Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 249 Agents (Part 2)

When the aftermath of the grenade explosion dissipated, the special warfare veterans were changing their ammunition and observing the battlefield scene, but they were somewhat surprised to find that the backbones of the Rikers with exoskeletons erected wrist folding shields to block all the bullets and fragments of the grenade explosion.

They also knew that kind of shield. It was a special molecular material in this world. It was light and strong, and could even withstand the conventional 7mm*99mm bullets of heavy machine guns.

This special material is expensive, and it is usually only equipped to soldiers in special forces or when performing special tasks.

After enduring this round of attacks, the surviving members of the Rikers hurriedly retreated with their shields. The enemy's firepower was too strong, and there were new weapons (spider silk bombs). They were no match at all, and had to rely on bunkers and the cover of their companions to fight back!


A white smoke came out from the high-rise of the Ruilian Building, and a rocket flew towards the apartment building with a strong whistling sound.

The special warfare veteran standing by the window hurriedly retreated to avoid the rocket. The rocket hit the outer wall of the apartment building, creating a large pit in the wall that was several tens of centimeters thick. Heat waves and shrapnel shot into the room, but no one was injured.

Rockets were fired one after another from the high-rise buildings of Ruilian Building, launching intensive attacks on the apartment building from a high position.

The warheads of the rockets were of different styles. After several rockets hit the apartment building, a two-stage explosion occurred. The first explosion caused the chemical solution in the warhead to atomize and spread to the surrounding area. The second explosion ignited the agent, causing a high-temperature impact on the apartment room and the outer wall.

The burning sparks fell into the interior of the apartment and soon ignited a lot of furniture. The two special warfare veterans standing in the room were also stained with chemical solutions on their armor, and flames burned on their bodies.

The two decisively threw the explosives aside, and then sprayed fire extinguishing agents from their cuffs to extinguish the room and themselves. The fire in the room could not be extinguished, but the fire on their bodies was extinguished by special fire extinguishing agents.

Finally, the two had to evacuate the room. Besides, they were here for the raid and rescue. Whether the house burned or not had little to do with them.

The Rikers’ top brass finally became alert to the troops attacking them from the flank. A round of rockets from high above suppressed them, giving them time to adjust.

More than 500 of the nearly 4,000 Rikers died in the exchange of fire with the elite private security team. More than 300 people defending the flank were all taken away by the special operations veterans in one round of charge. Now there are only over 3,000 people left in the Rikers.

At least 2,000 people are needed to maintain the offensive against the military and police forces in the front with this mob.

The area outside Hudson Square is very large. If 2,000 people were scattered, they would be divided into a handful here and a handful there.

The firepower displayed by the special operations veterans is even stronger than that of the military and police forces in the front. The prisoners who are somewhat out of touch with the times are not very clear about the composition of the Umbrella Corporation, but those small gang members who were defeated by Larry Barrett after he was released from prison are very clear.

Umbrella Corporation is a "neutral" international military contractor on the surface, but in fact it is just another giant company nurtured by the American elite group. All the equipment inside is ugly, and it still uses other people's military bases. How shameless!

It can't be washed clean. Basically, it can be said that it is a special military unit that is not in the system, but is no different from the system, and even more free.

The equipment is better than the ordinary army soldiers of the federal army. Three hundred people may be more difficult to deal with than the thousand military and police forces on the front battlefield.

Those gang members who have not been to prison and are still in a normal civilized society explained to Larry Barrett the mercenaries of Umbrella Corporation in a few words.

To sum up: That is not a mercenary, it is clearly the Federal Special Operations Corps! They are the main force who eat the royal food! They are all elite!

With this said, Larry Barrett, who is not completely brainless, decided to allocate a thousand people to deal with the mercenary team of Umbrella Corporation.

Moreover, these people were asked to bring advanced weapons from the Rikers Island prison and high-tech equipment from the underground arsenal of the Reliant Building, which was considered to have drawn out a large amount of combat power to continue guarding the Reliant Building, which had not yet been emptied, and to eliminate the elite of the three hundred people!

There were still many good things in the underground arsenal of the building that had not been moved away in time, mainly because some equipment and facilities needed to be disassembled, and not many people knew about these. The equipment for charging and maintaining the powered exoskeleton required a large area.

If the area around the Reliant Building was not too open, Larry Barrett might have set up the Rikers' base here.

The Reliant Building was slightly inferior to the sturdy post office. The post office had a large area, a low building, a large underground space, and a very thick outer wall. As long as all the equipment and supplies were moved there, the Rikers would be able to gain a foothold in New York.

Four thousand people is not too few, but not too many. There are eight million people in New York. If the smallpox virus killed 35%, there are still several million left. In addition to the Rikers, there are many strange forces in the dark zone and the upper city of East City.

A thousand gang members evacuated from the front line in a slightly chaotic dispatch. Larry Barrett also assigned three hundred people to take away the supplies from the road on the other side of the Related Building. Some people have seen that the intention of the military police and Umbrella mercenaries does not seem to be to wipe them out, otherwise they would not have sent so few people.

A feint attack from the front and a battle with a thousand people from the side, only the agents who attacked from the rear are still proceeding according to the plan.

Most of the Rikers in the Ruilian Building had already been attracted by the front and side battlefields, and the sixty agents coming from the rear were also moving smoothly.

They kept an eye on whether there were any sentinels from the Rikers hidden in the buildings near the riverbank, and the result was very good.

The Rikers didn't seem to have thought that there would be people behind the riverbank. They came to the Ruilian Building to rob things and leave after robbing. How could they have thought of standing guard from a distance and arranging two lines of defense on the front and sides? It was all caused by the persecution delusion of the gang's top leaders.

Aaron Keener and his five companions were in one place, and the remaining fifty-four agents were scattered in different locations. Many of the agents were good at different firearms.

When they advanced, they would determine the location of the bunkers in the blind spot of vision, and let the agents with precision marksman rifles cover them, passing through quickly one after another. The professionalism of the action was much stronger than the military and police forces that feinted in the front and the Umbrella troops that rushed from the side.

Such time-consuming caution made the agents and others arrive at the back of the Relian Building only when the Umbrella troops and the Rikers reinforcements were fighting.

Aaron Keener, who was slightly poking his head, could see through the stone pillars of the steps that the apartment building in the distance was being continuously blasted by rockets. From time to time, special warfare soldiers would walk out of the apartment building, put up portable bulletproof shields, and passionately shoot at the Rikers members who also put up bulletproof shields.

There was a fierce exchange of fire here, and Aaron Keener was not to be outdone. After confirming that everyone was present, they pried open the big lock from the back door, released the micro-robot fly, and continued to maintain a tactical formation to enter the building.

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