Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 244 Don’t underestimate the bond between us!

The robot dog discovered the enemy and was destroyed. It takes time for the information to be transmitted to Nathanel from the discovery of the enemy to the transmission of information.

Even if Nathanel, who had not received brain modification, knew that there was an enemy approaching from the side, it would take him about half a minute to react from the tense battle and make necessary deployments.

The soldiers of the two companies' convoys had already reacted from the sudden attack and tried to approach them.

Nathanel did not dare to be so arrogant as to compete with the two top mercenary companies in combat capabilities. Facing the increasingly approaching mercenaries, he became anxious. Compared with the current visible crisis, the invisible death god was a relaxation for his nerves.


Yes, he was going to run away!

The battle lasted for a few minutes. Except for a smoke bomb thrown at the beginning, the people who had been arranged in advance did not achieve any results. The plan obviously failed.

In addition, he was almost hit several times in the frontal fighting, and encountered the enemy from the side. Nathanel planned to stop the loss in time. If he continued to fight, he might have to use heavy weapons, which would easily destroy all the supplies in the convoy.

They were just for the benefit, so there was no need to spend a lot of effort without getting any benefit.

Other members of the LS organization were relieved when they heard Nathanel's call to retreat. The two companies were indeed the first and second largest military organizations on Blue Star. The quality of the soldiers in the organization was too strong, and their shooting skills were accurate. Even if they were more than 200 meters away, the bullets whizzed across their scalps, making them feel cold on their backs and not wanting to continue fighting.

The wages were dead, but their lives were alive. When they heard that they could retreat, they all climbed up and prepared to retreat with the help of the raised gravel.

At this moment, two two-meter-tall soldiers suddenly jumped out from behind the rubble. After jumping out, they threw a long string of grenades at their feet.

When Nathanel saw the string of grenades falling at his feet, his heart skipped a beat. He didn't even have time to utter a classic Chinese curse, and he just turned over and climbed over the low wall next to him.

The moment he crossed the low wall, the connected grenades exploded, the low wall collapsed, and the crushed yellow soil covered his body.

The sound of the world disappeared after the explosion, and only the continuous gunshots and screams before death could be vaguely heard.

Nathanel turned his head with some difficulty. In the slightly blurred vision, two black warriors were holding rifles and firing wildly.

The elite soldiers that the LS organization had cultivated with great difficulty were like sheep that were powerless to resist, bleating, and their necks were pierced by the sharp fangs of fierce beasts.

Bang Bang Bang!

A special warfare veteran rushed forward and fired in Nathanel's field of vision. The LS member who stood in front of him was hit in the chest by bullets continuously, and finally he was hit in two by the veteran, with his upper body grabbed and used as a shield to resist bullets.

The mechanic in the LS came back with the mechanical dog. The inferior mechanical dog bought on the black market did not have an advanced friend-or-foe identification system, and could only attack indiscriminately in this entangled battle.

When the black soldier saw these mechanical dogs, he turned over and shot, and threw the upper body of the LS member with his left hand like a cannonball, knocking down a mechanical dog.

The bullets hitting them would be blocked by the thick armor on the surface, and the defense was impenetrable.

One by one, the loyal LS members fell down, and the bullets would penetrate their bodies before they could use heavy weapons.

Even if the LS members who were separated by a distance picked up the grenade launcher, when they raised the muzzle of the gun, the two death gods would turn around and shoot a few times as if they had eyes behind their heads, and a corpse was born in this world.

The battlefield was facing a one-sided situation, and the enemy was constantly being killed without resistance, just like the first time the German infantry saw a tank at the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

Bullets could not penetrate, and shells could not hit. Soldiers facing tanks were like being chased by the god of death. They cried and screamed in the rain and mud, while trying to run forward. If they were a second slower, they might fall like their companions.

"I... I should leave..."

Getting up from the ground, Nathanel saw the special operations veteran, as if he saw something that was even more terrifying than seeing Allah. He bent over and moved on the ground in a hurry, praying that he would not be discovered.

When did the war become like this?

Why can they run so fast wearing heavy armor plates? !

The warning distance of the mechanical dog and their position is at least 100 meters. In this complex terrain environment, it is possible to walk 100 meters in five minutes. Why did they run there in less than half a minute?

Countless questions were lashing at Nathanel to move. He even threw away his gun because it could no longer give him any sense of security.

He crawled on his hands and feet and quickly bypassed the piled ruins. His hope of leaving grew.

At this time, a corpse fell from the sky and blocked his way forward.

Nathanel was stiff all over. He turned around and saw a special warfare veteran sprinting towards him with a devilish pace.

"Ah! Don't come over! Woo woo woo!" Nathanel screamed in fear, but soon got rid of this fear because he was strangled by a pair of big hands.

Leaving behind the last prisoner who looked like a commander, the special warfare veteran contacted the teams of the two companies to come and clean up the battlefield, and then bandaged the wounds of the accidentally injured civilians and handled the scene.

The captain of the Giant God Company came to the scene and saw the mess on the ground. He admired the two special warfare veterans standing on the ruins.

With only two people, they fought their way in and out of a team of thirty or forty people. Putting aside tactical thinking, the result alone is enough to amaze people with their courage and strength.

Even if they are wearing full body protective equipment, if they do not have a firm will and are prepared to be injured at any time, they will hesitate for a long time when suddenly facing the muzzles of thirty or forty people and dozens of robot dogs.

Overcoming the fear of guns is a training that is not so acceptable in the army. It is difficult to describe the feeling of wandering between life and death in simple language. The team leader believes that he cannot do it unless he drives the AST mecha of Giant God Company.

"He seems to be the commander of the attack team. Maybe we can ask him the purpose of attacking us."

The special warfare veteran left Nathanel behind, and then began to organize people to clean up the mess. The weapons of these attackers cannot be left here. Weapons flowing into the hands of civilians will only lead to tragedy.

The team leader of Giant God asked people to tie Nathanel up and take him away, and then arranged to continue to distribute aid materials.

After a round of fighting side by side, the soldiers on both sides were not as tense as before, but when the male soldiers looked at each other, there was a little more gay.

Just like the passionate scene on a small island, the burning eyes of the soldiers on both sides met in the air, as if they were talking with their eyes: 'Not bad, but you are still a long way from defeating us! ' 'Hmph, you are not bad either, we will not lose to you! '

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