let the militants relax their vigilance and make them think that they have not been discovered.

The stealth assault drones of the Giant God Company have flown into the sky. They are now sharing information with the Umbrella Company's convoy. The six assault drones carried by the trip have already pointed their guns at several of the targets.

The rest of the people were marked by the special warfare veterans, so the whereabouts of the twelve people were completely locked by them.

The team to collect food continued to advance, and there were six more people who would be the first to be discovered.

All drones, giant soldiers and special warfare veterans who were already hiding in the dark put their fingers on the triggers, and the hidden muzzles of the drones were also aimed at the criminals who were hiding heavy weapons.

When they focused all their attention on the militants who were queuing, an unexpected attack came from the back of the convoy.

The continuous roar of machine guns frightened everyone like thunder before a rainstorm, making the orderly team chaotic.

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The special warfare veterans focused all their attention on the front and ignored the back. There is no super battery technology in this world. It can be considered advanced, but the capacity is not luxurious enough for a simple aid mission. It takes 24 hours to launch a reconnaissance drone.

There are drones, and there are anti-drone weapons.

Along with the sound of machine guns, there are also the sounds of rifles.

Dense bullets hit the rear of the armored vehicles at the end of the two armed convoys, leaving dense bullet holes on the khaki body in an instant.

After being attacked, the driver who did not leave the armored vehicle immediately began to reverse the steering wheel and put the vehicle body across the middle of the road, using the sturdy body as a shelter to resist bullets.

The special warfare veteran had no time to look back at the attacker, because the hidden militants in the chaotic civilian team had already taken out their weapons from their robes.

The man at the front of the team took out the round object hidden in his robe, pulled the ring and threw it between the two groups of people distributing relief supplies.

"Lie down!"

The soldiers on both sides showed extremely strong qualities. When the round object was thrown between them, they shouted and lay down to the left and right.

The expected explosion did not happen. After a few tiny crackling sounds, the bomb burst into white smoke, quickly covering the venue.

The special warfare veteran who aimed at the militant pulled the trigger the next second after he threw the bomb, and the assault drone, which was half a beat slower, also fired bullets cautiously.

Some civilians were unfortunately injured when the bullets from the drone penetrated the militants, but fortunately they were not too seriously injured.

Driven by the desire to survive, the injured civilians also skillfully drilled into the nearby houses.

In just a few moments, all the militants who were originally targeted in the civilian team were killed.

The drone that completed the mission quickly flew to the rear of the convoy and found the militants wearing khaki camouflage combat uniforms. They held various firearms and weapons in their hands. A few of them even wore foreign trade exoskeleton armor. Their professionalism in combat was no worse than that of regular troops. There were about 30 of them.

Because of the advance preparation, the mercenaries of Colossus and Umbrella reacted quickly. After the attackers arrived, the soldiers on standby in the trucks had already walked out of the armored vehicles with weapons and fired at the targets locked in the drone's field of view.

A special warfare veteran was the grassroots commander of this operation, but compared to assault and attack, he was not good at command, so he handed over the command to the team leader of Colossus Company, and he and another special warfare veteran prepared to attack the attackers from the flank.

"Wait! You just threw people to me like this???"

When the veteran soldier finished his explanation in the temporary communication channel, the captain of the Giant God was shocked and even doubted the brain circuits of the people of Umbrella.

On the surface, the two companies are still in a semi-hostile state. Although there is no fighting, the soldiers of both sides often fight with words during the assistance mission.

Just after greeting my mother, he threw someone to him for command, which made the captain of the Giant God wonder if the people of Umbrella have any special hobbies, or if this is the way the soldiers of Umbrella greet each other.

The veteran soldier of the special warfare casually perfunctorily said a few words, and then concentrated on lurking and preparing to raid the enemy's flank.

Bullets have no eyes. The power of individual weapons in 2062 should not be underestimated. The veteran soldier of the special warfare is not a super soldier of the super soldier corps. It is not good to be hit by explosives. It is easy to lose your life if you are distracted during the battle. Don't be careless.

Seeing that the veteran soldier of the special warfare is determined to get rid of the command, the captain of the Giant God has no choice. After taking over the channel, he let the soldiers of both sides rely on armored vehicles as cover for defense.

The soldiers who had fallen down in the convoy got up, covered their eyes that were stung by the smoke, and ran back to the car to get their weapons.

After the 23 people in the two convoys reacted, the professionalism of the world's first and second military organizations was demonstrated. With heavy armored vehicles as cover and drones in the sky providing vision, the militants who attacked them were quickly counterattacked fiercely.

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