Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 255 Winning

The chaos that lasted for nearly two years gradually subsided. Except for the large-scale chaos in the United States where conflicts broke out, other regions have gradually restored order.

It was also when order was slowly restored that the International Court began to try the smallpox virus releasers who committed crimes against humanity.

Ten billion people died in the world, leaving 9.6 billion. All the survivors watched this trial online.

First, the prisoners entered the venue. There were a total of 260 people, standing in rows. The leader stood in the front, with his head fixed by a restraint. The camera gave close-ups one by one, so that all humans could take a good look at these people.

There was no virus maker Gordon Amost among them, because he had died from the virus he created when the smallpox virus spread widely.

The trial process was very simple, and it could not even be called a trial, but a verdict.

All the accomplices were sentenced to hundreds of years in prison and death penalty. After being locked up in a small dark room for three months, the death penalty was executed, which immediately frightened a group of prisoners wearing restraints and their legs became weak.

The main culprit and others were also sentenced to several thousand years of imprisonment, also the death penalty. They will be publicly executed one week after the mandatory injection of stimulants to warn imitators.

After the verdict, some people were jubilant, some applauded, and some just shed tears silently.

A week later, the live broadcast ended, which was an explanation to all those who died from the mutant smallpox virus.

It was also the death of the main culprit. Terrorism around the world gradually died out. They were all surrounded and suppressed by the countries that restored order. No matter whether they did a lot of things that hurt the world, as long as they were unofficial and had a large number of firearms, they would all be treated as terrorists and eliminated. Most of the time, no one would be left alive.

The most dazzling performance in the wave of combating global terrorism was the Giant God Company and the Umbrella Company. Now the Umbrella Company has gradually gotten rid of the control of the elites. A large number of managers sent by the headquarters have taken over the positions of the Umbrella Company, and the audit mechanism has been strengthened. When those elite shareholders felt something was wrong and reacted, the muzzle of the gun was already on their foreheads.

Either give up your position decently, or the umbrella superman will help you be decent!

Faced with the Umbrella Corporation, which was really creating people's hearts by creating hype, the elites dared to be angry but dared not speak out. Those who knew what was right had all let it go, and those who didn't knew what was right had been killed by thugs and psychopathic gunmen.

The world's turmoil storm finally subsided completely after two and a half years, and the planet gradually returned to its peaceful state. People's pain was deeply buried, and they continued to live a peaceful and tranquil life.

This kind of peace did not last long. Many regions of the United States, which had been in chaos for two and a half years, announced that they would no longer accept the supervision of the federal system. They really did their own thing, which made people all over the world dumbfounded.

Then came another exciting news. Colossus and Umbrella jointly held a press conference. Ains and the new president of Umbrella, Sherman Fitz, announced that they would start in-depth cooperation and would start a series of future plans to help the world revive the economy.

From the pictures released by Colossus and Umbrella, we can see many future technology pictures, and the construction plan also clearly pointed out that many technologies that have not yet been conquered.

For example, the super-large nuclear fusion power station and the antimatter power station have solved the world's energy problems. After that, the two companies will build a lunar mine based on the lunar base and sail to Mars to build a Mars base.

These astonishing plans all set a time limit for the latest realization. The construction of the lunar mine will start in 2065, and the manned lunar spacecraft will be launched in 2066.


This, this, this!

This is a leap forward for human civilization, which can only allow less than ten people to enter the moon in 2061. It is like saying that the construction of the lunar base will be completed in three years in 2022. The time of 2035 imagined by ordinary people has been pulled to five years in front of us, and the sense of gap is formed instantly.

Such a grand deep space exploration plan also dilutes the sadness brought by some chaos and injects a shot of active agent into the dull world.

At the same time, people are also curious, why did the two companies, which were originally tit-for-tat, suddenly announce that they would cooperate in the development of space?

In order to figure out these things, some netizens began to pay attention to all the movements of the two companies, and then they were shocked.

Umbrella Corporation has quietly established a large number of hospitals and factories around the world in two and a half years, with a total of 20,000. Although most of them are still empty shells, their influence has already emerged.

Umbrella's Umbrella Hospital has a large number of special medicines. No matter what kind of disease it is, as long as you stay in the hospital for two days, you can basically get better with a bottle of drip.

Even cancer has corresponding methods to treat it, and it can even provide perfect prosthetics for wealthy disabled people.

Every day, Umbrella Hospital is saving the dying and the wounded. It has become the characteristic of Umbrella Hospital to charge the cost price for the poor and the high medical fees for the rich.

Every day, people recover in Umbrella Hospital and are recommended to join the factories of Umbrella Hospital to work.

Umbrella's newly built factories are gradually starting to produce various basic products for the world. A few of them are also producing high-end electronic products, such as industrial robots.

In addition to Umbrella Corporation, Giant God Corporation also accidentally took advantage of the chaos to acquire a large number of high-end manufacturing companies, including two top companies related to aerospace.

In addition, in order to create jobs for backward areas, a large number of factories have been built in the Middle East and Africa to help these areas develop a relatively complete industrial chain. These areas have been combined together to form a chain that has formed a stable community of interests.

In the global chaos, the biggest winners are actually two private companies, which makes people suspicious.

The previous record of Giant God boss Ains was dug up, and some people who were frightened by the sudden expansion of Giant God Company revealed all the black materials of Giant God Company.

Ains, who has learned a lesson, did not clarify these remarks, but learned from the advanced experience of his predecessors, openly admitted all the shortcomings, and announced that he would correct them, give compensation, and then reform wages.

Using money to make ordinary people dizzy, how many people will cling to that past? This method also has disadvantages. If Giant God Company makes mistakes again in the future, the wave generated will be countless times that of this round.

At the same time, Umbrella also responded to the reform of Colossus, raising wages and limiting employees' working hours. Anyway, it was just using the routines used in the Resident Evil world again. As long as there is strong AI management, corruption will be difficult to occur, and the management will satisfy most people.

Since wages and working hours are in line, another important measure also needs to be followed, that is, the war on drugs.

Colossus and Umbrella jointly announced that drug cartels will also be treated as terrorists and cracked down on, and those drug cartels that survived the raid will soon face liquidation.

As soon as the challenge was issued, the media that received the news began to build public opinion.

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