Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 275: Cybertronians, an evil race born for war

"Cybertron is a race born for war! They are so evil and must be destroyed!"

An Anglo-Saxon slammed the table and stood up, accusing the Cybertron of being born with a war body and being a scourge in the world!

At the conference table, as many as 120 representatives, including Slavs, Hittites, rabbits, kangaroos, etc., all looked solemn. The storm of the new paper was still spreading, and the representatives here were a little restless.

There is a very threatening outsider on the earth. No matter what they do or not, their existence itself is intolerable to humans who always have great insecurity!

Especially, they have also been to the world of Resident Evil and watched documentaries about aliens invading the earth like locusts. The scene of looking up and seeing aliens turning into raindrops and falling to create a killing scene is still shocking when they recall it now.

Another Ansa representative from another country stood up gloomily and speculated without reason: "After they occupy the earth, they will definitely lock us up in a camp and give us only the minimum amount of food every day. If they are unhappy, they may vent their anger on us."

"That's right! They may also conduct various inhumane experiments on humans. They have no humanity and they can't understand humans!" A representative also stood up.

The Jews were emotional and spoke fiercely, "They will also lock us in a cramped room and let us make machines, expand their race, and occupy this universe!"


"We can't let this happen!"

The meeting room was full of anger, but there was always a small group of people who were unmoved and did not join the team to denounce the Cybertronians.

These people were the small circle headed by the five big gangsters, and the delegation of the Umbrella Group.

Slowly, the voices died down. After all, a serious meeting is not a vegetable market, and rational analysis must be carried out.

"There is still too little research on Cybertronians. We need more data analysis before we can make a judgment." The Star-Spangled Banner Man glanced at the quiet crowd around him and put on a wise and rational look.

No one refuted, not because they thought he was right, but because they thought he was talking nonsense.

After seeing that others were silent, the Star-Spangled Banner Man said: "There are quite a few Decepticons in the prison. If we can study them thoroughly, we may be able to find a way to target them."

"If those Autobots know about this behavior, I guess their impression of humans will also decline."

"You are too optimistic. They have stolen all the information of humans on the Internet. The enemy knows us very well!"

"Is it too early to define all Cybertronians as enemies now?"

"Do we have to wait until they find a way to target humans?"

"They are immune to all biological viruses, so will they use diseases to deal with humans?"


The conference room, which was gradually becoming lively, fell into a dead silence again. This is why humans are most afraid of Cybertronians and regard them as enemies.

The Cybertronians know everything about humans through the Internet, but humans know very little about them.

More importantly, the Cybertronians are mechanical artificial life forms, which are incompatible with the environment of the earth. In addition, they are immune to the weaknesses and diseases of ordinary life forms. As long as they are a little more flexible, humans will have become dry bones in the grave.

It's not that we are unfriendly, but you are too powerful. If you don't castrate yourself, your existence itself is already uneasy!

Living in the same place with the Cybertronians, they don't have such a big heart to bear the anxiety that waking up may be the end of the world.

Especially after this kind of anxiety has multiplied under the instigation of the Umbrella Group, they are afraid to eat, afraid to wake up, and they are always afraid no matter what they do.

Afraid that the picture of the earth in another world will be reproduced in their world!

So the more Ultron's research report is written, the greater the anxiety of the people present.

In the end, they will either be driven crazy by anxiety or eliminate the source of anxiety!

The final result of the meeting was to strengthen the consensus again, and this consensus is... Cybertronians must be within the controllable range, and if they are not within the controllable range, they need to be eliminated!


The continuous high-intensity attack on the Decepticons was gradually noticed by the Autobots. In fact, they had already noticed it, but the Autobots had an obligation to eliminate the Decepticons. They were only happy that human actions could win, and they did not realize that this matter represented the attitude of humans towards outsiders.

It was not until the Decepticons collectively left the human city and humans began to continue to chase the Decepticons with long-range and powerful missiles and produced a large number of radiation sensors that they finally realized that humans had become hostile to them.

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This hostility came without any signs. They got along very well at the beginning, but turned around and became a hostile relationship that had not yet torn their faces.

When the exchange representatives arrived at the Diego Garcia military base, Optimus Prime and the other Autobots could feel the chill. The hostility in their eyes was very obvious, and it was not just one person who had it...

Ambulance can use its olfactory organs to smell the hormones emitted from humans, so as to identify whether humans are lying, and can also judge the current emotional changes of humans.

The sour and spicy hostility is so obvious that after it appears many times in a row, it is difficult for Ambulance to convince itself that this is an isolated phenomenon.

Moreover, they have repeatedly proposed to assist humans in eliminating the Decepticons, saying that these things are what they should do, but the head of the Diego Garcia military base and the head of the seventh district always find various reasons to prevaricate and prevent them from leaving the Diego Garcia military base.

In fact, this is not bad, after all, they still need to protect the fire source to prevent it from being snatched by the Decepticons. If they stay in this isolated military base and are attacked, it will not affect too many innocent people.

Until more than half a year later, as humans' actions became more and more unscrupulous and their replies became more and more perfunctory, the Autobots finally could no longer use those reasonable excuses to convince themselves that humans are still their companions.

They actually built giant artillery and radiation detectors in the surrounding sentry towers of the military base!

Moreover, these gun barrels can rotate 360 ​​degrees. Eight war fortresses were built around the small island, forming an airtight network, making it almost impossible for the Autobots living on Diego Garcia to breathe.

Even Optimus Prime, a pacifist, could not stand it anymore and found the person in charge of the base to propose to communicate with the upper level to solve the problem directly, but something happened to human society...

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