Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 273 Partial Victory

The light from the muzzle was as conspicuous as a target in the dark night. After the battle started, the snipers forgot Lieutenant Best's instructions before the battle in the shock of seeing the large robot.

'The enemy may have the ability to shield the communicator. If you have not received the order for a long time and the battle has begun, you need to provide remote support at the right time...'

"Sour radish must be eaten!"

The protagonist Lieutenant Best climbed up with a dusty face. The leg armor affected by the high temperature felt slightly hot, but it was not a big deal. After jumping seven or eight meters, the damage to the armor could be fully borne.

He climbed up and looked out to see the enemy's position. He saw the bulldozer being shot down by three snipers one by one. The scary gun barrel suddenly felt that aliens were just like this!

"Don't stop! Keep shooting!"

After regaining some confidence, Lieutenant Best patted the dirt on the gun and shouted to give himself courage. He didn't care whether others could hear him or not, and kept shooting.

The bulldozer was covered with wounds, and its main gun was also damaged. The accumulated injuries on its body began to make it realize that the power of humans could kill it, but the fighting spirit of the Decepticons would not make it retreat.

From lying on the ground, it stood upright, and the nine-meter-tall behemoth roared and rushed towards Lieutenant Best.

Just now, it was the human who was shouting and commanding. The eyes that emitted red light in the dark night could penetrate the darkness and see Lieutenant Best's nervous clenched teeth.

Lieutenant Best did not retreat, because no matter which unit it was, it was taught during training: never expose your back to the enemy.

"Attack its left leg!"

The bullets kept penetrating the body of the bulldozer, but it never saw any effect. The fear of the giant approaching made him roar at the loudest voice, trying to make it hear new orders in the harsh gunshots and reduce the fear of facing the giant charging at him.

Da da da!

"Go to hell, damned human!"

The harsh gunshots covered the voice of Lieutenant Best. The command that the team members could not hear was heard by the bulldozer.

The nine-meter-tall behemoth actually jumped into the air in the next second, swung the other hook on his left hand, pulled out a long iron chain, and grabbed Lieutenant Best who was standing there.

At this time, the supporting sniper support arrived, and three more 20mm depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets penetrated the body of the bulldozer, one of which even pierced the Decepticon's unique chrysanthemum face.

Lieutenant Best rolled to escape, and the bulldozer's hook hit the place where he was originally standing, leaving spider-web-like cracks on the concrete floor.

Lieutenant Best's heart almost ran out of his body when he saw this scene through the night vision goggles. He wanted to turn over and squat on the ground to continue shooting, but suddenly heard a few unusual sounds in his ears.

Stop, stop, stop!

Bullet slots appeared on the bulldozer's shoulder, and several small missiles swam and chased Lieutenant Best, who turned his head.

Boom boom boom!

After launching these small missiles, the bulldozer's life was about to come to an end. Its body had been hit by hundreds of depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets and was hollowed out everywhere. The three 20mm armor-piercing bullets just now accidentally penetrated its energy core.

Broken fragments were scattered all over the ground, and with the explosion of small missiles, the body of the bulldozer also fell to the ground, blowing up the dust accumulated on the construction site.

The bulldozer was knocked down, but the gunshots in the dark continued for a long time, until the frightened SwAt ​​soldiers realized that there was no other sound except the gunshots, and then they slowly stopped shooting.

Their eardrums were vibrating, as if a thousand needles were vibrating in their ears, and someone's shouting penetrated this vibration...

"Sir! Are you okay?!"

"Lieutenant Best!"

The constant shouting allowed more and more people to hear the information of those voices clearly. After confirming that the Decepticons were dead, they walked towards the direction where the voices came from.


The deputy commander of the operation sighed as he looked at the soldiers running towards Lieutenant Best, took out his signal gun, and fired a signal flare into the sky to represent the completion of the mission.

They successfully completed their mission this time, and the only regret was that Lieutenant Best left them forever.

It was very uncomfortable to see several missiles kill comrades who fought side by side, but the adjutant could only endure the grief of his comrades' sacrifice and take over the responsibility and salary...

"I... I'm fine!"

The familiar voice came from the smoke and dust that had not dissipated for a long time. The voice sounded like a balloon with air leaking, but it didn't feel weak.

The adjutant suddenly turned back to look in that direction, and he also ran over quickly.

Seeing that Lieutenant Best really stood up from the ground, he couldn't help but feel better, but he also felt a sense of loss and gain, so cheap!

Seeing that all the soldiers were surrounding him, Best waved his right hand, then hung his left hand and fumbled around his body, and said in surprise: "It's incredible, except that my arm needs to be in plaster for a few days, nothing else will happen..."

A soldier suddenly exclaimed: "If this is not God's credit, it must be the credit of the equipment!"

All the soldiers remembered this easy-to-understand comparison and were amazed at the equipment on their bodies again.

At this time, two helicopters flew in the sky.

Feeling a little tired, Lieutenant Best counted the number of people and confirmed that there were no casualties, and proudly shouted: "Mission accomplished, team up!"


Except Los Angeles, all the Decepticons in America who were hiding deep were found in a short time, either killed or imprisoned; most of them fought at the first sign of disagreement, and only a few Decepticons were persuaded to wear handcuffs and be thrown into prison covered with slime.

The countries taking action were not only America, but also most countries in the world. They wore the seventh-generation exoskeleton armor provided by the Umbrella Group, and their greatly enhanced combat capabilities defeated the Decepticons who still looked at humans with old eyes.

Although most of the actions achieved good results, a small number of action teams encountered fierce resistance, and finally the Decepticons escaped using the maze.

A 60-man action team was bombed by airborne rockets when they surrounded and killed a Decepticon disguised as a fighter. After the bombing, the Decepticons with more than a dozen holes in them turned into fighters and flew away in a flash, so fast that they could not be pursued at all.

Facing a bulky opponent, they sent few people, and facing a potentially very flexible opponent, they sent a lot of people.

It was the first time for everyone to surround and kill the Decepticons. They had no experience. They had already exceeded their expectations to achieve most of the victories in one night's operation. After all, if the Decepticons wanted to escape, they really had no good way to intercept them.

They were not afraid of tire breaker after transforming into vehicles. They would not die immediately after being hit by a few RPGs. Instead, they would run faster. Once they entered the city and changed their appearance, it would be difficult to be discovered again.

The interference field that the Decepticons brought with them was also one of the reasons why they were very difficult to deal with. The battlefield was different from the movies. Once the short-barreled machine guns equipped by the soldiers without radios started roaring, no one could hear their voices even one meter away!

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