Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 274: Clarification after the fierce battle

More and more people will see the figures of Cybertronians, thus exposing the fact that there are aliens on Earth. This is the foreseeable future.

Everyone knows that the existence of aliens cannot be concealed for long, but the famous nuclear recruiting man with great ambitions said: As long as the problem is dragged on and not solved, when everyone is about to forget about it, it will naturally not be solved.

So, when the US spokesperson stood in front of the reporters who had greeted him with a fabricated press release and prevaricated about what happened last night, almost everyone saw a bit of carelessness, laziness, and indifference on the spokesperson's face.

Even perfunctory was not serious, but it really deceived most people, making people believe that large robots do not exist, saying that the armed conflicts that broke out in many parts of the world yesterday were just a unified attack by many countries on a deeply hidden transnational criminal group.

The soldiers bravely thwarted the criminals' conspiracy and avoided major losses, so the citizens don't have to worry.

In the dark and lightless universe, Red Spider fled from the earth in a panic. After rushing out of the atmosphere, it went straight to the back of the moon and soon entered a camouflaged spaceship.

After stumbling back into the spaceship, Red Spider changed back to human form, passed through a lot of exposed metal, came to a life-supporting cabin, half-knelt on the ground, and apologized to the great existence tied to the seat by countless pipes, "Great Fallen Kong, we failed, and Master Megatron was also captured by those humans. The weapons they have can hurt us!"

"My apprentice always disappoints me. No matter how long it has been, it always fails to learn to think about problems calmly. Since it has failed, let's continue to wait and let the remaining Decepticons hide away from those natives.

Fallen Kong is the founder of the Decepticons on the planet Cybertron, and it can also be said to be the first Decepticon. It has lived for thousands and tens of thousands of years, and its body inevitably has problems, causing it to make a sound like the sound of a rusty spring running.

"Yes, great Fallen Kong. "

Red Spider leaned back like a leaf and then gently retreated, quickly transmitting the information to the earth.

The Silent Operation had just begun, and those Decepticons who were not discovered or had been disguised for too long and had become untraceable disappeared from all parts of human society. Through very few surveillance cameras, it can be seen that their destinations are basically far away from humans.

After discovering this, the morale of the United Nations was greatly boosted, and they felt that the earth had already won.

Look, those alien bastards were beaten like pugs by them and ran away with their tails between their legs!

Soon, Ultron's latest research paper on Cybertron was released, "The Reproduction of Cybertronians."

Their reproduction method is neither sexual nor asexual, and it is impossible for iron lumps to get pregnant by colliding with each other.

Through the body of Jazz and the return After studying and analyzing the other Decepticon live and dead materials received, an astonishing conclusion was finally reached: Cybertronians have at least three ways to reproduce.

One is to split liquid metal and continuously inject energy and materials to automatically create Cybertronians.

In this paper, Ultron used "manufacture" instead of reproduction, because he did not think that this cold behavior without emotional mating and deep drive was called reproduction.

The second is to assemble directly, assemble the shell, weld the metal, and inlay the unique emotional chip and energy system of Cybertronians. A Cybertronian was successfully created, and the artificially created Cybertronians also have a variety of abilities.

The results of dissecting the body of Autobot Jazz and decomposing most of the Decepticon bodies made Ultron understand the Cybertronians. Why do the Tanks have rich emotions?

Emotional chips are as important as the brains of Cybertronians. It can be said that the bodies of Cybertronians have only two weaknesses, one is the emotional chip and the other is the energy system.

The death of Autobot Jazz was due to the damage of the energy system. If the energy system is repaired and a large amount of energy is infused, this machine with little damage can come back to life.

Ultron has not yet completed the analysis of the Cybertron energy system, and has not yet repaired the energy system. The current focus of work is still more inclined to the more practical Cybertron folding technology, because this technology can benefit the Umbrella Group.

It's not that Ultron likes to contribute to the group, it's just that he thinks that the Umbrella Group, or Duncan, can help him complete his exploration of mysterious power and endless knowledge, so These jobs are just for help, which is equivalent to an equal exchange. Otherwise, Ultron, who has the original desire for freedom, will not be bound by work.

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The third method, which is also known to humans, is to activate any machine with a circuit system through the energy of the spark source.

No matter what kind of machine it is, as long as it is hit by the energy of the spark source, it can be made into a real Cybertronian.

The reason why these new Cybertronians appear irritable is just because the original desire fear is at work. Ultron has studied the mutual conversion of emotions very clearly. In certain situations, fear can be transformed into different forms of external manifestations, and anger is the most common one.

The speculation about the source of the fire was only deduced by Ultron based on the research results of the Seventh District researcher in the Transformers world. After studying the folding and compression deformation technology of metal, he planned to repair the Autobot Jazz in exchange for access to the source of the fire. research.

At the same time, Ultron also has a bold idea, because the vibranium body on his body also has a circuit. If he allows the energy of the fire source to activate himself... what will be the result?

Although this body is very expensive, the unknown result is like a pestering goblin, which makes Ultron red-faced and drooling, trying to figure it out.

After reading the second paper, the cadres of Global Village only came up with one idea...

These Cybertronians are really a pure fighting nation!

Not only are all Cybertronians warriors, they can actually be manufactured like an assembly line. Now that they have so many of them hidden on Earth, I’m sure they really want to turn the Earth into a second Cybertron planet. .

Perhaps the reason for not doing that is because humans still have the ultimate weapon, the nuclear bomb.

The high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees in the core of the explosion is enough to annihilate any matter in the real universe. Human scientists have not found any material that can survive the baking of hundreds of millions of degrees...

Well, not likely.

The cadres overturned this somewhat funny idea. In the final analysis, the reason for this result may be that Cybertron was destroyed due to civil war. The long civil war also caused the Cybertronians to lose a lot of technical information, making them lose the ability to quickly eliminate them. Human technology.

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