Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 254 Humanity itself

Kevin's action of raising the gun and shooting was so abrupt that a large group of people who were holding their breaths fell to pieces and failed to realize what had just happened.

Aaron Keener was completely stunned on the spot, unable to believe what he just saw.

But the next second, the special operations veterans standing on both sides of the corridor walls raised their weapons and attacked the old bankers who had no power at all.

The more than 20 elites and more than 30 real core bodyguards in the field were instantly torn apart in desperate wails. They were all killed and turned into large lumps of flesh on the white ceramic tiles, flowing with the smell of copper. The blood stained the floor tiles black, creating a sharp contrast with the environment.

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Everything here was so unexpected that after a round of attacks, the six elderly people who were kidnapped became the last survivors.

"...Why?" Aaron Keener, who came back to his senses, looked at Kevin and asked the question he wanted to know most at the moment, "Aren't you going to protect them?"

Kevin put away his gun and showed no desire to attack. A strange smile appeared on his face under the helmet and said: "This is our mission."

The words coming out from under the helmet were very close to the voice coming out through the respirator, but Aaron Keener just felt that what he said was more ghastly and terrifying than him. He was simply a murderous butcher!

Are they robots?

Cold, ruthless, efficient...

"What about this?"


Gunfire rang out again, and the shooter was Vivian, the only female teammate beside Aaron Keener.

She shot the restrained Germanic old man to death, and opened up the old vampire who couldn't control his bladder and peed in front of her.

"Saved us a bullet." Kevin shrugged slightly, trying to act as normal as possible to avoid letting these large middle-aged people with ideals and aspirations misunderstand him and Umbrella.

Although Aaron Keener was still unclear about the situation, he did not hesitate to pull the trigger. The muzzle of the rifle held against his chin ejected bullets, penetrating the head of the frightened old woman.

"No! You..."


"Don't kill me! What do you want..."


"I don't have any money yet..."


The triggers were pulled continuously, and six hostages died one after another. Kevin was unmoved, which made the six Aaron Keener suspect that what Kevin said was true and that they had the same purpose.


Isn't Umbrella an armed group formed by those elites?

From the top to the management, everyone is related to the elite group. They are exactly like the elites. Why did they kill the elites in this mission?

Is it a factional fight?

"Mission accomplished." Kevin said these words quite calmly, and then left with the special operations veterans. There was no need to explain to Aaron Keener and the others. →

Their missions are indeed consistent. After more than a year of operation, the chaos caused by terrorists is about to disappear. Umbrella Corporation and Titan Corporation have gained enough influence, and the top management has issued the order to terminate.

Those KVA members who were deeply brainwashed were finally captured after long-term tracking and investigation. They were captured by the international police and had nothing to do with other forces.

Soon, the International Court of Justice will hold public trials of many of the principal perpetrators and accomplices of crimes against humanity, and the date is set in the near future.

If those people did not have the protection of a big force, all their actions would be just shadow puppetry, thinking that no one would notice their actions through a layer of veil.

Transportation channels, movement trajectories, signal identification, vaccine procurement, black market dark web, there are countless ways to find this group of gutter rats spreading the plague.

After the culprit of this disaster was captured, Irons also began to show his fangs. He is a capitalist with lofty ideals. He was also a player of the Elite Group. He is very aware of the methods of the Elite Group and is very familiar with them. The means of the elite group.

If you want to avoid being disgusted, striking first is a good choice. Anyway, every one of those elites should be shot.

He wants to disrupt the command of the elite group before the chaos ends.

Aaron Keener watched Umbrella's troops leave, and still couldn't figure out Umbrella's purpose, but he was more inclined to fight between factions.

No matter what, he will not give up his actions to restore peace to the world, which is to hunt the vampires of the elite group, destroy the global order they have built, and return the world to normal development.

After the operation at the Reliance Building, the Rikers gang saw that it was all over, and elite soldiers attacked from behind, suffering heavy losses in manpower. Finally, they had no choice but to escape from the Hudson Yards, leaving nearly 3,000 corpses behind, which made people lament the cruelty of war.

The fighting here is only a small-scale "conflict" in the eyes of the big powers, but in the eyes of those who have witnessed it, it is all blood and death. The corpses are scattered on the ground in broken pieces, and the life is gone meaninglessly.

Every cold number is a life. If these lives were not consumed in this meaningless struggle, they could create a value of at least one million US dollars to the world. It is a pity...

I don’t know who this sigh came from.

This is a world belonging to the giant gods. Duncan named this world Atlas to show respect for his allies.

Now the plan is almost complete. After more than a year of preparation, the engineering team of the Umbrella Group has built multiple bases in this world. By the way, they have built an Umbrella branch at the Giant God headquarters in New Baghdad, and are planning the future with Ains, who has agreed to join forces.

Now Ains is not in the Atlas world, but browsing the cities destroyed by war in the Marvel world.

Ains has seen many battlefield ruins. In his world, the destruction of cities and the ruins are just the byproducts of the game between great powers. He has seen those battlefields with his soldiers, and those are some very, very bad pictures.

But after seeing the New York battlefield in the Marvel world, this idea has changed a little, because the Marvel battlefield is more tragic than the war between great powers.

The whole New York has become a ruin, there is no complete building at all, and the ubiquitous alien debris can never be cleaned up. It is randomly abandoned in a corner and turned into a mixture of flesh and metal that even wild dogs can't avoid.

This is the fifth world that Irons was invited to see. He has seen the world of Resident Evil, the world of Avatar, the world of Zombies, the world of Hitman, and finally the world of Marvel.

Seeing different scenery brings different feelings. At least now, Irons's ideas have undergone a subtle change, and he also agrees with the human supremacy expressed by Duncan.

Human supremacy is not simply to put the status of human beings higher than anything else, but a progressive thought that guides human beings to constantly surpass everything.

The barriers between universes have been broken, and they may encounter enemies from another universe in the future.

In those foggy worlds, a firm idea and common belief are indispensable for the continuation of human beings.

Since Duncan knew this, he has been writing common beliefs that most people can accept.

There are many differences between people, but in the final analysis, they are all people, humans, and Homo sapiens.

Isn't the best way to form the recognition of all mankind to be human beings themselves?

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