Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 256 Ordinary World

The anti-drug war has begun, and people have once again taken advantage of it.

There are many stories on the Internet such as, Titan Corporation and Umbrella Corporation want to rule the world together, Titan Corporation and Umbrella Corporation want to make profits through war, Titan Corporation and Umbrella Corporation bala bala...

The core is just one, replace the subjects of all the things the elites have done and want to do with Titan Corporation and Umbrella Corporation. Anyone with some historical knowledge can see the problem, but under the collective coercion, doubts will inevitably arise.

The driving force behind the progress of human civilization is gossip.

Gossip, something that is closely related to everyone, will make people think of the worst possible outcome.

But in the following two years, with the vigorous anti-drug war and the distribution of real benefits, Titan Company and Umbrella Company at least did better than any previous organization or force.

In two years, the original group of agents from the Bureau of Homeland Strategy who participated in the Hudson City operation were also unemployed because of the existence of the federation in name only. Some stopped engaging in the killing industry and integrated into the world of ordinary people with peace of mind. Live an ordinary life.

But they used to belong to a violent organization, often wielding knives and guns, and occasionally went to the training base for a little practice. Two years was not enough for them to change the habits they had developed over many years.

Aaron Keener has also always been brooding over what he experienced during Operation Hudson City two years ago. What he is struggling with is no longer whether Operation Umbrella was an elite factional war, but whether the smallpox incident was caused by the Iron Si planned it?

If Irons hadn't planned the smallpox incident, then it would have been too much of a coincidence. Everyone was injured in this disaster, except for two giant companies that were active internationally and profited, and they suddenly changed from hostility to each other afterwards. It's so ambiguous and entangled that it's hard not to be suspicious. ♦♦  ♞♦

In order to clarify these things, Aaron Keener joined the Umbrella Company after losing his job and became a registered mercenary, uncovering the mystery under public opinion and meeting the real Umbrella.

It is not as ruthless and cold as outsiders think. There are interests behind all actions.

He has seen the inside of Umbrella Company. All the management have a longing for the future, that kind of ideal and hope for the world, that kind of positive attitude...

Damn it, these guys who have been in society for more than ten years feel both strange and familiar at the same time!

Why does it feel strange?

Because ideals and hopes have been filled with all kinds of trivial matters in life, leaving people no time to think.

Why do you always dream of becoming a scientist when you are a child but only want a stable job when you grow up?

Because the big dye vat of society is like this, and the environment is like this. When you grow up, if you say that you want to become a scientist who can promote the progress of human civilization, people around you will most likely only laugh and belittle you.

Familiar because these are things I once owned...

Aaron Keener's eyes were a little sore. Just as he lowered his head and rubbed the corners of his eyebrows, he was stabbed in the middle ribs by an elbow.

Turning his head to look, Vivian Conley, who had joined Umbrella with him, was smiling, motioning for him to look at the podium in front of him, and loudly said in an exaggerated tone: "Oh! Are you crying? How about that? Let everyone see how you are crying now!"

On the podium, an officer wearing a custom-made military uniform waved to Aaron Keener who was sitting in the audience, "Old boy, come up quickly, everyone wants to see you crying! Don't keep others waiting for too long Jiu Yalun, because you are one of the protagonists today!”

Aaron Keener hurriedly wiped the tears from his old face. He was not used to such an occasion, but he did not find it annoying.

The mercenaries watching the ceremony nearby saw Aaron Keener standing up, and they all made kind sounds.

"Aaron, let me see what you look like today!"

"Everyone can understand, just cry as much as you want!"

"Ignore them, Aaron!"

Finally, he stood on the podium amidst the joking of the crowd, and the atmosphere returned to seriousness between the officer's few words.

"I know, Aaron Keener, you performed very well in many operations of Brother Momo! You are not the one who killed the most drug dealers, but with your help, sixty-one civilians and seventeen comrades survived. , we should all express our gratitude to you, thank you Aaron, this belongs to you!”

There was warm applause from the audience. The officer in charge of presiding over the award ceremony picked up a medal from the tray held by the soldiers on the side and hung it on Aaron Keener's neck.

"Is there anything you want to say to the brothers?"

Aaron Keener's face was already full of smiles, and he instantly remembered every bit of his life of more than thirty years. After recalling, the audience was quiet. He smiled and said: "Life insights are not considered, just some personal thoughts. ...The world is very complicated, but I am willing to do my best in the simplest way, and I hope that brothers can always maintain their original intention!” Πéw!

There was another burst of warm applause from the audience. After bidding farewell to Aaron Keener, awards continued to be given to many soldiers who have performed outstandingly in the anti-drug war.

Aaron Keener, who returned to his seat, picked up the medal hanging around his neck and gently rubbed it. This brass medal engraved with olives and thorns was heavier and more meaningful than any medal he had ever received, but A piece of processed brass carries countless ideals and hopes, as well as a heavy experience of a person.

2065 arrived as scheduled. The lunar landing spacecraft jointly developed by Colossus and Umbrella was launched, and the first large signal tower was built on the moon. In the future, the lunar mining base will supply the earth with a steady stream of minerals and energy, and continue to contribute to the cradle of mankind.

The busy world has experienced various major events, and it will eventually return to normal.

This is the case with the Marvel world, and the Atlas world is also the same...

Duncan has returned to the Resident Evil world, and Tony Stark, who has been in the research institute of Colossus for more than two and a half years, has returned with him.

After several years of dedicated research, Tony has analyzed the technology tree of the Earth in the Atlas world, and through the Colossus database, he has copied and organized a complete technology system that can be applied to the Resident Evil world and the Killer world.

The two worlds have not suffered too much damage, and technology can be fully upgraded in all directions according to the Earth technology tree of the Atlas world.

The world of Resident Evil, the world of Marvel, and the world of Hitman, which has little presence but is extremely important, have been implementing the decision of universal health for a long time. The T-virus enhancement technology, renamed as T-type enhanced serum, has gradually become popular. With the help of the repeatedly improved and developed NZT-48 drug, the human beings in the three worlds are moving in a new direction.

The evolution that ordinary life takes tens of thousands of years to complete is advancing at a speed of one day and one hundred years.

The gains from the development of the new world this time are very obvious. They have gained a precious comrade-in-arms who cannot be measured by money and materials, Irons. His spirit of standing up straight in the face of power may not appear once in ten years.

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