Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 253 Failed rescue mission

The security guards hiding in the corner heard the gunshots disappear again, and they bravely let the robot dog look out.

Then through the dust flying everywhere caused by the bullets, they saw the thug who had fallen to the ground. The hateful thug could not be killed no matter what method was used, and now he is finally dead!

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This also made them eager to know who killed the thug!

They stuck their heads out to take a closer look, and then they were deeply attracted by a row of two-meter-tall soldiers walking slowly. These tall soldiers were holding formidable large guns, and the bulletproof shields they held had not been put away. Their faces were wrapped in matte black helmets. The silent and cold iron-blooded aura shocked the security guards who only did protection tasks on a daily basis.

The battle of the Ruilian Building was over. Kevin asked the two hundred special warfare veterans who were still unsatisfied to support the front battlefield in the channel and launch a surprise attack on the remaining members of the Rikers Gang from behind. He continued to stay in the Ruilian Building to complete the subsequent tasks.

He jumped down the elevator shaft, landed successfully with the help of the buffer device, and walked into the interior of the passage.

The passage was now occupied by more than 30 special warfare veterans. After they dispersed, they saw a large group of people escorted by security guards in suits coming from the other end of the security check passage.

The people who were obviously the main force were protected in the middle. There were 21 people, and the C position was seven elderly people who were more well-dressed and older than the others.

When these elderly people came to the entrance of the passage and saw the soldiers standing on both sides of the passage, they showed a very satisfied smile on their old faces, just like a general reviewing the soldiers, slightly raised his head, and looked at the silent special warfare veterans. ♝♦  ♦♦

The seven people who occupied the C position in the elite group came out alone and greeted the soldiers on both sides with a smile.

The seven people couldn't tell which of the Umbrella soldiers who were all dressed similarly was the commander, so they naturally walked towards the only agents who showed their faces in the field, and locked their eyes on Aaron Keener who was standing in front.

The old woman among the seven walked up to Aaron Keener, stretched out her hand, and intended to shake hands with the agent to show her friendliness.

"Thank you very much for your actions. You are... an agent of the Homeland Security Bureau, right? Your contribution to the country and the people will never be forgotten."

But the unthinking fake smile in her eyes made Aaron Keener do something that no one expected. He raised his hand and punched.

The fake smile on the old woman's face froze, and her eyes, which were not yet blurred, were being beaten by the fists that were constantly enlarged, which made his aging heart glow with new spring.



He was hit hard on the bridge of his nose, and then his neck was pinched tightly. The next second, he felt dizzy and fell into Aaron Keener's hands. The muzzle of a gun was pressed against her chin, and the scream that was about to come out was firmly sealed in the dry throat like tree bark.

Several other agents with Aaron Keener also acted quickly. When everyone was most relaxed, they successfully hijacked the six most powerful people among the elites by accident. Only the Jewish old man who was in a bad mood and fell behind was not caught.

"Everyone, don't move! Captain Kevin! Tell all your people not to move!"

Aaron Keener's eyebrows, which were not covered by the half-face breathing mask, showed a complex expression of madness and rationality. He pressed the muzzle of the gun against the old woman's chin, and his eyes scanned everyone present.

The elite group and the security team were shocked, showing confused and incredible expressions. In any case, they didn't expect that now that they had been rescued, there would be an accident!


The Jewish old man staggered back, and then he was surrounded by security guards in suits and protected behind him. These security guards had already taken out their pistols and were warily aiming at Aaron Keener and others who had hijacked important figures. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Aaron Keener looked at the security guards who were pointing their guns at him, and the surging emotions in his chest slowly subsided under the stimulation of the guns. He looked at these security guards who had become running dogs of the rich and powerful and smiled disdainfully.

This is America, a world where capitalism prevails. Behind all the glamorous things are blood and tears.

When he was young, he graduated from the training institution of the Strategic Land Administration and took on the mission of protecting the country. But when he completed his training and graduated, he was on standby as a normal person in society, but he saw a variety of scenes that were contrary to what he had learned. The beautiful country was only the one he imagined, not the real one.

Being a futures trader is not a simple and easy job. What he does most often is to help the rich do business, and slowly he also learned all kinds of inside stories.

In the final analysis, finance is just a reasonable excuse for the elite to reap the world's wealth. Almost every fluctuation will be accompanied by the disappearance of a large number of ordinary people's wealth and the growth of the wealth of the rich.

But Aaron Keener has never had a clear understanding of these things. Perhaps it is because the truth is too cruel and completely different from the education he received, and he instinctively dare not explore it.

It was not until the provocation of Ains, the boss of Giant God Company, in the United that he realized that the real ills of society are around them, hidden in this international financial capital, and in... his hands.

Aaron Keener saw that the security guards were about to shoot, and immediately pinched the old woman's neck with his left hand, causing her to choke and sob, which frightened a group of security guards and shook their bodies for a while.

"I used to love this country very much. Even now, I still love the people of this country deeply. America is the America of the people, not the America of a few individuals!"

The fierce voice gave people a sense of heroism. Aaron Keener's eyes seemed to be bloodshot, and his whole face was red. He said encouragingly: "Most of the suffering in the world is created by you. You He deserves death! He is right, war is meaningless, just like your life, it is meaningless to the world without you!"

The agents who took several hostages with him were also trembling with excitement. They were not afraid of death, they were just heartbroken and could not feel any sense of being taken seriously.

After these words ended, the scene fell into a brief silence. Everyone's attention was focused on the agents taking the hostages, ignoring another strange place in the scene.

Facing the changes at the scene, no one in Umbrella's troops moved a finger, until Kevin took a step forward to make himself more visible.

Aaron Keener did not forget Kevin. Even if Kevin did not take off his helmet and wore equipment very similar to others, the logo representing the commander on his shoulder still betrayed him, "This world should not be controlled by these insects. , as long as they exist for one day, the world will be a little more painful. Sooner or later you will understand this truth!"

Kevin did not answer the words of the almost crazy Aaron Keener, but raised the short-barreled machine gun and turned it into single-shot mode, aiming at the old Jew who was protected in the circle and fired the first shot.


The 7mm bullet penetrated the bodies of the two bodyguards, then penetrated the body of the old Jew, and finally caused complete damage among the huddled elites.

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