Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 250 Infiltration and Destruction (Part 3)

After sneaking into the Relian Building, the agents showed their strong combat capabilities as special operations personnel. The micro-flying insect reconnaissance device flapped its wings and scouted around the building. Soon, from the direction of the loudest sound, they discovered the movement patterns of the Rikers gang members.

Most of the members of the Rikers gang only concentrated on the first floor lobby and the second and third floors, which were not very high, to attack the apartment building. According to observation, the members of the Rikers gang often went down from the safety stairs and carried some heavy firepower weapons and ammunition boxes up.

There was no order in changing the magazines, and the intervals between shooting were chaotic. A group of scattered soldiers could only suppress the Umbrella troops by relying on their numbers.

Aaron Keener had a blank expression on his face. He controlled the micro-flying insect to look around the terrain. After drawing a topographic map and a personnel composition map in his mind, he immediately formulated several tactics in his mind that could defeat the gang members in the Relian Building.

However, he had his own purpose and did not want to see the battle end so quickly, so these plans were killed.

He decided to continue sneaking in and find the entrance to the basement. As long as they controlled the basement, they would have a basic explanation and would not be troubled by them later.

There were gang members coming and going on the two safety stairs. If they wanted to get in, they could only use force or go down from the elevator.

The Ruilian Building had lost power and the elevators could not operate. The gang members were not paying attention to the elevators, so what they had to do was simple.

But the Ruilian Building was very large and had many elevators. Only two elevator entrances could lead to the floors they wanted to reach. In this way, they could only go down to the parking lot on the third floor underground and then go down to the designated floor through the elevator in the parking lot.

The micro-flying insects came to the underground parking lot through the messy safety stairs and immediately saw the gang members who were loading materials into the underground parking lot, which added a layer of risk to Aaron Keener's plan.

But it didn't matter. After entering the designated floor, they would also make a big noise. There were not many people in the underground parking lot, so they could just kill them all.

After telling the plan to all the agents of the National Land Security Bureau, everyone agreed and started to act immediately.

They had to slide down from the other four elevators that were not being watched by the gang members. Thirty people stayed on the first floor to keep watch, and the other thirty people were divided into 14 people on standby, and the remaining 16 people were responsible for going down to the underground parking lot via the steel cable.

Aaron Keener's plan should have been to take the lead and be the first to pry open the elevator door and go down through the zipline.

While sliding, he thought of the powered exoskeletons on the soldiers of the National Guard and Umbrella Forces. If they also had powered exoskeletons, they could jump down directly without sliding.

But the Homeland Security Bureau did not allow them to have such equipment, because there were too many uncertainties in the normal identities of the agents on weekdays. The equipment was stolen, or they went crazy under the influence of capitalism and wore equipment to kill people randomly. These were all big troubles that could be caused.

Thinking of this, Aaron Keener was annoyed. After all, this was a manifestation of distrust. They, the agents of the Homeland Security Bureau, worked diligently for the country, took the lowest salary, and rushed to the most dangerous front line, but they could not get the treatment they deserved, and even their equipment was seriously out of touch with the times.

The face under the breathing mask was a little more sinister. Aaron Keena's originally scattered eyes were refocused, and his hands slowly tightened. They were about to arrive.

There was still a downward distance between the bottom of the elevator and the elevator door. A foothold was fixed on the steel cable with a small pliers. Then the four people cooperated with each other, stabilized their bodies and stepped on a small circle of protrusions on the edge of the elevator door, and then used a dagger to pry open a small gap in the elevator. With the help of the micro-fly monitor outside the elevator, they successfully avoided everyone's eyes and ears and touched the underground parking lot.

Then, sixteen people walked out of the elevator one after another, and under Aaron Keena's instructions, they quickly and quietly sneaked into the enemy's area.

The armored vehicle robbed by the Rikers was only half full, and the shadows were filled with dense and fierce gunfire. The bullets instantly tore the bodies of the Rikers members who were carrying supplies. Even several Rikers backbones wearing power exoskeletons died in the sneak attack before they could deploy shields for defense.

"Safe, you can come down now!"

After confirming that the underground parking lot was safe, four of them went to the entrance of the safety staircase to guard it, and the rest knocked on the only two elevator shafts that could lead to the deeper underground.

Aaron Keener walked to the armored vehicle where the Lex Gang members were carrying supplies, looked at the boxes full of them, opened one of them and took a look, and found that it was full of bullets.

He immediately had an idea and asked several agents to move the ammunition boxes to the door of the safety passage, remove the explosive devices from their bodies, and after adjusting for a moment, a booby trap was completed.

Once someone passes through the safety passage, the infrared sensor will trigger the preset program, and the bullets in the exploding ammunition boxes will fill the entire space like flowers scattered by the goddess.

Bang Bang Bang!

At this moment, an agent hiding behind the load-bearing column and aiming at the safety passage opened fire and killed two Lex Gang members who were carrying ammunition. The two were unprepared when they died, and could only groan on the ground after being knocked down.

The agents on the ground went down to the parking lot one after another. Aaron Keener saw this and stopped waiting. He left ten people to guard the parking lot to distract the attention of the Rikers while the rest of the people continued to go down.

The attack in the parking lot was soon known to the Rikers leader in the Ruilian Building. He was furious and immediately organized people to take back the parking lot.

The guns and bullets were a minor issue, but the armored car that was stolen from the prison was bulletproof. If it was lost, Larry Barrett would definitely kill him.

The impact of the parking lot attack also spread to the basement and the nuclear facility deeper underground. All the Rikers in the underground arsenal took their weapons and ran to the parking lot outside to find their place. The elites in the underground nuclear facility who were worried secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Good news, reinforcements have arrived!

Bad news, the thug who found the entrance to the nuclear facility has used all kinds of explosives and strange props to dismantle an alloy door.

Now he is in big trouble. The rooms in the underground nuclear facility are all connected. Through the alloy door on the surface, you can see the elevator and stairs going down. There is another alloy door 80 meters down the stairs. There is no more protection.

The man is already dismantling the elevator door. The elites are very anxious. They don’t want danger to happen around them, so they keep urging them, hoping that the military and police can speed up.

The people who can reach the underground nuclear facility and rescue them the fastest are Aaron Keener and the agents of the Homeland Security Bureau. Aaron Keener has already led the agents down to the underground armory and is preparing to open the elevator door.

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