Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 246 The rescue operation begins

The task of rescuing the Wall Street elite was handed over to some military police and Umbrella Company. The people in Umbrella Company were all private soldiers of the elite group, and they were more secure to use than the military police. β†’

The troops assembled in the morning and plans were made at noon.

The power of the Rikers gang in New York has grown stronger, and racial conflicts have deepened in the 21st century. Fifty years later, New York is rated as the most chaotic city in the United States. The number of criminals hidden here is far beyond the control of the police. Gotta come over.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π–™π–œπ–π–†π–“.π–ˆπ–”π–’]

After losing more than a dozen drones, the rescue team composed of military police and Umbrella mercenaries were shocked to find that there were nearly 4,000 criminals surrounding Hudson City Plaza, and they also had a lot of equipment. Heavy weapons, the formation is relatively messy, but it is not without structure.

It will be difficult for two thousand military police and mercenaries to storm into Hudson Yards. These people will hide in the buildings. The materials used in the high-rise buildings where the rich live are very strong. Unless they are used by air-dropped ground-penetrating bombs or Use tank armor-piercing bullets, otherwise the effect will definitely not be very good.

It takes a certain amount of time to formulate a foolproof rescue plan, but the money men hiding underground are pressing hard.

Major Blitz of the National Guard reluctantly accepted the mission, but asked for more support. In the end, he only received the help of sixty Bureau of Homeland Strategy agents, bringing their number from two thousand to one. One hundred people, increased to 2160 people.

Is it useful?

Umbrella Company has a small number of mercenaries, only three hundred, but most of them are elite soldiers wearing black heavy armor.

The management of Umbrella Company discovered early on that some soldiers prefer heavy armor, and their combat effectiveness is too strong. After wearing full-body equipment, not only are their defenses stronger than soldiers without inserts, but they also have greater courage. big.

After several months of missions, the commander knew very well which ones were ordinary soldiers and which ones were elite soldiers. On this mission to rescue the big benefactor, the commander without hesitation dispatched all the elite soldiers in New York. This important matter must be carried out. The task was done well and beautifully!

Hudson Yards faces downtown Manhattan on three sides and the Hudson River on one side.

"Now the main forces of the Rikers are scattered in these three areas, and some are in Hudson City. The terrain map drawn by the drone cannot determine how many enemies are in the nearby buildings. Our attack this time The mission is to rescue, not to exterminate, so the military and police will attack from the side. Umbrella's people are the best equipped and are responsible for rushing into the rescue on the right wing. Everyone from the Land Strategy Bureau sneaked into the square from the Hudson River to assist Umbrella. Are there any problems? "

Major Ritz of the National Guard formulated a simple plan, and neither the agents of the Bureau of Homeland Strategy nor the representatives of Umbrella had any objections.

"Okay, set the time and start taking action in twenty minutes."

The people gathered in the underground parking lot adjusted their watches and took action.

Kevin was arranging tasks in the channel. While talking to the internal channel in the combat helmet, a man wearing a warrior vest appeared next to him.

The man walked side by side with him, stretched out his hand, and said, "Hello, Aaron Keener, agent of the Bureau of Homeland Strategy."

"Kevin Brown, Umbrella Corporation."

Looking at the hand stretched out in front of him, Kevin was stunned for a while, then stretched out his hand to shake Aaron Keener's hand.

"Haha, I'm used to shaking hands with people when meeting because of work." Aaron Keener was wearing a half-face respirator mask, and a breathy laugh came from below, and then said: "We're going to take action together later, so come here and say hello call."

"I understand. I hope the action will go smoothly." Kevin did not communicate with Aaron Kinado. He was still having a headache because he had become the leader of the team inexplicably.

After the special operations veterans infiltrated the Umbrella Company, their ranks were disrupted. Because of this, he was inexplicably placed in a command position by the US military officer who was inserted by the congressman.

He had not failed in the course of commanding operations, but he just didn't like walking behind to give orders for operations. He felt a little depressed, so he had no interest in talking to Aaron Kinado.

"Then don't bother me. I hope we can cooperate well later!"

Aaron Keener could tell that Kevin didn't want to communicate with him. After all, his occupation outside of being an agent was a futures trader. Dealing with customers on daily basis required a lot of eyesight. He could basically tell Kevin from his tone and replies. I am not interested in chatting with him anymore.

After returning to the team of agents, the soft lines on the upper half of Aaron Keener's face slowly tightened, returning to a serious state, and continued to detail the actions of other agents of the Bureau of Homeland Strategy who were waiting for him.

During this period, his eyes were always looking towards the Umbrella Company team intentionally or unintentionally.


Five minutes later, the assembled military police arrived at the predetermined location, facing the Rikers gang from a distance.

Ten minutes later, the Umbrella troops that had circled to the side were also in position.

Fifteen minutes later, sixty agents carrying diving equipment had also dived into the Hudson River from the drainage outlet.

It was impossible to mobilize thousands of people without being noticed. The Rikers gang occupied the high-rise building and had already spotted the sneaky military police at the end of the street in the distance.

No matter how bad they are, the Rikers Gang of criminals is not capable of even basic sentry duty, and there is no shortage of serious criminals in Rikers Prison who have served in the military as professional soldiers.

When the gang members on guard outside Hudson Square saw the slowly advancing military police, they immediately spread the news to the leaders of the Rikers Gang.

At this time, inside the Related Building in Hudson City, the leaders of the Rikers Gang were dividing the spoils.

The international bankers who are afraid of death equipped their private security teams with better equipment than conventional military models. There are many guns and ammunition in the basement of the Related Building. Most importantly, there are nearly a thousand sets of power exoskeletons that are being charged.

One of the small leaders of the Rikers Gang once served on Wall Street. During a close protection mission, he had seen the underground arsenal of the Related Building and proposed to capture Hudson City.

Having worked with those people who received dog food, the small leader knew very well the nature of the elite private security team. They said nice things and always acted loyal in front of their masters, but in fact they were all experienced in the workplace who knew how to judge the situation.

After paying the price of nearly 500 gang members' lives, the private security team of Hudson City evacuated as expected, without taking the spare power exoskeletons.

Now this underground arsenal, which is enough to arm 2,000 people, is now completely owned by the Rikers.

Larry Barrett, the leader of the Rikers, is an African-American woman and an antisocial element. She can become the leader of the Rikers gang. In addition to being fierce enough, she also handles the balance of team power and material distribution very perfectly. The only shortcoming is that she is very smart on some issues, but very clumsy on other issues.

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During the riot on Rikers Island Prison, she realized that this was an opportunity and led a group of prisoners to grab weapons, exchange fire with prison guards, and finally released the prisoners in the entire prison and armed them.

After leaving prison, she ruthlessly killed all those who disobeyed her discipline, and initially integrated this group of felons with varying degrees of bad character to successfully establish the Rikers gang.

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