Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 248: Unstoppable (I)

After most of the Rikers gang members had been attracted by the military and police forces, they quickly launched a flank attack on the Ruilian Building.

Since 99% of Umbrella's 300 elite soldiers participating in this operation were special operations veterans, they cooperated very well with each other, and wore heavier protective armor, so as soon as the attack started, they used very rough tactics. method.

The robot dog ran wildly through the mines, and the umbrella soldiers followed behind and advanced at full speed. The gang members who emerged from the fire suppression window quickly broke through the first line of defense of the Rikers gang in a mudslide-like trend, located on the mobile honeycomb staircase. The gang members in the building were all blown up by micro missiles and hand-held grenade launchers, losing arms and legs.

After rushing to the first bunker, the special operations veterans quickly checked their equipment and replaced their magazines. During this period, the surviving robot dogs did not stop charging, but kept rushing to the second "line of defense", next to the Ruilian Building. apartment building.

After spending more than ten seconds changing magazines and weapons, the special operations veteran charged again.

The Rikers gang members hiding in the apartment building were dumbfounded. They were sure that the bullets had hit the government lackeys who launched the desperate charge, but they had no effect at all? !

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"Boss! A group of soldiers are coming from the east. They have almost reached the apartment and are still charging!" The little leader, who was suppressed by bullets and did not dare to show his head, shouted hurriedly into the walkie-talkie. Inside the wall, they didn’t even dare to raise their guns above their heads and stick out the windows to shoot.

The unlucky guy who does that will have his firearm smashed by a dense barrage of bullets in the next moment, and his wrist may even be injured, completely losing his ability to fight.

The released drones will be shot down in an instant, and the enemies are as if a cheating device has been turned on. They are so fierce that they are like a group of invulnerable rhinoceroses crashing into them, making people panic.

Their building was tightly suppressed, and other members of the Rikers gang were attacking the military and police in front. Their command was chaotic and their dispatch was disordered.

The more than 200 people in the building clearly had a defensive advantage and were protected by the relatively solid walls of the apartment building. They shot from a high position, but they were still beaten and huddled in the corner like a group of frightened rats.

The only thing they dare to do is to unplug the grenade and throw it out the window. It doesn't matter whether it hits something or whether it has any effect. Anyway, they all understand that this is just to comfort themselves. In the end, they still have to fight according to the indoor environment. In this way At least they won't be targeted by too many guns and can barely fight back.

The robot dog had no heavy firepower and could not break through the horizontal marble table in the apartment. The charging special operations veterans accelerated their sprint and first launched a round of micro missiles into the lobby on the first floor of the apartment to wash the floor. When the first floor was shrouded in flames, the veterans He accelerated his sprint and slammed his shoulder into the marble table.


The marble table smashed into pieces.


The gangsters who had been hiding in the safety stairs and corners opened fire on the looming black figure in the smoke at the door. Long guns and short cannons of different models vibrated together, and the dense rain of bullets instantly covered the entrance of the apartment building.


The splashing sparks were generated from the smoke, and the bullet seemed to have hit some kind of steel creation and instantly shattered, turning into high-temperature fragments and scattering in all directions.

Before the figure emerged from the smoke and dust, the multi-barreled grenade launcher was already roaring!

Before the Rikers gang members could react, grenades had already landed at their feet and bodies. The splashing shrapnel penetrated their unprotected bodies, and the wails and screams spread to the upper floors of the apartment building, causing many The gang members all backed down.

There were dense footsteps on the security stairs. The little boss responsible for defending the apartment building came with the people upstairs to support him. He kept shouting, "Boss's support will be here soon! Hold on! The support will be here soon." !Hold on!"


Suddenly, a grenade hit the corner of the safety staircase, and the splashing fragments of the grenade instantly silenced the sound in the crowded corridor.


The little leader's arm was scratched by a shrapnel, and he kept retreating while covering his arm.

The screams lasted not long before several micro-missiles were fired into the corridor, killing and injuring a large number of gang members again.

This rabble is no match for the well-equipped and experienced special operations veterans. Relying on their armor and heavy firepower, the special operations veterans rushed to suppress them in order to reach the Ruilian Building as quickly as possible and enter. Their favorite part of the street fight.

Every special operations veteran is a master of street fighting. From the anti-drug war to the Marvel invasion war, the steel jungle has always been the main battlefield.

How can these gang members who only play street fighting with the police understand the essence of real street fighting!

Rush into the building, turn on the infrared imaging, attack with heavy firepower indiscriminately, and harvest the remaining health. One set can defeat 99% of the enemies!

After reloading the ammunition of the multiple grenade launcher, the special operations veteran and other comrades went up from the two fire escapes on the left and right of the apartment.

Before entering the first floor, first use the enemy-locking infrared grenade to explore the path, push the micro missile forward, and the explosion will appear. If there is a corner at the door of the room, you must first fire a few rounds of grenades, and then throw a few grenades.

Now that the main force of the Rikers gang is attracted by the military and police, they can also use large drones to help transport ammunition. They will not be able to do this when they are surrounded later.

The body of the little boss in the apartment building fell miserably on the stairs, half of his body was blown to pieces, and his blood was trampled by the special operations veterans.

This apartment building, which was not difficult to deal with, was easily taken down and repaired. After the drone dropped ammunition, the special warfare veterans who had finished replenishing their supplies set their sights on the final goal of this trip, the Relian Building.

There was still a distance of about 200 meters between the apartment building and the Relian Building. In this distance, many gang members drove armored vehicles stolen from Rikers Island Prison to carry supplies back and forth.

Through the window, they also saw that some people wearing power exoskeletons were approaching here with ordinary members of the Rikers Gang. There were about 200 people, and their positions were very scattered. Although there was no order when they were marching, it could at least be seen that they were commanded by professionals.

They also had drones. There was a drone flying in the sky that was produced by an unknown company. It had twin propellers and a small gun at the bottom.

There were flames and explosions in the apartment building. As long as the people of the Rikers Gang were not all blind or stupid, they could basically guess that their companions in the building were in danger.

While the special warfare veterans were watching from the window, the drone had already seen the figure by the window from a distance with high technology and opened fire into the apartment.

Seeing that his side had been discovered, Kevin, who had just entered the apartment building, did not hesitate and decisively asked his brothers to fire back.

Grenades, micro missiles, and even large-scale spider silk bombs defeated the Rikers' offensive like a whirlwind, forcing them to rely on the Link Building for long-range bombing.

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