Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 245 Chaos in New York

In addition to the attacks on teams in Syria, aid convoys in other war-torn areas have also been attacked, with varying degrees of intensity, but these are actually not as good as New York City, the international crime capital.

As agents and some Umbrella mercenaries entered the scene, the unrest in New York was not contained, but intensified.

Many criminals driven crazy by quarantine and the virus are committing criminal activities in New York. The dark zone originally intended to isolate severely infected people has now become a no-care zone that no one wants to manage. Many dark things are happening here. staged deep in an international metropolis.

Murder and rape are two kinds of rape committed every day in the dark zone. The walls and guardrails built for safety have instead become a strong line of defense that prevents agents from the Bureau of Homeland Strategy from restoring order and stability in New York.

Once people become confused, many things will become unclear.

Once people are controlled by short-term intense pleasure, long-term expectations will not stay in their heads for even one second.

Criminals have tasted the benefits of chaos. They guard everything here with short-sightedness and do not allow anyone to break the current rules of New York where the strong are respected.

Just when the Syrian aid convoy was attacked, a riot broke out at Rikers Island Prison east of New York City for unknown reasons. Subsequently, military police went to Rikers Island Prison to confirm that the most dangerous felon in New York had been detained. The advanced weapons in the prison sneaked into the urban area, adding fuel to the fire to New York, which was already in danger.

Umbrella has a limited number of members, and they are basically responsible for maintaining important places such as ports and hospitals. In addition to these people and infrastructure, they also need to protect the personal safety of congressmen and Wall Street bankers.

The people who maintain order in the city are military police and agents of the Land Strategy Bureau. Their strength is obviously not as good as mercenaries with real combat experience.

The thugs in New York City do not have professional training or advanced equipment, but they are familiar with the terrain and have rich combat experience, and they often fight with the police.

Sometimes patrolling military police encounter gangs and thugs, and the National Guard armed with advanced equipment is not even as powerful as the local police in New York.

"Call, call! We were attacked by thugs at the Hudson Yard. There are more than a hundred people in the crowd. Call for backup! Call for backup! Shet!

! "


The operator covered his ears that were numb from the shock. He hurriedly switched the communication channel, requested support from the military department, and then quickly packed up his things and prepared to run away.

Because the headquarters of the rescue organization JTF, which is composed of military police, social personnel, and Land Strategy Bureau agents, is located at the post office, and the Hudson Yard is right next to the post office.

Most of the garrison forces of the headquarters and post office are located in the area surrounding the post office, and the Hudson Yard is one of them. If the Hudson Yard is lost, it means that the post office cannot be defended either.

The jtf rescue organization was driven everywhere in the chaos of New York.

At night, New York was once again under lockdown. The originally lax isolation was turned into an alternative source of infection by the endless mobs throughout New York. The spread of chaos and violence was more troublesome than a simple virus.

The only medicine that can treat this disease is 62mm bullets.

The thugs who occupied the Hudson Yard and Post Office announced that they had formed the Rikers Gang, and physically cut off all the power lines in the city, allowing the city that had never slept for a century to finally darken at night.

This kind of game of playing house in school is really funny. People who are not in New York are almost laughing when they know about it. Only people in New York can't laugh, especially the elites hiding in the Hudson City. them.

Hudson City is located in the heart of Manhattan, very close to the Empire State Building and Times Square. The Hudson Yard and Post Office overlap with this area and are all in the same location.

The first target of the expanding Rikers gang was the post office at the JTF headquarters. Guess where the second one was?

It's Hudson Yards!

The private security forces of Wall Street elites are basically stationed in Hudson City. They are small in number, with only more than 900 people, but they are all well-equipped and not inferior to the special forces of the US military.

It was precisely because they were so well equipped that they attracted the attention of the Rikers Gang.

In the eyes of outsiders, Rikers is a carnival of prisoners and thugs, but in the eyes of Rikers members, an organization that can play with women and kill people at will is the shining stage to prove its worth. Rikers Sibang is similar to Apple in the eyes of normal people.

In the early days of entering the company, employees are always extremely positive and enthusiastic because of their sense of belonging and collective honor.

The first snowfall in New York this year came quietly at night, secretly putting on white plain clothes for New York City.

From a distance the city is still bright and beautiful, but up close it is riddled with holes.

Hudson Yards was violently attacked by thugs, and the private soldiers of the capitalists were vulnerable to criminals equipped with advanced weapons from Rikers Prison.

Their drones would be knocked down by concentrated fire, and the defense lines they built would be worthless under the collision of trucks.

A lit Molotov cocktail crashed into the building, setting the entire high-rise apartment on fire.

The raging fire quickly engulfed an apartment building on the outskirts of Hudson Yards. Some of the 300 security guards stationed in the building were burned alive, or jumped from the building and fell to death, while others were blocked in the building. He was shot and killed by thugs at the entrance of the building.

After seeing the tragic situation of their companions, the remaining private security personnel, who were divided into multiple teams, made a "difficult" decision. They took supplies and weapons, set up a trap and escaped decisively.

The capitalists hiding in the underground nuclear facility saw all this through surveillance and were furious. They kept yelling at the security team on the other side of the communication channel, but to no avail.

The security team saw the situation was bad and ran away, and even more prisoners died without seeing them leave!

"Trash! It's all trash!"

The blade hanging above his head could fall at any time, causing the elegant and easy-going old Jew to yell regardless of his image in the small conference room, smashing the communicator in his hand, and his chest kept rising and falling.

"Quiet!" The Germanic old man waved to the old Jew to be quiet, and made arrangements for the customized mobile phone in his hand, "Yes, I don't care what difficulties you have, I want you to send someone to Manhattan... That is not my concern, An Brela? I want to see more people later! Let’s arrange it this way.”

Seeing the Germanic old man put down the walkie-talkie, the old woman asked, "How is it?"

The Germanic old man breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the cigar on the table and took a puff. Then he said: "The people from Umbrella Company and the military police will help us leave. We will go to the dock and take a small submarine to leave."

"How many people?" a thin old man asked in a deep voice.

"Two thousand people, the military police are responsible for the perimeter, and Umbrella's people are responsible for escorting."

The Germanic old man shook his head and sighed, and said a number that made everyone present frown.

"Damn moths!" When the Jewish old man heard this figure, his suppressed anger was ignited again. He slammed his fist on the table and cursed: "This is what we gave to those hospitals and generals in exchange for! Two thousand Man, damn it!"

The Germanic elders can still accept this. After all, in the current situation, their wealth and power have shrunk severely. It is normal for thoughtful people to take advantage of this and want to take back some power.

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